It’s not even a week ago that the idea of a Donald Trump White House seemed unthinkable. It may still be unthinkable, but it’s happening anyway.
As the reality sinks in, we’re seeing the early signs of what a Trump administration might look like.
It’s not good.
Whether Donald Trump will govern the same way he campaigned–which is to say as chaotically and offensively as possible–is an open question. But the early decisions that Trump, or at least the people around him, are making suggest that his administration is going to be really, real bad for us and a lot of people we love.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Here are four early signs that we’re in for a really rough ride:
Mike Pence is calling the shots
For a while, the more moderate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was heading Trump’s transition team. But Christie pretty much disappeared when two of his closest aides were convicted in the Bridgegate scandal that implicated Christie as well. So now Mike Pence is in charge of the transition. Given Pence’s ultra-conservative (and antigay) bent, that means applicants with Pence’s views will have a leg up for open positions. By contrast, Christie likely would have been a more moderating influence.
Peter Thiel is helping with the transition
The Facebook billionaire (aka Captain Seasteading) was one of the few prominent business leaders to bet on Trump. Thiel’s interests and ours rarely intersect despite his homosexuality. After all, his campaign contribution helped give us Sen. Ted Cruz. Thiel could be the token gay in the Trump inner circle, and if he’s the sounding board for gay issues, that won’t be good. At the moment, Thiel is in Tokyo celebrating his boyfriend’s birthday, which could signal he’s not paying much attention to the transition. Let’s see what he does to stick up for us, if anything. (Don’t hold your breath.)
The religious right is already over represented
In addition to Thiel, the Trump transition team includes a number of religious right luminaries. Ken Blackwell, who was at the Family Research Council when it was designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a long-time loopy homophobe who has compared same-sex couples to farm animals. Kay Cole James is another FRC alum, who has likened being gay to being an alcoholic “or anything else sinful.” Blackwell and James will be following Pence’s lead, recruiting other antigay religious right personnel for key government positions.
The potential Cabinet choices include some real wingnuts
Secretary of Education Ben Carson? Secretary of State Newt Gingrich? Secretary of the Interior Sarah Palin? HHS Secretary Mike Huckabee? The list of would-be Cabinet members that Trump’s team floated includes some of the worst antigay politicians of recent memory. The mix also includes former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. But even the ones who aren’t household names aren’t much better. For example, Jeb Hensarling (Treasury Secretary) was one of a handful of Congressmen who pushed for the repeal of D.C.’s marriage equality law.
No matter who is chosen, the Cabinet will have a strong antigay bias. It’s not pretty.
USA = Russia
Mo Bro
Holy shit, you people really DO believe that the sky is falling, don’t you?
Hearken back to when Obama was elected . . . remember how his opponents swore he was going to drag us down into a socialistic hellhole?
Yeah, that makes your doomsday scenarios and rioting in the streets look quaint by comparison.
Maybe reign it in a little. Or not, what the hell do I care, you’re just showing the world your true colors.
Mo Bro
Very entertaining how your doomsday scenarios and rioting in the streets just show the world your true colors, while the rest of us are graciously anticipating all the hope-n-change brought about by a new administration.
Trump just said gay last night on 60 Minutes “gay marriage is settled law”. Let’s not be too fast to judge the dem in repubes clothing.
Trump changes his views hour by hour. But it is who he puts on the Supreme Court. And the extremists, like Steve Bannon and the pro ‘conversion therapy’ fundamentalists, like Pence, who he surrounds himself with that are even more of a concern.
Charlie in Charge
Sign #5 The number of times his businesses have gone bankrupt.
Alistair Wiseman
I see that Queerty has started using the GOP DEATH WATCH” moniker again.
Well, let’s see…
As we are all aware, on January 20th a Republican president will be sworn into office.
Republicans control 33 of the 50 governorships.
Republicans control the Senate.
Republicans have a large majority in the House of Representatives.
Republicans control 33 of the state legislatures.
A Republican president will be appointing 1 to 4 Supreme Court Justices.
The Democratic party has not been as decimated as its current state since Reconstruction in the 1870’s.
Yes, there is death watch, but it is not the GOP.
Queerty, just because you wish for something does not make it a reality in the real world.
It is you and the other log cabinettes wishing that Trump does not intend to roll back gay rights as well as the rights of many others, advancing the regressive and anti-american agenda of the “christian” right who is denying reality.
Regardless of what queerty chooses to title the ongoing stories of the transition to a regressive administration, denial of the intentions of his cabinet and supreme court choices is the actual disconnect from reality.
And by the way, the decimation of the Democratic party during reconstruction was the shift from being the regressive party (that role assumed by the republican party) to the progressive one. A shift accomplished slowly and finalized with the pro-segregation southern Democrats moving to the Republican party in the 20th century.
@Josh447: I don’t get it how gay marriage is settled law but abortion isn’t. What is the distinction here? lol
I’d actually like to see him try to change the status of gay marriage. It is technically possible for them to try but for it to bear fruit would require years and over time support just increases. Even the Republican committees have been sitting on Ted Cruz’s multiple bills to ban gay marriage.
@Mo Bro: “Very entertaining how your doomsday scenarios and rioting in the streets just show the world your true colors, while the rest of us are graciously anticipating all the hope-n-change brought about by a new administration.”
Only 14% of the LGBT population supported trump (significantly fewer than have supported other right wing candidates). Most are now prudently harboring varying degrees of anxiety about out future. Few are “graciously” anticipating any sort of hope or change, but simply reserving judgement and laying low. However, the choices this man is making about his transition team and cabinet/advisors gives no hope to any LGBT person who is sane or intelligent. Similarly, the uptick in violence and harassment based on sexuality and ethnicity that is occurring across the country since the election is making us lay low as well.
Personally I think the widespread demonstrations are silly. There will be time enough for that when there are actual results of damaging policy and foolish choices on the part of this administration to protest. But to somehow think his stated economic policies, which have failed in every other republican administration, or his kowtowing to the christian right (who are undeniably our enemies) will bring any sort of hope and change is delusional. Just as his lies about the “horrible shape” the country is in are delusional.
@captainburrito: “I’d actually like to see him try to change the status of gay marriage. It is technically possible for them to try but for it to bear fruit would require years and over time support just increases.”
Just as the right has been chipping away at access to reproductive choice in recent years, and managing to undermine sex education in some states, so too can they attempt to reverse decisions on marriage equality. A few hyper regressive justices added to the court and the old definition of marriage can be upheld, marriage can revert to the states, any number of things can happen. Loving vs Virginia does not necessarily broaden the definition of marriage to include all couples wishing to join their estates, and equal access still exists if we narrow marriage again to “one man and one woman”. As has been argued in the past, nothing stops gay and lesbian folks from partaking in “traditional” marriage other than their choice of partner. Get a few justices on the court who agree with that, and we are screwed. When the court ruled on Plessy V. Ferguson in the late 19th century, they probably felt it would stand forever (and thankfully is did not). Social progress gained can be lost with a regressive court, make no mistake about that.
@dwes09: And it is quite obvious that there are a number of organizations for the “protection” of marriage waiting in the wings to bring cases challenging marriage equality as soon as Trump has padded the court with backwards looking justices.
NOM, FRC, and all those other anti-gay groups are newly revitalized and ready.
You’re frightened because we have little to no clout and even fewer friends in the new administration, yet any time a group or individual advocates gays building ties with Republicans and allowing diverse opinions in our community Queerty is in the vanguard of the lynch mob hysterically condemning them as self hating closet Nazis.
@highestbidder: the lynch mob that doesn’t lynch anyone, you mean? You can bleat that you’re not self hating all you want, but it’s quite clear you hate OTHER gay people insofar as you’re unconcerned with the protection of their rights. As long as you’re okay, right? Irresponsible. Selfish. Short sighted. @Alistair Wiseman: amazing that “GOP Death Watch” isn’t used once used in the above article. Unsurprising you have a problem with reading comprehension, like every other type of comprehension.
Alistair Wiseman
Open your eyes, grandpa. It is used twice, at least on the mobile version. It is used above the article, gramps.
“Unsurprising [sic] you have problem with reading comprehension….”
Unsurprising [sic] you have problem with grammar and reading.
It WILL be a disaster for all things LGBTQ. Daylight saving time is here guys, time to turn the clock back 10 years for America.
Stop being drama queens. There’s nothing to fear. You don’t jump the gun unless something that has harmed your life in some way has been out in place. He’s certainly not going to kill the gays since he’s not an Islamic terrorist. In fact, he’s even stated he gas no intention of touching Marriage Equality at all as its a closed and done deal. He has in fact said he would protect gays along with other Americans. I’ve also read one of his books from 15 years ago where he’s spoken positively about gays. So unless he’s actually done something where your life has negatively changed, then keep your mouth shut.