It’s just a little over a year ago that journalist Itay Hod basically out Rep. Aaron Schock (R.-Ripped Abs). Schock managed to ride out the storm, which included being outed by The New York Times, and win re-election in his Illinois district largely by not acknowledging the reports.
But that doesn’t mean Schock isn’t still touchy about his image, as the Washington Post discovered. Reporter Ben Terris visited Schock’s office and found that it had been completely redone.
Bright red walls. A gold-colored wall sconce with black candles. A Federal-style bull’s-eye mirror with an eagle perched on top. And this is just the Illinois Republican’s outer office.
“It’s actually based off of the red room in ‘Downton Abbey,’?” said the woman behind the front desk, comparing it to the luxurious set piece at the heart of the British period drama.
Fortunately for Terris, the office’s designer, Annie Brahler of the firm Euro Trash (really), was on hand to provide a full tour, which features a display of peacock feathers (on full view in Terris’ story).
Schock’s staff doesn’t believe that nothing says “I’m heterosexual” more than Downton Abbey and peacock feathers. Once communication director Benjanim Cole discovered Terris was snapping pics with his phone, Cole went into full panic mode, demanding that Terris delete the photos and promising an interview with Schock himself if Terris would drop the story. Cole said that Schock hadn’t even seen the office, so it wasn’t fair to write about it.
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Terris agreed to hold off, if he could be present when Schock did see the office for the first time. Cole agreed, and then reneged. When Terris asked about Schock’s fondness for Downton Abbey, Cole replied, “I don’t even know if he watches it; I don’t know what shows he watches. But I don’t think he watches much TV.”
Of course, Cole’s skittishness made the story impossible to ignore and his boss a laughingstock. It also put Schock under ethical scrutiny. The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics filed a request with the Office of Congressional Ethics to determine if Schock violated ethical guidelines. Designer Brahler told the Washington Post that Schock admired her work so much that she offered her services for free. That would be a no-no.
Just one question remains: when Schock is ensconced in his new office, whom does he imagine himself to be: Lady Cora, Lady Mary or Lady Sybil? Of course, there’s always the downstairs staff, like, say, Barrow. He’s struggling with the closet right now. Barrow, that is.
BJ McFrisky
A better headline would be . . .
Queerty Doesn’t Want You To Know Their Ideology Is Inspired By The Radical Left
Or . . .
We’re So Conflicted By Aaron Schock’s Conservatism Clashing With His Faaaabulous To-Die-For Looks That All We Can Do Is Insult Him By Implying That He’s Gay
Paul Nadolski
Considering most Congressmen spend their free time raising $$$$ for their next election, I doubt that he watches much TV. But Downton is fabulous.
@BJ McFrisky:
And what has been said before will be said again.
BJ will always, without fail defend any anti-gay bigot or self hating clossted anti-gay bigot as long as they are a republican.
Do you notice that he attacks Queerty for being “Radical Left”? Interesting that not supporting an anti-gay Congressman who has stated he was opposed to gay marriage and gay rights is considered by BJ to be “Radical Left”.
As for Schock, he was a rising star, and now he isn’t. Wonder what changed the establishment GOP’s mind about him. hmmmmmmmmm?
@BJ McFrisky: “…That All We Can Do Is Insult Him By Implying That He’s Gay”
Not at all surprised you consider yourself an “insult!”
Rarely do I respond to someone with cognitive deficits for good reason, but I couldn’t resist.
BJ McFrisky
@enlightenone: Um, I didn’t say that it was an insult to be considered gay, THIS WEBSITE did. If the editors considered it a compliment to be acknowledged as gay, then they wouldn’t be so snarky in their determination to out these good-looking Republicans like Schock and Kinzinger, now, would they? Their position would be more akin to “Let’s hope this man comes out in solidarity with us” than “Ha-ha, he’s gay, and we have the rumors to prove it.”
But, I don’t expect understanding from someone who can’t see the forest for the tree-huggers.
G’day, mate.
Sweet Boy
He can be my valet anytime….
@BJ McFrisky: In fairness to queerty they would be just as snarky about an ugly closeted congressman who voted against gay rights. What I would love to see from you is for at least once in your life you admit the party you belong to is out to get the LGTBQ community. You being a member to a party that hates you makes as much sense as me applying to be part of the KKK. The GOP burns crosses on your lawn every day and you still beg for their acceptance.
BJ McFrisky
@Scribe38: I’ve said it before, but because it doesn’t fit the liberal narrative and is willfully ignored, I’ll say it again:
I. Am. Not. A. Republican.
I’m just a man with common sense who doesn’t believe his same-sex attraction makes him a victim. Not agreeing with liberal ideology does not a conservative make. So stop with the childish cross-burning talk, because anyone with half an education knows the KKK was begun and maintained by Democrats.
Yawn. Some people really do overkill these rumors. First gawker with Sheppard Smith, Datalounge with Aaron Rodgers, and Huffington Post & Queerty with Schock. The straight supporters of these people are not stupid. They’re very well aware of the rumors and don’t care. Someone being gay and afraid to say it is usually only a form of high treason to a small, relatively older portion of the gay community. Also, anyone who thinks a representative from a conservative district that opposes gay marriage can defy the will of the people and support it because of his individual life doesn’t understand how democracy works. Granted Schock’s mind boggling lack of self awareness should be talked about.
@BJ McFrisky: Schock is an anti-gay Republican. We’re not saying he’s gay because there’s something wrong with that: we’re saying he’s gay because it makes him a hypocrite.
BJ McFrisky
Oh, bullshit. If pointing out hypocrisy is all there was, this site wouldn’t be so enamored by his physique. If Queerty were to spend as much time targeting liberal hypocrites as they do the sex lives of Schock and Kinzinger, they’d have to hire multiple full-time staffs to cover it all.
@BJ McFrisky: Which liberal hypocrites, perchance, has Queerty not come out against? I’m not being snarky, I really want to know… because on ONE point, I do agree with you, and that is this shallow infatuation with Schock’s body that I have seen this site have, especially given his ugly and bigoted track record. But, him being possibly gay… at this point, it’s obvious he is, but also obvious no one has damning evidence of it, or at least not willing to come forward. Itay Hod didn’t out anyone… it was the same basic “I have stuff on you” but nothing ever came of it. I’m against outing anyone before they are ready, but exposing hypocrisy is something else, and if exposing a LBGT bigoted individual as a closeted homosexual is how you do it, so be it.
BJ McFrisky
@Xzamilio: Okay. I appreciate your sincerity. Two things.
First, regarding liberal hypocrisy, where oh where do I begin? To be fair, I want to be sure we both agree on the definition of hypocrisy, which is not practicing what one preaches, yes? The whole “Do what I say, not what I do” syndrome, right? Okay.
So let’s begin with the liberal meme on “climate change.” If they truly, really, intellectually believed what they claim — that the world is on the verge of boiling and making life unsustainable due to mankind’s evil habits — then why oh why do they still use electricity? Gasoline? Any fossil fuel they claim is going to kill us? They use it daily and with absolute impunity, as if THEIR use is completely merited and not subject to scrutiny. The greatest, most stunning example was just last week when 1700 private jets flew to the Davos WEF convention to discuss the perils of man-made carbon emissions. 1700! Hypocrisy – check.
Then there are the bakery “protests,” where Planet Left screams bloody murder when a religioso refuses to bake a gay wedding cake, yet will cheer like crazed fans when a gay baker refuses to make a religious wedding cake. Hypocrisy – check.
You stated you genuinely wanted to know of instances of hypocrisy, and that’s just two. I could go on and on.
Second, regarding Aaron Schock, if his sexuality were of any importance whatsoever to the voters of Illinois, then he wouldn’t have been in office for the past 6 years. So it’s a completely moot point, except to those who disagree with his politics and want to bring him down. And to those who rationalize these attacks by claiming that a public figure’s personal life directly reflects his political career, I have just two words: Bill & Clinton.
@BJ McFrisky:
BJ’s agenda, Change the topic ANYTIME there is an anti-gay republican being talked about.
I love the way you claim that sexuality is a moot point to the voters because he was elected 6 years ago. Do you know something the rest of the voters didn’t? Because the last time the rest of us looked, Schock is an anti-gay elected official who has not come out of the closet so claiming his election is indicative that sexuality doesn’t matter to those GOP voters……..nice try.
And once again, any time there is an anti-gay republican being mentioned, you are desperate to get the topic off of them and on to anything else. It’s not just obvious, it’s really at this point just sad.
Uh Oh, looks like an ethics violation has been filed against Schock for the office.
The Dowager Congressman
@BJ McFrisky: I’ve seen your name around here, and the vast quantity of words you put here made me think you had something to say. Clearly I was wrong.
“Planet Left screams bloody murder when a religioso refuses to bake a gay wedding cake, yet will cheer like crazed fans when a gay baker refuses to make a religious wedding cake. Hypocrisy – check.”
Your comparison is bu!!sh!t, which makes your argument bu!!sh!t. Which makes you a remarkably prolific troll with zero interest to anyone with a brain. Adios.
@BJ McFrisky: BJ McFrisky: If you so dislike whatever Queerty posts, then why do you continue to waste your time. I’m sure there are other lovely sites that would fit your disposition. Certainly I don’t know, nor care to know who you are, or anything about your politics, but really, please tone it down a notch. My eyes hurt from you constant string of invective.
@BJ McFrisky: You specifically called out Queerty for being hypocritical for not going after liberals, but then you offered up less than valid point. I am well aware of both stories involving the bakeries, except that you are leaving out key details. The bakery that turned away the lesbian couple flat out denied them services, where in the case of the other bakery, the owner not only agreed to do the cake, she gave the man the tools he would need to make the anti-gay message on his cake, because she refused to do the message herself, which she had every right to do. One violated the law while the other refused to engage in hate speech.
And in regard to climate change, when has Queerty ever done a piece on it, for, against, or otherwise? Heck, the MSM barely touches on it, so why would Queerty? I give them a lot of credit for sticking to what they know and not marketing themselves as anything other than a site geared towards the LCD in the gay community.
And your point about Aaron Schock isn’t good either… he basically what the GOP wants the public to be… he votes against his own interests and stays in the closet where they want the rest of us to remain. And his sexuality is NOT a moot point as he refuses to address his anti-LGBT policies while also being a known closet-case.
Regardless of how hot or handsome he might be to some (or most) of us, he’s still a self-hating gay man who compensates by being a raging political homophobe. In short, he’s a very ugly man with an even uglier soul, and he’s doing incredible damage to LGBT people everywhere. I can sorta understand out conservative gays trying to work within the party to make changes (as black Democrats did in the south in the 60’s), but Ms Schock is NOT one of THOSE gays, and when he does finally come out (and he will come out eventually), we should all throw up our hands, flip him the middle finger, and hold him in contempt for the rest of his natural born life. He’s UTTERLY REPULSIVE.
BJ McFrisky
@Xzamilio: Okay, I see you’re going to rationalize — that’s no surprise, but how about this:
Liberal gays love Islam. I never met one who didn’t. Use the word “terrorist” and they’ll start screaming about how Islamophobic you are. And yet here, on “the leading gay and lesbian news and entertainment site” — their words, not mine — I’ve yet to hear anyone making noise about the fact that ISIS is throwing men off of rooftops, simply because they’re gay. Isn’t this news? Isn’t this a human rights atrocity? Yes and yes, but mum’s the word in these halls of fabulousness. Talk about voting against one’s own interests. More hypocrisy. Go figure.
Regarding Schock, unless or until he acknowledges his homosexuality, your statement that he’s “voting against his own interests” is pure conjecture, much in the same way some hard-righties think Obama is a secret Muslim, or was born in Kenya. You’re entitled to believe whatever gossip you choose, but surely you see how speculation makes the speculator look a little bit desperate.
@RomanHans: Sayonara.
@Ladbrook: “Regardless of how hot or handsome he might be to some (or most) of us,…”
Not my type in the least, prefer a man of whatever ethnicity who is masculine and has some soul, not a closet-case fruit fly!
“…when he does finally come out (and he will come out eventually), we should all throw up our hands, flip him the middle finger, and hold him in contempt for the rest of his natural born life. He’s UTTERLY REPULSIVE.”
You can count me in!
@BJ McFrisky:
And once again BJ will do ANYTHING to avoid the actual topic of the post when it is about an ANTI-GAY REPUBLICAN.
Aaron Schock has come out, not of the closet, but for anti-gay legislation. A direct attack on the gay community.
That is the subject of this posting. An ANTI-GAY Republican, who has now had ethics complaints filed against him for possibly accepting illegal gifts in the form of the work done to his office, AND spent thousands of dollars of taxpayer money for the initial redo.
Alan down in Florida
@Cam: If we all just ignore BJ McFrisky he will go away. None of us should engage him. It is a waste of broadband.
@BJ McFrisky: Obviously, you suffer from
INOOTG syndrome
Internalized homophobia
I just saw a piece on ‘is he or isn’t he’ ABC World News w/David Muir on Mr. Schocks Red Room Office. He said his ‘Decorator’ did it. Nope, never saw Downton Abbey.And he’ll pay for it himself, now.. who the f**k is this BJMcDicksy? Islamaphobic and Lefties on Climate Change on a thread that deal with a homophobic closeted Republican Queen? And why would any of you engage him? BTW re Mr Muir? I come down solid in the Yes camp. Never catch him out in NY by paparazzi at restaurants, functions, anywhere. He doesn’t teleport from his place to ABC Studios or locations where he looks lo hot in his Navy T’s and messy hair. Like Shep Smith, some gay men are just too much Man for gossipy queens to bait. Now I’ve seen Anderson Cooper with Andy Cohen on his Late Night show and A.C. was all giggles and fun. I luv ’em all. Shock? Take Satan’s Barbed Dick up your hole dry. Hmm, wonder what that McFrisky guy has sexual fantasy’s about?
How many of these shirtless pics of this congressman — who I probably wouldn’t even know about had it not been for Queerty — are out there?
TJ Parker
@BJ McFrisky: As others have noted, they’re not making fun of Schock because he’s gay, but because he’s so obviously gay and yet hides in the closet while also supporting anti-LGBT positions.
You say: “I’m just a man with common sense who doesn’t believe his same-sex attraction makes him a victim.” I say: you’re a fool, because the GOP has used you and your same-sex attraction for its political goals for decades. Perhaps your own circumstances have kept the effects of these efforts far from you, but if you think that there aren’t victims … well, then you’re a man or woman of little or no empathy.
“Same-sex attraction”: isn’t that the phrase used by Mormon celibates?
@RomanHans: For the record, I think that when the baker refused to bake the homophobic cake they were in the wrong. If you want to own a public business that is open to and caters to everyone and makes personally designed products you have NO say in what those products are. PERIOD!
On top of that, I find it interesting that the people who voted for this guy are probably going to be as offended that he was into anything English as they are that he might possibly be gay. The right is fun that way.
BJ McFrisky
To those defending this article as being about something other than Schock’s appearance . . . .
If the point of this article is Schock’s anti-gay sentiment, then why post a picture of his naked, muscular torso? The answer is simple. You guys have a love/hate relationship with anyone hot who doesn’t ascribe to your political convictions. Similarly, should you ever get a gander at me or my partner, WE’D drive you up the freaking wall.
@BJ McFrisky: said… ““I’m just a man with common sense who doesn’t believe his same-sex attraction makes him a victim.”
It’s interesting that you use the term “Same Sex Attraction” (SSE) to describe being gay. Interesting because that is the exact terminology used by Ex-Gay ministries, and the Mormon Ex-Gay equivalent, Evergreen.
Guess we know where the internalized homophobia comes from don’t we?
You also said “You guys have a love/hate relationship with anyone hot who doesn’t ascribe to your political convictions.”
Funny, how asking a republican like Sarah Palin a question that she finds difficult to answer is labeled an attack on all women, and woman-hating, and yet you continuously defend anti-gay bigoted politicians who try to force gays into second class citizenship as “Political Differences”.
We get it, you have internalized homophobia, and you support any anti-gay politician. Aren’t YOU a good little one! Maybe one day they’ll let you into the club, through the side entrance of course.
@BJ McFrisky: It has nothing to do with “rationalizing” anything… you’re making red herring statements in that they don’t apply to Queerty’s article base, and now you’re going on about Islam? When the hell did this get to be about Islam? And you’re absolutely right in how most progressives tend to sidestep on the violence being done in the name of Islam, and mostly try to conflate any criticism of that nonsensical religion to Islamophobia, which in cases like Bill Maher and Sam Harris, it is not. But, unfortunately, people like who sweep an entire group of people under one rug using generalizations that depict all Muslims as a certain way force many to have to dispel these ignorant assertions, and it comes off as defending them. Make no mistake… Islam has teachings just as violent and as barbaric as the other two major Abrahamic faiths, but by no means does that mean that all Muslims follow them or even agree with them; they just practice the same cherry picking nonsense that other religious people engage in. Furthermore, Islamophobia is most definitely a real thing here in America, where Muslim are in a minority and many conservative minded people take the stance of regarding them as terrorists and looking to them to condemn each and every violent act of Islam as if to make sure they aren’t rooting for them.
Do we make Christians apologize for the killing of LGBT individuals in Christian majority countries in Africa? Do Christians apologize for every backwards hick calling for LGBT people to be murdered? Do Christians apologize for Westboro Baptist Church? Or Do they separate themselves from them and say “They are not real Christians”? But I also have to say that it is absolutely deplorable that no one is reporting on ISIS throwing gay men from rooftops… this is something I’ve known for a while now and was waiting for MSM to report on it… but alas, nothing.
I don’t disagree with you that Islam has violence in it, and I also don’t disagree with you that many liberals are not doing their due diligence in denouncing it. As for Schock, you can spare me the desperation crap, because you’re projecting, now. I don’t care if the man is gay or not gay (he is), but he is definitely a bigoted asswipe that Queerty gives far too much positive praise to…
@BJ McFrisky: And in regards to you and your partner’s perceived hotness: Pic or shut up.
@Xzamilio: “ISIS throwing gay men from rooftops,” finally getting into the MSM, I hope. I saw another incident just yesterday in the NY Daily News. They threw a gay man off a 7 story bldg which somehow didn’t kill him so they ended up stoning him to death. This is the sort of thing I wish Queerty would pick up on more.
I’ve found that on (non-gay) lefty/liberal sites, if you’re going to say something positive about Bill Maher or Sam Harris, you MUST identify yourself as gay, right off the bat, or else you’ll get all sorts of abuse.
Don’t know where you came from, Xzamilio, but you’re certainly doing good work here – taking on both Atticus and BJ McFrisky!
BJ McFrisky
@Xzamilio: Listen, I’ll be the brave one here and state the obvious: The mainstream media, including this site, don’t report on this Islamic genocide against gays because
a) it doesn’t fit their PC narrative, and
b) they can’t help but be fearful of a group that has proven to be unrepentant murderers.
They know all it would take is just one of these militants to make the offices of Queerty look like the Charlie Hebdo aftermath, and they don’t want to risk it. They’ll yell and shout about the intolerance of Christians and Russians, because they know that type of rhetoric is safe; Christians nor Russians will shoot up their offices or pitch them off the roof or throw them in a cage and burn them alive.
@BJ McFrisky: uh… ISIS is so proud of these incidents that they take video of them themselves, and post them online themselves, so they hardly object to even more publicity, in fact they’re annoyed when they DON’T get it. It’s not like Charlie Hebdo at all.
@BJ McFrisky:
Just to remind you, this post is about Aaron Schock, Anti-Gay Republican, who has been outted as a closet case and is now under investigation for ethics violations.
You know, just reminding you what this post was about since you are still SO determined to change the subject onto ANYTHING other than the fact that Aaron Schock is an anti-gay republican who has spoken out against gay rights, is being investigated for ethics violations, and has been outted as a closet case in the mainstream media.
Just in case you forgot.
@BJ McFrisky: Okay, in response to you and someone else I will not engage because I don’t like them for my own reasons, this post is about Aaron Schock, and the sudden turnabout to talking about ISIS is kind of weird and way off topic, to say the least. And again, I find myself agreeing with you that I find liberal media taking potshots at Christianity very freely, while tiptoeing around Islam… although I will give credit to Jon Stewart — although he is not “news” — for maintaining some consistency in the matter of how to address it in media.
But, you can’t just put it on the shoulders of the liberal media, because conservative media not only loves to gloss over the glaringly immoral acts done in the name of Christianity, many of them like Breitbart, Townhall, and BareNakedIslam all but put on cheerleader outfits and applaud these acts, with the latter showing videos and pics of nothing but the barbarity of Islam… which I think they should because people need to see what this religious perversion does to people.
Be glad that Christians had a 500 year head start on Islam and got most of its bloodshed and gore out before technology began showing every vile act there is. But, I will say that burning a man alive takes a special kind of evil, which makes one wonder why people would willing serve a god that will do that for an eternity to nonbelievers and unrepentant sinners. But that’s none of my business
*sips tea*
BJ McFrisky
@Xzamilio: Our discussion was “kind of weird and way off topic”? Well, to refresh your (apparently very short-term) memory, we were discussing the double standards practiced by this website, which hasn’t reported on the very important issue of a group murdering gay men in the name of their god. And they likely won’t, for fear of being labeled Islamophobic. Too many stories about what a fem Aaron Schock is and which drag queen refuses to go under the knife.
Enjoy your tea.
@BJ McFrisky:
Just to remind you, this post is about Aaron Schock, Anti-Gay Republican, who has been outted as a closet case and is now under investigation for ethics violations.
@BJ McFrisky: Wrong. We were discussing the hypocrisy of Queerty in regards to their reporting on CERTAIN issues, one of which you initially called out the way they report on anti-gay bakeries and climate change… and then somehow we veered off into ISIS and their killing of gays, which I agree needs to have more front page publicity, but how are Queerty hypocrites for not reporting this? That’s a false dichotomy, pure and simple. Why? Because Islam and Christianity aren’t the only two damn religions in the world, and quite frankly, Queerty is not a “front page news” kind of website. The content can be on the side of shallow at times, but we all still come back.
So, YES, the discussion was weird and way off topic because you then went completely batshit right-wing nutjob crazy creating strawmen concerning real things but trying to juxtapose them with an article on closet case Aaron Schock. And don’t even pretend like you care about these men being murdered… you only care that ISIS is doing it. I am well aware of you and your shtick, and you’re lucky I’ve entertained your BS as long as I have.
@BJ McFrisky: Also I love how you didn’t address a single thing I said about Christianity’s own bloody past (and present). As far as I’m concerned, I draw the line at anyone doing anything in the name of their sky daddy, ESPECIALLY murder. Fuck Islam, Fuck Christianity, Fuck Judaism, Fuck Buddhism, fuck the whole damn lot of them.
Wiccans are cool, though.
BJ McFrisky
@Xzamilio: If you’re going to compare twenty-first century Muzzies beheading and burning people to tenth-century Christians, then you’re desperately reaching for relevance. But on this notion I agree: Fuck the whole lot of them. Religion is poisonous. You might consider my opinions BS, but you keep reading them, don’t you?
But Wiccans? They’re just as nutty, plus they smell weird.
@BJ McFrisky: Wrong. It’s dogmatic, you moron. The doctrine doesn’t change, so what is the difference between the religions then and the religions now? The people!! Our collective morality evolved beyond that of the bible’s, which is why Christians in America attempt to cherry pick it within an inch of its life and then justify the blatantly immoral passages, especially the progressive ones. And “Muzzies”? Looks like that mask is peeling off
“You might consider my opinions BS, but you keep reading them, don’t you?”
Uh, duh, dumbass… you reply to me, so I read it. How else do you conclude what someone is saying is BS? God, you’re stupid.
BJMcFrisky, “Muzzies?” What is it about the human psyche that dehumanizes others? What has been done in Christ’s name would have religions of today be pale by comparison. Ignorant people, dehumanizing others, commit atrocities. It starts as a whisper, sotto voce, and then escalates into madness. You are participating in this. Your paragraphs reek of arrogance and contempt for others. It starts somewhere, usually from within. Start your own website and invite all of the closeted hypocrites to come to your site, exposing the virtues of closet life.
Aaron Schock is a joke and so is his Downton Abbey office….(Isn’t the dog named Isis?) whooooooo! The plot thickens!
Attention everybody……It appears Queerty is censoring posts, and not allowing perfectly reasonable opinion of other opinions in the comments section.