The U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops thinks firing someone because they are LGBT is bad. They also think a law to prevent that is even worse. In a statement to Congress after the Senate moved ahead on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, the bishops, headed by New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan, came up a long list of arguments against the law, all of which given new meaning to the word “spurious.”
The bishops offer the usual platitudes about respecting everyone. “No one should be an object of scorn, hatred, or violence for any reason, including his or her sexual inclinations,” they write, confusing sexual orientation with a more loaded, and legally less accurate, word.
Once the formalities are aside, the bishops get down to the usual attacks. ENDA “elevates ‘sexual orientation’ discrimination … to the same and, until now unique, level as race discrimination, and above religion, sex, and national origin discrimination,” the bishops complain.
The letter also illustrates just how little understanding the bishops have of the LGBT community. They say the law “rejects the biological basis of gender,” denying the existence of transgender people. They also speak repeatedly of “same-sex attraction” and “same-sex conduct,” as if being gay was reduced to acts and was not an actual state of being.
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But it wouldn’t be the Catholic Conference of Bishops without at least one outlandish belief, and here the Dolan clan delivers the goods. The terminology in the law is so vague–how vague is it?–it’s so vague that it “would encompass sexual conduct outside of marriage, thus legally affirming and specially protecting that conduct.”
Yes, ENDA enshrines adultery in the law! Possibly also two-handed pinochle, using the bishops’ impeccable logic.
Someone please remind these folks about Pope Francis’s warning that the Church has been too obsessive about gay issues. Obviously, they didn’t get the message.
(H/T: New Civil Rights Movement)
Hats off to progress – even if it laced with a taint of bigotry. It’s progress, none the less.
Let’s celebrate by not calling their snazzy dresses, dresses for just one day!
Tit meet tat.
Sorry, I could not edit the comment to call them “snazzy little gold embroidered man-dresses.” Accuracy IS important; I didn’t want anyone to think that they were wearing the Diane Von Furstenberg basic black wrap dress. It’s so hard to coordinate THAT Von Furstenberg with their 3-foot tall penis Papal Tiara hats.
These men are more irrelevant now than ever since Francis came on board.Nobody in the pews are paying these queens any mind anymore.I am waiting to see if the Pope gags them as these idiots test their authority against his.
When faced with evidence of wrong-doings over and over again within their khurch, the Katholics never bothered to call in the police… so naturally, their leadership thinks laws to prevent wrong-action are ill conceived.
Could someone please turn off the mic for these derelict, dinosaurs? Please??
the US religous taliban relics reign is OVER…yer services are no longer needed…buh bye!