James Turley–the global Chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young and a Board Member of the Boy Scouts of America–released a statement last night calling for the youth organization to end its ban on gay leaders and scouts.
“Ernst & Young is proud to have such a strong record in LGBT inclusiveness. As CEO, I know that having an inclusive culture produces the best results, is the right thing for our people and makes us a better organization. My experience has led me to believe that an inclusive environment is important throughout our society and I am proud to be a leader on this issue. I support the meaningful work of the Boy Scouts in preparing young people for adventure, leadership, learning and service, however the membership policy is not one I would personally endorse. As I have done in leading Ernst & Young to being a most inclusive organization, I intend to continue to work from within the BSA Board to actively encourage dialogue and sustainable progress.”
Turley issued this statement in response to ousted lesbian den mother Jennifer Tyrrell‘s call on her Change.org petition for the CEO’s of Ernst & Young and AT&T to stand up against the ban. Tyrrell has now updated her petition with a more pointed message for AT&T’s CEO Randall Stephenson:
“Corporate leaders have now joined hundreds of thousands of Americans, celebrities, as well as current and former Boy Scouts in standing up against discrimination. I hope that Mr. Stephenson hears our call for equality and chooses to stand with us.”
Mr. Stephenson, don’t let the call drop.
J Stratford
How about let’s start NOT using ATT iPhones and switch to Verizon? See how ATT likes that.
About fucking time. The shameful message that this sends to youngsters is a true disgrace for an organisation that claims to be about turning good citizens.
But then as the scout oath still includes a promise to do your duty to god, maybe it’s not that great an organisation in the first place. Shame though -it has so much to offer youth in counter to the modern world. And I’m not talking about the bigotry of its leaders.
Dirty Ole Man
The mormons have long taken over the Boy Scouts in most areas. Good luck on this one.
It’s about time, it’s crazy how many gay eagle scouts I know! The organization really needs to reevaluate it’s stance and move into the 20th century already!
The Boy Scouts is really a very gay organization. The only ones who don’t know it seem to be the straight adults. When you stop to think about it, it is very easy to see why.
Boys join the boy scouts at age 11. On average, boys also start puberty at age 11. That is not a coincidence. The program is designed for puberty-age boys.
When the straight boys notice that there are no girls in Boy Scouts, they generally drop out of scouting to spend their weekends where there are more girls.
On the other hand, the boys who want to spend their time with other boys, are the ones who stay in scouting, so they can spend their weekends camping with other boys.
Some of the adult men know full well what goes on in the tents at night. The rest don’t want to know, so nobody tells them. It isn’t talked about.
An honest conversation, out of earshot of the boys, might do a world of good for the program and the organization.
The Boy Scouts of America was among the first organizations to reject racial bigotry. It will, unfortunately, be among the last to reject bigotry based on sexual orientation.
I’m glad to see Turley taking this stance. E&Y is a great organization because of leaders like him.