Woman beater and R&B star Chris Brown wishes all of you would stop hatin’ on him just for telling some paparazzi, “Ya’ll niggas gay.” So let’s see how he defends himself on Twitter. It’s a hoot.
Oh, Chris. We don’t latch onto every word you say, just the slurs. And we don’t want you to apologize for every second on your life, just the seconds you spent verbally assaulting a stranger using their race and sexuality as an insult.
But we do agree with you, the best noise is silence. Which is why we wish you’d sing solo or tenor.
So low that no one can hear you, ten or twelve miles away from us.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
He is the most down-low little thing imaginable. Did anyone see that pathetic performance in z-list Keri H’s video? Best described as “so gay”. Why idiots continue to buy his crap ass music is beyond me. Actually no it’s not, it’s the same people who buys all the other formula crap ass hip hop, soul boy, raeggaton crap at the local Walmart or Ritmo. He is famous for beating up another famous woman (who he is probably jealous because she has more talent and can sing and dance with the hot male gays he fantasizes about.)
Why does this piece of shit have a career? He likes to beat up women. He likes to bad mouth LGBT people. He likes destroying private property. He likes using foul language and attempting to hit bystanders in public. Chris Brown is one of the most disgusting “people” I have ever had the displeasure of watching, working with, or following his misdeeds.
PS, all of his vocals have to go through massive pitch correction.
This is the same guy that was trying to get symptahy for how HE felt after all the fallout from heating beating up his girlfriend.
As for how he feels, I wasn’t aware that sociopaths had feelings. This douche, and Mel Gibson just need to go the hell away.
christopher di spirito
I agree with Chris Brown: the best noise is silence.
Silence from his idiotic, homophobic remarks. Maybe we’ll get luck and he vocal cords will atrophy?
I think people need to leave him alone and stop being so sensitive.
@gregger: I agree 100% with you–he’s never demonstrated any justification for being in the public spotlight, but plenty of reasons for why he shouldn’t be.
@velocifero: Keri Hilson is not Z-list. Let’s not get ridiculous.
christopher di spirito
@David: You should make one of those “Leave Britney Alone” videos to ward off the big meanies going after Chris Brown. It would be sweet.
@David, IMO it has nothing to do with sensitivity and averything to do with education. This ignorant speech or way of speech is proof of a lack of education. People have nemed called me over and over for years. When someone yells out Fa@@ot, i tell them it’s Mr Fa@@ot to you. Words can hurt, especially when you are young and figuring yourself out, with age and experience and yes education (not just book smarts but social education also)it does get better, actually for me it’s not just better it is GREAT!
@christopher di spirito:
Maybe I will.
christopher di spirito
@David: I think you should. Wear a ratty synthetic blonde wig, Baby Jane Hudson make up, and a tattered house coat.
You can whine, “Leave Chris Brown alone! He doesn’t mean you any harm.”
Then you could start singing, “Beautiful People” and then kiss an 8″X11″ picture of him leaving criminal court in LA after beat Rihanna so badly she nearly had to have reconstructive face surgery.
@christopher di spirito: Whatever. You have always been an a$$ especially when people disagree with you. IMO. Political correctness has gone too far.
christopher di spirito
@David: I was trying to be helpful. Oh well, figure out your “Leave Chris Brown Alone” video on your own then.
I’m guilty as charged.
I’m gay and I use “gay” all the time.
@christopher di spirito: You know the irony here is that he’ll use every one of your ideas in his video, then throw in some jab at “queens” in the vid anyway. Anyway, yeah, of course you know that.
If people complain when you piss, you should probably consider doing that *away* from other people.
No. Because I’m not doing a video. When I said, maybe I will. I was being sarcastic.
@David: Poor poor homophobic woman beater. My heart bleeds for him. Look at all the bullshit he brought upon himself by being a complete asshole and acting like a child. His life: so hard.
chrissie riot
Chris Brown, you aren’t allowed to demand attention and then have a hissy fit when you get called out for saying stupid shit.
Chris Brown is a piece of shit… If I see his ass on the street I will personally kick his black asa then he can tweet he got his ass kicked by a faggot.
The man is scum. It is beyond me why he still has a career. Furthermore, why isn’t he in jail for beating women and breaking shit in NBC studios?
The difference between todays world and the world of celebrities of the past is that the public didn’t have an insatiable appetite for covering the lives of celebrities and no system existed that instantaneously blasted every quirk and nuance of a celebrity in the 24 hour news cycle that has become less about news and more about feeding people’s appetite for scandal. The public devours such non-stories because it makes them feel better about their own lives to know that people who are “stars” make all the same mistakes we do. Just because someone chooses to make music that people buy doesn’t mean we should have 24 hour unlimited access to every move they make. It is a sick system that is perpetuated by the public, who want to find scandal in others to build themselves up. Otherwise, why should any of us care what someone does that has no effect on us whatsoever? What is amazing about all these people criticizing Chris Brown is that they don’t know him, but think they can give commentary on his life as if they do. I am a 42 year old gay man, I believe Chris Brown is the premiere R-n-B artist of his generation, and further believe he has extraordinary talent. I would love to see what would happen if people who criticize him had paparazzi follow you around constantly, wait for you to do something regretful and blast it all over the world within a 2 hour news cycle. None of you would survive that scrutiny, but yet the tendency for people to judge others to build themselves up is alive and well in America, where many people can’t go beyond mere headlines to critically think about how they might respond to such constant scrutiny. Get a life! Just because you don’t agree with something someone does doesn’t make them a completely bad person. Think critically: think about your biggest mistakes and think about those mistakes magnified all over the world……how would you cope with it?
He put himself in the public eye. That’s what he wanted right? To be famous?
Celebrities who complain about attention are the worst.
@JoeyO’H: Yeah, that will show him.
Chris Brown seems to have forgotten that when you become a celebrity, every word that spews out of yr mouth in public is going to get reported. Seems like he wants the perks but not the responsibility of at least pretending to be a decent person.
Stooopid move to pïss on yr fans, CB. You have yourself to blame when your next disc drops & makes no noise.
@Robert: Look, let’s not be disingenuous here and pretend Chris Brown is a victim of celebrity culture and we hate him because we enjoy it despite having no legitimate reason to do so. He doesn’t “make all the same mistakes we do.” If the paparazzi followed me 24/7, they might catch me doing less than saintly things but they sure as hell would never catch me BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF A WOMAN and then a few days later acting like domestic abuse is no big deal.
Pat Duffy
Let’s face it, we live in a world where a woman who verbally and emotionally abuses her husband while pimping out her daughters are “Stars”. So why should we be surprised this talentless “thuglette” is as well?
It’s enough to turn you Luddite…
@Robert: said….
“The difference between todays world and the world of celebrities of the past is that the public didn’t have an insatiable appetite for covering the lives of celebrities and no system existed that instantaneously blasted every quirk and nuance of a celebrity in the 24 hour news cycle that has become less about news and more about feeding people’s appetite for scandal. The public devours such non-stories because it makes them feel better about their own lives”
So it’s a non-story that he beats women to a pulp, is a bigot, and thinks he is the victim?
Give me a break, the only difference is that finally the publicists can’t lie and cover for the their clients as easily if they are terrible people. The rest of us go to work and don’t get to throw tantrums, bust up rooms, and still have multitudes of people running around defending us. If Brown doesn’t like the attention then I have an easy suggestion for him. Move to some small town and get a normal job. Then Guess what…nobody will care what he says and he can beat all the women he wants and be as big a bigot he wants and the only thing he’ll have to worry about are the police or his neighbors.
I think I am more shocked at some of the comments here than at what CB said.
I have absolutely no respect for CB……There is no way I will ever support him in any way.
WOW……Hate is hate.
Any idiot can say hurtful things including the gay community.
Sorry, C-Breezy, we have every right to criticize you. Why let it get to you? Feeling guilty? Get your skinny butt off Twitter.
And besides “gay” and “niggas,” it’s “y’all,” not “ya’ll.”
You are a pathetic loser, and I have no problem criticizing you and feeling great about it.
By coming to this site, I found out that a lot of gay men are mean, insecure, racist etc. I wish the media will do a story on that shtt.
@123: “By coming to this site, I found out that a lot of gay men are mean, insecure, racist etc. I wish the media will do a story on that shtt.”
By coming to this site, I found out that a lot of black men are mean, insecure, racist homophobic, misogynist, etc. I wish the media will do a story on that shtt.
They’re doing that right now by bashing the black community and highlighting black male celebrities to push GLAAD agenda.
Dr. Dick
@Adman: I think there are a lot more examples of black male culture being homophobic than examples of sanctimonious, xenophobic queens with quick tempers and very little empathy for other culture’s views becoause they have none of their own.
An eww, Chris Brown is a joke to black men, so PUH-LEASE don’t make him look like a reprasentative sample of our thoughts/views.
Dr. Dick
^ Uggh, too upset to spell correctly
@Dr. Dick: “I think there are a lot more examples of black male culture being homophobic than examples of sanctimonious, xenophobic queens with quick tempers and very little empathy for other culture’s views becoause they have none of their own.”
Damn, this quote is too contradictory to read. Did you mean to backhandedly slight “black male culture”(whatever the f*ck that means) while putting down and attributing xenophobia AND effeminacy to “other” men in the same sentence? If you did, this is the perfect indictment of the “thought” defending Black culture on Queerty. Maybe you should’ve just gone straight to scripture? Just my $.02.
“An eww, Chris Brown is a joke to black men, so PUH-LEASE don’t make him look like a reprasentative sample of our thoughts/views.”
But you’re the one that did that, it seems. I was clowning a clown, who gets paid to be a clown, calls people out to clown him and then folds like the bitch made clown he’s supposed to be in the first place. What your excuse, idiot?
Christopher Maurice Brown is an amazing singer, dancer, actor, and so much more! No matter what has happened in the past, Chris still has his ride or die fans.