People are still reeling from Donald Trump’s racist press conference yesterday during which he defended white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members who participated in the deadly march in Charlottesville, North Carolina last weekend.
Related: Protesters topple Confederate statue in North Carolina
Now, Clay Aiken has issued an apology for ever defending Trump in the past, calling #45 “actually racist” and calling himself “a f-ing dumbass” for supporting him, along with the hashtag #ImSorry.
Aiken tweeted yesterday evening:
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
He followed that up with another tweet ten minutes later that read:
Aiken was finalist on Season 5 of The Celebrity Apprentice. He had previously considered Trump somewhat of a mentor, often calling him for advice during his 2014 campaign in the North Carolina congressional election, though he maintains that he did not vote for him in the 2016 presidential election:
Related: Days after deadly car attack, Trump tweets — then deletes — train plowing into CNN reporter
It happened in Virginia…
A weird thing about this young country, we have abscesses that come to a head, go lahar, and then heal. When we mend, it is quicker than most and progress is made. If I were a Republican, I would leave the party. They’re complicit. They silently undermine minorities, gays, and women. President Lahar just happened to be straddling the political abscess when it blew. The GOP is dark spirited. How are those Goldman Sach-sters doing in our National Hen House? Have the Unions been rendered toothless yet? Why would any human want to be associated with such detritus, the embarrassing and dangerous GOP? What a colossal waste of our time on this orb. The only light that I can appreciate is how the United States legally rids the country of aberrant tyrants. No need for lesser forms of removal. A treasure that Putin has yet to allow.
“If I were a Republican, I would leave the party. They’re complicit.”
When will Democrats (and the media) come out forcefully against those on the left who are violent and extremists and call them out by name?
Antifa can have people use bike locks to hit people over the head, a Bernie Sanders supporter can shoot a congressman, and BLM can kill police and chant for the death of cops. Yet I don’t remember anyone on the left denouncing Antifa or BLM by name or saying they are ashamed of their party for downplaying the actions of these groups. I remember when radicals from BLM killed or ambushed police, those on the left and the media said that those killers are just some bad apples from the group.
There is even undercover footage where top members of the DNC admit to purposely sending violent protesters to Trump rallies in hopes of a fight breaking out so they can spin it as Trump rallies being violent events. I don’t remember anyone from the Democratic party denouncing any of that and distancing themselves from those actions.
I could even cite the violent protests on college campuses over free speech when students would burn down their schools, break windows, and destroy local businesses because they didn’t agree with the opinions of the people at their campus. BLM did the same when they were angry at police. Yet there wasn’t this amount of virtue signaling from the media or politicians when it happened. I don’t remember anyone stating that BLM, Antifa, or these radicalized college students as having no place in society and not being welcomed.
There are radicals on both sides. Anytime someone uses violence to get their political ideology across, it’s wrong. The only thing that changed this past weekend was that someone died. It was bound to happen and Antifa just happened to be lucky that they didn’t kill anyone yet. Now the media and spineless politicians are acting as if we should suddenly be outraged and paint it as if it’s one sided.
The events of this past weekend were the result of violence and hate growing from the left. Political violence is becoming a pendulum where the results of one side are now forcing the other side to get just as worse. Until the double standards stop, this won’t end
Mr. Cut ‘n’ Paste is trolling the net again. Bye, Hoff. I’m not locking talons with a troll.
Miss mhoffman is back with the false equivalencies, red herrings and tu quoque nonsense I see.
@1EqualityUSA & @Juanjo
So essentially both of you have no counter argument to anything I said and cannot prove where anything I said was wrong. Instead, you’ll leave a passive aggressive comment talking about not wanting to respond or how what I wrote is false without explaining where or how
Too little, too late. Sorry, apology NOT accepted.
Smith David
If the republican party ever had any hope to reach black people, I think I can boldly say all is lost now.
Furthermore,@mhoffman953…when has a BLM group marched with guns and signs raging against a race of people telling them to “get out of our country”. When has this group marched with extreme prejudice against any race chanting racial epithets?
Lastly, why can’t this group which you are clearly supporting(who hates gays btw) ever just go straight to the ghetto’s day or night with this isssh…why make a public spectacle? come to the ghetto’s let’s fight in the cut. No police no cameras…just come to the ghettos we can handle these issues face to face…LMAO…punks always want to fight with a crowd.
“when has a BLM group marched with guns and signs raging against a race of people telling them to “get out of our country”. When has this group marched with extreme prejudice against any race chanting racial epithets?”
They have done it in the past two years in public and through expressions online. There have been BLM supporters who have cheered and applauded the idea of the white race fading out and being replaced by people of color. Imagine if whites did the same about blacks – there would be outrage, but when people say that the phasing out of white people is a good thing, they are revered for some reason.
BLM and Antifa members have ambushed police and shot into police cruisers, killing dozens of law enforcement members. They have hit people over the head with bike locks, nearly killing them. They have marched and destroyed local businesses within their own communities, all of which had nothing to do with the supposed issue they are protesting (i.e. the burning of a black owned CVS in Baltimore, shutting down local businesses in Ferguson, destroying windows and storefronts of a Starbucks and a Bank of America in Berkley).
Just look at Twitter, you’ll find sympathizers within the BLM movement and extreme left wing movements who will post things like “kill all white people” or advocate for segregation on college campuses to ban whites from parts of the campus. They’ll advocate for white students only to take courses on diversity. You even have Symone Sanders of the Democratic party advocate for the removal of whites and stress that the Democratic party doesn’t need whites anymore. If you fail to see how any of that is racism then you are either blind or willfully ignorant.
“why can’t this group which you are clearly supporting(who hates gays btw) ever just go straight to the ghetto’s day or night with this isssh…why make a public spectacle? come to the ghetto’s let’s fight in the cut. No police no cameras…just come to the ghettos we can handle these issues face to face…LMAO…punks always want to fight with a crowd.”
No where in my statement did I say I support political violence from either side even though you claim that I did. I even wrote several times how violence motivated by a political ideology on either side is wrong. You should check your reading comprehension if you feel I didn’t state that. However, you seem to relish in the idea of violence from political sides as you encourage those fringe groups on the far right to enter “ghettos” to stir violence in hopes that someone you disagree with gets maimed or killed. People like you are the problem.
I stated that all political violence is wrong but apparently you, and many others lately, seem to think it’s only wrong if it’s motivated by a far right ideology and as long as the violence or vitriol is based in an extreme left ideology then it’s fine and dandy.
“Donald Trump’s racist press conference yesterday during which he defended white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members” ? ? ?
That’s funny, since it was neither racist nor did he defend the above-mentioned.
But, I suppose embittered libs who still can’t handle Trump’s election are entitled to fantasize when facts don’t back up their agenda.
Smith David
Oh girl bye!
Paul Ryan’s tweet yesterday confirmed trump’s position on this vile mess. Trump continues to use ambiguous language concerning this shit.
Putin’s Puppet did, MoBrody, he did. I know you can’t grasp why most of the people on here aren’t swayed by the Breitbart lingo (libs, snowflakes, etc.) and the fantasies you’ve bought into, but you’ll figure it out one of these days. Or maybe not.
the queerty fascist alt left twats cancelled several screen names bc they could not tolerate free speech and any opposition to their fascist extreme left political positions. nazi’s censored people 70 years ago. cancel me, i’ll be back. meanwhile think for a moment what it’s like to shut people up. are you having book burning anytime soon? shutting people up because of their political positions is McCarthyism and (maybe) you know how that ended up. liberals are the new nazi’s. interesting. you boys want a boycott campaign? as you already know, you’re just about finished anyway. censorship never works out.
o.codone –
What they don’t realize, however, is that their opponents are learning that words mean nothing in this discussion, but actions do . . . and their side is afraid of guns.
Awwww, did the racist, anti-lgbt troll (Formerly Mo Bro, now multiple screenames since he got banned) get his feelings hurt?
What a shock, you come on here pretending to be a “GOP Gay” but all you’ve ever done is support any anti-lgbt bigot who attacks lgbts. No surprise that you’re also furiously defending attempts to shield the Klan and Neo Nazis.
I’m starting to think less and less that you’re a Trump Troll and more and more that you’re just another Russian Bot from some server farm in Moldova.
That’s alright Clay. It’s a woman’s perogative to change her mind.
Clay Aiken tried to push away from anything lgbt when he ran for office. No surprise he was trying to make nicey nicey with Donald.
He didn’t have the backbone to actually represent people. Then again looking at today’s Congress maybe he would have been perfect for the job.
Keebler ILF
I always wondered if Apprentice contestants were contractually forbidden from publicly saying anything negative about Trump. Most of the time I hear an ex contestant say anything, it’s always positive. They can’t all love Trump.
Maybe Clay is now willing to risk being sued for violation of a contract.
As much as I dislike the “intersectionalism” brand that bars gay and lesbian cops from pride parades, these gay Nazi-sympathizing Trump supporters are sickening.
As the”Greatest Generation” learned, the only “good” Nazi is a dead one.
@mhoffman953, So your entire argument is “well they did it too!”
For the sake of your entire Fallacious argument I will entertain you for a moment. Yes there were members/factions of the BLM Movement who were indeed violent and who actually advocated and committed violent acts. What was the BLM Movement started in response to? Did it have something to do with perceived injustices to how black males were being treated (racially discriminated against) and murdered by police?? Was this a correct perception? Who knows–it was THEIR perception.
Now, let’s get back to these Neo Nazi’s and White Supremacists. What is the reason they were formed? Let’s see here???? Was it ethnic cleansing (Nazi’s)? Was it because a group of white (primarily males) believed that the United States was making them the “minority” and being subjugated by the “brown” man? Uh, yea!
Your argument about “no one caring” when BLM threatened to kill police officers is total hogwash. Factually incorrect. Many, many news stories covering events, rallies, marches etc (how else would you know about it)?
The bottom line Hoffman is that these people are violent for mere violence sake. They have a deep-rooted hate for anyone whose skin is not the same color as their own (or who is gay, or Jewish…).
World War II Veterans who freed some of the victims of Auschwicz and other death camps are greatly disrespected by that swasticka, Nazi’s and all the evil it stands for and to have the President of the United States behave the way he has is despicable!