Josh Peters, the MMA fighter, was once featured on Queerty as a Morning Goods model. He did not like it so much, so he wrote us a note. Subject: “Subject: Remove me now.” Body: “I am getting Sick of finding myself on these stupid gay sites.” Fine, we said. If you don’t want gay men gawking at you, we’ll happily remove your photos. But, we replied: “You’re a male model who poses naked grabbing his dick and finds it surprising that gay men like to look? You’re surely making the ‘male models are idiots’ stereotype come true.” He responded: “I don’t care.” That note was followed up with a final communique: “I guess you have to be a bumboy to find what you put on that site funny.” Mr. Peters, who has a profile on, is now appearing on a gay porn website.
Here is the (possibly NSFW) link to Peters’ profile on (tagline: “Uncut amateurs”), a website catering to gay men. As Queerty reader Tom, who pointed us to Josh’s new X-rated gig, so perfectly states: “When the money dried up, i guess he got over his dislike of gay people seeing him.”
His bio on reads: “Josh has one of those cocks that hangs long with a dangly foreskin and he gives it a real good tug. He is also a quick riser and just a few tugs on his cock and he is pumped up. Luckily Josh is not shy and shows you all his body parts and since he is almost hair free his hole is easy to see! He lies back and tenses his legs; great amount of cum all over his hands and abs. Wow Josh you naughty boy!”
Naughty indeed. Best of luck, bud.
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Yasuri Yamileth
He’s not even cute!
Speaking of Morning Goods, you really should bring it back.
So what if we (including me) bitched when we didn’t like a given one; they were fun and stimulating, a dessert to go with the meat & potatoes of news and politics.
EnglishLads should tear up any contract that have with him immediately.
But that would be asking vapid gay queens to have some sense of integrity. We truly need more Zach Wahls.
He’s gay and should just own up to the fact that he’s a bottom who needs some money.
Meh… If I saw him on morning goods, I wouldn’t bother to click through the pictures.
Somebody sounds latently gay…
scott ny'er
awesome! what a douche!
Charlie Jackpot
NBSATF Nice Body Shame About The Face
Robbie K
OMG that bio is hilarious I expected to say I darn rainbow socks while my hole is up in the air for all to see..barf…Hey Peter your queer is showing and honey it ain’t!!
Josh should be advised to check with the British Cranio-facial Deformities Society to see if they can fix his face. The attitide problem, however, won’t be as easy to remedy.
HD G Vid
lol for this article’s title
Ken S
Aw, I kinda feel bad for him– he must have taken a *lot* of knocks to the head as an MMA (not homoerotic *at all*) fighter for him to have turned out so very confused. “I get all sweaty grappling with other half-nekkid guys but don’t call it gay, fuckin’ fags… now I’m a model, but I don’t want fuckin’ fags looking at me… now I’m doing GAY PORN, I can haz my bills paid by you fuckin’ fags?” Sure sounds like brain-damage to me.
I’d still do him, though. I wouldn’t pay for the privilege, or embarrass myself for the opportunity… and it’d be an annoyed hate-fuck that would leave him dragging his legs behind him afterwards… the idiot… but I’d do him.
Speaking of homophobic models, whatever happened to that douchebag Ben Massing? I remember him suing Rick Day with all of his ’emotional trauma’ but I never heard the result.
@dvlaries: If Morning Goods is to be dessert, then it needs to be last…. what sort of punny title could they use if they moved it to evening?
“bumboy”? I have no idea what that means!
Is that a new attempt at slang for “bottom”?
I like how queerty users automatically jump on calling somebody ugly (despite the fact any sane person would call them handsome) when they don’t like them. Yeah, that really helps the shallow vapid gay stereotype, doesn’t it?
Anyway; unfortunately this type of attitude is very prevalent in “gay-for-pay” porn. Bi (and gay) men calling themselves straight for the money, and often being so convinced by simply calling themselves straight that they become homophobes.
Josh peters
This is josh peters. I see your all leaving very kind words to which I do understand why. I have previously apologised for what was said to the writers of queerty and clearly stated I did not mean to offend anyone other than the writers who were extremely rude when I politely asked them to remove my photos that they were illegally using, hence the abuse I then gave. I was 17/18 at the time, very young and naive and was angry that I was not being respected. I hope that you can now believe me that I embrace any audience that is kind enough to enjoy my work. I am not gay myself I am engaged and nor “in the closet” about my sexuality. yes the money is rewarding, but it is also a statement that I do not have anything against gay men otherwise I would not do what I do regardless of any rate of pay. I hope that people can move on. I am still expected the odd few comments such as arrogance for looking myself up on google which iv had before, truth is I still get sites with posts like this one. I just hope this comment has been worth the time. Josh
No. It hasn’t.
scott ny'er
Well, that explains a few things. I’ve always said queerty couldn’t use those photos because of rights infringement and eventually they did stop posting the “morning goods” posts. They never explained why, but I suspect I was right. Anyone who works with photo usage companies understands this. Lawsuit, baby.
While, we aren’t privy to said discussion between Queerty and you, I can almost imagine Queerty being non-professional about it, based on how they post things and their non-responsive nature to stuff around here.
If u apologized, then it’s time to move on for all peeps.
@Josh peters: If you don’t want to find yourself on gay blogs I suggest you not make jack-off videos. That’ll do it every time.
P.S. – We don’t care about your opinion of gay men.
Josh peters
Thank you for being understanding. To the last comment, I don’t mind being looked at by gay men what I don’t like are copywriter images of me being exploited, I’m pretty sure I said that in the first comment…
Josh peters
If we are to believe that the comments left are in fact from Josh Peters, given the circumstances which he has shared, maybe Queerty should take the high road and be a little less of a bully and just delete all previous posts, email exchanges, etc. and just let the guy move on and make a living doing whatever he chooses, and without judgement. Just staying.
Yes, including this thread and the pictures. He doesn’t need free advertising on here.
Google image him, he’s a hottie and he’s already apologized for his statements and acknowledge he was 17 at the time, geeze, any of you bitter old queens hating on the kid glad that the internet wasn’t around when you were 17 to document for ever your every last opinion?!!? Just read Justin Bieber’s recent quotes on Rolling Stone. For a community that is quick to get there panties in a bunch over bullies, reading this thread, curious why bullying on the naive str8t boy is OK. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Let it go queerty.
Josh peters
Thank you for the lasts posts, it means a lot.
I met many beautiful straight men who don’t appreciate compliments from gay guys like us. I understand them for I hate girls staring at me as well. Isn’t it sad for a beautiful man who hates gay guys to his gut but took off his clothes and jacking off for them. It’s ego shattering for me. A very classic psychological dilemma. I guess he’d had enough. Let him go!
Jake Tyler
What I dont get is why so many queers find these skinny little boys so attractive/appealing. Eat a cookie, little boy. Give me a real man over these little boys anyday.
Does Queerty really need to “bring back Morning Goods”? It’s not like there aren’t any other places on the internet where we can ogle hot, young, scantily-clad men.
@Bubba: It makes sense anyway, with another change Queerty seems to have made at about the same time: It used to be that the site was updated only during the day, on weekdays. On a schedule like that, it makes sense to have a regular first-post-of-the-day feature… but now the site updates nights and weekends too.
It seems to me that, a few years ago, Josh saw a copyright infringement, and was within his rights to ask for the pictures concerned to be removed. He was not in the wrong to do so – but the subsequent language he used was offensive.
Since then, he’s apologised and, quite clearly, grown up a lot. I suspect he’s probably met a number of gay people and realised the impact of his words. It’s pretty clear he’s happy for gay men to look at him and it’s also clear he’s aware of the negative impact of his words, otherwise why would he come on here and explain himself?
Fighting homophobia is the right thing to do. Accepting someone has changed and being glad of their new attitude is also the right thing to do. Josh: I appreciate you coming on here and saying what you’ve said. I like your pictures, I wish you well and I appreciate your new attitude.
Dallas David
I always liked the “Morning Goods” guys for their intellectual value.
To be honest, I think Josh Peters has apologised, grown up a lot, and has politely entered the debate and explained himself. Cut him some slack. If people don’t want to look at his pics, they don’t have to.
Thanks, Josh, for coming on here and facing your critics – that took some guts. And for the record, I think you’re a good-looking, decent young man – those on here saying you’re ugly would probably give their right testicle to look half as good as you. Take no notice.
He’s ugly.
nice bit of straight bashing there, and interesting to see everyone jumping in in the comments section here too.
I guess it feels nice to have the whip hand for a change…
Marie Cohn
@AFruit4Thought: Definitely a pre-gay.
What a strange looking body….. He needs a few more inches added to those legs to equal out his body proportions……. teeheehee – he’s got stubby legs………
alan Balehead
naturally the “gym challenged” have to put their 2 cents in…..he’s very cute!!!
Rob Moore
I suppose one must take him at his word that he is straight pending evidence to the contrary even if one has strong doubts.
It is not as though anyone expects porn stars to sound intellugent
Most everybody who is good at their job enjoys it, too. And the more one enjoys it the better he gets at it….
Fugly. I think he should be happy if ANYONE looked at him.
How do you keep “finding” yourself on gay porn sites unless you happen to be looking at gay porn sites? Pretty hard to have nude pictures of yourself posted all over the place if you haven’t agreed to have the pictures taken in the first place (and you might be wise to read the release for those photos BEFORE you sign it). He obviously has issues but need not worry as his appeal isn’t that great to begin with porn “stars” are a dime a dozen with careers, for most at least, that only last a few months.