Looks like Will Smith is passing off more than a career in acting and music to his son Jaden — the 16-year-old celeb offspring has also officially had his first gay rumor. Just like dad!
It started with Smith Jr. Tweeting the following message to Tyler The Creator:
“I Think Im In Love With You, I Don’t Know I’m Still Figuring It Out But In The Meantime, Happy Birthday.”
Which, OK, is pretty innocent stuff. But the internets ran with it, with Media Take Out even reporting, “IT HAPPENED!!! Will Smith’s Son Jaden Smith Comes OUT OF THE CLOSET… He Admitted On Twitter… That He’s GAY!!!”
The chatter got so loud that a rep from the Smith camp addressed the rumor, telling Gossip Cop that “there’s no truth to any of it.”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Alright, Jaden, we’ll let you have this one. But if you are gay by chance, we look forward to hearing about it. In the mean time, go back to dating Vanessa Hudgens’ younger sister Stella and Kylie Jenner.
However, if it’s true they’re as good of beards as any.
Do he and Justin Bieber have the same stylist that tells them in every picture to look sort of like they are squinting, looking in the distance and drawing their brows together?
No, he didn’t
I don’t think this is much for anyone to get excited about since this is just a “Rumor”. When I read this I first thought where is the date on the twitter image above and didn’t Will Smith play in “Six Degrees of Separation” as a gay character.
@Cam: Lame joke
What are you talking about? It is actually a legit observation. They make the same facial expressions in nearly every single picture.
@Cam: Think of a better joke.
Ok, here’s one…….”Millie”.
@Millie: He wasn’t joking.
@Cam: Nah, that’s a popular way that younger teens and adults take pictures. Tumblr and Instagram is littered with young men taking pictures with that stupid squinty eyed look… and the girls with their head tilted to the side and their hair pulled forward. It all looks stupid reeks of trying too hard, but they like it lol
Oh come on, lets be serious (even if it’s difficult to take Jaden seriously).
Both of his parents face insistent gay rumours, he is a member of Scientology and Tyler the creator is a known homophobe (no matter how interested he is in Bruno Mars supposed gay sex life or being friends with Frank Ocean), so no, this is not a coming out. And with all that, even if this kid was gay i doubt a coming out will be planned in a near future
Low Country Boy
I wouldn’t read anything into it. He’s an undereducated, home-schooled Hollywood twit. Have you ever seen him being interviewed?
Bob LaBlah
Jayden might be a smart businessman and already realizes that the “gay” thing brings in the queens who will buy tickets to his horrible, just outright insufferable movies. Remember After Earth? I have heard that not only are him and his troubled little sister Willow are crazy but neither one of them went to a regular school with other kids so it just might be true. They were more or less home schooled. Now what does that tell you about that Scientology shit that both of his parents are involved with. Mother Jada always looking stoned and daddy always looking like the sweet, non-threatening negro that he is has obvious made for an unstable mental environment.
Bob LaBlah
@Cam: Your close. It’s called the non-threatening black male look. They need a few to show not all have the mentality and deploy the antics of the Ferguson protesters.
This isn’t coming out. Now if only his dad would come out as gay, and his mom as lesbian since they’re part of that ex gay cult.
Jaden Smith is 16 years old. He’s a friggen minor. What is wrong with these media blogs?
Whether he is gay or not shouldn’t be discussed on blogs unless HE decides to discuss it which he hasn’t. He’s under-aged.
He’s not a fictional character he’s an actual human teenager and I thought his comments to Tyler were very sweet (even thought Tyler is a dick).
Jesus & Maria just because he has celebrity parents and some fame of his own doesn’t stop him from being a teenager.
As folks who had to go through being a gay teen you’d think we’d remember how difficult it can be and have some compassion (assuming that he actually is gay).
As for being uneducated, I highly doubt THAT. If there is one thing those children are, it’s educated.
Low Country Boy
@Persa: Sorry, but the Smiths have crammed their children down our collective throats for years now. I think it is a horrible double standard for them to fame whore their own children for monetary gain and then have any reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to their personal lives. These are NOT the children of politicians, like Obama’s children, who had no say in their father’s profession. Jaden is a young man who actively seeks out the spotlight and puts things out there on social media. I also think you misread what I wrote. I stated that he is undereducated and THAT is readily apparent from the nonsensical interviews he gives.
@Persa: Coming out does not equate sex involving minor. No difference from a heterosexual child actor or singer talking about girlfriends.
@Bob LaBlah: Getting an a**hole a choice
I ment being an a**hole is a choice
Bob LaBlah
@darian: It’s ok, even though I could care less about your being/or your asshole itself. I think that is what you meant. And by the way, you misspelled meant too. I am sure you meant something about YOUR asshole but again, that’s ok. If it itches, it itches.
Maybe in the future you will stick to the article and leave useless, ignorant, unasked for criticism of other peoples comments alone.
Black Pegasus
We are discussing a 16yr old teen aren’t we? (which is sad BTW but) That photo is 3yrs old and taken from the film After Earth. He was 13yrs old during the filming of “After Earth”. Tons of more recent photos available online Queerty!
– my OCD required me to point that out. Thx
I figured his sister would come out soon…she’s more boy than …the boy…little boy…
@Low Country Boy:
Thats unfair. He may be a dick – but his parents choices shouldn’t deny him the right some privacy. 16 is a hard age and many/most are going to have lots of thoughts and confusion around sexuality – any person should have a right to work out their feelings without the world media analyzing every thought and action you may have.
@Cam: I call it the worried baby face.
@Persa: When you have starred in multiple wide-release movies, you are no longer able to hide under the “can’t help being famous” umbrella.
Ad to be honest, I don’t think this kid has ever had confusion or conflict over anything in his life. He belongs to a cult that tells people that children are essentially tiny adults with maturity and wisdom, so he’s never had any choices or thoughts challenged.
Who or what is Tyler the Creator?
Low Country Boy
@LondonBoho: I understand your point; however, the little douche needs not put out every ill-conceived thought he has on social media. And, I am not sure his parents’ choices can be blamed. His sister was supposed to star in the most recent Annie reboot and she flatly told her father “no.” If I am not mistaken, isn’t this the same kid who flew alone to London for Justin Bieber’s 19th birthday and was refused service at a bar because he was only 13 or so? If he wants to play at being an adult, then he is deserving of the same scrutiny as an adult.
Please no. We don’t want him. Let the breeders who brought forth this abomination keep him!
Is everyone in the Smith houssehold, I mean secluded compound, gay?
BJ McFrisky
So, teens are the latest target for the “Who’s Gay?” game?
And you wonder why we have a reputation for being pedophiles.
If your goal is to make us look creepier than ever, then, success!
@jwtraveler: Tyler the creator is a famous rapper, at least he is famous on internet and very hyped (i don’t remember any of his record on the charts but i don’t follow rappers that much so maybe i’m wrong).
He is a member of the Odd future collective whose more famous member is Frank Ocean. Both are friends and Tyler even supported Frank when he publish the letter telling he was in love with a man, which is surprising because Tyler (who is very young) is known for using homophobic slurs all the time.
Apart of that he seems to have some obsession with Bruno Mars, because he rapped about the supposed gay sex life of Bruno in a least a couple of songs (which is all kinds of weird)
@BJ McFrisky: said…
And here you have an insight into BJ’s mind. “Anything bad everybody says about gays is ok, because it has a basis.”
And he thinks gays are creepy.
Well BJ, no wonder you defend all those right wing bigots.
Bob LaBlah
@jjose712: “Apart of that he seems to have some obsession with Bruno Mars, because he rapped about the supposed gay sex life of Bruno in a least a couple of songs (which is all kinds of weird)”
Luckily Bruno Mars got even by simply ignoring him. That bareback, raw breeding thug-looking cutie probably got mad because Bruno only likes white boys and started dissing him to other “thugs” who can see thru his screen. A screen that Saints, mojado’s and others (unpronounceable names included) probably never will figure out nor be able to see.
How cute, father and son gays!
@Bob LaBlah: As to your comment about the non-threatening Black male look, etc: Why do people constantly have to bring race into something that was never about that? And Ferguson? What’s gay about that, either? This is a gay site about gay topics, not a place to flex your muscles of dissatisfaction with Black people and their looks. That’s what suburban country clubs are for! Off with you. The trolls are out tonight I see.
@Bob LaBlah: Thanks for proving what I always knew about you. You’re a r@cist.@jonasalden: He trolls stories written about Blacks,” always” adding a r@cial element to it.@Cam: And you, the supposedly fair, decent anti- discrimination gay liberal allowing @Bob LaBlah: to attach that generalized r@cist post to your post, and you don’t say a word or call him on it.Yet you are so quick to question or call out Black posters ( the Michael Sam) story and others, who you think are being big@ted. Your true colors show also….
@Bob LaBlah:
“Non-threatening Negro” ?????
You know what…..okay…NOT TODAY SATAN!!!!!
@jjose712: Thanks for the info. I care even less now than I did before, but Bruno Mars is very cute.
jason smeds
It’s amazing how some in the gay community want to put the label “gay” on the forehead of any male who expresses any interest in a man. Talk about recruitment….
@jason smeds:
And here is the troll Jason/BJ parroting the right wing line.
As for recruitment, hmmmm, you mean the way that straight films show princesses and princes chasing each other around? My My My, if THAT’s your definition of “Recruitment”.
We get it, you are at heart an anti-gay bigot.
Ho hum… (yawn)
Who cares… (big yawn)
@BJ McFrisky: Um, many teens are coming out. Go away fucktard. Nobody cares what you or Jason says anymore. This isn’t about going after young kids. Some people are so fucking stupid.
Jason Smeds AKA BJ McFrisky… two morons who constantly harp on about how bad gay people are. Seriously fuck off.
@jjose712: Its not a coming out – but why attack the kid? Your behavior does not cover your entire community with respect, let me assure you.
@BJ McFrisky: How much self-hatred can you manage – mixed with ignorance? Pedophilia specifically refers to sex with pre-pubescent children. Further 16 is legal in most states and the majority of the world… so… can we move past your defensive screeds please?
@Mark: Speak for yourself, I care about people – straight, gay, whatever – and I, though I am gay, find the word “breeder” offensive as a stand in for straight or heterosexual. There is nothing wrong with being straight – I’m sorry that you were abused by straight people, I admit I was lucky when I was young and was always popular – but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be nasty to others — furthermore, Jayden is a good, decent and very smart young man. He says a lot of things that I can respect and he is trying his best to do well by people.
@jason smeds: Let’s talk about recruitment Jason — recruitment implies that you are adding people to a population or group – difference: The military recruiter managed to convince Fred to join the marines;” as compared to “Do you think that Fred is a marine?” The first is an example of recruitment in action. The second is an example of conversation. I know that’s hard for you – but there you go.
As for me, I think Jayden is a handsome, kind, intelligent young man who is finding his way in the world. I respect him, and wish him all the success in the world, no matter who he wants to date or what religion he wants to follow. I saw After Earth and Jayden didn’t damage the film, the director destroyed it – horrific lighting, bad camera shots, “avante garde” crap all over a science fiction film and Will Smith injecting a portion of Scientology in it (which if it didn’t oppose mental health care I would have no problem with). Within what he was given Jayden did a good job. Leave the kid alone and let him grow up – he is going to be an awesome adult unless he allows drugs to overtake him.
Good thoughts,