Aaron Schock had a no-good, terrible, very bad week last week. Of course, for Schock, any week where he is in the news is generally unwelcome because it raises all those pesky questions about, well, you know.
The whole week was a reminder why it would be great if Schock came out (assuming he’s gay, and you can calculate the odds of that assumption). The week was also a reminder of why it would be awful if Schock actually came out. Here are ten reasons why we would love to see Schock came out — and why we would hate it if he did.
In favor of Schock coming out:
His Downton Abbey-inspired office. OK, it may be a bit over the top, but by Congressional standards it’s pretty fabulous. Plus, we could use someone who was willing to bring Downton Abbey into current political discourse.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Quoting Taylor Swift as a media response. Of all the possible ripostes to come up with when his office became newsworthy, Schock went for the gayest one possible: quoting Taylor Swift. Imagine the explanations a theortetically out Schock could use as he cycles through boyfriends. He might as well just hire Taylor as his new press secretary.
The Instagram account. Yes, the one with Schock surfing, weight lifting doing the ALS ice bucket challenge, and performing a combat swimming exercise with West Point cadets. Schock shut it down after the outing controversy a year ago (when he was following Tom Daley, or at least his account was), but it is back with a shirtless vengeance. It’s a little like Grindr, with training wheels. There’s also a photo of Schock with Apple CEO Tim Cook, who could provide a few tips about coming out.
His personal photographer. How’s this for fantasy fulfillment: hiring your own photographer — a former wedding photographer, at that — to follow you around and snap you being wonderful. Jonathon (yes, Jonathon) Link now gets paid to follow Schock around and take pictures of the Congressman walking hand-in-hand with himself down the political aisle.
An out gay Republican. Schock is considered one of the bright lights in the dim universe of the GOP. Having him come out would be an important step forward for the party, which really needs to get used to LGBT issues for its own sake and everyone else’s. The last out gay Republican in Congress was Jim Kolbe, who left office eight years ago. It’s about time there would be another.
On the other hand:
He hires racist jerks. Schock’s aide Benjamin Cole panicked when a Washington Post reporter snapped shots of the office. That put Cole in the spotlight, which was a bad career move. It turns out Cole liked to post racist comments on Facebook, suggesting that African-Americans in his neighborhood had escaped from the National Zoo. Cole was also featured in a film about the efforts of Southern Baptists to convert Jews, telling the camera that homosexuality is “an abomination.” Except when it’s signing your paycheck, which it won’t be any longer, now that Cole has resigned.
Not exactly Mr. Ethics. Schock has a slew of ethical problems on his hands now. One is whether he inappropriately got his office designed for free. Another involves the sale of his home to a donor at a huge profit. Then there’s his tendency to charter private planes at taxpayer expense. Remember Mark Foley? The Florida Republican had to leave Congress after his history of hitting on male pages came to light. Schock’s scandal may not be sexual, but do we really want to claim someone with a touch of sleaze about him?
The Chevy Tahoe. If you’re going to spend $74,000 on a car, would you spend it on a Chevy Tahoe? Schock did. No disrespect to the hard workers at GM, but it’s not exactly an A-gay vehicle.
The Instagram account. It’s not just shirtless pics. It’s also photos of Schock with George W. Bush (“a great man”) and Donald Trump. If you’re known by the company you keep, Schock can keep to himself.
An out gay Republican. Schock could move the GOP forward on LGBT issues. He could also provide the party much needed cover for antigay stands. He has a perfect voting record on gay issues in Congress — perfectly antigay, that is. It may be expecting too much for Schock to start standing up for his people after so many years of making sure they were kept in their place.
Photo credit: Aaron Schock’s Instagram account
BJ McFrisky
Could this guy BE any more awesome?
Congratulations to Queerty for their ongoing efforts to raise the country’s awareness of one of our most ambitious politicians.
“Schock’s scandal may not be sexual, but do we really want to claim someone with a touch of sleaze about him?”
Well, good luck claiming ANY politicians, then.
When this hubristic queen falls, and he will eventually, he’s gonna fall HARD. It’s gonna be spectacular.
Isn’t this kind of embarrassing? And the only reason why some are hoping and praying this guy is gay, and will come out, is because to many, he’s perceived as hot. I’ll believe otherwise when Queerty starts hounding, and putting the same pressure on Richard Simmons to come out and join our team…
I really don’t want him to come out… I want to see him outed in the most embarrassing way possible. The Larry Craig method is not even nasty enough for this traitor. I want to see him secretly filmed in a swing at a bareback orgy, or offering BJs to truckers (no offense to truckers). I want him humiliated, and then cast out into the wilderness never to be invited back.
He is not a 75-year-old man who had no choice and deserving of our sympathy. He came of age at a time when being gay was much easier, so his choice to stay closeted was his own. So was his choice to double-down, go Republican, and then proceed to vote against EVERY piece of LGBT legislation put in front of him. He’s disgusting, he’s evil, and he should be destroyed.
@Ladbrook: Amen, Ladbrook!
yep- the hot personal photographer is clearly is boyfriend…..if he does come out- he better not get praise/love and a pride parade in his honor from gay community- all the damage he’s done- anti gay voes in House- he will owe us 25 years of reparations!
@BJ McFrisky: For whom? Some interior decorator?
You’re both players of “I’M NOT ONE OF THOSE HOMOSEXUALS!”
If he’s so straight and so FAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS, then why aren’t there any women who have dated him or been in a relationship with him???
BJ McFrisky
@NoCagada: No dating for Aaron — he knows a woman would be jealous of his wardrobe.
Who cares if he comes out, but he should stop supporting homophobic laws and policies.
If coming out makes him change his tune, however, as it did with Steve Gunderson, Jim Kolbe, and other closeted GOP types, then so be it!
Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop this crazy quasi-sexual obsession with Rep. Shock. The constant following of his shirtless pictures, the muscle shots, the breathless innuedos and giddy accusations thats he is gay- PLEASE stop. I shudder to think what Queerty would be like if Tony Perkins had a six pack. He does not respect gay rights, stop treating me like a gay icon or sexual click-bait; any any talk surrounding whether or not he is a anti-gay closeted gay should be limited to facts, verified reports and actual evidence- not silly sterotypes like being a snappy dresser, his interior design tastes, or his toned body.
@BJ McFrisky:
The criteria to get BJ to support and defend you. Be anti-gay and be a republican.
@Kangol: That’s an interesting point. Both Gunderson and Kolbe were re-elected as openly gay from their swing districts: Gunderson once and Kolbe five times. In both districts, after they retired, Democrats won by small margins.
By contrast, Schock is from a solidly Republican district that hasn’t elected a Democrat in a century. If he did come out, in every primary he’d face a viciously anti-gay right-wing nutbag. An expensive scenario. If he did come out, he’d need to raise money from people like BJ McFrisky (ha ha) and there may not be enough of those.
As for outing him involuntarily, I’m guessing he’s with a guy who for now is “discreet” (or “discrete” as it’s always misspelled in personal ads). Tough to out someone like that unless the sex partner talks.
Or maybe his sex partner is a mirror. 🙂
Bad Ass Biker
@Ladbrook: Ladbrook, I agree; if he is outed it should be in the most embarassing way possible. But I don’t think that he will come out on his own because he is an an arrogant, self centered, narcissistic, Republican asshole.
how do we know if the personal photographer is hot? any links? thanks, cybersleuths….
@MisterDemand: 11th reason: Queerty will stop posting articles that speculate about his sexuality with photos exhibiting his physique.
Jon Link IS the new Golan Cipel! (He’s an aging, cookie-smelling twink with tipped emo bangs, according to the number of “images” one can do the google for).
Sometimes queerty spends too much time on those they wish Are gay/come out. How about report those who are out and making a positive difference In our community. Fuck this anti gay asshole. I guess because he is assumed ti be attractive that trumps his abti gay behavior. Smh
Look, there are three ways the Schock thing will go.
1. He comes out, apologizes to the LGBT community and asks for forgiveness saying he was worried about coming out or something like that. Maybe the community forgives him after a bit and he gets some speaking engagements or something.
2. He is outted, and then will try to get the community to rally behind him, and be shocked when it doesn’t, call the community bullies and judgmental for not forgiving him for attacking the community and trying to strip away civil rights.
Chances are, the reason other elected officials aren’t supporting, him, and the GOP has stopped promoting him as the next great thing over the past few years are because they know he is gay, and worse, they know that others know he’s gay.
So 3. he comes out in an agreement with the GOP that he will give them cover for being any-gay, basically an elected version of the last few years of Log Cabin.
I can trace gays working for the GOP to the 60’s. When the same thing happens for more than five decades it ceases to be scandalous. Some gays are conservative, the sooner we accept that, the sooner gays within the GOP can start working internally to create tolerance. Just imagine not being allowed to represent your views and your district in peace like the overwhelming majority of congressmen can because you were born a certain way. That no matter how brilliant or eloquent you are, it all takes a backseat to who you sleep with. Leave Schock alone and in 30 years when America has covered all bases in giving gays equal rights, Schock can come out and tell his side of the story. Outing him just convinces the next ambitious gay teen that he has to hide even harder in the closet if he wants to be somebody and avoid scrutiny.
@MCHG: spoken like a true coward. note how you’re blaming gay liberals for the fact that Republicans are anti-gay, and that gay republicans are complete and utter cowards.
‘tolerance’ is not what liberals tout. tolerance is for wimps who know they can’t get actual love and acceptance and support. tolerance is what gay conservatives aim for because they know it’s the best they can ever hope for. we liberals aim higher, and get more.
it’s not about liberals “accepting that some gays are conservative” – its’ about gay conservatives no longer being broken wimpy boys and for once in their cowardly lives standing up and being counted as the gay men that they are.
do you know why the GOP remains anti-gay? because gay republicans don’t have the spines to command respect.
@MCHG: said… “Some gays are conservative, the sooner we accept that, the sooner gays within the GOP can start working internally to create tolerance”
There is a difference between being “Conservative” and actively attacking the cvil rights of gays. Shouting “Leave Schock Alone” is idiotic when he is actively working to attack the rights of the LGBT community.
And your comment about outting him convincing the next teen to hide more in the closet is completely false. The more people that come out the less likely the teen is to stay in the closet.
Neil Patrick Harris, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Rosie O’Donnell, Steve Gunderson, Barney Frank, etc… were all outted, and having them out hasn’t made people stay in the closet.
Closeted Gay Conservatives like to blame gay liberals for everything, and ignore the fact that they’re closeted because their sh***y anti-gay parents would be disappointed in them.
Richard Simmons isn’t hot?
@BJ McFrisky: Awesome? Hardly. He’s just another lying repugnican, so I really don’t care what gender he’s attracted to, other than what level of hypocrisy that he feels comfortable practicing. Narcissism overrides all in the Beltway. Fortunately for him, he has guys like you thinking through their “little heads” and not what is in their best interests.
@Cam: Well said.
@MinnesotaNotNice: @Bad Ass Biker: YES YES YES
Haters gonna hate hate hate…….
@AtticusBennett: I like your comments very much, and agree with you most of the time. Unfortunately, most of those who don’t are clueless. As my much older gay cousin said to me one evening in a Buffalo gay bar, “Honey, most of the men here spend more time in the closet than a mink in Miami.”
That comment wins campiest comment of the day. lol
@maxdadmark: totally. R. Clarke Cooper – gay republican, likes to talk about he’s “more accepted by republicans than by gay liberals”
but let’s analyze that – define “Accepted”; the people Cooper sides with will take his money and votes, and then work against his equality. they’ll invite him to dinner, and then tell america that gays like him are ruining it. i would never invite Cooper over to my house. but when i cast my votes, it’s in support of gay people like him.
that’s their trick – “i’m accepted because i got to eat at their table” – yeah, while they told all of america that you deserve second-class citizen hood.
@AtticusBennett: said… “R. Clarke Cooper – gay republican, likes to talk about he’s “more accepted by republicans than by gay liberals”
I wonder if he felt more or less accepted by the GOP when attacked Romney for having a gay man on his staff. Cooper called that a “Missed Opportunity”.
No, demanding that Romney fire a guy, and them doing it because he is gay isn’t a missed opportunity, it’s flat out bigotry. Cooper claims to feel accepted by the GOP because he has to. He works for them, Log Cabin used to be a gay group with GOP members that had some integrity, under a former head, they refused to endorse Bush when his campaign became anti-gay. When Cooper took over, he saw his job as providing cover for GOP bigotry, trying to explain it away while attacking actual pro-gay candidates.
Remember, Cooper endorsed the opponent of Rep Patrick Murphy. The Iraq War Vet who introduced the repeal to DADT. Let me say that again, Cooper endorsed the non-gay supportive opponent of the Iraq war vet who INTRODUCED the bill to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and celebrated when he was defeated.
Additionally Cooper defended Chik Fil Et, as well as a host of other anti-gay legislators. So why wouldn’t they accept them, he was attacking as many gays and gay supporters as Maggie Gallagher.
Cooper will attack other gays, in the hopes that one day is lousy father will be slightly less ashamed of him than he’s always been.
jason smeds
Stay as you are, Aaron. Don’t let the gay pontificators mark you with their identity politics. They want to put a giant G on your head so that you will be one of them. It’s like Scientology – the gay hierarchy is like Scientology.
Keep in mind, Aaron, that homosexual feelings have existed since time began but gay identity politics is an invention of the last 50 years. Why should you subscribe to an invention?
Just be yourself, Aaron, and don’t let them mark you.
Desert Boy
I DO NOT WANT Aaron Schock to “come out”. PERIOD. Here’s why:
“I do not support gay marriage, and I believe in the definition of marriage being between one man and one woman.” – Aaron Schock
Any self-respecting gay man or woman who wants him to come out needs their head examined.
BJ McFrisky
@maxdadmark: Aw, that’s cute that you think I’m hot for the gentleman from Illinois, but your childish name-calling destroys any credibility you might have had.
The real reason Schock is awesome? He has you libs spinning around in a tumultuous tizzy because you hate his politics but luh-luh-love looking at him. Now THAT’S accomplishment.
@AtticusBennett: The fact that you accuse everyone you disagree with of having daddy issues speaks volumes more about you than it does your targets.
ps – Tell your dad BJ says hi.
@BJ McFrisky: said…
“The real reason Schock is awesome? He has you libs spinning around in a tumultuous tizzy because you hate his politics but luh-luh-love looking at him. Now THAT’S accomplishment.
Hate his “Politics”. You can always tell the anti-gay right wing bigots and their defenders, because they try to soft peddle bigotry. His “Politics”. Do we disagree with his “Politics”.
OH! By his “Politics” you mean actively working to directly attack the LGBT community, strip away rights, force people to be second class citizens, and fight against the right to marry?
Let’s not forget that THAT is his “Politics”.
But since BJ will ALWAYS defend anybody who is an anti-gay bigot, this must mean that you support his “Politics” as well.
jason smeds
Let’s remember that there are men with same-sex attractions who have very strong moral values. They oppose gay marriage for various reasons, including the reason that it’s re-defines the word “marriage”. They oppose abortion because they consider it to be the taking of a life. They oppose sexual immorality because they see that it brings about disease.
@jason smeds:
Jason, if you are going to pretend not to be a right wing troll, you should probably watch using the “Same Sex Attraction” (SSE) label.
Considering it is the label that all of the Ex-Gay organizations use you are making it quite obvious that you are either a right wing troll or have a SCORCHING case of self-hatred and internalized homophobia.
Thats all well in good EXPECT Schock voted and supports anti-gay causes. No matter what your politics, if u are gay that’s unacceptable
.@jason smeds:
It only ‘redfines’ marriage if u believe gays are somehow perverted or sub-human. Marriage had changed already for centuries. If bigots believed gays were equal it wouldnt bee seen as a redefinition.
@jason smeds: Rather, there are those who oppose such things because it is politically beneficial to them as is the case with AS. Nothing genuine here – it’s a pity at best.
jason smeds
Actually, I think you might be a bit on the phobic side for being offended by my use of “same-sex attraction”. Same-sex attraction is hot, being gay isn’t. Gay is a tired old brand word.
@BJ McFrisky: “Could this guy BE any more awesome?”
Yes, by voting for LGBT rights instead of against them. Don’t you agree?
@jason smeds: as an ex-devout Catholic who was always out about being gay BUT was once “chaste for love of Jesus and in obedience to His Holy Church” I can firmly tell you that the use of “same sex attraction” is definitely a tired old buzz term used by homophobes. Know this with all certainty. Now that I have explained to you why I think “SSA” is tired and wrong and awful, please explain why YOU think “gay” is tired and wrong and awful. Thanks in advance!
i met…well was near him once. he is five eight ie normal short but hes..tiny.just in build.i think thats where his personality comes from…very “bro” and over gregarious and of course lifting n athletic challenges. have no idea bout sexuality..but hes doin that thing that some of us underweight nerds did..but he never grew out of it. i just got tired of protein shake n just watched some tv. have a great evening all.
Man, I wasn’t blaming liberals for anything. I was just pointing out the fact that Aaron Schock is a human being and he is probably not comfortable coming out in his personal life. He certainly can’t come out without putting his career on danger. He also can’t defy the will of his constituents. He’s in a dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t situation. Im just saying, Schock is no Christian crusader. He’s also fairly young. He could still be in congress by the time the boomer generation is dead and he can safely come out without having his constituents turn on him. Just give him time, this guys not dying in the closet. If you continue to push him, however, he could pull a Spacey and stay closeted out of spite. Or he could end up being a Travolta, when coming out would generate an eye roll more than anything else. I guess I’m just not as dogmatic about gay politics when all signs point to the supreme Court making marriage legal in all states. As far as gay teens go, if they logically know that they’ll be working in an industry, say as an actor or politician where coming out will significantly hurt their chances of success, they’re going to think twice before coming out to their loved ones. Just talk to any closeted athlete. And on top of all the homophobia, there’s gay people pressuring you to come out and snickering at your every move. Sorry, it just gets to be too much sometimes. But whatever, I guess I’m a coward for thinking differently. All I know is one day someone is going to be outed, and instead of quoting Taylor Swift, hes going to put a bullet in his head.
@NoCagada: “…why aren’t there any women who have dated him or been in a relationship with him???”
Because 1)Sarah Palin has a husband and Bristol comes with much baggage; and
2) Even “ex-gay” wife-types as least want some semblance of maleness in their husbands to fool the “fantasy” believers!
@jason smeds: Son…marriage was redefined MANY times…like when when some families stopped trading their daughters for two goats and a mule which still happens in many parts of the world. One day you may be fortunate to realize that your mother gave birth to a complete ASS.
@MCHG: “Just give him time”
He doesn’t get time. He is our enemy and this cannot be ignored or given a pass.
@MCHG: “…probably not comfortable coming out in his personal life. He certainly can’t come out without putting his career on danger. He also can’t defy the will of his constituents. He’s in a dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t situation.”
Please, this aging Twink, Lindsay Graham wannabee has created his own house of cards!
Aaron Schock’s self absorption and self importance is a serious boner killer, but I’m sure the glance in the mirror he get back is reassuring.
AHe knows he’s gay- he has no problem with it personally- just professionally- like closeted actors doing the same thing- he’s a douchebag!
Vegas Tearoom
He is one of those tiresome narcissists who, IF he came out, would be one of those miserable self interested Log Cabbinettes who ‘are NOT defined by their sexuality’. This Kaw-ween is defined by her money. The Princess of Peoria will rein on…
Captain Obvious
@MisterDemand: Um, girlfriend… you said “please stop treating me like a gay icon” in your post. Freudian slip?
” MisterDemand
Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop this crazy quasi-sexual obsession with Rep. Shock. The constant following of his shirtless pictures, the muscle shots, the breathless innuedos and giddy accusations thats he is gay- PLEASE stop. I shudder to think what Queerty would be like if Tony Perkins had a six pack. He does not respect gay rights, stop treating me like a gay icon or sexual click-bait; any any talk surrounding whether or not he is a anti-gay closeted gay should be limited to facts, verified reports and actual evidence- not silly sterotypes like being a snappy dresser, his interior design tastes, or his toned body.”
Forget the virtual, self-imposed closet; this English belle, another poor excuse of a civil SERVANT in the Republican, conservative, religious, teabagger party needs to be placed in a signature Downton Abbey trunk!
Two reasons why I don’t want Aaron Schock to come out:
1. It’s his life.
2. I don’t care!
@MCHG: WOW. Thanks for the “It’s best for all you gays to stay in the closet because it’s safer” pep talk. Please go back to 1958.
@jason smeds: How?? How does two men or two women getting married redefine the definition of marriage? It expands the definition of it. Marriage is STILL very much between a man and a woman, and is now also between two men or two women. If some straight couple’s marriage is shaken by gay couples marrying, they either had a superficial marriage or one of them came out and married their gay lover.
“They oppose abortion because they consider it taking a life.” And yet, these same individuals would look at that born baby as a statistic if the mother — who could not take care of the baby and could not get an abortion — is on welfare and needs aid from the state. So let’s not pretend that argument is about life because the GOP doesn’t give a country dump about “life”.
Isn’t it funny how all of their key points consist of taking rights away from others? Rights away from LGBT, rights away from women, rights away from minority.
And Benghazi… when did that stop being a controversy? Right around the time they took control of Congress… don’t need it anymore. Schock is as full of crap as Dick Cheney’s diaper.
@MCHG: Aaron Schock isn’t owed that courtesy. His record is pure venom. I’d rather all closeted gay men are able to come out when they are ready — as I myself was in the closet for a while — but if he’s outed, I won’t lose a wink of sleep over it.
@MCHG: I don’t want to make the world safe FOR gay, conservative Republicans; I want to make the world safe FROM gay, conservative Republicans. I’m not interested in a Republican Party where gay, white men are free to come out and join their tea party colleagues in screwing poor people, women, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, immigrants, transgender people and organized labor while enjoying their rich, white, male, Christian privilege. I want gay men to join with other oppressed people to make a truly equal and democratic society where everyone enjoys the same civil rights and protections.
@Xzamilio: If the only argument in favor of a political position (abortion) is that the corrupt politicians against it are meanie poo-poo-heads (just like the ones in favor of it), then you don’t have much of a position. You should defend or attack the idea based on logic and what you believe, not because someone you despise has a position on it.
And those Republican politicians don’t care about any ordinary people at any point of life. They are pandering to a demographic. They’d be pro-abortion in a heartbeat if it got them elected again.
@jwtraveler: ” I don’t want to make the world safe FOR gay, conservative Republicans; I want to make the world safe FROM gay, conservative Republicans.”
Count me in!
@Xzamilio: “…And Benghazi… when did that stop being a controversy?”
When they found the weapons of MASS destruction and President Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate!
@jason smeds: said…. “Cam,
Actually, I think you might be a bit on the phobic side for being offended by my use of “same-sex attraction”. Same-sex attraction is hot, being gay isn’t. Gay is a tired old brand word.”
No actually “Same Sex Attraction” (SSE) is the tired old label used by Ex-Gay organizations as well as organizations like NOM, FRC, and the Mormon ex-gay group Evergreen.
Sorry, you got busted, your agenda became even more obvious and trying to dance around it doesn’t change the fact that like your other screename, you continually defend anti-gay bigots, and your unintentional revelation of your line of thinking and the use of Ex-Gay working shows why you seem to have a sympathy towards anything anti-gay.
@enlightenone: Yeah, I guess the Death Panels double as Obamabusters. Who knew between those republicans had time to do all that all while denying rights to women and LGBT. I think after the crap in Alabama, Patricia Todd needs to put her money where her mouth is and unearth those skeletons. I’m about tired of these tea-bagging Christian taliban asswipes running around unchallenged. I have no problem getting in the mud with the pigs.
@demented: Abortion isn’t a political decision, just like vaccines aren’t a political decision. They are rights and obligations to medical care that have been usurped by the right wing and made into “political decisions.” I don’t know exactly what you are getting at, but let me be clear: Medical organizations have already weighed in with the facts, and these anti-abortion people have no leg to stand on, except the usual out-of-context quotes and those scary pictures of abortions where the babies are cut into pieces and extracted from the womb (Bullshit FYI).
“You should defend or attack the idea based on logic and what you believe, not because someone you despise has a position on it.”
Wrong. What I believe is irrespective to facts and data. I could very well believe that abortion is wrong, but the science is pretty damn clear that a fetus during the period where abortions are done is not viable and is not a “life”. It does not have personhood and will not live outside of the womb at that time. By the way, my despising them is purely in conjunction with their backwards beliefs, not them personally.
My position is solid. Maybe you should take a literal position that helps you read comments.
@demented: By the way, I know you said “political position.” I changed it “political decision” because let’s be honest: The one thing I agree with you on is that there is no consistency with either side, and taking a “position” is quite the disingenuous sentiment. They pretty much decide when to flip flop on issues based on the way the tide is blowing, like they flip flop on gay marriage whenever it’s convenient.
I’m still not sure what the nature of your comment was, so I apologize in advance if you were not being condescending. It just came off that way.
@MCHG: you are a true wimp. thanks for sharing.
Captain Obvious
Personally I just can’t understand why gay men are practically worshipping this dude like he’s the hottest thing ever or something. If he was fat, non-white, had a weird face, a woman, etc… the suggestion that he was gay would be used as a total negative and thrown like a weapon. Just look at how these sites talk about and bash people like Queen Latifah.
With Shock it’s like people are begging him to come out just so they can drool over him. He’s homophobic, he’s anti-gay, but we’re constantly seeing pics of him with no shirt on for what?
It’s really sick to see so many gay men pretending to be concerned for our rights but really obviously focused on the way this guy looks more than anything. It’s like that one guy who was closeted in high school and rejected you in public but lead you on in private. Move on, get over it.
@Captain Obvious:
I love it how the only defense now for this anti-gay bigot, is for some of his defenders to try to twist it that reporting his ethical breaches are somehow a twisted obsession because people think he’s hot.
This is idiotic.
1. The reason so many pictures of him shirtless are used is because THOSE are the publicity shots that Schock’s people send out. He has an official office photographer that travels with him.
2. He has supported anti-gay bills, and spoken out against gay rights.
3. His possible ethical violations are very similar to the ones that got Congressman Cunningham sent to jail for 7 years, so pretending that this is a non-story is not going to work.
So nice try there Captain.
Queerty’s hardon for this piece of shit is beyond pathetic. Shame on all of you for pushing this Republican whore on us.