August 2, 2024, marked the 100th birthday of the iconic James Baldwin. He was one of America’s most profound literary voices, and his work transcends time and continues to resonate with readers and thinkers across generations. Baldwin’s journey as a writer began at an early age, and he credits some of his early knowledge of the work to Richard Wright and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
In his work, Baldwin’s influence on subsequent generations of writers is far-reaching. He’s a trailblazer exploring themes of race, sexuality, and identity and paved the way for new voices to emerge in American literature. In short, Baldwin, or Jimmy as he was affectionately known, didn’t live by any specific rules but instead carved out a path for others to follow.
As one of the most prolific writers, his influence extended beyond the United States, resonating with writers and activists worldwide. Not only was he an inspiration through his writing, but also a mentor and friend to other writers. As new voices emerge and the literary landscape evolves, Baldwin’s influence remains a constant, guiding writers to explore the complexities of the human experience with honesty, courage, and grace.
In his book Notes to a Native Son, Baldwin writes, “I consider that I have many responsibilities, but none greater than this: to last, as Hemingway says, and get my work done. I want to be an honest man and a good writer.”
In his honor, we have asked a few Native Sons to pay tribute to his honorary vision and impact on their lives and work. Here are their “Notes to Baldwin.”