Sinister blond sliver Ann Coulter is suggesting Hurricane Harvey could be “God’s punishment” for Houston having a lesbian mayor.
The hurricane has already displaced thousands of people from their homes and is responsible for 14 reported deaths.
Related: Ann Coulter Gets Torn To Pieces At Rob Lowe’s Roast. Grab The Popcorn.
Coulter tweeted that it’s far “more credible” to believe homosexuality is to blame for the hurricane than climate change.
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“I don’t believe Hurricane Harvey is God’s punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor,” she writes. “But that is more credible than ‘climate change’.”
I don't believe Hurricane Harvey is God's punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor. But that is more credible than "climate change."
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 29, 2017
Coulter, a semi-sentient broomstick, is referring to Former Mayor of Houston Annise Parker, who served until 2016.
Her offhand remark garnered plenty of hate mail, as was the intention:
“You look back in history & think how can they’ve been so stupid to believe in witches & a flat earth etc,” writes author John O’Farrell. “And then you read tweets like this.”
“Sometimes I wonder what it must be like to be this brazenly, brutally, irredeemably stupid,” writes another Twitter user. “Is it fun? Does it make everything easy?”
Gay induced flood. What next you gonna blame us for your book flopping too?
— Matt Nunez (@paceamondiala) August 29, 2017
The comment jibes with Coulter’s trollish tendencies. In 2013, she suggested gay sex should be actively treated as a serious pubic health issue:
“I think you’re going to have to do something about the gay bathhouses, because AIDS is very expensive, and if I’m paying for it, how about discouraging that behavior?”
“It’s mostly, in this country, it is a homosexual behavior. If your argument is Smoking: we all have to pay, then why not, Sodomy: we all have to pay?”
Previously, she suggested people would rather potential get Ebola than be labeled a homophobe:
“This week’s hate just happens to be on the Christians.
It’s Christianity that the left hates most of all, because that is the foundation of our country and all of our freedoms come from that – freedom of association, freedom of speech. This is a direct attack on the Christians and I wouldn’t [put] so much stress on what’s happening in other countries.
The rest of the world is a cesspool of violence and atrocities. This is the most consequential nation on Earth and the fact that these Christians would rather get praise from the New York Times by … changing bedpans of Ebola patients in Nigeria, rather than stand up fight against abortion, fight against these bullies.
I don’t think it’s gay bullies, I think it’s secular progressives or liberals. The media, they’re the ones who are trying to tear down this country by going directly at the heart of America which is Christianity.”
The gay part isn’t the issue… the dangerously ignorance of science in the face of overwhelming evidence is. This is part of the reason why we on the left needs to reign in our crazies so that we can deal with crazies like her, Paul Joseph Watson, Stephen Crowder, and the like, because people flock to them because of their stance on PC Culture, violent leftists, and identity politics (and I do enjoy some of their videos), but they hold some very retrograde beliefs about LGBT rights, abortion, climate change, etc., and this is how they go mainstream, by letting the regressive left dominate the narrative and providing an “alternative to the right”.
How are you going to rein in people on the right or left? Even if every left-leaning person tried her, his or their best NOT to go overboard these right-wing nuts like Coulter would still be sounding off. You do realize that they’ve been doing this crap long before the idea of PC ever began, right? If not, read Richard Hofstadter’s The Paranoid Style in American Politics, and Other Essays (1965) or Anti-intellectualism in American Life (1963), or if those are tl;dr for you, try his famous essay on the “paranoid style.” Not new by a long shot!
Who the hell cares, dude? Keep making excuses until the cows come home, but the fact of the matter is these idiots have gotten steam because of nonsensical antics of certain elements of the left, so for all of your condescending lecturing (And I HAVE read those FYI) and petty spell checking (blame my autocorrect), you still fail to note that people like the ones I mentioned going off would be seen with the same disdain it once was, but is actually now getting steam because now even the left is taking notice of them and agreeing with their stance on free speech and the left’s reluctance to denounce its own violent elements. So YEAH, I know they’e been “doing this crap long before the idea of PC ever began, right?” Find where I said it was new or even implied this was some new movement… you can’t edit comments so it shouldn’t be hard for you.
I’m sorry, I don’t know the people you are talking about – and PC culture exists on both sides. For example, the fear to criticize the Right Wing church because of seeming anti-religious is just as much PC as anything on the Left. That tactic, along with the argument that if you oppose bigotry itself then you must be a bigot is Right wing PC. It’s two sides of the same coin. The religious Right churches are simultaneously allowing the idea to continue that “all” Christians are the same (false) while also claiming that there is prejudice against them for forcing them to obey the same laws as everyone else. That is a PC based argument, and in fact goes beyond most. As for identity Left views – we have agreed on that for decades. The Left should be centered in the political economy and in universal equality. The framing of the debate on the political economy should be clear and consistent (I’ve written position papers for a number of political candidates on this, including Hillary – they are often, but not always ignored), because the framing matters profoundly, the Right lies in its framing and when it is carried by media it crushes out real discussion of the looming crisis (the end of scarcity, which is rapidly approaching, destroys the political economy as it has been constituted at the same time that Schumpeter’s Gale (the Law of Creative Destruction) fails. We are in a very fortunate period, like the calm before an endless storm right now. To preserve anything resembling the world we are used to, We NEED to NOW be pushing universal health coverage, universal basic income, and an end to the present banking system – because NONE of those things in their present forms are going to survive for most people (regardless of their sexuality) beyond Singularity, despite the feeble cries of the apologists for neo-liberal Capitalism. That isn’t a matter of extremism, that’s a matter of social survival. Understanding in the tech sector and among academics who work in the field is very high. Thus the call for Universal Basic Income from Zukerberg, from Kurzweil, from others. Thus the article in Politico by Internet Billionaire Nick Hanauer ( If you want an understanding its not bad to start with Rifkin’s book “The Zero Marginal Cost Society” – its coming fast, and jobs are going to just start disappearing (not moving, going away and never reappearing) if we do not structure our society to allow people to continue productively after that occurs (within 30 years tops) then one of three things is going to occur:
1. A modern version of the French Revolution (if the elites are dumb).
2. A permanent dystopian world where force, probably robotic force, prevents the lower classes from rising, and the masses live feudally in the shadows of the towers and gated estates of the elite. Never to rise again – 90% roughly of the population, minimally 70%. (if the elites are smart enough to wait for an incorruptible force to protect their interests)
3. A genocide like nothing ever seen.
Equality is strongly supported by most people, even the evangelicals have a plurality under 30 who support gay marriage for example – but the political economy is, ultimately, where it is – as always.
Hermes, I couldn’t agree with you more. Regardless of the political spectrum, when polled, the majority of Americans are for universal healthcare and a living wage, and Democrats are the party for that, so it should be perplexing as to how they failed so miserably this past election, but it’s really not because they sold out the narrative for some cheap political points on matters that even most of us who fit in those categories aren’t that consumed with . What I don’t agree with is the same thing I’m going to come at you about that I just did to Kangol… I didn’t say anything about it not existing on both sides, but I don’t care about the right’s PC culture because I’m not a part of the right wing. Why not have out own ducks in a row so THEY look like the intolerant party that they are?
Xzamilloh Dude, you really are moronic enough to use false equivalencies in exactly the same stupid way the reactionary wingnuts do. You really are moronic enough to trot out their own exhausted cliches (‘identity politics?’ Really, imbecile? Ever heard of CHARLOTTESVILLE?) and attempt to say that something like Tran Coulter, to say nothing of things like Lyin’ Ted, Mother’s Boy Pence, etc, is nothing more than a mirror image of slightly less than centrist Democrats? Your stupidity, not to speak of your miserable grammar/syntax/spelling/illogic, makes it useless even to try educating you–and no, you have read NOTHING by Hofstadter, nor anything else but drivelling online pap.
You get a dollar for every time you can insult my intelligence? Because your own is lacking because CLEARLY you can’t read. In case you didn’t, let me stress again, that I do not care about cleaning up the right because I am not a part of the right. I only care about making sure the left moves away from its unsavory elements because those elements will ultimately prove to come back to bite those of us on the left in the ass. Of course, your own reply is a gross and ironic demonstration of those of us devoid of any real intellect or productive ideas — and by those of us, I mean you — resort to ad hominem diarrhea the usual vitriol that will see you with nothing to show for it in the future.
Bob LaBlah
@Xzamilloh…………I do mean these days of late girl (Kangol) has been on her high horse, hasn’t she? I am tempted to ask since she clearly has so much intelligence why is she wasting it on a site that only a fool takes both the article and the commenters THAT serious. But I won’t. No, not me. It would be considered politically incorrect were I to ask her that question so I won’t. But were I you I think I would.
@Bob Loblah
1. I will never get tired of your name… when are you going to set up your law blog?
2. I don’t know what’s going on with the people on here lately… just combative and spewing acid at any sign of a contrarian opinion. It’s sad, but I actually have better back and forths with people whose ideologies run counter to mine, because at least we can be respectful without resorting to cheap insults — or the very least, don’t get personal. But, this is the internet, so I imagine people go to Defcon 1 when it’s at most a 4 situation most of the time.
Bob LaBlah
@Xzamilloh…………….I can go along with an opposing point of view but many times when I am being put in my place by a few commenters who resort to the Mrs. Milburn Drysdale (The Beverly Hillbillies of the 1960’s) speech pattern and tone I have to google search a lot of those words and when I do it always turns out that a simple f/u or your full of it will do. Just earlier today girl put me in my place regarding bareback sex but the words she used to do it sounded more that of a person admitted to an Ivy League university to fill a quota and showing us what she learned while there than some one who was raised in that type of environment, if you get my drift. I mean really, why not just say negative instead of seronegative and then put in parentheses what the word meant? I’ve also noticed how she seems to be the only one who comes in with italicized words and bold type. Frustration perhaps but why? My suspicions were raised a day ago on another article she commented on that sounded more that between to coworkers than an author and a commentator. I’ll leave it be but I…… I said, I’ll leave it be.
Bob LaBlah
Oh lord, blame my schooling. I said commentator instead of commenter.
Heywood Jablowme
God was busy for 8 years? Just couldn’t get around to ruining Houston, until after Annise Parker was gone? Maybe too busy helping out the Chicago Cubs? Too many people praying to win Powerball, etc.? Gee, I thought God was more of a multi-tasker than that.
Hurricane Harvey is affecting more than just Houston. So I do not think that it is gods punishment because of voting for Annise Parker. A more “credible” explanation would be that it is punishment because they voted for the orange Nazi.
Actually one might say God was punishing Texas for voting for Trump.
Rick Perry did dancing with the stars. The hurricane was inevitable.
Whether climate change is man caused and by how much is totally moot! It’s ridiculous at this stage to be debating it, because we are not going to prevent further climate change, only get more divisive about it.. We can only adapt to climate change. The human being is not so pro-active as he is adaptive. Our best civil engineers, architects, and urban designers will come together when our coastlines disappear under ocean water. When the Northeast has summer temps during January and February, they’ll no longer have to spend winter in Florida.
Unfortunately there is more to climate change than the slow benign notion you have, and the issue of causation is not at all moot, nor is it open to much debate at this point as it was in the 60’s -90’s. Causation and ways to slow it are very much settled science except in the minds of regressives who have little understanding of the mechanics of science and cling to an outmoded idea that technology cannot affect the planetary dynamics and yet can mitigate the effects of changes.
There will be little engineers, urban planners and architects can do when the percentage of arable land drops, when the total quantity of potable water decreases, when forests shrink and deserts shift and grow, when tropical disease spreads north and south and to higher elevations (as is already happening). There will be even less they can do when scarcity causes revolutions, wars and massive movements of population (the US military felt this was a real enough threat to commission a study of it).
The simplistic view you hold is horrifying in that way too many people hold similar views; so far removed from the reality as to be dangerous in term of what we CAN do at this point to mitigate future problems.
Uh, again…
What a stupid, insipid bitch.
Move on.
Bad Ass Biker
Does anyone really pay any attention to what this anorexic, deranged bimbo says?
Oh, Ann you know this is BS but your 3 followers love to hear this.
Conservatives need to excise this tumor from their party. It was benign for a long time, but it’s starting to metastasize. Somehow idiots like Ann Coulter have turned the Party of Ideas into the Party of Denying Science and Hating People While Claiming Victimization for their faith. Nevermind that she’s cool with attacking or insulting every other faith.
This shit. This right here, is why we have so many enemies across the world.
and we should give a rat’s azz what this horse-faced, trots breath, slag thinks, because?
Although Coulter is a troll in almost every sense of the word (she does not live under a bridge as far as I am aware), and although her comment is ludicrous; it is still incorrect to “blame” Harvey on climate change. You can say with certainty that the storm surge was greater than it might have been, as sea levels have undeniably risen as a result of climate change. You can also say with certainty that “it is very likely that” a storm of Harvey’s strength would carry less moisture to drop were climate change not an issue.
But the effect of climate change on the frequency of hurricanes or the strength of individual storms is not yet settled science. Hurricanes are the result of several factors acting in conjunction with each other. Some of these factors are known to increase hurricane frequency (sea surface temperature, moisture capacity of the atmosphere), others (like upper atmosphere wind shear, position and speed of the jet stream) are known to decrease it. How climate change affects them and their interaction is still under study with no strong consensus. That the hurricane season has increased in length is certainly undeniable (just as tornado season has), and linked to climate change.
Ann of course has no notion that hurricanes are complex events, nor that there are good reasons for scientists to study them and climate change. Her world is simple, regressive and full of the bogeymen who populate her imagination.
I’ve read your reply to my above posting. Do you really think the human being is so limited that he can’t adapt to whatever climate change poses? You call my view simplistic. So, what’s yours? What do you suggest?
I think she’s being needlessly attacked on this issue. First, Queerty’s headline is totally false. IT IS NOT WHAT SHE SAID! She was not blaming gays or lesbians for anything! She was using the analogy to show how ridiculous it is to believe climate change caused this hurricane. And, whether or not it did is an entirely different discussion! READ what she actually wrote!
Everything she writes is ultimately trash, and the product of a damaged mind. That is why when she is involved in interviews or discussion she needs to bully, it is only through interrupting, deflecting and lying that she can maintain the whole cloth of the delusional world view she presents.
So even though there is a grain of truth in her comment, it is still worthy of excoriation because of her obvious self serving and destructive motives.
Queerty, when you mock Ann Coulter claiming she looks masculine and thin, you are behaving as would immature drug-induced high school boys who are confused about sexuality and physical human appearances. Ann Coulter happens to be a very talented writer who demonstrates one of the best senses of humor anywhere. The main problem, however, is that she chooses not want to be logical or sensible. She echoed that purely illogical and goofy belief that a hurricane might be caused by human beings in Texas who years ago may have voted for a lesbian for mayor of Houston. Ann Coulter needs to update and augment her awareness of meteorological events. She should read a book about what actually causes hurricanes. More to the point, she consistently is illogical and goofy in her commentaries apparently to attract momentary attention to herself because using logical or critical-thinking approaches do not ever persuade conservatives.
That she cannot support her arguments with logic, fact or statistic, but appeals to those of a weak mind indicates to me that she is not a “talented writer”. That she contradicts herself so regularly indicates she is not a great intellect either. That she is basically a cynical hack is obvious to man, but not at all to her base. She is a product of the widespread unwillingness or inability) of people apply critical thought to the media they consume and simply be passive vessels for others to manipulate (she, despite an excellent education was a vocal supporter of the republican desire to remove the teaching of critical thought and media parsing from public education).
Yes, it is adolescent to criticize her physical appearance, but she does it herself so in this case she is fair game. The only thing I could possibly say in her favor is that she has turned against Trump. But in her case it is only because he has proven neither xenophobic, nor mean spirited enough for her.
[obvious to manY, not obvious to man…my typing sucks bigly]
paul dorian lord fredine
you lost me at ‘talented writer’. apparently some people say the same thing about hitler.
Is anyone really surprised or shocked? This woman has become a multi-millionaire by saying shit like this.
I know she has some Log Cabin Republican close friends and I always wonder what they think about her. How do you stay friends with someone that says such offensive things? They of course don’t think she means it and when things don’t affect them directly, they don’t seem to care.
Confusing. Her tweet states she doesn’t believe that the hurricane harvey is god’s punishment to homosexuals, but the headline says she does. This must be what people mean when they say click bait. Say one thing to entice readers, but then you dig further and see that it’s NOT what she said. Besides Ann Coulter is a character. It’s part of her shtick to be as extreme as possible. You can’t take it all that seriously. She was being ironic. And no I could careless about Ann Coulter, but I certainly don’t get my panties in a wad about it.
paul dorian lord fredine
sorry, peewee herman is a character. steve urkel is a character. archie bunker was a character. ann coulter is an evil bitch profiting off hate speech and bigotry trying to remain relevant by selling mediocre schlock pandering to the extreme right.
paul dorian lord fredine
careful, annie. you’re treading on michelle bachmann/rev. cryptkeeper territory. stick to what you know best, blaming it on obama.
One way to collapse this type of conflict is to simply not address it with more conflict. If noone responds then the predators get nervous and disappear. If they lose their audience then there’s noone to perform for. She loves negative attention. Engage with flame throwing? You’ve fallen for her trix. If course there is the edict of burning off karma or negative energy til there is no more. Then it’s boring and one drops it as been there done that, yawn.
How dare this worthless no account ‘bitch’ make such a statement! I thought statements like this went the way of Anita Bryant, who said” earthquakes in california are God’s wrath for acceptance of the gay lifestyle” and of course Jerry Falwell. Time to BOYCOTT all entities that support this worthless and ignorant bitch as well as any products she endorses.
What a crock of bull shit that storm is heading north east thru all the red states what about that ????
I’m sure God’s jackin off to all this.
News Flash: Ann drops to her knees in front of him. She wants to catch every drop in her big mouth. Later on Ann will say it was holy water going down her deep throat.
Looks like he’s left handed.
Lol! Funny thing is that I was going to suggest it was god’s punishment for all the horrible, homophobic lawmakers but hated to condemn the innocent with the guilty. Of course, Coulter would never consider anyone’s feelings, especially in this terrible tragedy.
So Queerty’s response is to mock transgender people by claiming Ann Coulter is transgender as a way to insult her, giving the connotation that being transgender is an insult LOL
What are idiot people like this a punishment for????
Umm… It looks like Coulter is taking a jab at climate change, not the lesbian mayor.
As for climate change, I find it odd that so many of the left oppose nuclear power, the only viable energy alternative to fossil fuels. Being anti-nuclear is basically the same as being pro-coal.
Germany stopped using a number of their nuclear plants in favour of “green” energy like solar and wind. The result was an increase in CO2 emissions.
Awww, look, how adorable, the Troll now is trying to say that solar power is somehow more polluting than Nuclear. Wow, you guys don’t even BOTHER TRYING anymore do you? You just vomit out whatever you think will alter the topic for a few minutes.
We get it, you hate lgbts, you hate America, blah blah blah. But seriously, at least try trolling better, this is just sad.
Solar is more polluting than nuclear, generally.
Solar cells are generally disposed of in third world countries, where they leak toxic metals into the environment.
Solar plants take up lots of land that could otherwise be reforested, and for the use of such land, the energy production is low and limited. It is really a total waste. There is also the need for back up because the sun doesn’t always shine. The back up is always fossil fuels.
So explain to me — what is the point of using MORE land to produce LESS energy when you still have to use fossil fuels?
Ann Coulter is a smart woman. She has gay friends. They’re just not of the loser Left type.
Awww, how cute, the anti-lgbt troll comes up with the “She’s not racist, some of her friends are black” line.
You know, I remember Sarah Palin claiming to have gay friends, and none of them were ever found. Please feel free to introduce us to Ann’s many gay friends.
Oh, and notice how the Anti-American Trump supporters spend all of their time attacking other Americans but never have anything bad to say about Russia?
OMG, I had to double check my friends list. Then I had ALL of my friends triple check it. They are all extremely happy to report that Ann Coulter is NOT on my friends list. Thank You God
Shouldn’t Ann be getting in shape for the Kentucky Derby?
Ann was so disappointed when she showed up at the Kentucky Derby. She was told they didn’t need anymore HORSES ASSES.
frank fuhrman
Coulter is God’s punishment on man, and woman, kind.
Well being Texas is a blood red state I think it would be punishment for something like Ted Cruz rather than the gays Ann. Besides what would your gay friend that you appeared on The A List Dallas think?
You can tell how badly the GOP has been bribed by businesses.
They have POLITICIZED POLLUTION. They LITTERALLY are saying pollution isn’t bad, they are trying to remove regulations against polluting drinking water, against, lead, against emissions.
THAT is how much they hate their own base. The GOP wants to say that any remark suggestion pollution is bad is a crazy conspiracy.
Think about this. Republicans have convinced their own base that they have no right to even expect clean drinking water. That is how far down the hole that party has fallen. They hate American, they hate Americans, all they are there for is to line their pockets.
Anne needs to get laid and pronto; then again I fear for the man doing this public service for us, his dick my fall off.
LOL, “a semi-sentient broomstick”! You got me with that one. 😀
Anne Coulter really needs some dick.
Just another troglodyte (which means in this case cave women)
Why does anyone print anything from this racist bitch?
It always amuses me when folk like Coulter have minds and mouths that somehow always use “gays” as their first go-to, to explain away a natural catastrophe. When I look at the area covered — as in this instance, Harvey — there are most likely more Southern Baptists and other radical religious folk per square foot, than any other demographic. *IF* — and I don’t believe this — but, “if” “God” were punishing any one segment of our population, lets get factual, OK. However, perhaps “God” is allowing us to reap what we sow — as in climate change, and what we’ve done to affect those changes. I think “God” said someplace in the Bible, (look it up in Genesis), that we humans are to take care of this Earth that “God” created. And what happens when we don’t take care of our responsibilities? . . . As Billy Graham said, “We don’t worship the earth; instead, we realize that God gave it to us, and we are accountable to Him for how we use it. After creating Adam, the first man, the Bible says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15). God didn’t tell him to exploit the world or treat it recklessly, but to watch over it and use it wisely. Like a good ruler, we should seek the welfare of everything God entrusts to us—including the creation.”