If you’ve been suffering from Gwyneth Paltrow syndrome, or in layman’s terms, an affliction in which one is cursed with too much self esteem, here’s some excellent news: the website How-Old.net has launched to give you a much-needed reality check. Seriously, is everyone equally appalled by this robot which guesses a person’s age based on an uploaded photo? If it got your age (or your gender!) all wrong, don’t fret. It has a spotty track record predicting how long celebs have been on this planet. We tested it ourselves with some of our favorite stars, both straight and gay, and the results weren’t always pretty.

Scroll down to see for some of our findings.

Lindsay Lohan, 28. The site must be counting emotional years, which take their toll.


Cher, 68. We’ll wager that she’d feel insulted for someone to think she looks as old as Lindsay.


Madonna, 56. The grill helps.

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Britney, 33. Performing in Vegas is a really hard grind. 


Jonathan Groff, 30. Perhaps he’s just taking the cancellation of Looking really hard.


Russell Tovey, 33. He’s happy he’s not a femme gay and that he’s younger than he looks.


Zac Efron, 27. He’s not a boy, not yet a daddy. 


Davey Wavey, 30 (?). Does anyone know this guy’s real age?


David Beckham, 40. Good job, How-Old. Becks is perfect at any age.

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Tyson Beckford, 44. No wonder this guy is taking it off with the Chippendales.

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James Franco, 37. The man who never sleeps might want to consider taking a long nap.

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Mel Gibson, 59. Anti-semitism keeps a fella looking young.


Beyoncé, 33. She may sing about being a grown woman, but How-Old begs to differ.


 Let’s end on a happy note with Patsy Stone, who finally gets her wish.

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