ON OUR GAYDAR — News, notes, clicks, and quips from around the web.
• Just how much coverage did print newspapers give the National Equality March? (More here.)
• You’ve gotta give Cleve Jones this: The man (and his helpers) pulled off the National Equality March on a budget and without corporate sponsors.
• A story of the students who marched for equality.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
• That “faggot” gay blogger is trying to promote some new musical acts by taking them on tour. Nobody is going, and the talent is storming off stage. Bomb!
• All that fear that Maine’s same-sex marriage laws will effect what’s being taught in schools? It’s hooey.
• How is Carrie Prejean squeaking out a living? By showing up to defend marriage in New Jersey.
• Bruce Villanch, a comedian you don’t care about, has an assistant Seth Apper who moonlights as an escort, which you might care about. Apper, aka “Scott Adler,” was arrested for allegedly dealing coke, and this is big news.
• If you can’t have a pride parade in Moscow, you think they’ll let you have a gay dance club?
• Howard Bragman is the gay publicist that gay actors turn to when they’re tired of keeping it a secret that they’re gay: “The publicist hasn’t brought out an A-list, gay male actor — yet. But Bragman says that day is coming, and after the first superstar decides to reveal himself, a fundamental shift in American acceptance of gay leading men may not be far behind. He’s currently working with a famous musician who’s still closeted from the public, but who will come out next year. And the manager of one major movie star approached Bragman a year ago and asked about his client’s possibly going public, but the actor still refuses to pull the trigger.”
• It was supposed to be a spin-off of Desperate Housewives, but Marc Cherry’s new show for ABC will be a standalone program.
• Thanks to America’s superfun adoption system, it’s becoming easier (and cheaper) for gay couples to go abroad to find kids.
• Ang Lee has no idea why Taking Woodstock tanked.
• Maine’s Yes On 1 ads are horrifying even to the state’s attorney general.
• ProtectMarriage.com must turn over internal emails and memos related to their support of Prop 8, ruled Judge Vaughn Walker, who’s overseeing Ted Olson and David Boies’ case.
Will someone please drop a fucking house on that C U Next Tuesday Carrie Prejizz already????