Can we hit the pause button on summer after seeing this photo shoot from Adrian C. Martin? The famed photographer showcases Australian underwear brand, Atelier DT, on four extremely sexy and stacked models. Airam Amador, Eric Jurado, Fede Averame, and Javier Morales look as if they have taken full advantage of the previous summer months with their perfectly toned bodies and sun-kissed skin. Posing in paradise, the tanned skin of the models really helps the crisp white and fun prints of the underwear pop out in the photos. Continue to check these boys out while you can to help preserve your summer.
For more information, go to The Underwear Expert.
Photo credit: Adrian C. Martin
What beautiful bodies!!
Tracy Pope
@middleagespread: What ugly faces.
***Before anyone starts ragging about my post, let me beat you to the punch…
“TOQs. Always negative”.
Oh, here’s another; “Jealous much?”.
Maybe one more; “Try going to the gym once in a while”.
All wrong. I’m not fond of that I-just-put-my-mouth-in-a-vacuum-hose-trying-to-appear-rough/sexy look.
Eff it. Tracy, you’re just a bit*h today…!
…spoils it that they don’t look like they’re havin’ any fun…jeez…
Tracy, I think what you meant is you don’t like their facial expressions. I get that. These are very handsome men, though. They’re not ugly at all. The photographer might have directed them better.
@Tracy Pope: only 1 guy has a face that isn’t great. all of them have great bodies.
Tracy Pope
@throwslikeagirl: @middleagespread:
That is my point. I think they have great bodies. The expression, NOT their actual facial features, is what I am referring to.
There are a few models I’ve seen that this seems to be their go-to facial expression. The guy with the beard does it a lot but not always. It always strikes me as the face of a fearful man.
Oh dear, that almost sounds like another regular on here who has had many aliases…