The Benham Brothers have penned another homophobic op-ed. This time, they’re worried about the seeds being sprinkled on young society by gay men and “gender unicorns.”
In a new op-ed titled Mind-blowing plot to sexually confuse America’s little ones, the twinsies take aim at their local school board for voting to “sow seeds of sexual confusion into the minds of our schoolchildren.”
Related: Benham Brothers insist they aren’t “weak men” because they don’t have “limp wrists”
“It all came about when the school board decided to expand the definition of diversity in its multicultural policy to include ‘gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation,'” the brothers write.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
“The board stated that that it will “intentionally (incorporate) diversity throughout the curriculum, instruction, and professional development.”
Oh no! Not… diversity!
The twinsies fear that as a result, schools in Charlotte will stop teaching children “reading, writing and arithmetic” and instead “ask students questions, like: ‘Who do you go to bed with?‘ ‘Who do you go to bed as?’ ‘How would you like to express your gender today?'”
The school board, the Benhams claim, have “introduced the gender unicorn to push sexual confusion on our kids.”
They continue:
We’ve said it for years, and we’ll say it again now: The radical LGBTQ-plus agenda has gone from acceptance, to appreciation, to celebration and now to forced participation. Our kids all will be forced to participate in this revolution one way or another – regardless of what parents feel about it. To say this is indoctrination is putting it lightly. It’s deliberately sowing seeds of sexual confusion into the fertile minds of future generations, and it will be difficult to uproot.
Related: Benham Brothers reveal their latest obsession: Prosthetic penises and all things gay
Please stop obsessively covering these two morons. Please. Please.
Sammy Schlipshit
Oh, they make me sick too.
It does pay to have some idea what such dangerous cretins as these are spewing. They have a large, blind, loyal following who soak up, never questing anything.
As long as they keep making public statements trying to promote a bigoted agenda of their own, talking about it and firing back at their narrow-mindedness seems like a worthwhile response. Dear Lord, I do get tired, myself, hearing about them but allowing their views to go unchallenged seems like a worse response, for me anyway.
Indeed, don’t give these two brainless idiots a stage???!!!
These two are such closet cases…I think they do each other…just saying!
Sorry who are they? and who cares lol
These guys a few years back were *THIS* close to having one of those home repair/improvement shows on the HGTV network before their views (and their preacher dad) on the LGBT community were made public. Chances are if they had more open minds…
thanks for the clarification, I had never heard of em, Im glad they never got that platform
I think They are both closeted
They must have touched each other once, and this is the result of the guilt. It’s always some deep hidden guilt. 😉
I think they both need to just give in and take it up the a**. They will feel so much better.
If only I could have had those questions answered in High School or before. What possibly could I have been now? I’m sure a hell of a lot better off.
Don’t continue to give these douce bags a platform to spout their verbal diarrhea.
What ignorant, hateful, unchristian-like, pigs they are.
You’d think given the horrific treatment of twins throughout history these two would have a bit more empathy for not judging people based on how one is born. Apparently they still need to develop their hearts more.
They are obsessed with everything gay.
They get the most clicks when they hit that button.
Exactly, PinkoOfTheGange. That’s their moneymaker. Anyone who thinks this propaganda is for any reason other than to earn a living doesn’t know or understand christian evangelicalism.
Please, please no more press these creatures of small stature and long nose… Guacala …
Por favor, por favor no mas prensa a estas criaturas de estatura pequeña y nariz larga… Guacala…
paul dorian lord fredine
why do supposed straight men get so possessed over gay sex? something must be missing in their bedrooms. maybe they should give their wives’ dildos a try. it just might settle a few things.
If their twincest porn hasn’t leaked, there’s no reason to report on them.
How many of us does it take for you to get the message?? Stop obsessing on these two idiots. They might just fade into oblivion as they deserve.
C’mon Queerty. Stop YOUR obsession with these closet cases. Oh wait, besides them and articles about “straight” guys wanting to try sex with a gay man because their girl friends won’t blow them, what WOULD you have to write about? Oh wait, I forgot about underwear models and Tom Brady in swim suits and teasers about Olympic “pole” vaulters. In short, NOTHING of substance.
Your rant here seems to be NOTHING of substance. If you don’t like this site leave or make it better.
Your constructive criticism couldn’t be MORE substantive. Thank you for trying to make this site better.
I think turn about is fair play – puns intended: “Our kids all will be forced to participate in this revolution one way or another – regardless of what parents feel about it. To say this is indoctrination is putting it lightly.” is what they have inflicted on us with their christian and right-wing propaganda so a little of our propaganda coming they way is more than fair!
Don’t all of the ultra-religious wackos home school their kids anyway? I don’t see how they would be exposed to the “gay agenda” when their parents keep them at home 24/7 and totally control every aspect of their lives…
Some Straight men “people” seems to be obsessed and jealous at the same time of all things gay or homosexual….. of sexually comfortable gay men it’s getting so old in USA. I just don’t even associate with most people anymore and I’m ok with that. I just do me.
Even some gay people act the same way towards other gay people. I have a cross dresser in my building where I live that’s frowns at me every time they see me and turns their nose up at me. I guess I make people feel insecure because I’m very confident in myself. My father instilled that in me at a very young age because he saw that I was different and unique! I’m 6’3”.25, 185 lbs. I been told I’m extremely good looking though. I’m Black American American Indian Chinese Irish German English Jewish. That’s cool but I’m not vain or conceded or narcissistic. I have a straight brother who was that way as a teenager. I have always been a good humble human being. The worst is when gay people snub you. Even my so called X treated me that way. Jealousy is very powerful. Buy a hot fast sports car like a brand new corvette and you’ll see you are your friends or be successful. I just laugh to myself.
Tête Carrée
You forget to mention extremely modest.
Why are you so obsessed with these pieces of scum?
More click hate from Queerty.
Tête Carrée
Right, “musn’t” hate on the homophobes.
You know they pound each others mussies bareback with boybutter…
Tête Carrée
That WAS butch, queen.
Meh…I’d still do ’em and then when we were done, I’d throw them out naked and toss their clothes over the balcony.