How much does Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George hate marriage equality. Enough that he’s willing to pull funding for any organization that even tangentially supports it. That’s what happened to Bikes N’ Roses, a neighborhood charity that fixes bicycles for kids and trains them how to fix bikes on their own.
Recognizing the value of the program, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development gave Bikes N’ Roses a $20,000 grant last year. But because the group is a member of the Illinois Coalition of Immigrant and Refugee Rights, which came out in favor of marriage equality bill that ultimately failed in the state legislature, the Archdiocese of Chicago is defunding the program.
Ten other groups were similarly told that they were in violation of the grant requirements that grantees adhere to Church policy on same-sex marriage and other hot-button issues. As the Church puts it, “when it comes to marriage and family life, men and women are not interchangeable.” Five grant recipients have severed ties to the Coalition, the largest immigration group in the state, and will continue to receive money.
The Church’s vengeful move is entirely in line with its policy of putting opposition to gay anything above helping people the way, you know, Jesus might have. The Church would rather keep its money to itself than be even remotely associated with worthy causes that have some connection, no matter how slight, to marriage equality.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
As for the kids who may no longer be able to get their bikes fixes, the Cardinal has a message for them: take a hike.
cut donations to this guy
Sooooo typical for the Roman Catholic Taliban!!!
The Catholic Church is the abomination for sure!!!
Mr. E. Jones
Five grant recipients have severed ties to the Coalition, the largest immigration group in the state, and will continue to receive money.
This is the part that I find bothersome.
They say “the eyes are the windows into the soul.”
Looking at Cardinal George, you can see the darkness coming out around his eyes.
Woe to those who would harm a child.
This group should consider itself lucky to be free of the taint of association with the church. Christianity is a political organization every bit as evil as the Nazi party. Our ultimate goal must be its complete destruction, and in preparation it must be completely isolated from civilized people.
The Roman Catholic Church as strict rules, that cannot be changed, the rules are biblical and for all time, if you receive grants from the Church you know that you are expected to follow their core beliefs or find money elsewhere.
Therefore it is pointless moaning and criticising the Church. You choose to believe or not to believe.
It does no good to our images has gay men to always be criticising and name calling live five year olds. The Church cannot change.
I would wager he needs the money due to all his child r@pe, and yes that is a direct accusation.
Now they have more dollars to spend fighting (and losing) pedophilia law suits. The church cannot change because many of the clergy involved in it are dark. Vestments, robes, and collars are warnings, like the rattle on the end of a poisonous snake. They might as well just carry rattlers with them, because this is what their fancy garb is equated with. Keep your money catholic monsters, we’ll do fine without you. Woe to those who would harm a child. Jesus has just been given another reason to smite you bastards.
@1EqualityUSA: 10
” …..and collars are warnings, like the rattle on the end of a poisonous snake. ”
How true.
Their darkened attitudes are easy for all to see.
Typical church move, collect money from the poor and use it to beat them up.
Most charity money is stolen through “double bookkeeping” any ways…
The money was probably already missing and this is just the excuse……It always about the corruption..
@Sebastian: “The rules are biblical and for all time,” eh? You mean like the eternal, never-changing rules that say priests can marry, Jews are going to hell, Mass is only to be performed in Latin, and the Pope is not considered infallible? Not to mention that it is heresy to claim the earth revolves around the sun. Yessiree, never changes.
Sounds like you’ve been sipping some Kool-Aid from the communion cup.
just as Rebecca responded I’m surprised that any body can earn $8431 in four weeks on the computer. did you see this website >>>
Sebastian, Your new Pope says he has no right to JUDGE GAYS. So why would this piece of hypocrisy cancel a program that helps children. I think you need to update your outlook.
BTW, the Bible states that the Wages of Sin is Death and this Cardinal looks like he’s in need of a Paycheck.