This week two gay Olympic divers made an OnlyFans collab before leaving Paris, Joaquin Phoenix dropped out of an NC-17 gay romance movie, and Tom Daley retired from diving. Here’s what happened on Instagram:
Maluma extended his vacation.
Chris Salvatore thought hard.
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Steven Kelly wore white.
Amit Bialystok walked the dog.
Evan Lamicella jumped in.
Kevin Miller had a banana.
Miles McMillan took the day off.
Rajiv Surendra checked himself out.
Dylan Efron arched his back.
Henry Jimenez Kerbox stayed in Mallorca.
John Arthur Hill performed in P-town.
Elliott Norris jumped in the shower.
Sebastian Gonzalez Molina got some sun.
Wesley Tucker woke up early.
Mo Saffari hit the gym.
Heath Thorpe stood in the shower.
David made some friends.
Ellis Iyayi broke a sweat.
Nick Topel showed off for the street.
And Sam Phillips stretched out.
Elliott Norris should be really proud of his personal development. He clearly made the personal decision to shed some weight and get in better shape, and I applaud him for his success thus far. I’m a big guy and any attempt I’ve made has failed, so he should be really proud of his successful journey.
So so but where’s John Boyega?
He ate the internet this week
with his Pirelli calendar photos.
Owen Blacker
Surely we can do better than a soldier of an army currently engaged in genocide?
I’ve always found Elliot sexy and adorable. Love the way he’s always seemed so comfortable in his body no matter what the weight. He just seems like a genuine nice guy. Hope so.