Even though Troy, Michigan mayor Janice Daniels has apologized for saying that queer marriages in New York made her want to throw away her “I <3 NY" bag, 37 percent of her city's voters still want her to resign over the boneheaded comment. Let’s see how else the several-months-old Facebook posting continues to dog her!
According to The Detroit Times, a recent poll of 300 registered voters in Troy revealed that 95 percent have heard about Daniels’ anti-gay statement, 41.4 percent view her unfavorably, 44.7 percent would recall her in a special election and 28.4 percent disapprove of her job performance.
Granted, all those negative numbers may have less to do with her New York bag and more to do with her actual job performance, but it seems her anti-gay stance will continue to haunt her despite the fact that she never threw her “I <3 NY" bag away. The internet is forever, gurl.
What a pathetic excuse for a mayor, woman, human being Daniels is! We can only hope that she does not get relected to her office and that she fades into richly deserved obscurity. And there are many outside of her little burg that hate her.
There are bigger reasons to be angry if you are gay and live in Michigan. The republicans led state house and senate passed a law stopping municipals employees from getting same-sex health care. The republican governor rick snyder signed the bill into law stealing health care from gay families all over MICHIGAN.