The Benham Brothers are up in arms again. This time, they’re absolutely livid about $400,000 of taxpayer money being used to fund a program called SHIFT (Sexual Health Initiative for Teens) in North Carolina.
According to its website, SHIFT is a nonprofit that works to “improve adolescent and young adult sexual health” by focusing on “successful, evidence-based methods to make a positive change for teen pregnancy prevention, HIV and STIs, healthy development, sexuality, and relationships.”
Related: Benham Brothers reveal their latest obsession: Prosthetic penises and all things gay
The statewide organization likes to say it provides a “guide to safer, sexier choices” for sexual active adolescents.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
NBD, right?
Wrong! At least, according to the Benhams…
“We’ve seen some of these ‘safer, sexier choices’,” the twinsies write in a scathing new op-ed. “They include ‘a sex-positive view of BDSM’ (uh, that means bondage, dominance, sadomasochism, in case you were wondering) and the mechanics of anal and oral sex, how to masturbate and to question your gender.”
“Have we really gotten to this point, America? Teaching a sex-positive view of BDSM?! To our kids?!”
Related: Benham Brothers can’t stop thinking about being seeded by gay men
This, the Benhams say, is an absolute disgrace. Now, they hope to motivate people in and around the state to take action.
“It should motivate you to Christ-like action by speaking the truth in love and using your influence to stop this type of perversion of the developing hearts and minds of our next generation,” they write.
At some point, we all have to say enough and stand in the gap to speak up. We must utilize every ounce of our influence to stand against this type of moral perversion. How many children need to be deceptively stimulated by these teachings and then hooked into a lifestyle of sexual bondage for the rest of their lives before we speak up?
“We’re writing about initiatives to indoctrinate our kids into BDSM, masturbation and gender questioning,” the twinsies lament. “We’re telling you: if people don’t speak up now, our kids will suffer greatly!”
Related: Benham Brothers talk about trying it out “both ways” in bed to “see which you prefer”
The Benham brothers are so helpful. Looking out for the youth of America the way they do. They can’t wait to tell you all about BDSM. They learned a lot.
I click-jumped thru about 3 or 4 articles on here about these two. Oh what a chuckle.
Ok kids, take out your cat-o’-nine-tails and turn to chapter 69 in Fifty Shades of Gray.
For Show-and-Tell, who wants to come up to the front of the class and show us how to handcuff a bottom?
Johnny, can you spell out your safe-word and use it in a sentence?
It’s story time. Today’s fairytale is called Beauty’s Release?
They make it seem as though children are the focus if these programs, and by children I mean the Impressionable Minds of little kids, not the Already-Know-It-All minds of teens who are actually lost in the zone of sexual awakening and are looking for any roadmap or travel guide to help them on their journey. Help them, not force them. These programs are like the side characters in a first-person RPF that only provides information. The player then chooses what to do with the info from there.
From a beefcake perspective, they’re ok.
From an intellectual standpoint, they’re…..just not.
From a moral platform, they’re simply another pair of attention-seeking baboons.
Really, the only other article I want to see about these two is when they get caught buggering each other.
Second that.
This was very well-said.
Oh, and funny, too!
UNLESS the curriculum DEFINES AND REINFORCES PRACTICE of asking for informed CONSENT, giving informed CONSENT, and protecting INFORMED CONSENT it is a trash curriculum.
For example, from the SHIFT website:
Is sexuality education good for students?
Yes – as long as it’s the right kind. Students who complete sexuality education in general wait longer to have sex than students who have no sexuality education. Furthermore, when students do become sexually active, those who complete comprehensive sexuality education are more likely to use condoms and/or contraceptives and to have healthier relationships than students who have no sexuality education or who only receive abstinence-only education. In one well-regarded study, students who completed comprehensive sexuality education were 50% less likely to get pregnant as teens than students who completed abstinence-only education.
Further searching the SHIFT website we find the word ‘consent’ referenced a lot BUT ONLY as part of a SHIFT legislative agenda to remove required CONSENT of parents or guardians.
NO reasonable or responsible public health advocate should endorse any sexual health curriculum that does not EMPHASIZE throughout the definition and practice of CONSENT.
Everyone should type “Benham” in the search box. You will find about 30 articles. That’s right 30 of them all written by Graham Gremore.
That’s an insane obsession. It needs to stop.
They need to keep this up because no one cares about them. No one cares what they have to say the only thing they can do is try to keep getting speaking engagements from anti-gay religious groups.
Pun intended ….. A pity my browser doesn’t read their name as Bend Them!!!
50 50
Let’s be honest, they look like they’re one hot gardener away from a threeway.
Had a similar thought – you wrote it WAY better! Testify!
Or one hoe away from having a garden?
Low Country Boy
Nicely done, 50 50! If these guys are not really gay themselves, they missed a good opportunity!
Whenever I see these too and read what they say I think “Hmmmmmmm. Incestuous love……” The ladies protesteth too much.
I guess they boycotted Fifty Shades of Grey, and forbid their wives to read the novels.
Awe man! My (deleted) snarky comment’s nowhere near as bad of some of the other things being written here.
Same. I guess snark isn’t welcome
Those closet case brothers must watch so much gay porn… I mean, who are they trying to fool? I know what it was like personally as a sexually repressed jesus-believing homo at the time (not christian anymore btw), so I can only imagine how horny those two guys must be, while pointing their judgmental, hypocritical fingers at everyone else.
WE need to thank them for giving us wonderful fantasies especially about the sexual practices that interest them the most!
Really appreciate your existence and good work you guys do. I think it’s important to showcase homophobes and bad messages where they come from so we are all aware. My question is – where is the line drawn about giving them free press? Thats something you guys decide and have to grapple with daily. My gut reaction at seeing another story about these clowns was frustration and angle – at all parties. Why give them a pedestal stand on? Then again we should know about it. Signed, Confused and Conflicted 😉
Cylest Brooks
Thank you for this feedback.
We need to cease and desist giving them free press!
I will stand up and say enough! Enough of these Benham Brothers, of their narrow-mindedness, of their religious fascism, and if they’re hypocrisy. They’re really getting on my nerves.
Sounds like they are upset that no man breeded them or they did not have the balls to breed each other- also sounds like the guys are closeted and do not want other to have what they denie themselves on what they call Christian Values.
There is a news headline in the near future in which both of those clowns are caught in a motel “out by the airport” with an underage male prostitute and both of those brothers will be holding a booty bump at the time the cops arrive.
Do you not see what is happening here. They are self loathing gay guys. They probably feel bad they they once touched each other and feel bad about themselves. They act like vicious self hating lovers.