When it comes to spewing nonsense, it seems Becky Wegner Rommel can dish it out, but she can’t always take it.
Yesterday, Queerty was the first to report on the 64-year-old Indiana housewife’s recorded meltdown over marriage equality. It included tears, screaming, yelling, crying for Jesus, and jabs at gays, gay-loving Christians, Muslims, women who have abortions, and, of course, President Obama.
Related: Christian Extremist Records Herself Imploding Over Marriage Equality In Must-See Video
After we posted the video, several other major media outlets picked up the story (some without attribution). And, just like that, Becky became either national laughing stock or a conservative heroine, depending on where you sit on the political scale.
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Well today, Mrs. Rommel’s Facebook page (along with the fascinating video, unfortunately) has been deleted. And it appears she’s begun scrubbing the internet of her existence. Luckily, we were able to track her down on Instagram before she deleted that account, and it turns out, she’s quite a colorful character. She also might be a tad forgetful when it comes to the good book. For instance, chapter 19, verse 28 in the book of Leviticus (which is where most of the antigay folks find the scripture they twist and misinterpret) reads: “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.” Lo and behold, Becky’s foot is sporting some stylish ink that might have led to her being stoned in days of yore. And don’t get us started on the hair…
Seriously, though, it might be fun to have a drink with her some time, but only in a gay bar of course. Upon inspection, we think she has more in common with gay men than she seems to think. Other than her political views, she’s really pretty fabulous.
Without any further ado, here are 10 things we learned about Becky Wegner Rommel from her now-defunct Instagram account…
1. She loves cats
2. She loves showing off her QVC jewelry
3. She knows how to rock a denim vest and knee high boots in front of a fireplace
4. She makes great funny faces
5. Her husband has a cool porn ‘stache
6. She’s not a natural blonde
7. Did we mention she loves showing off her QVC jewelry?
8. She has a tattoo on her foot that says “Joy Unspeakable”
9. When it comes to hair, bigger is better
10. This is the pillow she rests her head on every night
Chris Duffy
She looks like Becky Bipolar to me. Ooops! I said “Bi”.
Martin Isaac Chatfield
Philip FYI
Tim Flenniken
That woman is ten pounds of crazy in a two pound bag
Carlos Zuniga
Who’s the queen with her on pic #4?
Bob LaBlah
As my late grandparents would have ALL said, “she needs her ass whipped”.
Will Glitzern
OMG those cats are cuties!
1 Timothy 2:9
women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire,
Oh i see what she did; because it’s QVC it’s not technically “costly attire” very smart Mrs. Wegner, but God’s not fooled you whore.
She can’t take her pillow’s advice on marriage equality? Well, why not?
Those poor cats.
Brandon E Donovan
You are a huge nutbag!! You are giving Christians a bad name! Please knock it off now
Tammy Faye is that you? I thought you died and I know you loved “those gays” whats up?
Donnie Terflinger
I know you are not Tammy Faye, she was about love and acceptance and did better makeup then you.
Anthony Castaneda
Excuse me, Mrs. Betty Bowers is America’s Best Christian!
Jesus Malverde
Nothing more than a road show version of Tammy Faye!
Kirk Montrealer
OMG THIS CRACK HO WILL NOW BE FAMOUS AND HAVE HER OWN TV SHOW ..AND/ OR BRAVO TV #AndyCohen will recruit the wackjob for one of the HOUSEWIVES shows…
She and her husband look like those swinging straight couples who post amateur porn vids on xhamster. I wonder if he’s a cuckold, or if she has ads on Craigslist begging for more BBC!
Michael Nelson
I think this is what she wants. Stop talking about her.
Now you know why the Bible forbids women from speaking in church.
Patrick T. Phillips
why are we giving this fool so much attention? isn’t that what she wants?
The cat on her left looks as though he’s blinking out, “S.O.S.”
Ray Richardson
Gena Wood
Larry Desolier
Watch “Kim English — Unspeakable Joy – The Razor N’ Guido Remix” on YouTube
Joy! Unspeakable….
She likes dance music.
She’s just one of the characters that actress does, I’m sure.
John P Farinhas
misserable in her own life….
Daniel Franzese
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Another crazy cat lady.
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Re photo #1 … “WHAT’S NEXT??? CAT MARRIAGE???”
Is that Tammy Faye back from the dead?
11. She’s desperate for attention.
12. She’s desperate for attention.
13. She’s d………..
Bob LaBlah
She looks mulatto. Anyone know what her racial background is? She looks a little dirty in several pics which makes me wanna say she is Puerto Rican but in one she looks white.
And yes, I know she’s a woman and human, but still. I only ask questions that you won’t.
Matthew T Langan
Eddie Jr
She reminds me of the Britany defender from a few years ago.
Joe Kinney
Mark Ilvonen
Is she the Mom to, “leave Brittney alone!!!”???
Hmm…now I feel guilty. Queerty has gone and humanized her.
She *is* unhinged in the original video but in all likelihood, she is otherwise probably a pretty nice woman with a family and friends and cats who love her even with the crazy (or because of it).
As far as any of us know, she’s not hurting anyone – she doesn’t seem like a Westboro type – and 99.999% of the world can just tune her out. She may be consistently anti-gay but she is NOT consistently making headlines and is clearly not a public figure.
Making fun of her the first time ’round was a natural reaction. I’m guilty of making a particularly nasty comment I now feel badly about after Queerty or whoever hunted down all of this background info and brought her husband and others into the mix. For that, I apologize. I could have tuned her out but decided to say something gross when she’s done nothing of the kind to me. Her comments may be ignorant but they’re not hateful or malicious; she’s not out for blood.
Let’s back off this quite harmless lady and hope she realizes there are doubtlessly gay people in her life and after giving it some time, she’ll come around and understand the importance and value of their – of our – new ability to marry.
Mrs. Rommel: I am sincerely sorry for my earlier comments. They were out of all proportion to your message and I regret adding to the fracus. This, too, shall pass.
@Bob LaBlah:
She looks mulatto. Anyone know what her racial background is? She looks a little dirty in several pics which makes me wanna say she is Puerto Rican but in one she looks white.
Are you kidding me? Did you actually just write this r@cist crap: “she looks a little dirty which makes me wanna say she is Puerto Rican”?
First there are WHITE Puerto Ricans. If you don’t know this, now you do. Puerto Rican is a nationality and ethnicity, white is a racial category.
Second, who the h#ll are you calling someone “dirty” as a way of describing their ethnicity? Seriously? And “mulatto”? What is wrong with you? Are you not aware of the public discussions about r@cism and white supremacy happening in the US right now? Do you just not care that you’re expressing r@cist views on Queerty?
Your post is both r@cist and ethnocentric, and if no one else is going to call this crap out, I will. Seriously, dude, get help.
Kenneth Myrnes
well…. I guess she made the top 10 of completely stupid Americans!
Cameron Flynt
That title belongs to Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian.
@Glücklich: As other commenters have noted, she is of a particular ilk in regards to religious zealousy. I doubt this is her first public rant and I doubt it will be her last. If it hasn’t happened already, one day she will go off on some poor soul in a grocery store aisle because of a behavior she doesn’t believe her god approves of. So I wouldn’t be rushing to label her harmless after what we’ve seen.
Johnathan Steele
It’s Christian “extremlist”
@Kangol: Don’t feed the trolls!
Okay….speaking of overacting, can’t we now review those interviews with Utah’s own Rick Jones to hear about the Phantom Homophobe of Delta trying to pour bleach in his mouth and spraypainting the walls ?
Ian Simpson
I really wish they would read their holy book. Psycho bitch.
Yeah…,f*** this c***. Scrubbing her FB and Instgram accounts pretty much says it all doesn’t it?
Bitch deserves every bit of backlash she gets.
Bob LaBlah
@Kangol: Thank you so much for answering my questions, even though you were not very clear. If you go back and look, it was presented in question form. It is not unusual for some people to refer to others as “dirty” as in something else got in there. At least down here it aint.
Thanks again for attempting to answer my questions.
Bob LaBlah
@Zekester: That’s MISTER Old Troll, sonny. Or MISTER Old Queen if you so desire.
I looked at her Facebook yesterday before she deleted it and came away thinking she’s actually pretty adorable, except for the anti gay views of course. It’s weird when women that clearly have so much in common with gay men are homophobic. Hopefully she comes around someday.
She must have forgotten to sleep on that pillow before she went all Chris Crocker on the internet.
Toby Smith
That lady was extremely annoying!
Mark Kelley
Why don’t u criticize Muslims for a change?
Joey Avila
I’m a proud born and raised Hoosier, but as of lately, a bit embarrassed!
Kady Hawkins
@Mark Kelley: Probably because chopping heads off is way worse, but…just not as comedic.
@Joey Avila: Don’t be embarrassed. You should see some of the characters I grew up with in NY.
Jeremy Peters
People need to stop giving her so much attention!
Tyler W Cramer
I guess it’s just me but….I love her. Her monologue is fantastic. You can’t even write that kind of Oscar winning crazy. “Islaaaaaaaaaaamic extremlists! Islaaaaaaaamic!!”
She definitely has some kind of mental issue, so not the best subject to make fun of,
but then, most so called “fervent zealots” are most likely suffering from delusional psychosis.
@1EqualityUSA: LOL now that you mention that…Yes!
Those cats are adorable but they look embarrassed to be with her.
John P. Twigg
America’s best Christian is Betty Bowers! Tongue firmly planted in cheek. http://www.bettybowers.com
Dusty Lee
Stop talking about this idiot. She’s not even crazy in an interesting way.
People can be so cruel. She seems like a nice enough lady to me. She doesn’t believe in marriage equality… so what! I’m sure there are many people that don’t. That doesn’t make them bad people. We just disagree with them.
Debonair, witty and gallant. Nary a dance card with your name missing, I’m guessing.
blackberry finn
Them Muslim extremeless….@@
She looks like Jason voorhees mom.
Leslie Shields Jones
Can’t wait for the SNL spoof happened! I think they should get her together with that crazy lady with the wild hair who called Obama an “Arab” at a McCain rally! LOL!
This one Crazy nut-job, can someone call God/Jesus to see if punishment for stupidity is acceptable in the bible. What two people do in the privacy of a bedroom has notting to do with regilious belief. People fear what they don’t understand.
this Bitch need some weed and a good Lesbian with a strap on !
if that blonde dude with her isn’t gay, his eyebrows certainly are.
Jason Lewis
I hath immortalized her ignorance! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V40yB1fj_co
In the crazy cat lady picture, she is a dead ringer for César Romero as The Joker.
“Joy unspeakable”? That explains it, she’s a closeted lesbian…
Robert Stensland
The cats are like- this bitch needs to stop
From some of those pics, it looks like she could have been a fun person to get to know. It’s a shame that Christianity poisoned her, just as it poisons everything it touches.
She inspired me to do this spoof video, enjoy!!!
” Now you know why the Bible forbids women from speaking in church. ”
Based on what the article says about this person, that’s a perfect observation.
@Bauhaus: !
Sweetie Pie
She also looks as though she swallows…