Davey Wavey records himself discussing things like the beauty of life and how hot the Craigslist Killer is while shirtless, his pecs on full display. Which makes it all the harder to follow along as he leaps into some banter on sexual fetishes, all of which leads him to discussing monogamy — which, as far as we can tell, is not for him. So, like, sign up in the comments below.
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Davey Wavey Daily: Making It Clear Monogamy Isn’t For Him
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In the Fine Arts Library
Yeah it’s not for him. If you read his blog it says that he can “only love one person but he can have sex with many.”
@Matt: well apparently masturbation = “sex with many” to this himbo. and he went to “university?” seriously!?
Yawn! Can we please get over this Davey Wavey obsession.
John Santos
I’ve met lots of guys like Davey. They’re 45-50 and very much alone. They have lousy jobs, live in lousy homes and have very few friends and no lover to speak of. They spent most of their lives playing, rather than living. And now they have nothing but loneliness.
I’m fairly certain I can get as much trim as I want. But I consider myself lucky that I found the man I have now. We both have good jobs–which sometimes take us away from each other, but we make good money and know that we will always come home to each other. We just paid off our house and we’re talking about getting a new car–I wanted a car, he wanted a SUV, so we plan to settle on a “crossover.” Our sex is still hot because honestly, we have the same sex drive and even though we might go a few days with out any, when we do get down to business, it’s amazing.
I’ve been told that I’ve missed out on life. Maybe. But in the end sex is just body parts that my man already has. Others just look different. Big deal. We tried a threesome once, or twice, but we ended up doing more with each other, than with the other guys–which apparently is very rude.
Maybe I’m a prude, or a bore, or just an asshole. I don’t know. But I do know that I get to have all the sex I want without having to use condoms and without fear of disease. I consider myself very lucky.
When a single male watches porn, is he having sex with the participants in the video he is viewing simply because he is getting aroused and thinking of having sex with them? What kind of empty rationale is thatfor non-monogamy? Am I missing something?
As vapid as the day is long.
yawn. this it what circuit boys sound like/look like when they are coming down from their drugs…
Why do we get updates on Queerty whenever this random youtube person posts a new video?
John Santos is my hero. The guy in the video is such a douche. I feel sorry for him. This exactly shows why the gays in their 20s/30s (myself included) distance themselves.
Piss off!
Who cares what Davey Wavey believes?
Like his viewpoints are important?
Good for him. And in other news…
I mean really… 🙂
Yeah, I’m not one of the habitual complainers who just don’t like anything on this site, but I’ve gotta agree with the majority here. Why are you so fascinated with this guy? He’s not even that hot.
You’re only lonely if you buy into the advert and tremendous social pressure that you’re meant to be with someone else in a, say, monogamous relationship…or intimate relationship, period. (Nothing wrong with monogamy; I prefer it when in a relationship.) But, for people in their forties and fifties who are alone, it can be a blessing. Some people are going to be alone for their entire lives, and that can be a great thing. But whether it’s good or bad has nothing to do with them being alone, but if they’re satisfied being alone.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch this latest update.
The Gay Numbers
There are a lot of gay men who are lonely. No amount of rationalization changes that. I meet them al the time. The reality is when you live in a society that creates no long term institutions for you to build relationships and gays look down upon relationships then yes, that will increase the number of lonely people. Does that mean all? No. It means more than probably would exist under circumstances that cultivated gay relationships as important. There are so many pressures not to be in a relationship from straights and gays that I am alway surprised when I do find gay people with healthy relationships.
the link to the craigslist killer naked pics don’t work. anybody got a working link?
and i totally disagree. monogomy is the way to go.
@John Santos: Anyone who disses you for being monogamous is as self-righteously judgemental as you are being when you suggest he’s going to end up a loser for being non-monogamous.
Maybe your experiences have skewed exclusively towards monogamy = happiness, but I’ve found that there are many unhappily monogamous couples. Just as there are many unhappily single/non-monogamous folks.
I really just don’t think you can find happiness in another person, whether that’s one or many. I think you have to find it in yourself.
((takes off Chris Crocker wig))
I don’t understand why anyone is interested in this guy? I hope his testicles drop soon, I bet he will have a nice grown-up voice when he hits puberty…until then it’s like listening to a 14 year old girl…or that annoying gay guy Ross from Jay Leno who sounds like he’s singing opera every time he opens his mouth.
amen to sam. what a self-serving argument to say that john santos chose monogamy and therefore gained a debt-free home, a nice car, a woven leather belt and guuci slip-ons. i doubt his finances has anything to do with where he does or does not stick his dick. no, john santos, monogamy does make you an asshole. being a self-righteous man whose own beliefs about the superiority of his own lifestyle does. and if you have never met a content, intelligent, happy older man who long ago eschewed monogamy, well, then, you need to broaden your experience of our larger community.
Paul Bunion
it’s like listening to a teenage girl on her cellphone sitting behind you on the bus
sorry. i can’t let it go…
john, you also say: “We tried a threesome once, or twice, but we ended up doing more with each other, than with the other guys–which apparently is very rude.”
the mere fact that you tried this once or twice (really? you can’t remember? maybe a couple dozen times?) shows that you and/or your partner were interested enough in non-monogamy that you put forth some effort in opening up your relationship to other experiences. kinda muddies your purity=happiness routine. and inviting someone else into your bed only to essentially ignore him isn’t, in your sarcastic parlance, “apparently rude”. it IS rude.
But in the end sex is just body parts that my man already has
Funniest sentence I’ve read out of context all week.
Is his name really Davey Wavey? Because that’s cheesey weesey.
John Santos
self-righteously judgemental as you are being when you suggest he’s going to end up a loser for being non-monogamous.
I didn’t say anyone was going to be a loser for refusing to be in a monogamous relationship. If a man spends his time chasing dick, waiting for the next one to be the best one, he will most assuredly end up alone.
Maybe your experiences have skewed exclusively towards monogamy = happiness, but I’ve found that there are many unhappily monogamous couples. Just as there are many unhappily single/non-monogamous folks.
Yes there are, simply because they spend their time looking for the next best thing. We live in a society where nothing is ever good enough; your car isn’t good enough; your friends aren’t good enough; your clothes, hair. body, etc., aren’t good enough. We look at models getting paid by very smart advertisers to convince us that we ain’t shit. And far too many of us believe them. Sad. That’s where unhappiness comes from. That and the feeling that we are not useful to anyone.
I really just don’t think you can find happiness in another person, whether that’s one or many. I think you have to find it in yourself.
And I have. You haven’t really provided any novel ideas to this, Sam. We all know that if we feel that we are worthless, we will waste our lives. We all know that until we love ourselves, we won’t have the capacity to love others. The question remains, does chasing tail for decades make one happy? If it did, we wouldn’t see so many sad, lonely and depressed queers. Making sex the only thing that matters in life, is an empty life.
John Santos
what a self-serving argument to say that john santos chose monogamy and therefore gained a debt-free home, a nice car, a woven leather belt and guuci slip-ons.
That was a self-serving comment, eric. The only correlation that can be made by my monogamy and having a debt free life, is that:
1. I don’t waste my cash drinking in bars and clubs so i can save up my money
2. I don’t waste my time sitting in bars and clubs I have more hours to work
3. Because I’m not up all night looking for my next trick, I’m more productive during the day
4. My time is more productive at work because I have a partner at home who can help me run my life, and I his, therefore we have more time to work, rather than running errands alone
And I don’t wear Gucci. That shits played out. I’m all about Kiton. Their seven fold ties are the bomb!
i doubt his finances has anything to do with where he does or does not stick his dick.
Not where I stick it, but whether or not sticking it somewhere dominates my life.
no, john santos, monogamy does make you an asshole. being a self-righteous man whose own beliefs about the superiority of his own lifestyle does.
Bitter much?
and if you have never met a content, intelligent, happy older man who long ago eschewed monogamy, well, then, you need to broaden your experience of our larger community.
I have met older gay men who are alone and regret being so. If that were not the case, we wouldn’t see older men still looking for someone. Where are all these happy, go lucky loners I’m hearing about? Do you really want to be 70 years old and living alone, Eric? Really? Monogamy is not a disease. Sluttery on the other hand…
John Santos
the mere fact that you tried this once or twice (really? you can’t remember? maybe a couple dozen times?)
One time that went from the start to it’s logical conclusion. A second time, with the same man, who left half way through telling us we were selfish assholes for not, using his words, appreciating THIS–as he waved his big huge penis around.
Neither affair was pleasant, but we were young and stupid and believed him when he said we were missing out on life.
shows that you and/or your partner were interested enough in non-monogamy that you put forth some effort in opening up your relationship to other experiences.
Again, we were 20-somethings with limited dating experience who wrongly believed an older friend who convinced us we were boring and missing out on life because we didn’t slut around.
kinda muddies your purity=happiness routine.
Only shows that far too many queers are susceptible to peer pressure.
and inviting someone else into your bed only to essentially ignore him isn’t,
We didn’t ignore him. We just weren’t that into him.
in your sarcastic parlance, “apparently rude”. it IS rude.
Good. It kept him from bothering us again.
I didn’t hear John Santos say he was superior to anyone else. He said he feels fortunate that his relationship with his partner is fulfilling. So much so, that he doesn’t feel lead to pursue sex outside of it.
Defensive much.
Oh, and what is the relationship between Davey and Queerty? Who’s paying who?
Queerty gues need to get out more if they think Davey is cute. He isn’t anything to look at.
I don’t think I could be monogamous in a relationship with Davey Wavey either…’cuz the ONLY thing he has going on is that admittedly rocking body…of couse, I’d have to duct tape his mouth shut at ALL times when we were not having sex, so as to not have to hear his inane ramblings… which would most likely send me into the arms of another man, almost ANY man who has a “better than room temperature” I.Q. and could hold a decent conversation.
Sorry Davey Wavey, it’s seems as if we’re just not meant to be…
It always amazes me how sanctimonious some of the commenters are on this site.
People, people… just live your own damn life and stop passing judgements on how others live theirs.
Personally, I agree with Davey Wavey on this (and yes, I think he’s hot and yes, sometimes I check out his site. It’s always good for a chuckle). But you know what, if you don’t agree with me or Davey or anyone else’s comments that’s your problem. Just let others live the way they choose. Isn’t that what gays have been fighting for?
Stop worrying so much about what others do and passing your sanctimonious judgements and get on with life, enjoy it, live it, so long as you don’t hurt anyone do what you want.
Peace out dudes.
@John Santos: Even in a relationship you should still use condoms…. basic safe sex 101. you can say you’re both monogamous til you’re blue in the balls but you really NEVER know what the other is up to… Not to mention ‘promoting’ non-condom use publicly… Shame on you for this comment.
@John Santos: Are you real? Goodness it’s a breath of fresh air to see men like you sticking up for these ideals. I’m 20 years old and completely surrounded by open relationship, cheating, and general sluttiness.
After some sober second thoughts about my last comment, I realise that it may appear they were indeed sanctimonious but when it comes to stopping the spread of disease I guess I am indeed sanctimonious.