If you read our sister site’s coverage of Boston’s so-called “Straight Pride” parade — which was basically a white supremacist Trump rally led by child-rape supporter Milo Yiannopoulos — then you might’ve seen several tweets by Zack Ford, a longtime LGBTQ journalist.
In the most recent installment of his queer newsletter, Ford shared his experience attending the event and his worries about what it portends for the future of our country.
Related: Out with a whimper: Straight Pride fizzles in California
Ford begins by taking a second to praise the guy who at the event organizers’ pre-parade press conference, asked, “What do you say to taxpayers who want to know why you’re wasting this city’s resources because you three guys can’t get laid?”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
The organizers of the Straight Pride Parade had a press conference.
One of the questions asked:
“What do you say to taxpayers who want to know why you’re wasting this city’s resources because you three guys can’t get laid?”
?: @Brian_Ricciohttps://t.co/j5MUaNAQ1u
— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) August 30, 2019
Naturally, the organizers didn’t answer, but the asker had a point: Boston police in riot gear and on motorcycles easily outnumbered the “dozens” of Straight Pride marchers and were met by nearly a thousand counter-protestors, by Ford’s count. Police presence and security alone must’ve cost the taxpayers thousands if not more.
“Despite claims that the parade was not meant to be anti-LGBTQ, just ‘pro-straight,'” Ford writes, its organizers made the transphobic remark, “Ladies and gentlemen, people of all two genders, we welcome you,” on their megaphone. Another attendee proudly proclaimed, “I am antigay” while wearing a “Socialism is for F*gs” t-shirt.
Ford reports that the parade played “God Bless the USA” and Aretha Franklin’s “Think” (Freedom! Freedom!) to which he asks, “Really?”
Police arrested 36 counter-protestors and journalists. But while Ford decried the very small (and non-representative) number of counter-protestors who burned the American flags that Straight Pride attendees were forced to give up before attending the rally — “Not only did the burning seem both petty and off-message,” he writes, “but they were literally starting fires in a big crowd. It seemed unnecessarily hostile and dangerous — Ford adds, “I believe that a majority, if not all, of these confrontations and altercations were caused by Boston Police.”
He noted that police crowded a counter-protest area and began using pepper spray and arrests in a seemingly needless way.
Shameful Display by the @bostonpolice at #StraightPride
Charging into protestors who were protesting peacefully on the sidewalk, beating, arresting, and pepper spraying.
Make no mistake straight pride is hate pride and cops are here to protect and uphold white supremacy. pic.twitter.com/ey2Rc4uneA
— ani (@deluxian54) August 31, 2019
This is what troubles Ford most:
I’m left feeling very frustrated that everything is kind of rigged just to ensure that hate is proliferated while those who actually stand for equality are punished.
Think about the ingredients we’re stuck with. We have a First Amendment that is so broad it guarantees that hateful messages can march down our streets with police protection. We have police who have a record of unjustly targeting and punishing minority groups. We have activists like those who identify with Antifa who feel inspired by the rise of hate to respond with equal and opposite extremism. All of the counter-protesting activists have good reason to distrust the police protecting the haters, chanting “Who do you protect?! Who do you serve!?” at them. Then the police choose to respond to that group with pure force, not even attempting any form of mediation or peaceful crowd management.
Those who are rallying for a just and equal society — whatever their approach — are painted as the unruly villains who can’t control themselves, even though it was the police who initiated unnecessary force. Minority groups’ distrust for the police only increases. And the haters? They’re left almost kind of looking like the good guys who weren’t personally involved in the scuffles, and they can then capitalize on the optics to further demonize the groups they already hate.
Ford concludes that the U.S. system is rigged in favor of the trolls and there’s no real remedy to change that, all but ensuring that similar events will play out in the future, just the way they’re playing out in our presidency with the Troll-in-Chief encouraging these “very fine people” to keep rubbing their privilege in marginalized people’s faces.
What Zack Ford did is journalism. Journalism is more than recapping reddit threads.
What Zack Ford did is journalism. Journalism i….- I can’t agree with you more But i am here not only to discuss this article but I would like to share with you new but really amazing site for gay singles only. It is still private, but you can find it easy. Just google: “LGsemwWCZ5SJfugu6lu1368350” .
Attention hos on ll sides, none of them accomplishing anything.
All the more reason to totally ignore these staged events. Don’t participate. If you do, stay back and peacefully demonstrate. Do not engage the police, make threats or do anything.
I saw a number of the parade participants interviewed on Boston news channels and except for the parade organizers – each one had a Southern accent. Only 200 people were in the parade – apparently a number of them were bused in from other parts of the country.
I really wished people hadn’t protested – it just drew a lot of attention to a small bunch of idiots – which is exactly what they wanted.
Until Antifa adopts an absolute policy of non-violent protest and accepts the fact that the 1st Amendment does allow stupidity like this parade, they’re contributing to the problem too.
My spidey senses are tingling… I really, really doubt anyone supporting queer rights and equality would burn American flags that these asshats brought with them. This smells like a stunt that the ‘straight Pride’ folks did to blame ‘militant queers’ for… they were probably ‘straight pride’ supporters who burned the flags as a photo op to make it seem like WE are the ones who are violent and anti-American. Has anyone tried to identify who these flag burners were? I bet you $100 that they weren’t gay rights supporters at all, but ‘straight pride’ plants to make it look like we’d do something like that. Does not pass the smell test AT ALL.
Jeton Ademaj
Antifa claims to support LGBTQ (as long as they’re Leftist) and Antifa is openly Stalinist and regularly burns American flags and seeks the violent overthrow of our Constitution. period, the end.
Have you been to a Gay Pride celebration lately?
A fat older man running around in his jock strap has nothing to do with being Gay.
Men dressed up like women is degrading to women and our so called “ loving “ community.
After you stop buying the drinks and having the house parties your phone stops ringing.
Our “community “ is not as together as we profess. We’v not addressed our additions to drugs and alcohol and how you can be a Gay Republican and not everyone takes it up the ass.
She was a woman, she was dressed as her true gender.
Jeton Ademaj
as I predicted here months ago, the Gay Left took the easy bait, showed its ass, and burned more LGBTQ political capital. Thia at a time when younger generations are growing distant from us.
oh well, enjoy Trump thru 2025…and at the rate you’re going, Pence thru 2033.
Really wish either no one had shown up to protest or if they had simply turned their backs on the parade as it went by. Getting into screaming matches did not help.
The “main” float shown at the top of this article is actually owned by some guy from MI who’s been driving it all around major midwest cities for months. He recently drove it down Michigan Ave. in Chicago and everyone just looked away.