(Item updated.)
BREAKING: By a vote of 24-38, New York’s State Senate has voted against same-sex marriage legislation.
After demands for a vote on the bill, we finally received one. And it wasn’t the answer we were looking for.
Among the “no” votes, inexplicably: political dancer Hiram Monserrate.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Says Sen. Tom Duane, the bill’s lead sponsor: “I wasn’t expected to be betrayed, and so I have some justified anger. But it’s just going to propel me to – I don’t want to say redouble my efforts, because my efforts have been pretty strong – but I’m not going to let up. I’m angry. I’m disappointed. I am let down. I’m betrayed. But I am not going away.”
Don’t state lawmakers piss off their constituents all the time? Like, by hiking taxes, or eliminating educational funds? Of course! That’s their job! But legislators don’t let voters choose what to do on all those issues. New York State Sen. Ruben Diaz, last seen praying to keep gays from marrying, just finished testifying in front of the Senate today, and told colleagues they must “let the people decide” on same-sex marriage. That is: Let voters choose whether or not discrimination against an entire class of New Yorkers is permissible. Lawmakers making the rules “is wrong.”
He closes (rush transcript, errors possible): “This is the day that the lord has made. This is the day that we must decide something that will affect a lot of people and … is important … to me, important to Tom Duane, important to some of you, important to the whole state of NY, and to the whole nation. God bless all of you, and thank you.”
UPDATE: Debate has ended. Voting is underway!
There are, however, some sound voices: “This is not a matter of religion, this is a matter of equality,” says Sen. Eric Schneiderman. “This does nothing … to heterosexuals. … No religious institutions [are affected by marriage equality]. … Our human rights laws stay the same. … It does not affect religious institution. … This bill hurts no one. … I urge you, my colleagues, don’t get distracted, keep your eye on what this is about. Vote for justice, vote for equality, vote your affirmation for the proposition that all men and women are created equal. Vote yes. Please. This is our moment.”
Sen. Eric Adams: “The same statements being made about Tom Duane falling in love with someone … that’s the same comment that my grandmother received in Alabama when she wanted to marry my grandfather. And they used religion. … For interracial couples to fall in love, it was an abomination, it would destroy the institution of marriage. This is what we heard. … I know some people say, ‘Don’t try to make this a civil rights issue.’ I hear that comment. … I respect the opinion of my colleagues that have religious beliefs. But when I walk through these doors, my Bible stays out. I must pass laws that not only protect one part of the state but the entire state. And there’s something special about New York. We have the legacy of setting the tone for the rest of the country. This is an important issue. And I’m asking us to send a message across the country that we are not going tos it on the sidelines … in the contact sport that we call life … Don’t try to make this bigger than this is. Two individuals came together … love each other … want to marry each other. … We are reaching back into one of the ugliest periods in America and bringing back the same quotes that were said back then. I’m not going to be a part of that. … I’m going to be a part of change. I’m going to be an agent of change. … You don’t have to be gay to respect the rights of those who are. You don’t have to be black to understand the pains of slavery. … You don’t have to be gay to respect that two people who meet each other and fall in love want to get married.”
Sen. Jeffrey Klein: “I want to apologize to the advocates [who don’t know why it’s taken so long to get a marriage vote]. … We owe it to the entire gay community around the state to pass this legislation.”
Sen. David Valesky: “This bill does not, could not, and as long as our Constitution remains the law of the land, could never affect in any way, shape or form, and compel any house of worship, to do anything that is against their belief system. … It is very clear this bill is about a civil, legal committment that provides benefits to same-sex couples. For those reasons, I will be supporting [it].”
Sen. Pedro Espada Jr: “If this vote were taken in my district today, marriage equality would fail. … Others have talked about this not being about religion or morality. … My mind has been made up, a long long time ago. … Let’s not be scared into ignorance to think that it’s not morally correct to allow same-sex couples to enjoy the same rights as opposite sex couples. That may take a long time to sink in and become part of the social and cultural fabric. It is historically correct. … Let’s write this headline for the New York Times … for my 10th grandchild … let’s send a message for hope. Let’s set forth a drum beat of equal rights for all by voting yes today. … I would encourage those undecideds to vote yes as well.”
Sen. Diane Savino: “I hope that we are going to make that history here today. I hope that we are going to take that step forward to continue the promise of Thomas Jefferson. … This vote is not about politics … it’s not about who contributed to what campaign. … this vote is about an issue of fairness and equality. … Religious institutions can continue to practice discrimination. … We have nothing to fear from love and commitment. My only hope, Tom [Duane], is that we pass this bill, the governor signs it, and we can learn from you.”
Yea Eric Adams (D)
Nay Joe Addabbo (D)
Nay Jim Alesi (R)
Nay Darrel Aubertine (D)
Nay John Bonacic (R)
Yea Neil Breslin (D)
Nay John DeFrancisco (D)
Nay Ruben Diaz Sr. (D)
Yea Martin Malave Dilan (D)
Yea Tom Duane (D)
Yea Pedro Esapda Jr. (D)
Nay Hugh Farley (R)
John Flanagan (R)
Yes Brian Foley (D)
No Chuck Fuschillo (R)
No Marty Golden (R)
No Joe Griffo (R)
No Kemp Hannon (R)
Yes Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D)
No Shirley Huntley (D)
Yes Craig Johnson (D)
No Owen Johnson (R)
Yes Jeff Klein (D)
Yes Liz Krueger (D)
No Carl Kruger (D)
No Andrew Lanza (R)
No Bill Larkin (R)
No Ken LaValle (R)
No Vincent Leibell (R)
No Tom Libous (R)
No Betty Little (R)
No Carl Marcellino (R)
No George Maziarz (R)
No Roy McDonald (R)
No Hiram Monserrate (D)
Yes Velmanette Montgomery (D)
No Tom Morahan (R)
No Mike Nozzolio (R)
No George Onorato (D)
Yes Suzi Oppenheimer (D)
No Frank Padavan (R)
Yes Kevin Parker (D)
Yes Bill Perkins (D)
No Mike Ranzenhofer (R)
No Joe Robach
No Saland
Yes John Sampson
Yes Diane Savino
Yes Eric Schneiderman
Yes Jose M. Serrano
No Jim Seward
No Dan Skelos
Yes Malcolm Smith
Yes Daniel Squadron
No Bill Stachowski
Yes Toby Ann Stavisky
Yes Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Mike in Brooklyn
He’s a smuck. Using Diaz’s own logic, that putting civil rights to a vote, marriage equality would loose. Well, if it were put to a popular vote, Ruben Diaz would be: sent home (Puerto Rico) OR made a slave.
I will eat my hat if gay marriage psses in NY
I guess gays shouldn’t have to pay taxes if we can’t get married. They want our money, but they won’t let us love freely. I am so glad I live in America where they believe in “freedom”, like letting murders, child molestors, and rapist get married while behind bars. But hey it’s just gross that two citizens, who pay taxes, physically harm nobody can’t do that.
Popularity contests are for children. Grow up Diaz.
Greg Theron
Diaz doesn’t understand SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
Were you really shocked that the NY Senate voted not to allow gay marriage??
At least Diaz had the guts to stand up and make his argument. Not a single other of the 33 against had the guts to stand up and make the case against the bill. I despise those cowards even more.
Correction: 37 is the number of cowards
What the hell happened? How do we let this go to the floor with an outcome this bad?
They will never give us equality until we start to really fuck with them.
We need a real gay strike. Nationwide. For, like a week.
All gay people and their supporters stay home. Don’t go to work, don’t spend any money anywhere.
Let them know how many of us there are and how serious we are.
Beats whining about it.
I say we do it the week before xmas.
Rick DeLano
Perhaps the SSA’s are beginning to get the message that marriage is a war they can’t win?
We need to target every single democrat and republican who voted now. Donate to any primary opponants that run against them, every general election opponants they have. They want to vote against us, fine, we have your names now and we’ll be sending money to anybody that runs against you.
John K.
So everyone get your asses out and DO FUCKING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And I don’t mean get a fucking permit and stand on the corner for a couple of hours.
I love how in the end they were able to call on President Obama’s position on gay marriage and use it as cover.
I hope all these Obama apologists now realize why the gay community didn’t want to wait when the gov’t had time to act. Now they are all afraid of the midterms and the upcoming elections.
Fuck Obama. Fuck Diaz. Fuck these cowards.
Jerry Priori
Yes, fuck the lot of them. They’re all useless sacks of shit. Fuck Diaz and the fucking Jesus he rode in on.
I really think we need to stop being pussies about this and start engaging in civil disobedience. Its time now to stop politely asking for our rights and start demanding our rights. Did the folks at Stonewall quietly ask for people to start respecting LGBTQ people or did they demand it.
Can anyone explain why EQNY would push for a floor vote, when the outcome is this bad?
What were their lobbyists up to? I thought it was supposed to be close…
The Republicans are a lost cause, they have swung so far to the right that no Republican in their right mind would support marriage equality because they would risk losing their seat to a conservative. We need to target the scumbag Democrats who voted no, same as with healthcare reform.
No Hiram Monserrate (D) Upholding “traditional values” like beating the shit out of your girlfriend, slashing her face with a broken glass, dragging her thru the lobby by her hair (on video) and then denying it ever happened. Convicted scumbag.
Ruben Diaz and his Father have been the accused of time an time again of breaking laws. Yet these hyprocite scumbags keep getting elected…………
Unfortunately as we all know, it takes decades for many civil rights to come about and its usually the courts that make it happen. I love the idea of work stoppages, f-ing with the marriage laws (can you get married in Mass to a same sex partner, then go to Texas and marry in “opposite marriage” since states don’t have to recognize each others marriages?) and other hijinx. Unfortunately, except for the potential collapse of our economy, there isn’t much anymore that wakes up the masses. Mom and dad gave us all too much. And of course many, many lgbt can hide in the straight world or deny who they are so we appear to be a smaller group than we really are. We’ll get there but its unknown when. I’m more disappointed in New York (and New Jersey) as we pretend to be trend setters of the world and yet we’re upstaged by Iowa and New Hampshire.
Greg Theron
Next term, I hope none of these bastards get re-elected.
This isn’t up to them. It is up to us.
And until we become violent and scary, nothing will change.
The straights only respond to violence.
No one else is thrilled about this? I am. For so long, we were not allowed to know who the enemies of equality were. Now we do. Now, we can work to get them voted the hell out.
Part of me wants to run against my Democratic State Senator. He voted no…in an area where more and more young gay couples are moving now that Manhattan has become financially impossible to live in.
Greg Theron
@BILL #23 LOL. So true.
Robert, NYC
I’m finished with the Dems for good, no more votes. I’m seriously considering a move to Connecticut, ideally Canada. I can no longer live in a state that votes against my rights and equality. I will not spend one more penny or cast another vote for a democrat in this state, and definitely not for Obama in 2012. We’re damned either way. Fuck the lot of them.
Robert, NYC
A lot of those bastard dems who voted no live in conservative areas. Don’t expect them to be defeated any time soon, they’ve won and so has that evil cunt, Maggie Gallagher.
I’m a native New Yorker and my Fiance is from Canada. I would have liked to get married in New York State, so it would be easier for my family & friends to attend the ceremony. After watching most of the senate voting against my right to marry, it only makes more sense that Canada should be my new home. This is a very sad day for LGBT New Yorkers right now.
Brian NJ
And that precious Democratic Party, and all the support and money given to them over the years. No more.
I will second that motion to:
Fuck Obama. Fuck Diaz. Fuck these cowards.
and add:
Fuck the Dems. Fuck the ACLU. Fuck the HRC. Fuck ’em all.
Divine, the Filthiest Person Alive will also add:
“Kill everyone now. Condone first-degree murder. Advocate cannibalism, eat shit. Filth are my politics. Filth is my life.”
I’m here in NYC and very depressed. I swear I never want to vote DEMOCRAT AGAIN. I may change my mind but what is the point? Next Year I’ll be voting green. I’m maybe throwing away my vote but heck at least I’ll be true to myself and maybe the so called progressive party will get the message when they are voted out of office. Again another example of the Left doing the work of the Right.
It just becomes more clear to me every day that this is really going to come down to the Supreme Court. That’s why we have to put up with the Democrats on this. If we don’t keep Obama in power enough to appoint at least 4 justices (replacing the 3 liberals plus one more), we are screwed for DECADES. Sorry but its true.
I hope Ginsberg and Stevens retire and are replaced before 2012…if a Republican appoints one of their replacement, we’re set back decades.
Lance Rockland
Thank you New York for protecting Heterosexual marriage!
That’s sarcasm.
This is not only a sad day for NY’s gays, but a sad day for NY democrats who will undoubtedly lose significant support for their lack of leadership. They’ve already lost my vote, along with my partner.
Nothing will ever get done until the christian mindset is domesticated and put in its place. With the state facing budget problems (as always), it would have been logical to increase revenue by allowing gay marriage, but I guess politicians are in the business of bullying these days. In NY, where I’m from, it really is the case of the blind leading the blind.
I’m tired of people using their religion as an excuse for their own bigotry. I don’t see any of these “Religious” Senators introducing bills to outlaw divorce or adultery. I don’t see any of them introducing bills to stone women or abuse children. Those are all mentioned in various religious texts. No, but they are fine with using their religion to vote against any gay rights. Enough already, just admit your a bigot and be done with it.
8 Democrats voted against LGBT Equality. Maybe now we can all agree that “party affiliation” is not the defining indicator – religion is.
Sooner or later we need to acknowledge that religiously created beliefs are non-negotiable. Lobbying is a complete waste of time and money. Instead, we have two choices:
1) Change the politician, or
2) Change the minds of their constituents.
Figure out how to do that and we may actually be able to obtain equality.
Robert, NYC
I’m tired of the religious bigots having full representation (at our expense) without taxation while we languish paying our fair share of taxes and getting fuck all in return.
I just wrote my local congressman and Senator Chuck Schumer telling them that they can kiss my vote goodbye forever. I’m sick and tired of all of them. I dont care who supports us either. NYS stands to lose millions in much needed revenue as most of us who want to marry will be heading to Connecticut or even Canada. I’m no longer going to help the NYS economy by spending as much as I do. We need a massive demonstration in this state spelling it out loud and clear to the Dems, we’ve had it with them and we’re not taking it any more, they can go fuck themselves. We’re damned either way if they’re in power or not. Fuck HRC and Joe Solomonese, Tom Duane, Empire State Pride Agenda and all the other ass-kissing democrats. I hope they all go under.
Mr. Enemabag Jones
And until we become violent and scary, nothing will change.
The straights only respond to violence.
Agreed. If this happened to any other minority, they’d be rioting in the streets. The Black Panthers did more to advance racial equality than the NAACP.
It’s time for that divorce from the Democrats, guys. Here in liberal New York, the Democrats have let us down. Let’s tell the Democrats to fuck off.
We gays have failed to take the Demcorats to task. We’ve been the obedient useful idiots. It’s time we told the Democrats we longer support them. Let’s take our votes elsewhere.
A lot of the gay pride groups are simply fronts for the Democratic Party. They will issue soothing words to assure us that we shouldn’t be disappointed and that gay marriage will eventually come. Yeah, right.
My message to gay pride groups is this: fuck off. We no longer accept your sleazy shilling for the Democratic Party.
Lance Rockland
Read this:
Here’s the thing. We can wait until next time and try and appeal to everyone with sweetness and nice pleas for equality, or we can go on a major offensive that lets groups like the Mormons (NOM) and the Catholic Church know that as long as they keep coming after us, we’re going to stop talking so much about “marriage equality” and start talking constantly, everywhere and at every available public opportunity– ads, editorials, talkshows, protests– about why there should be public investigations into secrets those groups DO NOT want the nation to be talking about: for example, the Catholic Church’s role in covering up sex abuse and the Mormon’s repulsive history of racism– just a couple of starting points, there’s many more– and we’re going to talk and talk and talk and talk about those things until every man, woman, and child in the country could practically write a dissertation about them.
… until we let the groups who are always coming after us know that every time they try, we’re going to burn them badly, and not through some polite “debate” about whether or not we deserve rights, but, instead, through the most public discussions possible about THEIR sins, not our lives. NOM made a lot of serious threats to NY lawmakers about what they’d do if those lawmakers voted for marriage equality. Let’s let NOM”s bosses in Salt Lake City know what a real threat looks like: the threat of constant exposure and bad press about subjects where they, not us, are vulnerable. The Mormon leadership hates the spotlight, so I say: it’s showtime, boys!
We have extra cash, if we’re not donating so much to the DNC and such. We have the means to make it terribly uncomfortable for the people who have no qualms whatsoever about coming after us. We just have to have the willpower to stop being on the defensive all the time and take a harder proactive approach: our goal should be to let them know in no short terms: you come at us, we are going to WRECK you.
If the GAyTM is closed for HRC and the DNC right now, I know where I think that money ought to be going, and its not into producing more nice speeches begging for equality or more sweet ads with lesbian couples and their sad-looking kids pleading for people to be nice to them. The money needs to go to a place that forcefully tells our enemies: STOP. or ELSE. They want “moral” campaigns, with ads, emails, ballot initiatives, etc.? Okay, how about a proposal for a ballot initiative in California declaring that the Mormons history of racism– like going to court in the 1970s to keep blacks out of leadership roles in the Boy Scouts– be taught in public schools? It won’t stand a snowballs chance of passing, but, man, the public conversation that would be all over the news on that one would leave the Mormon leadership peeing their pants in utter panic. The bad press for them would linger for a generation. And the GLBT community could smile and wave and say: You want more? Keep coming at us.
This is not for the mere sake of revenge. This is specific strategy, and one gay leadership needs to actively consider, as it’s likely the only one that’s going to work in this political climate. You have to give your opponents a reason WHY it’s not a good idea for them to come after you. Right now, they have none. They suffer no real consequence, and, in fact, coming after the GLBT community works as a nice fundraising opportunity for them.
Let’s change that game. Let’s give them something they truly have to worry about. I guarantee if we truly took such an approach seriously, a lot of this well-funded opposition would suddenly become a lot less vocal and a lot more shy, and start to dry up. They’d suddenly find a different social issue they were suddenly, by gosh, obsessed with, and we just might start to get our rights.
I”m hearin Times Square at 6 tonight is gonna be a madhouse!
Lance Rockland,
What you’re saying is interesting. However, most New York gays are more interested in sex with total strangers in dark cubicles. That and dance parties and taking party drugs.
What you have is a collection of hedonism-addicts who aren’t the least bit interested in gay rights.
Well then, New York gays are just exactly like Houston gays.
^^^ self-hatred is not pretty. People I know are very politically active, AND anonymous-sex, party-hearty dancers.
Another,in an increasingly long string of wins for the religious right.
That the civil-rights of any minority group that is discriminated against in our country can be voted away by the people doing the discriminating, is truly disheartening and disgusting.
This is not majority rule.
This is mob rule.
what a shameful dated country, i thank god every day that i don’t live in it. land of the free and equal opportunity indeed,
–noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, morals, or principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
Hiram Monserrate voted against marriage equality, but has been convicted of domestic violence. He’s a criminal.
@ 43 – Lance Rockland
I like what you are saying.
It has been said that the best defense, is a good offense?
So, why are we always on the defensive and never on the offensive like the religious right?
The religious right has always been on the offensive and that is not likely to stop. Like you, I say that it is time to change our strategy and go on the offensive ourselves.
Unless, of course, we like being shat upon.
Why are we not paying any attention to the Olsen-Boies lawsuit? Thats the last and best hope we have left. Like someone else said, let’s hope a conservative justice dies so Obama can put a new liberal one in.
Joe Mustich, JP
Shame on NY, but couples can continue coming to CT to wed.
So kudos to CT on the one year anniversary of its marriage equality law.
Onward to equality,
Joe Mustich, Justice of the Peace,
Washington, Connecticut, USA
If Justice John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsberg were in their thirties and in good health, I would switch to Green party. Republicans are slimy, but Democrats are weak and slimy.
Go to conservative Iowa. Gay marriage is legal there.
Brian, not for long. There’s a movement there too, 20 people at a time are meeting in houses and they want to replace any politician or judge that voted for gay rights. Here’s a good recipe for politicians:
Those of us who live in New York are not surprised by this at all. The idiots in Albany are a bunch of backwater schmucks who couldn’t care less about an issue that only has resonance in the city. With the exception of NYC (where I’m from), the state of NY is incredibly conservative.
Personally I don’t expect to see gay marriage to become a reality in New York during my lifetime (and I’m only 25). My advice is to not allow the government’s acknowledgement, or lack thereof, of us as citizens to run the decisions we make in life. Vote libertarian. Eliminate the chance of the state to “recognize” ANYONE’s marriages. The state doesn’t belong in our bedrooms anyway.
>The idiots in Albany are a bunch of backwater schmucks who couldn’t care less about an issue that only has resonance in the city. With the exception of NYC (where I’m from), the state of NY is incredibly conservative.
6 of the 8 Dem “no” votes were from Dems representing a city borough…most (4) from Queens, of all the funny coincidences. The other two represent the Bronx and Brooklyn. So much for the progressive city folk theory.
The NY Court of Appeals (New York’s top court) is now the key in that state. Three of the judges have already said that marriage is a right that gay couples have, and that the state must allow same-sex marraige. The other four ruled for the gay couples, but decided they didn’t need to ‘reach’ the marriage question. When the marriage question is squarely before the court, I would be surprised if all four rule against it.
In the mean time — Thanks for the list of NY Senators who want us to give money to their opponents.
I used to be merely heterophobic. From this moment forward, I am a gay supremacist.
@30 Herbo:
Epic win for the Divine quote. The New York Senate has been convicted of Assholism, and they need the same punishment Connie and Raymond Marble got. I’m not kidding.
@43 Lance Rockland:
Not only should the Filthy Mormons’ history of racism and anti-Indian genocide be required to be taught in schools, but so should the Filthy Catholics’ role in the Holocaust.
@57 Shea:
I’m voting Libertarian from here on in and will be actively working to strip breeders of the freebies they get for the “marriage” licenses they don’t deserve. And I will also be working to get rid of the taxes from which they get benefits.
No special rights for breeders!
Start spreading the news: New York sucks. Jets suck, Mets suck, Giants suck, Yankees suck. The movie versions of Broadway shows were all better than the originals. Your cab drivers should all be on the no-fly list. Your real estate is overpriced. Your taxes are too high. And the people there are assholes. If New Jersey is the nation’s armpit, New York is its armpit sweat. I knew deep down that New Yorkers were a bunch of self-righteous, pushy assholes, but this confirms it. If I had to choose between living in New York or Texas, I’d choose Texas. Lower taxes, no draconian gun laws, no attempts to regulate the ingredients of food, actual evidence of nature, same level of equality.
I am boycotting all things New York from now on. Hey, Indians! You want it back? You can have it back for free. Keep the 24 bucks and the beads.
I love Connecticut, and not just because I was born there.
Love the justification Diaz used to justify his no vote, he said Obama has the same belief on gay marriage as he does. Once again, Obama helps the no votes justify themselves with his silence.
Don’t fall for the idea that the city of New York is open-minded. Far from it. There are a couple of enclaves where you won’t get bashed – probably one or two streets. The rest of the city is homophobic.
How many blacks voted “no” to gay marriage? Enquiring minds wish to know. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were almost all black.
Black people tend to be have a homophobic mindset. It’s time we exposed them.
Boy, that wasn’t even close. Who thought it was a good idea to bring it up for a vote right now?
Herbert Wassinger
Our brave gay brothers organized for their rights and changed things. Is anyone else out there interested in organizing? For something forceful and with a bit of peaceful civil disobedience? Please let me know.
Adam, in Maine this was not the case. I can remember one time at the dinner table I had told my family I was agnostic. My father gently said something to which I had replied, “It’s just a crutch.” My father was one of five children from immigrant parents. My grandfather was Greek and my Grandmother came from Ireland. They came to America when times were tough. Either you sank or you swam. There were no safety nets back then. They were one of the couples who had succeeded. The mother had died unexpectedly in her thirties. Misdiagnosed. My Grandfather had all of these children, several businesses, and was devastated by the loss of his soul mate. My father was five when she died. He saw house keepers come and go. In his five year old brain, these maternal women seemed motherly, but then they would leave, get married, go away, leaving him crushed. He even went so far as to clean the house and be really well-behaved, so that they wouldn’t leave. My Grandfather had many friends, one of whom was a Monsignor at the local Catholic Church. It clearly wasn’t a good situation, so the Catholic Church took him under their wing. They taught him so much. He took to it like a duck to water. They were Holy men and wise, not molesters, thankfully. He became an altar boy and never let the Church far out of his sight. Now, fast forward to this 16 year old punk at the dinner table spouting off about being an agnostic. My father was not an emotional man, shut down, really. He rose out of his seat and said, almost breathlessly, from some place deep in the pit of his stomach, the place where opera singers pull music, “You’ve never needed Him!” I had never seen him so bothered. Muscles were twitching in his face that I had not known existed. He was right. I had two beautiful parents who loved each other and didn’t fight, I grew up in a museum of a house (my mother’s thing), I had lovely siblings, a labrador, a cabin, food in my mouth, safety, all of the things that he didn’t have. Mostly, I didn’t have the fear that he had growing up. He relied on God in ways I will never be able to fathom. After Prop 8, I was so angry. Reports that the impoverished communities voted against same-sex marriage were coming out. One day in the shower, this memory came back to me of my Dad. I realized that many of these “blacks” grew up in situations that would give us night terrors. They likely cling to God like a life raft. Until we know this kind of desperation and fear and spiritual yearning, it would be best if sensitivity prevailed. Comments, words, are too powerful not to use with empathetic prudence. Sorry for the trip down memory lane peeps.
#51…. I agree, it’s time we go on the offensive and start dealing with our enemies the way they deal with us.
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
@ 1EqualityUSA
You have far to much empathy, self reflection and perception-WHAT are you doing commenting here!!???
A lot of commenters have left Queerty because of the way the editors behave and what they are like.
I still lurke but don’t comment as often.
Lets hope you don’t get demoralised by how they consistently instigate conflict to make money or score points which just leaves you depressed.
How very ‘Top Down’ in the ‘internet age’…
Michael Letterman
I hate to say, “I told you so!” oh wait I don’t hate that I love it, so I’ll say it again only louder this time….
Booya another in a long history of WINS!
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
@ 1EqualityUSA
But I agree with you.
I deal with people who lack so much empathy and self refection it’s scary.
Very capitalist.
Colonisation by the Whites-France, Britain, Spain, Italy and laster USA in the 20th C-completely broke Africa.
Desmond Tutu said the best quote-
“When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
Are the areas that voted ‘yey’…erm have a lot of the above?
Log Cabin VICHY queers sputtering about Dems not having their promised votes.
YEAH, how G*D DAMN convenient you had ZERO promised votes.
pathetic self loathing old queens…go walk some old biddy to the opera ….it’s your JOB #1
PopNsnap: You have the right idea, we need to wait till the elder rightwing-nutbag zealots basically all just fuck off and die (literally!) As to the Supremes baring a sudden death we are shit outta luck on that one. John Paul Stevens (89) and Ruth Ginsbure (76 w/cancer) are likely the next to go and they are among the liberal wing of the court……………..
I guess our last/best hope is the Supreme Court in a few years. I would hope that any gay diagnosed with terminal cancer would take one of those Conservative Justices (like Antonin Scalia) with him/her before it came up for a vote! 😉
Those who are saying Fuck the Democrats need to realize 75% of Dems votes FOR Equality… while 100% of Republicans voted AGAINST Equality.
Sure, target those Dems who voted against equality, but most importantly target the Republicans.
Also, NYers should be thankful to the Dem caucus for forcing a vote to unveil who should be targeted.
Lastly, ALL should write a letter to Obama stating that his position allows coverage to HIS adversaries in their position, and remind him that his adversaries are not the ones who will get him reelected.
Terrwill, Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Dear John from England(used to be just John but there are other John’s), I loved the Desmond Tutu quote you posted, ““When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
You had asked why I stay on a site like Queerty. It’s the posters I enjoy the most. The greatest fiction writer in the world couldn’t come up with these characters. I learn quite a bit too. I have two new words in my vocabulary thanks to these boys. Actually several, but two that are for special occasions.
@ no. 165 – 1EqualityUSA
I will echo my dear friend, InExile’s, sentiment.
You have far to much empathy, self reflection and perception-WHAT are you doing commenting here!!???
And you apologized for the trip down memory lane? You nearly had me in tears. Your post was beautiful and I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing it with us.
You are an inspiration to those of us who regularly read and post on these threads. Would that we could aspire to your level of thinking and your eloquence. The compliment once paid to me comes to mind.
You are a good egg.
This has to be dealt with at the federal level by the US Supreme Court.
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John's)
@ 1EqualityUSA
Fair enough. You’re stronger than I am but we live in an eco-system and all have different skills plus attributes to make the world go round….
But I have to say, I’ve learnt a lot about very mean people here! So that IS good because life isn’t full of nice people…so yeah..
Schlukitz, I hope you are feeling better today. It bothers me when you hit the doldrums. My black baby kitten had to go back home today. Jane, one of the Girlie-Q’s meowed inconsolably at the loss of her panther friend. I’m sort of in a funk too. She’s next door, so I can still see her, but our house is a little emptier without our 6 month old house guest. So how goes it in New York? Any rallies? Riots? Rants? Florence, the other girlie-Q will not let me write tonight. She’s missing panther-gir’ too. Take care.
John from England(used to be just John but there are other John’s), Just focus on the good in people. It makes for a happier, healthier life. I’m shocked on occasion, but it’s like colors on a palette, without the darks, the lights wouldn’t shine as brightly.
Michael Letterman
Ok Boys no need to respond to me I’m still riding the high of being right. If a democrat infused state like NY sees things my way I can only imagine how it will go in less liberal states.
The time has come and one by one
your lifestyle will be undone
the law has spoke and it sides with me
and all I have to say is YIPPEEEEE!!!
Bill Perdue
I wanted to be able to congratulate Robert and the other New Yorkers who were looking forward to being treated like equals.
But as usual a combination of right centrist Republicans and right centrist Democrats screwed us over again. The Clinton legacy lives on in Diaz and Obama.
We need marriage equality in spite of the fact that marriage is not exactly the best way to partner up. Partnering should be free and easy to get in and out of. The tax and other benefits now reserved for straights couples should be open to everyone, including single people. Except for matters relating to protection of women and children the state really has no legitimate business interfering in partnering.
Beyond that, the cults have absolutely no business interfering with partnering, whether it’s civil partnerships, marriages or civil unions. In other countries severe limits are put on the cult’s interference in civil and political matters. We need some of that action here.
The cult’s opposition to SSM ought to be muzzled and they should lose their unfair tax exemption. Why should we be paying taxes for archbishops and televangelists who live in mansions and get driven around in luxolimos?
The things that create the most revenue for the deadbeats called priests, pastors and ministers are raking in money on marriage, donations from deluded people, unfair tax breaks and bribes from the Obama administration disguised as funding for ‘faith based’ charities. Part of our fight for civil equality has to be to take away their financial base.
But an even more important part is that we have to break with Democrats and sellouts who want us to wait a few more years to get our agenda. Democrats and Republicans alike are our political enemies.
Schlukitz, What was it you said? “Deprive it of oxygen” Yes, wise words.
@76 Trey:
Do you work for HRC or something? If we hadn’t chosen party over principles we may have fucking had the goddamn votes years ago. Why should Republicans help us when we flocked to the Democrats and expected them to make fucking magic happen? A uni-partisan movement makes it easier for the other party to attack us. And maybe our supposedly wonderful organizations who Do So Much For The Cause™ should have actively helped pro-gay marriage Republican Dede Scozzafava against her bigot opponents (including anti-gay Democrat Bill Owens who won)?
I’m thankful to both the Democrats and the Republicans for reminding me why I’m voting Libertarian for the rest of my natural life. This is proof positive that gays (nor any minority) cannot rely on the government to protect our rights.
Homosexuality is a moral good. That it is a barrier against overpopulation alone should be enough reason to justify it.
Oh, and all those Republicans would be considered liberals if they came down to the South.
@85 Bill Perdue:
YOU are defending tax benefits? Bad socialist, bad bad bad!
@ no. 67 – John From England
My sincere apologies for attributing something you said, to my friend InExile, although I am certain that he is thinking exactly the same thing.
I was typing without my reading glasses and EnExile’s post was immediately above yours, which was what made me think that he made your very observant commentary.
Were it not for for the limited number people like you, InExile, 1EqualityUSA, Terrwill and a couple of other posters who know who they are and with whom I have established a nice report, I believe I would have long become like you…a lurker who doesn’t comment very often.
Be that as it may, while your comments may indeed have become limited, they are choice and right on the money when you choose to honor us with them. 😉
A no. 81 – 1EqualityUSA
Thank you kindly for your warm words of consolation. They meant a lot to me and are very much appreciated, especially on this particularly sad day, when our community has suffered yet another setback.
Having been brought up in the country on a farm, in upstate New York, I can relate to your obvious affinity with and love of animals. They do bring so much joy into our lives, do they not? They work their way into our hearts with so little effort and when they are no longer with us, the loss is, indeed, inconsolable.
With my here, there and everywhere lifestyle, I am prevented from keeping a pet, either here in NYC or at my home in Florida. My hubby and I do, however, have two wonderful pets in the Philippines…a black lab named Wizzard and a zest-for-life filled mutt named Bantay, who loves Wizzard and keeps him in check. Both are males.
Bantay, incidentally, is the Tagalog word for “guard”. lol A fraction of the size of Wizzard, some guard dog he make, which is why we gave him the tongue-in-cheek label. ;-P
As to how it goes here in New York, well, truth be known, I have been on the Internet for most of the day and all I know of the dismaying rejection of SSM by the New York Senate, is what I read here on Queerty.com and Towelroad, the two sites that I spend most of my spare time on.
Janero, my painter, turned friend, turned room-mate and I will probably be turning the TV on when he comes upstairs from painting on the second floor, to watch the 11:00 o’clock news with me. No doubt and since it is New York TV, there should be a considerable amount of coverage on the the New York Senate vote. It will be very interesting to see what the concensus of public opinion is.
Film at 11:30 as Werner used to say. LOL
Eight DINOS joined the GOP to defeat same-sex marriage in NYS. Well, we all know what this means… no same-sex marriage in New Jersey.
@ #65 1EqualityUSA:
Beautiful, moving and enlightening story. Thanks.
This is why I stopped voting Democrat 10 years ago and looked at the independent categories. it started with the Clintons playing to the gays and then tossing us on the train tracks. I respect Republicans for staying true to who they claim to be. the Dems on the other hand take our dollars and then do nothing for us.
Queerty: are you happy now? you keep pressing the government to do something, and this is what happens when it’s not the right time! And this is why DADT hasn’t been brougt before Congress yet.
There is never going to be a “right time”. We have to make the “right time”. Nothing just happens at random, it happens because we put our heads up and fight for what we believe in.
We have the choice to do it now. Yes, right now. We have to choose between activism and partying. Which is it going to be?
You don’t win equality by spending all your energies and time on party drugs and dance clubs. These things are pure indulgence. Nobody has ever won any rights on the basis of party drugs and dance clubs.
Time to ditch the drugs and dance clubs, guys.
It’s been years since we made any progress in New York. Considering the administration has been Democratic for much of this time, it’s truly fascinating.
It suggegsts that we’ve been hoodwinked into voting Democrat without really having anything done in terms of increasing our rights. Either we’ve been asleep at the wheel or we’ve been wilfully ignorant.
My partner and I took a Tagalog class before we bought our house. After we bought our house, classes, “just for fun” went away. I was getting good at it. My co-workers grill me on it. I like to learn odd stuff like, “I can’t believe it’s not butter.” They eat that on their toast. Next, I want to learn, “Kills millions of germs on contact.” Eventually, it would be nice to say, “In America, everyone is treated equally under the law.” Paalam Po
Robert, NYC
Now that we’ve suffered this huge loss and I was under no illusion that we would win, unlike the idiot Tom Duane who predicted we’d win by a very narrow margin and that the votes were there, brace yourselves for the November 2010 election. Its going to be a republican governor who will veto any bill coming across his or her desk. The closet republicans in the democratic party who voted for discrimination and bigotry will make sure that a republican will be the next governor of this state. End result……….zero equality for decades to come. Time to ditch the democratic party once and for all. I dare say Obama is jubilant at the outcome of this vote since he’s fiercely opposed to marriage equality. He’s part of the problem unfortunately. Expect NO repeal of DADT either. Supporting the democrats is only empowering the bigots who voted for second class citizenship.
Our Greatest Strength is Also Our Greatest Weakness…
Why should the birthright of equality for tens of millions of GLBT American citizens first depend upon getting a majority of people to stop hating them? There would be a tidal wave of blood flowing in the streets and entire cities set ablaze if any other minority’ s rights were put up so callously for majority approval by a lynch mob disguised as a so-called “public referendum”.
The concept of a Bill of Rights and a Federal Constitution which originally guaranteed inalienable equality and unimpeachable rights is truly dead in America. Human equality and civil rights in the United States now mainly depends upon how popular you are with your local neighbors who have been, for the most part, brain-washed by the various perversions of the Christian religion into hating you — that is, if you just happen to belong to the GLBT community.
As I stated before, the most primal, gut-level reaction to that kind of invidious injustice would be to understandably strike out with fury and outrage against your oppressors. Yet, like millions of other civilized people before us — witness the millions of Jews who walked meekly into the concentration camps, and to their deaths, in Nazi Germany– we too are victims of our own civility.
Ironically, the gentleness and the Christ-like benevolence of the GLBT community is our greatest virtue — but, sadly, it can also be our greatest weakness too.
If I was a religious type (which I am not) I would suspect that there are far more homosexuals in heaven than homophobic bigots. Just remember JC’s own words: “That which you do unto the least among you, you do unto me.”
Ol’ Satan must be stoking Hell’s fires in anticipation of the YES on Discrimination and NO on equality votes cast by State Senators’ in New York tonight. Hell’s anxiously awaiting these loathsome hate-mongers (as well as NOM, Bible-Nazis in the Catholic Church, Evangelical Tele-Scumbags, Islamic Murders, Mormon Bigots, etc.) and all other perpetrators of hatred against their GLBT neighbors across the world. So – my advise to them – be sure to stock up on mega doses of Oxycontin (Rush Limbaugh knows some great suppliers) and bring a cooler with you — you’ll need it.
And don’t let the oven-door hit you in the ass on the way out.
hmmmm…maybe that should read:
“And don’t let the oven-door hit you on the ass on the way in.”
Well…you get the point. There ought to be some big time Karmic payback for these slimes.
Robert, NYC
As far as I’m concerned, the NYS democratic party has written its own death warrant. I don’t give a damn who controls this state any more, we lose either way.
Robert, NYC
Cindy, sorry, but you’re wrong. Here’s the list of 8 Dems who voted for discrimination and bigotry:
December 2nd, 2009 at 4:32 pm
NY Senate Democrats voting “NO” on equal marriage bill: Joseph Addabbo (D-Queens) – NO• Darrel Aubertine (D- Cape Vincent) – NO… See More• Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) – NO• Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) – NO• Carl Kruger (D-Brooklyn) – NO• Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens) – NO• George Onorato (D-Queens) – NO• William Stachowski (D-Buffalo) – NO
Excellent, 1EqualityUSA. 🙂
magandang gabi po
Foreign woman
I am really sorry.
This should not have happened.
A sad day indeed.
I wonder how many of the dem traitors are Catholic?
those Catholic Bishops are getting on my LAST nerve.
Stonewall Democrats in NY, begin finding primary challengers to EACH of the 8 Dems who stuck a knife in our backs.
ANY queer NO voter in NY, we will expose you, and your career is OVER!
Robert, NYC
This proves how backward NYS is. We couldn’t even get it passed. Even Maine was able to get it passed initially and did a better job even though it lost by a small margin on the referendum. We lost by a huge margin, one quarter of the votes needed. I can’t believe there are hundreds of thousands of gay voters in those districts where the 8 bigots reside, enough to get them voted out of office. HRC and Empire State Pride Agenda have now become irrelevant and useless, just like the DNC. My advice….stop donating to them and stop supporting the democrats. Its clear there was no arm twisting to get the 8 who now call the shots on equality to change. Not one republican of course voted for the bill, to be expected which doesn’t say much for Mayor Bloomberg, the primary source of income for the state GOP and who allegedly was supposed to get a few moderates on board. I wonder what Bloomberg ass-kisser David Mixner will have to say about that? Never trust a politician, especially a democrat.
Wow! I didnt expect it to lose in New York of all places. Guess you never know?
I think the Congress should step up to the plate on this and resolve this problem. People will never be trusted to do the best thing when if left to their own devices.
I think religious groups should have a real beneficial meeting with lawmakers once and for all.Its obvious this is a blackmail. Apparently they want the absolute protection to protect them from acting outside their beliefs on anything that has to do with gays. Honestly, i say give it to em. Let them not hire gays, process adoption for them, house them or whatever. That is what they want.
Once they get this they will back off. i dont think they will really bat an eyelash on who gets married to whom anymore under law so far they dont have to accomodate it under their religiosity. They wont care.
God, this is really a disappointing piece of information. NY FAIL INDEED
Can anyone think of any gay rights legislation that has passed in the state of New York while there’s been a Democrat governor or Democrat-controlled House? I can’t think of any, certainly not in the last 30 years.
As for this attempt to legalize gay marriage, it was a stunt by the Governor to make us think he’s on our side. He knew well in advance that the numbers weren’t there.
Naghanenu, I couldn’t sleep last night. Religious groups won’t back off if we “give them protections allowing them to legally discriminate. In my tossing, I thought of how perfect this conflict is for the Obama administration. Since we are all doing battle with one another, fewer are scrutinizing Obama’s every move. What a fantastic red herring, in this case, “pink” herring. All eyes are on each other and not him. This is advantageous to his administration. Audrey Hepburn, when she was very young, lived in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, Belgium, I believe. I remember her telling a story about how all of the Jews were being harassed and were forced to wear black arm bands. She relayed that many of the non-Jewish people in her town took to wearing these arm bands as a show of support for their oppressed brothers and sisters, which was scary. The Germans couldn’t tell who was and was not Jewish. Perhaps the gay and sympathetic straight communities need to indicate, rather boldly, the desire for all to have equality. Could you imagine how powerful that would be? People would be showing up for mass with some bold symbol on their person, a slap in the face to all who enjoy legislated discrimination. Bravery comes in many forms. The more people join forces, the less powerful the oppressors become.
Robert, NYC
I think this also proves how much Governor Paterson underestimated the bigotry in the democratic party, almost as bad as the GOP and how Tom Duane and others were duped. How on earth does that idiot come up with…”the votes are there”? I also think Paterson knew they weren’t there either. Malcolm Smith was absolutely right but nobody listened to him.
Personally, I think the entire strategy was wrong for getting it to the floor for a vote, irrespective of weeding out our enemies. We sort of knew who they were. This should end up in the state supreme court for a decision. The bench needs to determine if civil marriage is a right, privilege or benefit and whichever it is, if it extends to the majority, then under the equal protection clause of the constitution, it must also apply to minorities. That’s the only way out of this. Further, if the court were to determine it is a right or privilege, it negates the need for the legislature to have a say in matters of rights. In addition, if the legislature passes bills and there happens to be a governor in opposition, he or she should be compelled to sign a bill and not be allowed the power of veto.
What happened yesterday was the NYS democratic party voting for no representation for LGBT people but with full taxation. There is something intrinsically wrong with that and it needs to be addressed, over and over. Religious beliefs should not be allowed to trample on civil issues and its about time religious cults’ full representation be reversed and compel them to pay their share of the tax burden which we shoulder if they want to continue advocating for legal discrimination and segregation against us, a violation of their tax-exempt status. Time to get tough on all levels and go after these bastards with every weapon at our disposal.
As for Ruben Diaz, how does a religious cult leader get to be elected to office? I bet his cult pays no taxes.
Robert, NYC
1EqualityUSA, I didn’t sleep either so I had to get up.
On May 26, 2009, former city comptroller William Thompson issued a report stating that if same sex marriage were legalized in the state, it could expect to gain at least $210 million within three years. In a state currently in financial crisis bordering on bankruptcy, it now looks that all of that revenue will now end up in Connecticut and elsewhere. Its obvious the 8 bigots don’t care about the financial situation affecting the state. It also impacts virtually every aspect of the services industry in the state, florists, printers, stationers, hotels, catering establishments, travel, small business that would gain the most in a recession. Its a nice chunk of change to pump into the state coffers but I suppose our state no longer needs it. So lets spend and spend in Connecticut and in other more progressive gay friendly states and countries including any donations we might have sent to the DNC and other useless organizations who are only interested in making money first and foremost as well as attending fancy galas to pat one another on the back while they’re stabbing us in the back from the get go.
Robert, NYC, Prior to same-sex marriage equality in Massachusetts, the pressure on “decision makers” was intense. It’s unnerving to have seemingly powerful anti-gay forces making a “visit” to the office. Letters go out too. They even sent out blackmail letters to businesses prior to prop 8. Weak-kneed politicians cave into this pressure.
Dear RobertNYC, I have always felt that their was a financial component to this discrimination. It costs money to be fair to the oppressed and ensure that they are given the benefits and legal protections that heterosexuals now enjoy. So, even though, in the short term, revenue would be up, in the long term, some dark figure in a smoky room crunched the numbers and decided to let this abhorrent discrimination carry on for as many years as possible.
Robert, NYC
1EqualityUSA, the same tactic was used here in NYS. Not one republican voted for us because of next year’s election prospects, following the defeat in Maine and California. Not even Bloomberg could get the handful of moderates on board that he thought he could. We’re damned either way. Religion trumps everything in this society and in this state. Politicians will sell their souls to shaft us just to pacify their larger groups of constituents and protect their careers. Ironic that the democratic party voted against us but not surprising. We now have to stop allowing them to take our votes for granted. If NOM and other hate organization are now controlling equality issues, then the dems are going to pay a high price for inaction. Next November, no votes should be cast for any democrat eyeing the governorship or any other elected office and who is a foe of equality and definitely NO financial support should be forthcoming from us. Absolutely NOT! That message needs to get out there, NOW.
Robert, NYC
1EqualityUSA, absolutely, a financial component is always at the root of it. Take away that from the dems and you’ll see a different reaction. They need to learn a hard lesson and we need to get extremely tough with them. We’ve failed dismally in that area no thanks to HRC, Empire State Pride Agenda and the DNC, apologists for delay on ENDA, DADT, DOMA. I predict ENDA won’t get passed before 2012 and neither will DADT. Forget about DOMA, not going to happen after yesterday’s disaster, a severe setback for this state and for the marriage equality movement.
“Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities.” —- Winston Churchill
Robert, NYC
Check out former Comptroller Thompson’s report.
I’m using my Obama Tee shirts as dust rags now, too embarrassed to wear them out in public. The blue is great for polishing metals too. Like I said, if Justice Ruth Bader Ginberg and Justice John Paul Stevens were in their thirties and healthy as horses, I’d bail on the Democratic party.
Exerpt from Comptroller Thompson’s report, “Thompson further noted that since domestic partners of New York State and City employees already are eligible for health benefits under the law, it’s unlikely that the public sector would incur additional costs due to spousal health benefits if marriage for same-sex couples if legalized.” Post #111 of mine is speaking Federally, not locally.
Sorry for all the typo’s and misspellings. I need my Peet’s Coffee.
Robert, NYC
1Equality, I’m with you. I’ve already bailed on them. They’ve lost me and my financial support for good. My partner and I will spend our money in Connecticut and we’ve actually discussed selling our home and moving there. Why help out NYS? Doesn’t deserve us. Serves it right. It can go to hell for all I care.
We ought to mail all of our Obama shirts to the White House.
@Adam: Racism much? I watched the debate and the majority of Senators who came to the floor to speak in favor of the bill were black or hispanic. The votes against us were almost all white. Ruth Hassell-Thompson and Eric Adams were particularly eloquent African-American supporters.
There goes your small minded, racist assumptions.
Keep your peepers on Iowa. You know, “where the corn grows as high as an elephant’s eye”.
A change in the political balance favoring Republicans in the state legislature could put same-sex marriage on the ballot.
I’m soooooooo glad my partner and I (of 35 years) were married (Sept. 13, 2004) in a legitimate democracy which truly respects human rights – Canada.
Too bad we’re both too old and poor to move there now from Kansas. I guess the closest we’ll ever come to Canada again is when the geese fly back over our heads next Spring; heading home to the best country on the North American continent.
Bill Perdue
No. 75 • Trey says Sure, target those Dems who voted against equality, but most importantly target the Republicans.
Trey, why not be honest. There are lots and lots of bigoted Democrats we should target. Beginning with Obama, who galvanized the christian-bigot vote in California with “gawd’s in the mix” and did his level best to pass Prop 8 and take away SSM rights we’d already won.
Then go on to Obama’s VP, Biden. He voted for DOMA and never repudiated it. And add Tim Kaine, an anti-choice, anti GLBT Dixiecrat and a bigot. He along with Leah Daughtry, an ordained pentecostal bigot who’s rabidly anti-LGBT, run Obama’s DNC. And don’t forget Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats in Congress who refuse to repeal DOMA and show no signs of passing ENDA or repealing DADT any time soon.
And don’t forget fatherly old liberal Attorney General Eric Holder who files brief after brief in defense of DOMA and DADT using vile lies claiming we’re child molesters and etc. And don’t forget John Berry, the highest ranking homosexual (don’t even think about describing him as gay or queer) in the Obama WH who’s the WH point man in yet another defense of DOMA.
And last but not least go after Josh Dubois, another ordained pentecostal minister and bigot who organized Obama’s outreach to christers last year and got christian scum like Warren and McClurkin on board for Obama. Dubois is now in charge of passing out billions of dollars through the WH office of ‘faith based’ to bribe pulpit pimps.
Given all that, it seems clear that the Republicans are bad the Democrats are just as bad and that people who still support the Democrats are in the last closet, the political closet.
They should come out and enjoy the fresh air of political independence
@Leanleft: There is no group called EQNY. The Pride Agenda wanted a vote, even if they were going to lose, so they would know where Senators stood. Too many Senators were being two-faced or fence sitters. Their release after the vote basically said now we know who you are and we’re coming after you, haters.
@Steve: The NY Court of Appeals has already ruled that there is no constitutional right to marriage in New York. Google Hernandez v. Robles. They will not fix this.
The case you’re referring to is about whether or not New York must recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages. That may eventually be decided in our favor by the court, but it will only protect the status quo – you can BE gay married in New York, but you can’t GET gay married here. You have to go elsewhere and come back.
Robert, NYC
Rainfish….actually, a GOP comeback in Iowa is inevitable. NOM has vowed to overturn it once that happens an believe me, it will happen. NOM and the other hate groups are far more powerful, wealthier and outnumber us. So far, they’re enjoying incremental success. If we were that organized we wouldn’t be having this discussion and NYS would have passed the bill yesterday. We have the wrong people leading us and no democrat has the guts to stand up to the bigots in their own party let alone the cults who support them financially. Useless organizations such as HRC and Empire State Pride Agenda are in denial about a lot of things, one of them being that NYS is a trendsetter on social issues. It is NOT, other states and countries have proved that to be false. Its only NYC that is liberal, head outside the city and you have a very conservative, red-type of state with a strong roman cult presence the further upstate you go. I very much doubt if a democrat will be the next governor of our state.
Most independent voters recently polled, the largest voting bloc in the country, have said they’ll not vote democrat in 2010. Given that situation, if Lazio wins the governship in November and probably will, there will be NO marriage bill passed because republicans automatically veto equality legislation with impunity. Nothing will change that.
Cindy, sorry, but you’re wrong. Here’s the list of 8 Dems who voted for discrimination and bigotry:
>>December 2nd, 2009 at 4:32 pm
NY Senate Democrats voting “NO” on equal marriage bill: Joseph Addabbo (D-Queens) – NO• Darrel Aubertine (D- Cape Vincent) – NO… See More• Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) – NO• Shirley Huntley (D-Queens) – NO• Carl Kruger (D-Brooklyn) – NO• Hiram Monserrate (D-Queens) – NO• George Onorato (D-Queens) – NO• William Stachowski (D-Buffalo) – NO
Um..that’s exactly what I said..4 from Queens, 1 from Brooklyn, 1 from the Bronx = 6 of the 8 from NYC.
1 from Cape Vincent, 1 from Buffalo = the only two outside of the 5 boroughs to vote against
You’all that live in NYC now have some very clear targets during the next round of elections. Go get ’em!
Robert, NYC
Bill, you are so right about that. The problem with a lot of gays who support the dems do so because they have no faith in voting independently and insist that voting for a third party is a waste of a vote. They’ve bought into the notion that only the democratic party can win them their rights and that the two party system is the only one that works. If millions of us stopped supporting the moderate conservative party called Democratic, then maybe we’d stand a chance of getting our equality by pouring our energy and resources into parties that actually do support us. The democrats only support us when an election is imminent, they take our money and run, then stab us in the back in the final hour of decision making as we’ve seen with Obama, among others. Time that ended once and for all and a good time is NOW.
Sen. Hiram Monserrate – who voted against us – already has a primary opponent who has voted FOR marriage equality twice in the Assembly. I suggest we all send him some $$$ now, give him some volunteer time later, and make sure he wins:
Chitown Kev
Uh, 9 of 11 black NY State Senators voted for marriage equality.
Thank you for playing.
Robert, NYC
Sam, if that’s the case then if the state issues marriage licenses as a privilege, then wouldn’t equal protection similarly apply to the offended minority? Aren’t we supposed to have the same privileges?
If the courts can’t help us, I see militancy rearing its head. It may be the only way to get what we want. Civil disobedience that we saw in the 60s maybe our only option. If we’re not going to get our full equality, then we should demand a reduction in our taxes, including city taxes for those of us who live here, or exempt us since we clearly do not have full representation in the state. We are being taxed without any representation, unlike the religious parasitical cults who pay nothing but get far more protection and far more rights than we do.
Robert, NYC
Further, those same sex married couples in states where it is allowed should should also demand no federal taxation since they are barred from any of the 1000 or more rights at the federal level. Again, a case of no representation with full taxation. I don’t understand why useless organizations like HRC, Empire State Pride Agenda and Lambda Legal Defense Fund aren’t exploring it.
@Robert, NYC: It’s all very complex, but basically the state can deny equal protection if it has a “rational government interest” in doing so. The New York Court of Appeals found in Hernandez that the state could have a rational interest to “create more stability and permanence in the relationships
that cause children to be born” or in promoting households where children are raised by opposite-sex parents. This “rational interest” has already been rejected by courts in more conservative parts of the country – including explicit rejection by the Iowa Supreme Court in their marriage decision – so it is possible that the NY Court of Appeals could reverse it’s decision in the future, though I doubt they’ll revisit the issue any time soon.
As for the federal marriage recognition issue, that lawsuit has already been filed by GLAD: Gill vs. OPM
Robert, NYC
Sam, thank you for the information.
Just for the hell of it, I recommend that New Yorkers who live near Connecticut, Vermont or Canada, if at all doable, do all of your shopping there. I’m not too far from Connecticut so on weekends, I will endeavor to drive there and do all my shopping for each and every week thereafter and make sure I even buy gas for the return trip, every little bit that I can do to make sure NYS doesn’t get the bulk of my hard earned dollars that have contributed to schools and straight couples’ childrens’ education, among other things. Why contribute to our state’s economy when we’ve been legally banished to second class citizenship without full representation? If some of us resolve to do that, we will have an impact on local businesses and the economy overall. The say knowledge is power, well, so is money. Its time to flex our economic muscle to get our message across that we won’t be used any more or taken advantage of. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets and coffers.
Sean Chapin
The following is my video message to ever New York State Senator who voted against the marriage equality bill:
“We always sing about our country being the land of the free and the home of the brave. If you don’t have the courage to speak about your position, then how can we not call you a coward.”
Dear RobertNYC, I’ve seen many people die in my lifetime. Those nearing death always rally towards the end, fooling families on numerous occasions. The dying appear to miraculously get better right before they go. It got to the point where I would warn families about it, so they would understand what was happening. This surge in the legislation of discrimination and the Tedious Right appears to me to be one of those last hoorahs before the end. Constitutionally, discrimination cannot be tolerated. So, NOM-sters rally, click your heels, berate the oppressed, but know that your time is near. I’ve seen it before.
Robert, NYC
1Equality, I only hope you’re right.
Further to my last post, I encourage everyone across the country, BOYCOTT NYC and NYS, stay away as a protest. When taking your vacation inside the U.S., avoid coming to our state. Spend your money in Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, or if you want a foreign destination and can afford it, spend your time and money in Canada, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Sweden or South Africa. Help us hurt our economy here in NYS, ditto for Maine and notify your local congressmen and women, senators, whoever is supposed to represent you.
Already done, RobertNYC, I even stopped buying Linda Greenlaw’s books, (Maine) as she, as far as I could ascertain, didn’t say a word against Maine’s discriminatory “Question 1”. I stopped giving to HRC too. The only organizations I give to now are NCLR (National Center for Lesbian Rights), Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and D.A.V. (Disabled American Vets). Everyone else can go fish.
Robert, NYC
1EqualityUSA, thanks so much. I appreciate it. I’ve just notified one of my representatives who voted for the bill, Senator Toby Stavisky informing her what some of her constituents plan to do in regard to shopping in Connecticut and elsehwere to hurt our state economy and to punish the party for allowing eight bigots to dictate the outcome of the legislation. I’m sure she’ll respond once she reads it. I’ll let readers know as soon as I hear from her. Similarly, I’ve notified my local Congressman.
There’s a fantastic documentary about the woman who created the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall in Washington D.C.(One of many pieces she’s created.) The artist’s name is Maya Ying Lin and she’s so amazingly talented. I wish the queer community could talk her into creating a work of art that would list the names of every bigot who oppressed us. The sun will shine in our yard too, RobertNYC and when it does, brilliant artists like Maya Lin will be there to represent the pain endured by our community. I want the names of every politician, every NOM-skull, every Tedious Right who participated in this American oppression to be clearly legible on this queer memorial. Some day Americans will be shaking their heads in awe, just as we do now over the Japanese internment camps. Every artist needs to devote at least three pieces of work to this message, in whatever medium they work. We must never forget our oppressors.
Robert, NYC
1EqualityUSA, whatever it takes, I’m for it. I strongly believe though that our economic muscle is one option we can use as referenced in earlier posts. Money talks, talk doesn’t. If Solmonese and Capelle are worth their salt, neither of whom I like, let them earn their keep that they’re making off of some of us and use the same m.o. that I’m recommending to everyone. They have in the past gotten us absolutely nowhere fast. If they want more support from us, then they’ll both need to grow a pair, big time, and fast. Other than that, I have no use for them and expect nothing from them.
@ no. 125 – Rainfish
Keep your peepers on Iowa. You know, “where the corn grows as high as an elephant’s eye”.
Not germane to the topic at hand, I know, but wasn’t that line from the Broadway Show Oklahoma?
Being the big corn-producing state that Iowa is, however, I see that line relating to it as well. 😉
Good afternoon, Robert and Kumusta po kayo, 1EqualityUSA.
I couldn’t sleep a wink last night either.
I can’t think of a thing to add to this conversation that hasn’t already been said.
A sad day, indeed.
How do we go after Hiram Monserrate?
#146 Mr Schlukitz, humihinga pa sa awa ng diyos. Tamad na babae. Lazy today! I have a work run starting tomorrow. Petting Florence is my only occupation today. Relegated to one-handed typing, my left bicep is going to become larger, simply by supporting the weight of this cat. Yesterday, Jane slunk down over the back of my neck and fell asleep, straddling my C-7. At the risk of, again, opening up our community to accusations of bestiality, I wish HATErosexuals loved us as much as our kitties do. Animals are spiritually superior, by far, without even trying. Good day to you, Sir.
@ no. 60 – Attmay
How unfortunate that I should have domiciles in two homophobic states, Florida, my main residence, and the family home on my mother’s side that I just inherited from my deceased uncle in 2007.
Were it not for the sagging real estate market, and the blood-bath I would have to take were I to sell them at this time, I would put both places up on the market and retire to the Philippines with my partner for good.
We may not have the right to marry down there either, but at least, no one is collecting money, campaigning and calling for laws to outlaw gays, make second-class citizens of us, criminalize us or imprison/execute us.
It may not be perfect, but at least I can live with it and sleep at night.
No one is talking about the most important item: his tie is hideous.
(humor is my defense mechanism).
A no. 148 – !EqualityUSA
I am relieved to learn that you are still breathing, with the grace of God. Karamihan ay nagpapasalamat para sa. ;-P
Lazy today, perhaps…but lazy woman? I highly doubt that…being lazy, I mean. LOL
You seem quite conversant with Tagalog. I dare say that your understanding and command of it far exceeds mine. While I can exchange a few polite pleasantries in it, I am far from fluent.
Because of the American occupation of the Philippines during WWI, English became the unofficial, official language there and it was during that period, that English began to be taught in the schools in addition to their native languages, of which there are many, as you no doubt are aware of.
Consequently, most younger and middle-aged people all speak English in addition to their own mother tongue, which pretty much takes the pressure off of visitors and foreign ex-patriots like myself, to learn the language. It is only the folks in my age bracket, who do not speak it and at time like those, I must rely on my hubby for assistance in translating.
My partner and I lived in Cabanatuan City, were he was born and lived with his family until I came onto the scene. LOL
For the first three years of our trans-oceanic relationship, we lived in a duplex there and everyone we knew, including his family spoke Tagalog, which is also the language spoken in Manila.
When we moved to the coast in La Union, we quickly discovered that everyone spoke Ilocano in that area and even my partner must resort to speaking English there, since no one understands or speaks Tagalog. LOL
So, in a real sense, the two of us are like fish out of water living where we do. However, the natural beauty of the area, the friendliness of the locals and having a sweeping vista of the China Sea from our house, plus the gorgeous sunsets, make up for any losses me might have incurred by moving up there from Cabanatuan City four years ago.
We will be celebrating our seventh anniversary come this New Years Eve.
One of my favorite posts submitted by “Dennis”:
wrote on May 14, 2009 9:54 PM:
” I grew up in the Philippines where 97% percent of the population is Catholic and the rest is either Muslim or other denominations. I went to an all-boys school run by Jesuits outside of Manila. Our science teachers would teach us about evolution while our religion teachers would discuss about the biblical creation. Religion and science teachers would never debate on the whole evolution/creation issue nor I would hear any religious parents complaining to the school board about their son or daughter being exposed to something against their beliefs. Public schools also teach evolution and sometimes they would invite priests or nuns to talk about God creating the whole universe. Everyone was just there to learn. No one complains, no one gets offended. Its too good to be true but yes, in the Phillippines they teach evolution on a religious run school!
I also never heard of a school back home denying admission to anyone who is gay, even if that institution is run by a religious organization. I also remember my school (run by Jesuits) had a very good volleyball team most of the members are gay. Also gay students can freely congregate anywhere in the school without being harassed.
When I came to the United States I was very surprised that there is so much fuss about evolution being taught in schools and homosexuality. And I’m more surprised that a lot of religious people are very vocal about their beliefs here. It’s more like “I am right and you are wrong” attitude.
I am also shocked that people here are getting killed or harassed for being gay. Believe it or not, in the Philippines most town (even the most rural) celebrations or fiestas would have gay beauty pageants, and yes even the town priest and public officials would be given the front row seats!
I am now married with 4 kids, I now live in Connecticut. My family is Catholic but we believe in the rights of all people including gay marriage. We have some gay friends who are married and I can vouch to all the people out there that gay marriage hasn’t affected my marriage at all!
p.s. there is a strong movement in the Philippines now that would make it the first country in Asia to legalize gay marriage. And also, the ban on gays from the military has been abolished long time ago.
I still dont know why we cant do the same thing here. “
@ no. 138 – Dean Chapin
Kudos to you, buddy. Well done.
My apologies for the typo. That should have been Sean, not Dean.
Michael Letterman
Ahhhh New York the city that never sleeps and now the city that proves the fag agenda to pervert marriage will not sully the land.
You keep thinking your a “protected gender” there are but two genders male and female. People do not get “sexual rights” so you deserve no more rights then the idiot in Japan who married an anime character. You want to have that right… move to Japan.
While your living here abide by the rules of this land. Boycott NY all you want. But if you’re going to do it do it right. No New York fashion, no television which films in NY.. yeah that’s right no more 30 Rock for you, etc. Or you can quit your complaining and try and fix the problem.
Your not rejected because of your choice of sex partner, what is rejected is the outrageous gay lifestyle which endorses some rather disgusting things.
I told you this would happen long ago, you didn’t believe me then, you probably won’t believe me now, yet the proof is there in the headlines.
Robert, NYC
Letterman, fuck off you filthy, ugly bastard!
I’m thankful, as are many, for you too, Schlukitz.
Dennis of the Philippines said…
Believe it or not, in the Philippines most towns (even the most rural) celebrations or fiestas would have gay beauty pageants, and yes even the town priest and public officials would be given the front row seats!
Thank you, 1EaqualityUSA for sharing Dennis’ thoughts with the rest of us. What he speaks, is the truth.
I can substantiate that first-hand. My partner and I attended just such a paqeant last year in the small, rural city we live near in northwestern Luzon. It was held in the public plaza and I could not believe the sheer size of the crowd. Not only was each seat taken, there was barely standing room for us to find and the entire audience, without exception, was wildly enthusiastic and supportive of the gay performers. Not once, did I hear an anti-gay epithet or slur tossed at anyone, either on the stage or among the crowd.
I could not imagine anyone in the Philippines stooping so low, as to toss a dildo at a performer on the stage, as occurred at an Adam Lambert performance here in the States recently. That would be entirely unthinkable and the dildo tosser would be cooling his heels in a jail cell for having done so.
As an American who has lived with bigotry, hatred and discrimination all of my live in this country, I was totally blown away.
Everything Dennis had to say in your quote of his comments, 1EqualityUSA, is entirely true. Not a day goes by when I am in the Philippines, that I do not see both young girls (and boys as well) holding hands or having their arms around each other shoulders in a display of friendship and comaraderie with each other.
Over the past seven years that I have traveling back and forth between the USA and the Philippines, I have found the populace to be some of the warmest, most caring and supportive people I have encountered anywhere on the planet, and I have traveled extensively in my lifetime. And, like Dennis, I too am shocked that people here are being harassed or killed just for being gay.
WTF am I doing here, I have to ask myself?
Michael Letterman
Robert: such a potty mouth but considering what you use that mouth for I guess it really doesn’t matter.
As for my being ugly, why are you fags so fixated on what I look like. I’m neither ugly nor georgous, not thin nor fat. I’m not short or tall not hirsute or bald. I’m fairly average in looks. I execell in other areas though.
@ no. 157 – Robert NYC
If you wish to extinguish a fire, you must deprive it of oxygen. 😉
Paano mo sasabihin sa Tagalog ang “asshole”? Walang oksiheno….walang oksiheno. Deprive it of oxygen.
Robert, NYC
Sheeny man, and I bet your mouth is a lot dirtier eating out your wife’s stinky smelly twat that wouldn’t do justice to a good plate of baccala!
Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.
Michael Letterman
Robert: I hope you wipe your shit off your partner’s cock before you suck on it, but I doubt in the “heat of the moment” you remember to do that.
You are a shining example of why we, as a society, will continue to deny any “special” rights to your kind. In fact recent history shows a delcine in this concept rather than any forward movement. I am only suggesting you refect on this while you dream up invectives about my wife.
If you need to hate me for the truth I speak do so, if you need to hate me because I dare speak the truth, then find comfort in your ignorance.
Paano mo sasabihin sa Tagalog ang “asshole”?
Gago/Gaga will do very nicely. HeeHee
Has “Youcanthandlethetruth” risen from the ashes like a Phoenix under the new screen name of Michael Letterman?
Just sayin’.
Johnny Walker Black
This is just simply sad. No matter how you swing it!
No. 110 · 1EqualityUSA: Great idea
Hi everyone.
I think gays need to take it easy for a while. This year end marriage battle is getting emotionally exhausting even for a straight man.
I really think, for now, you should accept the all but marriage offer. Yeah i said it. Marriage is a word…religious groups want it? Fine let em have it. It does not take away the love for your partner or the life you have together. If they can give this to you with all the benefits of marriage, take it for now. Let people get used to the idea, let them see gays are not freaks or monsters who want to defile an age old institution. More minds will change this way.
People vote against gay marriage because they have a NEGATIVE picture in their mind for the union. Change the picture..change minds
wikipedia:”The repeal of “separate but equal” laws was a key focus of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. In Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), attorneys for the NAACP referred to the phrase “equal but separate” used in Plessy v. Ferguson as a custom de jure racial segregation enacted into law. The NAACP, led by the soon-to-be first black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, was successful in challenging the constitutional viability of the separate but equal doctrine, and the court voted to overturn sixty years of law that had developed under Plessy. The Supreme Court outlawed segregated public education facilities for blacks and whites at the state level. The companion case of Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497 outlawed such practices at the Federal level in the District of Columbia.
Even though the policy of separate but equal education had been overturned, it would be almost ten more years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would extinguish the social policy of separate but equal. Additionally, in 1967 under Loving v. Virginia, the United States Supreme Court declared Virginia’s anti-miscegenation statute, the “Racial Integrity Act of 1924”, unconstitutional, thereby ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage (“anti-miscegenation laws”) in the United States.
The phrase “separate but equal” has been more recently used by supporters of same-sex marriage [4] to argue for full marriage rights for same-sex couples.
Many are fighting to completely eradicate any benefits entirely, even 25 percent is being disputed. Tommy News of New York said it well:
“Civil Marriage is Completely Separate From Religious Marriage! As long as the government codifies and makes laws about Civil Marriage, all Americans must be included in those laws equally regardless of gender. Anything less is discrimination. Civil marriage has nothing whatsoever to do with religion or religious marriage. Civil Wedding ceremonies can be performed by town clerks, mayors, judges, justices, sea captains etc. without any religious involvement whatsoever. After the government issues a Civil Marriage Certificate, churches are then free to bless those unions or not as they so choose. There are plenty of tolerant and Progressive churches that will. “Judge Ye Not, Lest Ye Be Judged”! (Tommy News of N.Y. posted this on August 12…I liked it.)
This is a matter of principle. The Constitution cannot support one set of Americans being entitled to benefits and withhold those same benefits to other Americans, because they are unpopular. It won’t fly in a court of law.
Dear Sen. Diane Savino, Thank you for your words and support.
Michael Letterman
schlukitz: sorry I don’t converse in Tagalog
Others: Stop thinking equality has anything to do with “sexual preference” if “sexual preference” was a right then we’d have to allow for the marriage of all other sexual deviance. This will not happen in this country. People who think of gay marriage realize that it is but the next step into allowing the freedom of any sexual devient group to demand their own rights.
Michael Letterman: Sorry, I don’t converse in Trollish. ;-P
Copy no. 171 – 1EqualitUSA
In 1987, homosexuality was removed from the DSM as a mental disorder. Ergo, since no illness or mental disorder exists, referring to it as a sexual deviancy is unfounded and a disingenuous lie.
Unfortunately, since evolution, the laws of physics and cold, hard, scientific facts like geological artifacts, radio-carbon dating and similar empirical evidence of homosexual behavior in other classifications of the animal kingdom, is, more often than not, dismissed by the flat-earth folks as “junk science” or “hog-wash”.
Such people cannot and will not be “confused” with the facts.
They’re already made up their mind.
Michael Letterman
Terrwill: ROFLMAO still think I’m the one with issues? I’m as happy as can be NY voted with me.
You seem so fixated on my parents and myself ignoring completely the validity of my argument. This speaks reams about your lack of conviction. As far as you are concerned your childish taunt amounts to a soapbox oration while I look at it as what it is the rants of a verbally challenged lunatic.
There are as many scientists who think homosexuality is genetically based as those that think it is a “defect” or error in the psyche. No matter what the root cause is, one thing it is not is the “norm”. Either belief in creationism or evolution would suggest that homosexuality was not the intended end result. Without the (I believe you call them “breeders”) the species would disappear. Therefore homosexuality has to be a deviation from the “norm” and as such a perversion of what is normal and accepted.
No where else is this more evident then in some of what is posted at this website. Both in content and comment I’ve found all that one would need to prove the deviancy which homosexuality finds titillating.
@michael lettermen,
wrong, sexuality is not just for reproduction. It is a bonding element used between the genders to express connection. it isn’t that clinical mother theresa. fuck, just die off already.
· Schlukitz: Remember our agreement on not “feeding the animals”? 😉
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE MICHAEL LETTERMAN. Like a 3 year old if he doesn’t get attention he will give up and slither away to another site……………..
terrwill he’s just like you , incorrigible :p
And you are not feeding the animals, Terrwill?
MICHAEL HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU????,/i> from your post no. 175. ;P
Schultzy: I generally will only put one post per thread advising not to respond to asshats post, then I like to dig into her with a comment about trips to the cruise areas and or mommy/daddy issues. Unfortunately he tends to pop up on lots of threads……hence the “how many times have I told you”
Michael Letterman
mard: I completely agree with you, that is what sexuality is. But while I care not a whit what you do in the privacy of your home I shall fight to keep you from any special rights or privileges due to your choice in sexual partners.
Homosexuality is no different from any other sexual perversity be it underage partners or inanimate objects or even animals. Deviation is just that something other than what is considered normal for a society.
So while I agree you should be allowed to have any consensual partner you want in the privacy of your home when it comes to marriage it will forever be the dominion of male/female relationships.
The State of New York has spoken and it agrees with me. Other states that have taken up the issue will soon all agree. The battle may be far from over and the war yet begun but this particualr issue will end as it has in NY, where ever it may be fought.
1EqualityUSA, you had inquired of me yesterday if there were any rallies, protests, etc. in New York City as a result of the disappointing news from Albany.
I watched the 11 pm news on CBS and there was a blurb that lasted less than a minute. Very scant coverage for an event that should have been quite news-worthy to many news Yorkers, gay and straight alike.
Nor, was there anything about the rally that took place in Union Square last night or the luminaries that were there and spoke to the crowd. I had to go to Towelroad to learn of it.
Why wasn’t a word about this on Queerty today, wonder?
Schlukitz, Union Square in San Francisco? I don’t watch T.V. except for Antiques Roadshow and Criminal Minds when I happen to catch it. I don’t know why it got so little press here on this site. The money generated here is based on the highest amounts of hits, so maybe fanning flames with Cardinals, Mormons, and Lambert, generate more hits than rallies. #184 Saan siya galing?
No. It was in Union Square in New York City. I am not a big TV watcher either. Much to passive for my tastes. I prefer the interaction of being on the Net.
#184 Hindi ko alam
@ NO. 145 – schlukitz ,
Actually, I was referring to GOP Elephants in Iowa. They migrate every so many years for the Straw Polls. Great hunting! Very tasty with a sprig of corruption and a dash of graft.
Mmmmmm…finger licking good!
(above) In response to “schlukitz” regarding@ no. 125 – Rainfish’s comment:
Keep your peepers on Iowa. You know, “where the corn grows as high as an elephant’s eye”.
Not germane to the topic at hand, I know, but wasn’t that line from the Broadway Show Oklahoma?
Being the big corn-producing state that Iowa is, however, I see that line relating to it as well. 😉
Rainfish continues:
Our mailman got hitched in Iowa this past Summer to his longtime companion. It’s nice to just be mundane sometimes — even when you know you’re “special” (special rights and all that). And we ARE “special”, you know. God’s chosen people, in fact — She told me so.
Personally, I think it is a perversion of our Constitutional Republic that any oppressed minority is even subjected to the humiliation of having to petition for their equal rights.
New York is a sad example of what happens when so-called “inalienable” rights are put up like a popularity contest.
Whether it be through political parties or via public referendum.
Is this the United States of America or “American Idol”? Has anybody noticed how our human rights have degenerated into some kind of mob-driven version of a game show. You get audience approval, and if you’re popular enough, you get your Civil Rights. Yaaaa!!!
That sucks!
Future generations will look back on this travesty of justice with shame.
How sad…how very sad indeed.
Robert, NYC
Terrwill, Letterman is proof that DEVOLUTION exists.
If marriage is about procreation…..then lets enjoin John Marcotte who wants a ban on divorce in California and add a ban on straight breeders who don’t want to breed or who can’t from marrying.
To digress, some good news. Hiram Monserrate may face a year in jail today for slashing his girlfriend. So while Mr. Monserrate is projecting his “moral values” onto the rest of us, it’s worth pointing out that those morals include slashing his girlfriend’s face with a broken beer bottle, which required 20 to 40 stitches to close. That was before he violently dragged her, while she was bleeding, through the lobby of their building to take her to the ER. What a guy. (Did you catch that it’s their building? That is, they live together. UNMARRIED and like most religious cults, christianity, judaism and islam, living “in sin and a threat to straight marriage.
Because he was only found guilty of misdemeanor assault, he was able to keep his senate seat. Because he was able to keep his senate seat, he was able to vote against marriage equality today.
You can call Mr. Monserrate’s district office at (718) 205-3881, and his Albany office at (518) 455-2529. Tell him that your moral values embrace equality and deplore violence, and when it’s re-election time, throw a few dollars toward Jose Peralta. I know I will. Remember, this moron voted against our equality. I hope the court throws the book at him and when he gets to jail, suffers intensely. One down and seven more to go.
Michael Letterman
Rainfish: Iowa is next there we will fix the mistakes of the legislators via the court system.
Being a deviant does not grant you “rights” and marriage IS NOT an inalienable right it is a privilege one you get allowed when you follow the correct path in life.
Trust me should it ever be put to a referendum (and this is why the legislators will never let that happen) the public will overwhelmingly vote against gay marriage.
It is time to face the fact that your sexual choice does not also provide for special rights and privileges. Yeah you’re special, pathetic too.
The future will look at New York’s decision as just one of many that protected marriage from being destroyed by a deviant faction.
Robert, NYC
Terrwill, Letterman is probably a self-loathing jew because he’s supposedly married to an equally devolved papist gentile (read unclean). Notice how this fucktard turd comes out of his cave when its a gay issue. This subhuman has a lot of sexual issues going on undoubtedly. Its unnatural and abnormal for a so called “straight” to troll gay blogsites. Again, devolution kicking in, mostly indigenous to straights.
Robert, NYC
Oh my Terrwill, now he’s saying that being gay is about sexual deviance.
Hmmm…..rape, incest (committed by imaginary straight Adam & Eve and their progeny to have populated the planet), pimping, prostitution (overwhelmingly straight by nature), sex trafficking (overwhelmingly straight), adultery (overwhelmingly straight), unwed mothers having sex outside of marriage…Maggie Gallagher a classic example of straight deviance…..funny how nobody has seen her husband in public); straight sodomy (deviant oral sex condemned in the book of fables, the bible, but practiced by probably the majority of breeders in or outside of marriage), masturbation (condemned in the old testament, but a vast majority of straights practice it, married or single). Oh I could go on and on……. . Letterman I suppose never jacked off or didn’t have sex before marriage? What a fucking idiot.
No. 189 · Robert, NYC: Remember back in HS the asshats with the biggest mouths calling everyone “fag” and “queer”??? Those are the ones you run into now who are disgustingly overweight, bald, dead end jobs, and frequent the cruise areas where getting barebacked is their dish of choice. I think that correctly describes our “friend”……………
Robert, NYC
Terrwill, #193. Quite! I remember 20 years ago, I was walking along West Street in Greenwich Village with a coule of friends in the early hours after a night out and noticed several middle-aged hassidic jews outside of a van, one was in the driver’s seat cruising for guys. After scoring, I suppose they ran home to their equally ugly wives. Another hit against the sanctity of straight marriage and probably vote against equality.
I just heard a rabbi in NJ is screaming that when the state votes on marriage equality next week, it will be a threat to religious freedom. Another devolved brain emerging. I’d like to know how a civil marriage between a same sex couple affects his right to practice his cultist belief system. Nobody is calling for the ban on his right to believe or forcing his cult to recognize let alone perform a same-sex marriage. This is of course about hate, the very antithesis of what they’re supposed to believe and practice. Hypocrisy and bigotry once again rearing its devolved ugly head. If he had to have chosen between the gas ovens in Auschwitz and same-sex marriage, he would obvously have to have chosen the former to be true to his beliefs that same-sex marriage is wrong,including Letterman.
No. 194 · Robert, NYC: Don’t get me started with the orthodox Jews! They are one of historys most persecuted groups and they have the gall to look to deny and cast hate towards any other group??? I read about the NYC Gay rights legislation where they were one of the most vocal groups spewing their vile hatred towards the Gays. When people would mention those suffering from AIDS they would cheer yell out how the Gays “deserve to die”. How many of their direct relatives died at the hands of the nazis? The behaviour of these Jews is absolutly no different than those nazis who herded their relatives into the gas chambers…………….
Robert, NYC
Terrwill@195, couldn’t agree more. A lot of the right wing so called “christian” wackos spew the same garbage as does the other filthy abrahamic cult islam. In the case of the hassidim and orthodox jews, all I can say is, its a pity some of their families escaped the ovens. I’d gladly have booted them in without any hesitation knowing what I now know about them. They say the same about us including all the other religious sickos out there. They always play the victim when we go after them and other mentally retarded religious cultists who occasionally come in here, but when it comes to us, they villify us with impunity. I have no sympathy for any of them, they deserve everything they get back from us and others who despise them.
Michael Letterman
Robert: get the cum out of your eyes, I never said marriage is about procreation, that is but one of the many things marriage is about. Not ever marriage is perfect nor does every marriage provide children. But marriage is the dominion of the male/female joining and we will never allow you to dilute it.
One thing (among many) you will never be is equal. You are a either a cosmic joke or an evolutionary mistake.
You want to call me an idiot OK I’ll call you a queer. I still win.
Terrwill: Your mistaking “group” for “religion” queer isn’t a religion it’s a perversion of the norm.
Robert, NYC
Letterman, the fact of the matter is, we gay New Yorkers can get married, just not in our own state right now. We’ll gladly pour millions into Connecticut’s state coffers, deservedly so, while our state suffers cuts especially local businesses who need to survive the most. Long may that continue.
I’ll gladly accept you calling me a queer as long as I can call you a “kike” of the worst kind> Fuck you, fuck your cult and fuck your ugly smelly slag of a wife.
Michael Letterman
Robert: You prove your lowness in your comments regarding the Holocaust, while I do not advocate violence due to your sexual preference I would glady meet you in person to teach you respect it is a lesson you sorely require.
As we have done in NY we will do across the country and soon there will be no state that will allow the perversion of marriage to continue. NY was but one of many projects we are working on and we are heartened by the results we will, as we have in NY, be victorious in the few states that now require it.
You can call me, my wife and the rest of my family whatever slur you want, we all know the scum that you are and represent and why would we get upset that such scum is calling us names?
I can only say that I will pray for you and hope that somehow you see the error of your ways.
Robert, NYC
Kike Letterman, your orthodox/hassidim cult members have advocated for our death not just here but in Israel too. I don’t regret or retract one word about the holocaust in the context in which I had written, namely the two jewish sects referenced previously, not progressive jews of which you are not one. I do deplore and condemn the holocaust but not for people like those mentioned or any of other religous cults who think the same way. Fuck your stupid prayers, a total waste of time from filth like you. Your not even fit to be shit on the bottom of my shoe.
Michael Letterman
Robert: ROFLMAO you think I’m Orthodox???????? I am but a simple Reform Jew and I do not speak on behalf of my religion but on behalf of those who believe as I do that what you are is an abomination to all that is right. What you regret and retract will change over time but for now you prove what a worthless piece of excrement you really are.
You are a sick and twisted person in need of serious help. While I will not wish HIV/Aids upon you or advocate violence to you, all I can offer is prayer and hopes that one day you will change and become something worthy of joining society.
You do not speak for all homosexuals but you remind me of what I most detest about some, you will sink to the lowest depths to make a point which negates any dialogue. It is the last gasp of someone who does not have the skills or vocabulary to make a educated argument. You sir are scum and worse then that you are stupid scum.
I, for now, will consider you beneath contempt, worthy of nothing. You can continue to live your pathetic, sad, lonely existence. You can watch as conventional society rejects you as it has in NY so shall it pass in every state in this fine union.
Robert, NYC
Hey Kike Letterman, fuck you again! FYI you can’t even read English. Show me where I sad you were an orthodox or hassidic kike? I used those as examples of your fucked up cult and belief system.
I’ve been in a thriving monogomous 16 year relationsip, so I’m far from lonely, fucktard. Drop dead, you filthy piece of human detritus.
Michael Letterman
Robert: What you are is an embarrassment to your parents. Or were you raised with such a disgusting mouth? I suppose you’d have to be pretty much a disappointment to anyone who might converse with you.
A thriving monogamous 16 year relationship. LOL unlikely, unless you have some poor slob tied to your bed and forced to deal with such a worthless scum-bucket like yourself.
In fact you might be in a relationship but monogamous is something I don’t even think you come close to. No one who comes off as such a lowlife as you could manage to keep a relationship going for 16 days no less years.
What you have is a sex partner one is is low enough to submit to being with a deviant such as yourself.
Let me know when your pills kick in and your delusion fades away.
Robert, NYC
Kike, drop dead! If you and your ugly fucking wife were on fire, I wouldn’t piss on you but add fuel. Again, drop dead!
Michael Letterman
Robert: LOL don’t you get it? If my beautiful and wonderful wife and I were on fire and for any strange reason you were near us, we would rather burn then have you do anything for us.
I find it amazingly amusing that the first thing you think of when it comes to putting out a fire is pissing on someone. Is that a gay thing? or are you a special pervert?
Frankly you should stop peeing on people altogether it is yet one more thing society frowns on.
You are such a tiny twerp with the vocabulary skills of a pissed off six year old. I’ve heard some scientists say that homosexuality in men is likened to arrested development thank you for verifying that.
Robert, NYC
Actually dumbass kike, the pissing reference came from straight Irish friend of mine, you fucking moron. Yeah, you’d rather burn than be pissed on? You fucking psycho talking liar. Anyone in their right mind would choose life over death. Its you who is irrational now, you fucking idiot.
Michael Letterman
Robert: The pissing reference came from the same place everything you say comes from, the little peanut you call a brain.
I didn’t say I would rather die then be pissed on I said I’d rather die than be pissed on by you. Lord knows how many diseases are running through your pathetic fagboy body.
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. ~
~ The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less. ~
Eldridge Cleaver
~ We hate some persons because we do not know them; and will not know them because we hate them. ~
Charles Caleb Colton
~ If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us. ~
Herman Hesse
~ I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone… they will be forced to deal with pain. ~
James Arthur Baldwin
~ I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. ~
Booker T. Washington
Now I lay me down to sleep,
The speaker’s dull, the subject’s weak;
If he should stop before I wake,
Give me a nudge for goodness sake.
Robert, don’t waste your valuable time on that moron. With all of the excrement oozing out of his fetid gap-toothed mouth (via the keyboard), you know he’s not kosher. Besides, obviously he’s compensating (guilt turns to anger) for jacking off to nude photos of little girls when his sister/wife is at the barber shop getting her back hair trimmed.
“Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies.”
– Voltaire (1694-1778) on his deathbed in response to a priest asking that he renounce Satan.
Robert, NYC
Rainfish, you’re right. I’m done with that low-life.
@ Adam: I guess you feel pretty stupid with your foolish racist remarks.Thanks to #133 ChitownKev & #124 Sam. You see one black man in the pic and thats the whole black community in your sick distorted ricist mind. That gave you reason enough to express your latent racism. It shows that when you assume, you make an ASS of youself.
Michael Letterman
schlukulz: Love that twist to an old classic. Will find a way to use it going forward.
Rainfish: I don’t know you, but you describe me to a T so you must know me. I’m the one getting off on pics of little girls? Then I would rally against myself since that too would be a perversion of all that is normal. But since it is hardly true, ok admitidly my wife is rather young looking but she’d hardly be called a little girl, you need come up with all new nonsense to spew. BTW Robert doesn’t have valuable time, he has kneel time, O time, and lick it off the floor time, that’s about it.
Robert: yes, lay your wearied head to rest… don’tcha cry no more.
Your a demented little fool who needs to take better stock of your life. The vitrol (look it up) that spews from you far exceeds anything I’ve offered. Your patheic and sad patheisad I suppose.
Bunny Snuggles
No. 214 • Michael Letterman admitted that he was into kiddy porn.
He confessed: “I don’t know you, but you describe me to a T so you must know me. I’m the one getting off on pics of little girls. … ok admittedly my wife is rather young …”
Well, that says it all.
Michael Letterman
bunny: Ladies and gentelmen I offer this as an example of the inablity of this homo, queer, fag, whatever the appropriate term is, lack of ability to detect blantant scarcasm. Though the bit about my wife is spot on she’s as beautiful today as she was when I met her, thirty years ago.
Michael, People of color would prefer to be called black, not “N***er”
Italians would prefer to be called Italians, not “Wops.”
Germans would prefer to be called Germans, not “Krauts.”
Chinese people would prefer to be called Chinese, not “chinks”.
Spanish people would prefer to be called Spaniards, not “spics”.
And Homosexual people would prefer to be called Gay or Lesbian, according to their sex, not homo, queer or fag.
You see, how we address people upon first meeting, can make all the difference in the world as to the welcome or re-buff we receive from them.
Perhaps if you showed a tad more respect to gays and lesbians when you visit our site, you would not be getting all the vitriol that is coming your way?
Your bible says “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”
Wise words to live by, me thinks.
Michael Letterman
schlukitz: Thank you for that vocab lesson. It brings up the questions…
What do we call pedophiles when we greet them?
What do we call people into bestiality when we greet them?
What do we call people into, well this can go on for quite awhile but I think I made my point. And before anyone goes off half cocked (no pun intended) I’m not equating anything to anything I’m pointing out that people who are involved in all sorts of “groupings” have a preference on how we refer to them.
I knew a group of black kids back in NY that would only allow one to refer to them as Kings but there kingdom was a tenement building in the lower east side and it never really caught on.
scott ny'er
Those are GREAT quotes. Well done. Well done!!!
Bunny Snuggles
Michael Letterman’s STD riddled mother laughed in response to:
No. 216 • Michael Letterman who retardedly bragged: “… the bit about my (his) (child) wife is spot (re: syphilis) on she’s as beautiful (repress gag reflex) today as she was when I (he) met (bought) her, thirty years ago (at a horse auction).”
@ Michael “the troll” Letterwoman,
So…where did you first meet her, in a stable at a horse ranch while feeding her hay? I forgot that part about you being into bestiality too — beside little girls. You must be diddling yourself now as you read this. Have another spoonful, troll. HA! HA!
Poor nag, it must be difficult for her to mate with you. She must have to hop up and down on your fat gut to make it pop out first.
Please don’t breed. We don’t need any more with your mental diseases polluting the gene pool.
We prefer health (non-mutant), heterosexuals mating pairs to produce our next generation of homosexuals. You don’t qualify, MS Letterwoman, to produce any kind of human.
So, next time you’re roaming around under that enormous roll of fat of yours looking for your clit-size wiener, could you please do the world a favor and borrow your sister/wife’s back-hair tweezers, then use a magnifying mirror to locate and pinch off your pepper-corn sized nads while your down there? One less YOU in the world would not only be good for humankind, but would do wonders to lessen air pollution.
Dear Bunny Snuggles, I worked so damned hard today. We didn’t even get lunch. Non-stop, high intensity, pure concentration kind of work where if we take our eye off of the ball for an instant, the house of cards could fall into disaster. Then I come home to read post #220 and got at case of the giggles so horrendously that my eyes watered. I don’t condone all of this bad stuff between all of you, but you are extremely creative and entertaining. They should name an exotic plant after you. good night.
Mr. Letterman. Give your beautiful, youngish looking soul mate the best neck massage she’s had in weeks and then go clean the kitchen for her without her even having to ask. After you have polished the stove and deep cleaned the refrigerator, make reservations to the best restaurant your city has and tell her you love her dearly with all of your heart. Be thankful that she tolerates the amount of time you devote to this “hobby” of yours and listen for any cues, any signs whatsoever that she would wish that you would cut down on all of this commenting. Enjoy your Sunday and make a promise to yourself that you are going to think only positive, wonderful, edifying thoughts. There is an animal shelter near you that has creatures just waiting for volunteers to come and give them much needed attention. With the time you have, they would appreciate comfort and human kindness, if even for an hour. Love to you all and be nice to each other. I need to crash, so that I can relive tomorrow, what I went through today. Sincerely, 1EqualityUSA
Bunny Snuggles
@ No. 221 · 1EqualityUSA,
Shhhhhh…don’t tell anybody…but we spoke last week (under my alter ego — the less evil one). You said you liked my book. I applaud your taste.
Well, got to go for now.
[insert unzipping sound here] ok…taking off my Bunny Snuggles outfit, for now, and sitting back down to have some carrot cake.
Dr. Jekyll is calling me home.
PS – By the way, “1EqualityUSA”, the “Queer Union” is still a good idea. I’m afraid ol’ M.L. would be on the Confederate side though. Oh, well…guess whose side wins.
Dear Bunny Snuggles, This makes post #220 even more special. Go ask Alice when she’s 10 feet tall…
Michael Letterman
Bunny: How pathetic must your life be that you spend so much effort and time fantasising about me and my wife. As for our creating the next generation of homosexuals well, I can assure you none of our children will turn out so, that is a fact.
The fact that you cannot breed is perhaps the only acceptable thing about you. Yes I know science can do amazing things these days but as soon as we finish legislating you out of existence science will not be an issue.
Alas for you, there are many such like-minded as I and all of us vote, or did you not notice that?
Equality: I take excellent care of my wife and will do exactly as you’ve suggested. I’ve asked and she agrees someone needs to keep reminding you how sick and pathetic you all are, so for now, I’ll continue, until it’s time for someone to take my place.
Bunny: ROFLMAO well in that case I know who would win the confederates. Just as in New York so shall be the country. It will take time and energy both of which shall be given in spades.
Bye for now pathetic people. Enjoy yourselves as best you are able knowing that the rest of us are working towards the cure for what you are and will keep you safe, even from yourselves until that cure can be administered.
In the future, the genderless race will still feel heterosexual longings. They will be dealt with appropriately.:
Michael Letterman
Equality: In the future they will look back at the disease that you suffer from and weep. They will build monuments to honor those that freed society from such dark times.
Bunny Snuggles
Dear Letterwoman, shouldn’t you be busy putting on your flea collar and doing it doggy-style in a dirty alley somewhere with a dead hooker? Where doooo you find the time to write us all at Queerty?
MS Letterwoman wrote so sweetly to Bunny: “How pathetic must your life be that you spend so much effort and time fantasising about me and my wife.
Bunny responses: Yes, honey, I have often “fantasized” about you and your skank when two fingers down my throat wouldn’t do it when I needed to hurl after a hard night’s out. Thanks!
MS Letterwoman continues: “As for our creating the next generation of homosexuals well, I can assure you none of our children will turn out so, that is a fact.”
Bunny (who would start to believe in God — or even make a pact with Satan — if that were only true) gleefully answers:
Oh, thank you, Michelle! I was soooo worried. Being Gay is difficult enough with people like you in the world, but having Mongoloidism too…that’s just too great a burden. I praise you and your sister/wife’s decision not to have any gay children (not that it would be genetically possible with your inferior/damaged/incestuous chromosomes anyway), but thanks nevertheless.
Also….in response to a “monument (Michelle) believes he/she deserves.
@ Ms Michelle Letterwoman (also known by the drag-king stage name as Michael Letterman), Bunny asks:
Haven’t they already built a monument for your kind, Letterwoman?
It’s called a crapper. Now go “honor” yourself by flushing you and your ilk back into that celestial cesspool which spawned you and your intestinal amoebic kind.
PS – Don’t let the toilet lid hit you in the flagella on the way down.
(above) In response to tard-boy’s (aka Letterman) vomitable declaration: “… In the future they will look back at the disease that you suffer from and weep. They will build monuments to honor those that freed society from such dark times.”
Bunny concludes:
Damn, Letterman…how many times did your mother stab you in the head with a clothes hanger in a failed back-alley abortion? Apparently, she only damaged your brain and didn’t harm any vital organs.
…more’s the pity, really.
bye now, hon…please don’t disappoint…we all expect to see ya back here on this homosexual news-site because your “heterosexual” life must be sooooo damn fulfilling for you.
Uh huh…
~ toodles
Dear Bunny Snuggles, You should be paid handsomely for these lines…”how many times did your mother stab you in the head with a clothes hanger in a failed back-alley abortion? Apparently, she only damaged your brain and didn’t harm any vital organs.” I woke up with hospital-hangover, stiff, headache-y, slightly embittered about understaffing and then I read post #227 and got another case of the giggles. This line was good too, “Haven’t they already built a monument for your kind, Letterwoman? It’s called a crapper. Now go “honor” yourself by flushing you and your ilk back into that celestial cesspool which spawned you and your intestinal amoebic kind.” And also, “PS – Don’t let the toilet lid hit you in the flagella on the way down.
!!! WOOOOOOSHHHHH !!!” My partner was doing homework when I read Post #227 aloud. We both had a good laugh. Thanks.
@ 229 – 1EqualityUSA
Beautiful lyrics that unfortunately fall on too many deaf ears. 🙁
Interesting that the song flopped when it was first recorded in 1967 and had to wait for two more years before it was re-recorded gained any kind of recognition and popularity.
I didn’t know that, Schlukitz. Fu-fu-fun fact!
I pliss
Michael Letterman
Bunny: Nope that is just your overworked imagination salted with your depravity.
Oh and I don’t have MS I’m not the diseased one in this back n forth conversation that would be you.
You already dissapointed your mother and father and now you feel the need to strike out at anyone who reminds you what a monstrosity you are. Thats fine my shoulders are wide enough to deal with your vitrol and I will make the time to help you overcome your sickness. I suppose I can expect no better of you then “toliet humor” I imagine that what with the number of forigen objects inserted into you anus over time you must spend near half you day on a toilet. Or are you now wearing diapers?
Yes Virginia I’ll be back it is my turn to deal with the likes of you and correct your erroronus statements.
When scientits find the cure
and the end has been assured
When society is finnaly free
and the cure is given thee
When that time does come
and your adgenda is undone
Then the world can cheer
pray that time is near
Michael Letterman
apologies for any spelling/grammer errors in my last post I hit submit before running the spell checker after writing quite quickly. I will attempt to do better moving forward.
Kindness to animals
Every creature was created by Allah for a purpose. The Prophet always encouraged being kind to animals. Although we should not eat the meat of the pig, it doesn’t mean that we should hate pigs. We should show them the same kindness as any other animal, and not abuse or torture them. Pigs score high on tests devised to determine animal intelligence; in other words, they are very smart. It used to be that Europe people believed that pork would taste better if the pigs were kept in a state of filth, but this is not the natural inclination of the pig. When left to their own devices, it is said that pigs do not like to soil their sleeping quarters. As for their tendency to wallow in mud, that is done mainly to keep cool.
Bunny Snuggles
Ms Michelle Letterwoman (aka Michael Letterman) lyrically wrote to Bunny: “Thats fine my shoulders are wide enough to deal with your vitrol…”
Bunny responses, sympathetically: So you liked those Joan Crawford shoulder pads I sent to you. Maybe they’ll make your shoulders a little closer in width to your linebacker wife’s body type.
Letterwoman then continues her PMS rant: “…and I will make the time to help you overcome your sickness.”
Bunny is all giggles, and getting a little moist between the legs with anticipation:
Oh, thank you Dr. Killjoy. But the only image you bring to my mind is that of your wife bending over and expelling a high velocity tampon towards your face and putting out one of your eyes — now, THAT brings a smile to my face instantly! …See, feeling better already. Thanks, Doc!
Bunny Snuggles
No. 234 • Michael Letterman wrote: “apologies for any spelling/grammer errors in my last post I hit submit before running the spell checker after writing quite quickly. I will attempt to do better moving forward.”
Bunny helpfully suggests:
If you would have bothered to run the “dumb ass” checker, then we wouldn’t have to put up with any of your lame diatribes at all.
…Now, go change your adult diaper (which probably doubles as a bib) before your sister/wife’s comes home from working 12th Street to administer your 2am penicillin and peppermint enema.
Michael Letterman
Bunny: It really wouldn’t matter if I was a woman or as I am a man you would still disgust me. I’m glad you look forward to being cured, realizing that your sick is the first step and it appears you’ve taken it.
Your imagination seems to often run towards me or my family I suppose being such a depraved human you must fixate on something that isn’t as monsterous as your lifestyle is. Keep it comming no one here cares and we can always enjoy another of your sick imaginations rambles.
You failed in NY you will soon find that you will fail in all your attempts to pervert this nation. Your sickness will one day be cured but until then we will keep it from spreading.
Withnail and I excerpts:
Michael Letterman
I pliss: Amen brother, boycott everything.
Don’t vote
Don’t shop
I couldn’t agree more if you don’t vote that will show us of course it doesn’t matter if you vote or not the outcome will still be anti gay.
Stay out of the stores so we’re not forced to see you floating down the aisles and are so filled with disgust we lose our appetites anyway. This will only heighten the economy.
Maybe people spit on you because it’s their gut reaction to disgust and they lack impulse control. Shame on them for allowing their saliva to take the place of their words.
Seems a good idea you should form your own party co-opt Jessie Jackson’s idea and call it the Rainbow Party. (I’m imagining the next great sit com) By all means do this, I’m sure in no time you’ll be seeing just what a great idea it is.
I’d join you but I’m pretty well attached to the existing party which spoke it’s decision in NY as it will elsewhere in this country.
BTW did you notice your caps lock is on?
Michael Letterman
Bunny: Thank you for your many suggestions as to what I should do. Alas since I am not as perverted or demented as you seem to be I cannot commit to following your ideas. Not to mention how repugnant they may be they reek of a faggots vivid imagination.
So while you cruise the rest stops looking for more disgusting sexual experiences and live with the constant fear of being one step away from a lifetime of adult diaper wearing and HIV treatments I hope you spend a moments time thinking that perhaps it isn’t too late to change your life. Do it before legislation has to strip away the last vestiges of your humanity revealing you for the animal you truly are.
Everybody please, please forgive my son, Michael Letterman. He’s never been the same since his birth. You see, I was in labor for twelve hours. I strained and strained and strained. Finally, he popped out. But I was surprised that there was no umbilical cord or after-birth or anything of that sort after the delivery.
Shocked, I asked the attending physician what had happened. Dr. Fastbinder then told me the terrible news. I wasn’t pregnant at all – like I had first thought – he then told me that it was actually a severe bowel obstruction that finally became unblocked.
Needless to say, I was terribly disappointed. But I wrapped up little Michael anyway and brought him home to raise him.
…The rest is history.
So, please don’t judge Michael too harshly. I had no breast milk when he was just a little shit, therefore I had to keep him in colostomy bag until he was old enough to be institutionalized.
PS – In keeping with the holiday spirit, I just wanted to share with you all a link to a Christmas picture I took of my little Michael Letterman before he became a big TV star.
Click on link below:
Have a Great Holiday!!!
Bunny Snuggles
Dearest Mother-of-Michael-Letterman,
It all makes perfect sense now.
Our condolences…
Bunny Snuggles
PS – I feel as one in solidarity with you now.
Dear EqualityUSA,
The Mother-of-Michael-Letterman description of her
prodigal son was touching. Wasn’t it?
I could not have put it better…ahem…myself.
(just ask us)
Got go now…Dr. Jekyll has a found a third player for strip poker.
(taking off bunny suit…putting on June Cleaver pearls)
~ C-ya!
A little more on pigs….
Dear Mother-of-Michael-Letterman.
How on earth did you ever manage to keep Baby Doodie clean?
Taking a bath must have made him feel like a shit under a shower.
“Hare” raising Story of his birth.
Schlukitz, Ikaw pala! Pasensya ka na. Natatakot ako dahil sa nag-iisa ako at may Boston Strangler na naman daw! Ang Psycho-killer siya. Si Michael na anak ni Mrs. L……..Naku! Ang dami niyang napuntahan sa Queerty! Mau po na lang tayo rito at tiisin natin ang sakit ng ating ulo. O, sige. Papunta ako. Salamat Po. Trabaho ako. Ang saya! Baka hindi ka maintindihan. Bahala na.
NYS Sen Eric Adams
From the Office of NYS Senator Eric Adams: Please see the video of the floor speech referred to above at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0L8Yh6Gyzc
Thank you!
Michael Letterman
Bunny: Yet again you cannot resist showing the depth to your depravity. You fail time and again attempting to promote your pathetic message and consistently reach for the bottom tool of the weak mind, insult and foul language.
Face facts you lost in NY and you will continue to lose in other states and I cannot give you a better example of why other than the likes of Bunny’s postings. This is the type of behavior indicative of a diseased and perverted mind. Your a sick, sick fuck in need of more help than I could ever provide.
schukitz: You again prove that even advanced age is no guarantee of class. I am sorry that you took so long to discover what a diseased mind you have and I am glad that you found someone to share it with. I trust that prior to this you spawned no children who would live to see the horror of their father turned to a life of perversion.
Equality: Ikaw ay may sakit fillipino bading hindi ako makapag-isip ng isang mas mababang piraso ng basura at pagkatapos ay ang iyong sarili.
I am almost pleased that you all are queers. For one thing it explains your mindset, who could expect normal actions from abnormal people and for another thing at least I’m sure the disease you all suffer from cannot be transmitted to any of my loved ones.
Michael Letterman
Senator Adams: I will speak more fully on this when I visit your home office in NY. Until then I want you to know that your speech as shown is a lie. If you can leave your Bible at the door when you walk into chambers then you never understood the book at all. The book should be within you and therefore nothing you can place down and move away from. Our founding fathers didn’t nor should you.
As for equating slavery with marriage protection is just ludicrous, how can you possibly make any comparisons between what is a “right” granted by the Constitution and a “privilege” granted by common law.
I am sharing this video with my brethren and it will come in quite handy at the next election.
@252 – Michael Letterman
I will speak more fully on this when I visit your home office in NY.
Really now? And will you be entertaining Senator Adams with the same charming comments about holding his neck under a clear stream and watching the bubbles come up, as you did with Romeo?
If you can leave your Bible at the door when you walk into chambers then you never understood the book at all. The book should be within you and therefore nothing you can place down and move away from.
That is precisely where all bibles should be left when politicians walk into chambers. At the door! Separation of church and state, remember? You religious folks do not want the government interfering with church affairs and the church should not be interfering with the government and the affairs of the non-believers.
Our founding fathers didn’t nor should you.
Now it is you who is lying. Our founding father biggest fear, was people just like you. Do a Google or a Bing. Not all truth is found in the bible. (Sarcasm font on)
As for equating slavery with marriage protection is just ludicrous, how can you possibly make any comparisons between what is a “right” granted by the Constitution and a “privilege” granted by common law.
Another disingenuous lie on your behalf. You are twisting the Senator’s words. He was not equating slavery with marriage protection. He was equating blacks being denied the right to marry whites prior to 1967, with LGBT people being denied the right to same-sex marriage. Get the wax out of your ears and listen-up.
Blacks being forbidden to marry whites was, indeed, “common”. As Senator Adams so rightly pointed out, just because that was the law of the land, that did not make it right and as civilized people, we knew and understood that simple concept. That’s why the law was changed and that, in case you failed history 101, is the way Democracy works. Obviously, it is you are too simple to grasp it.
I am sharing this video with my brethren and it will come in quite handy at the next election.
First of all, you need to understand that this newly seized modus operandi of the fundies, magical undies crowd and the Church to put people’s rights up to a vote, is clearly illegal and is being challenged in court while you rant on about “privileges” granted by “common” people like yourself. You are not god, and neither are you a certified spokesman for him, not that god has any bearing on the civil-rights of taxpaying citizens.
I know that this is not pleasant news for your ilk, but the tide of public opinion is turning…and in our favor, I might ad. The polls speak for themselves. Prop. 8 was won by a scant two-point percentage point. That’s hardly a landslide victory, dude.
You won by the skin of your teeth and y’all are standing on a banana peel. That 2-point gap is closing rapidly and bigots and haters like you will be swept to one side, just as they were in 1967.
What’s that you say? You are going to advise Senator Adams of your plans to organize and collect money to put his right to marry a white person up to a vote in the next election…and use this video to whip your brethren into a froth that such an abomination can exist?
Get your head out of history and joint the twenty-first century, asshole.
You’re from an another era.
@249 – !EqualityUSA
I’m sorry. My knowledge if Tagalog is horrible, to say the least and my Filipino to English translator is not giving me a very intelligible translation of your comment. All I got, was a few words, here and there which didn’t connect very well.
Judging from Mr. Letterman’s comment to you, however, it would appear that the translating program he is using, is far superior to mine.
For a man who claims not to speak Tagalor or Filipino, I find it positively amazing how proficient and fluently he is able to find the right words to insult and belittle, however.
Oh, that’s right. That’s what people like him are good at, isn’t it? After all, they’ve had lots of practice.
Come to think of it, their bible does come in all languages, doesn’t it?
Michael Letterman
schlukitz: That would depend on how Mr. Adams comports himself. You keep forgetting that which prompted that particular fantasy. But that is in keeping with your two sided nature.
Wrong again. I don’t claim that my opinions are religious based but anyone who is carrying around a Bible and believes in it should hold the words in his/her heart and be incapable of leaving it at the door. Separation of church and state had to do with keeping the politicians from declaring a national religion and had nothing to do with keeping God out of our legislation. Just look at the National Anthem and you’ll see how much value God’s role in things our forefathers saw.
Get the cum out of your ears and listen up buddy. You lost in NY LOST LOST LOST. And this will happen over and over. There is and always will be a huge difference between race and sexual preference. Notice PREFERENCE IE. choice. You choose where you stick your cock. If you choose to stick it in a man then YOU CHOOSE TO BE A FAG. No one is forcing you.
Letting faggots marry is not a violation of a civil right its just common sense.
NY is now the country is next.
@ no. 255 – David Letterman
schlukitz: That would depend on how Mr. Adams comports himself. You keep forgetting that which prompted that particular fantasy. But that is in keeping with your two sided nature.
I’d say, for it. Who knows? It might even get your sorry ass put behind bars where it belongs for awhile? One can hope…..
Separation of church and state had to do with keeping the politicians from declaring a national religion and had nothing to do with keeping God out of our legislation.
Disingenuous lie. If you refuse to do any research and read any of the materials that are available to the public that will show that you are distorting the facts, that speaks for itself. Interesting that you never, ever, post any sources for your blithe, uninformed statements. Bigots have a tendency to do that I’ve noticed.
Get the cum out of your ears and listen up buddy.
My, my, my. And you accuse us of having potty mouths? Interesting that you have such a consuming interest in cum, cocks and assholes and that most of your comments seem to focus on these topics?
You choose where you stick your cock.
And I find your preoccupation with where I stick my cock a tad suspect. Not getting enough nooky fromt he old lady that you find it necessary to hang around on a fag site? Just sayin.
Letting faggots marry is not a violation of a civil right its just common sense.
Naw. That’s just the attitude of a “common” man.
Correction : The second paragraph should read “go for it…”
Michael Letterman
schlukitz: Since I’m a decorated government employee I’m pretty jail proof and since speaking the truth is not illegal and correcting a soon to be ex senator is considered acceptable.
As for not citing sources, I do not need to as I speak for myself and need not depend on others frequently for my words. I have my own opinions which happen to be shared by many people and I am taking my turn to dispense them currently in this forum and in other venues.
Yes here again you chide me for something you do frequently so its ok for a queer to have a potty mouth but if I reach down in the tool bag for an invective I’m in the wrong. Buddy I can deal with the highest of highs and lowest of lows and have arrows in my quiver for any situation that requires it.
Actually I don’t care where you stick it I pretty much imagine at your age you are pretty much the one getting stuck and doing less sticking yourself. So long as you keep it out of my view I don’t care if your primary sex tool is your vacuum. I can call most of you potty mouth since your basic premise revolves around using both your anus and mouth as primary sex organs. I imagine in the heat of the moment someone at some point forgot to wipe it all off (sorry threw up a bit in my mouth) and stuck it in your face. But that’s what you get when you choose the lifestyle you did.
As for the frequency of my sexual encounters with my wife, well they just aren’t any of your business. You have enough to worry about with diapers, stds and aids all hanging over your head with each dip of your wick. I can have sex with wife three times daily and it’s perfectly legal. We’re married we can have sex, pay taxes, take vacations do all sorts of thing married people do. We were married in New York and still visit quite frequently.
We get all sorts of “married people” discounts at the airlines and often go back to New York to see the holiday windows in the city. We stay in a beautiful old hotel in the city and have a lovely time. Married people can do that.
While you can play house and make believe all you want, you will always know in the back of your mind that you aren’t married and deemed unworthy of it.
@ no. 258 – Michael Letterman
Since I’m a decorated government employee I’m pretty jail proof”
Yeah. I agree. A decorated Christmas tree in a jail cell would look a tad silly!
As for not citing sources, I do not need to as I speak for myself and need not depend on others frequently for my words. I have my own opinions which happen to be shared by many people and I am taking my turn to dispense them currently in this forum and in other venues.
But of course! When you know what you know, why should you have to prove it?
Having established the fact that he knows everything and does not need to depend on others for his words (he was obviously born with eveything he knows already in his little noggin – NOT), Mr. Letterman then chooses to entertain us with yet more of his sordid sexual fantasies uppn which he seems to so fixated.
It is interesting to note that there is hardly one post in which Mr. Letterman has not bandied the word “faggot” and similar demeaning epithets about. All of which are justified, btw, by his contention that we are all potty-mouths, deviates and abominations unto the lord and scum who are deserving of such scorn and derision. Letterman is judge, jury and executioner, all rolled-up into one.
There is an old expression; “It takes one to know one.”
Given Mr. Letterman’s “choice” to hang around on known queer websites and blogs and his obvious delight in schmoozing with faggots, It does give one cause for reflection. It also brings to mind another old expression “Birds of a feather flock together.”
Protestations and condemnation of the LGBT community aside, Mr. Letterman has also revealed a rather extensive knowledge of the intimate details of the sex-life of gay people. One has to wonder if he is speaking from experience or book knowledge?
And while we are on the topic of gay sex, isn’t it interesting that the slew of verbal abuse he haw drawn upon himself by his numerous provocative commentaries directed at LGBT people and the fact that he finds such practices disgusting and an abomination unto his god, Adam and Eve, has in no way discouraged him from coming to this site or moderating his tone.
In fact, our collective verbal abuse directed at him, seems only to be turning him on. Could it just be that what we have here, is a “pushy bottom” that is egging us on like the self-hating masochist who deliberately provokes his Master in the hope that he will receive a much desired and deserved whipping from him?
It’s a well-documented fact, that many bottoms and slaves love dirty talk and verbal abuse. Our hero is exhibiting all of the traits of a bottom/slave. Perhaps we should do as the wise slave Master did…lay the whip down, fold our arms, look down with disgust and scorn at the pig before us and say…
“suffer bitch”.
Schlukitz, You didn’t miss much. He just went on as usual about gays being lower than trash and diseased. He’s actually helping to show the world what out of control hatred looks like, so in a sense, he’s helping our cause. The next time he brags about what an upstanding, decorated, gentleman he is, refer to the above posts to see how low a mind can go. I have to go back to work now. Learn Tagalog before you go back, it’s fun. Well, not anymore, here anyway. Love to you all.
I can call most of you potty mouth since your basic premise revolves around using both your anus and mouth as primary sex organs.
Michael, since you seem so fixated on pookies but remain woefully ignorant about them, I thought you might like some education on the topic to bring you up to speed.
Additionally, you should be aware of the fact that in addition to the anus, the mouth, skin and even the brain are regarded as sexual organs since they all interact with each other in producing sexual pleasure.
Michael Letterman
schlukitz; Wow now comparing me to a cherish icon of your holiday. Is there no depth to which you will not sink?
I need prove nothing. When opinion is offered proof is not required.
I do not judge nor do I execute, if I was on your jury I would recuse myself for not wishing to consult with a queer.
No need to wonder, as I’ve stated before I come by my knowledge of your community via friends and co workers I’ve known my whole adult life.
WOAH in not one post have I said you offended my God, your God or any God… I do not speak from a religious point of view but then if you actually read my posts you would already know this as you’ve proven time and again you do not read you just react indicative of a submissive which I realize is what you are.
You cannot look down upon me schlukitz as low as you’ve sunk yourself you cannot look down upon anyone. To you the lowest of the low, everyone else is up.
Many times you exclaim that you will not reply to my postings yet my words of truth seem to move you to go back on your word. I can now add hypocrite to the list of things you are. I now see why after 7 decades on this good earth you find yourself as you are. It will only be a short time until the shame you brought upon your family will revisit you in spades.
Equality: You continue to prove just what a deprived imbecile you are. Nothing more needs be said.
schlukitz: Really are we now citing wikipedia as a reliable source of information. Yes in fact there are people who derived their sexual pleasure from nipples others from toes even more from legs and taunt abdomens. Yet these are not sex organs they are organs being used for sex. Get the difference? I doubt it. Your anus was never intended to be a sex organ it is used to remove waste from your body and contains bacteria that was never intended for ingestion.
Much like the idiot who thought an anus had a lubrication gland you too seem to have forgotten basic biology. Since I know for a fact you attended school prior to my education began you were either home schooled or the science program must have been entirely lacking. Surely after 70 some odd years on this planet you’ve had time to increase your education.
I repeat there are many things a pervert will use for sexual stimulus that in no way makes these things sex organs. Learn the difference before it’s too late.
Please don’t listen to my son, Michael Letterman, he is off his meds again. The anal warts have spread to his brain. I’m afraid it is a terminal case. Pray for him.
Now behave Michael, and be nice. Playing with your poo in public again like this is very disturbing.
Michael Letterman
Bunny: Are you off your meds again? Oh what am I saying they haven’t made meds strong enough for your disease.
@ Michael
Please, I hope one day you can over come that which haunts us all from time to time, namely apathy…In your case i would say it’s toward your fellow human. We’re all in the same sandbox, just trying, you know? Give credit, always, where it is due, and never criticize anyone before you can honestly do the same, in kind for yourself…I hear your complaints, but you must understand that it won’t solve your question. We’ve been here before you, and after….Let us debate, if we must, but with a level head. Have a nice Christmas.
Michael Letterman
meltelly: So let me get this right, first off I think you need look up apathy, since I in no way can see how that would apply to someone as involved as I am.
Other than that I do not have any question for you to solve. I merely point out that which is plainly obvious to see and refuse to let anyone insult me without return in kind. Where I see perversion and depravity it is incumbent upon me to say something. If my words can but reach one and set him upon a better path in life then it will be worth all the nonsense I need deal with in the meantime.
I do not celebrate Christmas but thank you for your well wish I in turn wish you the happiest of holidays and most joyous New Year.
@ Michael,
I see depravity and perversion, daily, with heartache….it happens, but we may never agree on what it happens too. Fine. You have your life. I, mine.
Thank you.
There’s something about you that is indescribably sexy. What is it? I imagine you as having an enormous cock and knowing what to do with it.
Bill Perdue
I want to join Rainfish, RobertNYC, terrwill and others who proposed that we dismiss Letterman the pig.
Robert,NYC describes Letterman as dog with a bone, and I’d describe him as a pig whose mamasow neglected to explain the concept of Bacon Day to him, which explains his foolhardy attempts to inject himself in the affairs of humans. He’s totally dismissible.
Letterman the pig is jerking off on the net, spewing sociopathic hatred. I don’t want to discourage anyone from sharpening their claws on this porker, Odin knows I’ve done lots of that myself, but that can be done with a dismissal without further comment. I don’t know if ignoring him or his stymates will stop them. In Letterman the pigs case he seems to be genuinely sociopathic so dismissing him will allow us to get on with our real business; building our movement so that at some point we can offer him the kind of intensive therapy he so desperately needs, voluntary or not.
On a broader note there are lots, not millions, but lots of people like him. Capitalist society is nothing if not endlessly destructive and some of its victims, instead of fighting back, succumb to psychopathologies and devolve into right wing bigots and batshit crazy theocrats. Like the pentacostal ministers who run the DNC, the RNC and the White House Office of ‘Faith-Based’ and Neighborhood Partnerships, aka, the WH office for bribing pulpit pimps with our tax dollars.
For now the loonies are an episodic threat to life and limb as the rising stats on hate crimes and murder indicate. They will become a bigger threat as the ultra right, fascist in Europe, islamists in muslim countries, christian in Africa and theocratic in the US, continues to grow.
Society is beginning to fracture along deep social and economic fault lines. The social consensus of earlier decades is dead, killed by mass unemployment and homelessness. For the first time in decades we’re seeing the development of hard edged irreconcilable class conflict. The hard left is growing but lacks the organization funding the hard right gets from the looter class.
If economic failure, defined by mass unemployment and homelessness continues to deepen and if the US loses badly, defined as the death of many GI’s and huge numbers of civilians in Iraq, AFPAK, Palestine and Iran then the layer of hard right and hard left groups will grow, massively, as they did in the thirties and sixties and begin to tear at each other. That seems likely but not in any immediate sense. When that happens we’ll have to be ready to take on and defeat the right politically and otherwise to prevent a repeat of Hitlerism.
So let’s get on with figuring out how to do that.
Michael Letterman
meltelly: If you see it and remain silent then I feel sorry for you. The only way to make this a better world is to be actively involved with making it so. Never be afraid to speak up and share your view. There is no right nor wrong view. There is opinion and fact.
Most of what I say is opinion and I label it as such. These are the things I believe to be true. If you believe otherwise feel free strike that feel obligated to speak out. Who knows the words you speak may the the very ones needed to change someones opinions. That is something I always hope for when I post.
Joe: I’d appreciate it if you didn’t imagine anything about me. Instead how about imagining a world free from perversity and depravity. Got that? now go out and create it.
Dear Readers of Queerty, and to all of you lovely homosexuals:
My son, Michael Letterman, said: “…(imagine) a world free from perversity and depravity.”
…Oops, it sounds like he is on “suicide watch” again!”
Poor little Mikey has never been the same since his bris. For gentiles, who don’t know about our rituals this is what it is essentially:
Brit milah, which means “covenant of circumcision,” is a Jewish ritual performed on a baby boy eight days after he is born. It involves the removal of the foreskin from the penis by a mohel, who is a person that has been trained to safely perform the procedure. Brit milah is also known by the Yiddish word “bris.” It is one of the most well-known Jewish customs and signifies the unique relationship between a Jewish boy and God. Traditionally, a baby boy is named after his bris.
…Well, we were a little confused about that last part, since we had recently converted from Islam at the time, so when they said that “a baby boy is named after his bris”, we took it quite literally. Consequently, for many years thereafter, we called our little boy “Foreskin”.
Tragically, when little “Foreskin” entered elementary school (for special needs children) all of the other kids would make fun of him and none of the children would play with him. His father got very angry with that so he called the principal of the school and demanded that he make the children of the school play with his little Foreskin. Needless to say, the cops were at our tenement house in no time flat. His father was arrested, and is still serving time. Following that I renamed our son, Michael — after Michael Myers his favorite character in the movie, “Halloween”.
So, I ask again, please, please forgive Michael Letterman. He’s had a difficult life. I even thought that the birth of his little sister, many years later, would help Michael come out of his self-destructive lifestyle. But that turned out to be another horror. Michael couldn’t keep his hands off his little sister, so when she turn twelve years old, they both eloped and got married in Arkansas.
They sent me photos from the wedding (to which I was not invited). It was held at the state house. Bill Clinton, who was then governor at the time in Arkansas, presided over the ceremony. Karl Rove, Pat Robertson, and Osama Bin Laden (pre- 9/11) all wore beautiful shocking pink chiffon bridal maid’s gowns. Maggie Gallagher was the best man, and future New York State Sen. Ruben Diaz made such a lovely flower girl. It all made me rather sorry that I wasn’t there to give my little “Foreskin”, er , I mean Michael, away.
Nevertheless, afterwards I never saw them for many years (until the statue of limitations expired for incest), and then they moved back to New York. Unfortunately, their marriage was more or less childless (thank god). They came close though. Once I believe, when I was at a side show at a Carnival that came through town, I believe that I saw one of their ill-fated offspring in jar. I can tell you upfront that three eyes, hooves, and a tail does not run on my side of family — you’ll have to ask Michael’s father (address Ryker’s Island) about his own broken chromosomes.
In conclusion, I hope everybody at Queerty understands the stressful life which Michael has led. When you sink as low as he has…well…naturally you like to jump on the bandwagon when somebody else comes along that other people like to pick on. The whole same-sex marriage debate has been a great distraction to keep prying eyes out of Michael’s “normal” heterosexual lifestyle and the sanctity my son Michael’s marriage to my daughter.
So, I hope you all can forgive him. God may not. But let’s be bigger than that. OK?
With love and solidarity to the Marriage Equality Cause — I’m waving my Rainbow Flag with my other hand as I am writing this with tears in my eyes — my heart is with you all.
Most Sincerely Yours (Hugs and Kisses),
Michael Letterman’s Mother
Bunny Snuggles
Oh, my paws and whiskers! Thank you, Michael Letterman’s Mother for your sad story about your son, Michael Letterman.
Your account of him is soooo accurate, and it explains a lot.
I could not have put it better myself. LOL!!!
…[wink! wink! to 1EQUALITYUSA]…
Bunny Snuggles
@ no. 271 – Mother-Of-Michael-Letterman
I can tell you upfront that three eyes, hooves, and a tail does not run on my side of family,/i>
“”Pooh,” said Rabbit kindly, “you haven’t any brain.”
“I know,” said Pooh humbly.”
“(until the statue of limitations expired for incest)” —funny. Dear Mother, thank you for explaining. We also know he is single, obviously so.
Did you hear about the “mohel” that wouldn’t charge for circumcision? ….He only took tips.
Not to split “HARES” about this, but I think I’m with Bill Purdue. (Post #269). There’s just nowhere else to go. “Deprive it of oxygen.”
I must hop along.
Robert, NYC
Bill, right on!
Dear Friend,
Thank you, SCHLUKITZ, for your sympathy. I was a bit nervous (and weeping a lot, too) when I wrote that note about my son, Michael Letterman. I’m sure I left out a few details here and there. The fact of the matter is that I actually bought those “jars” from a very nice bearded lady at the Carnival sideshow – the same Carnival which I mentioned earlier was passing through New York. I very much regret that Michael and his sister/wife (my daughter) sold their aborted fetuses to the traveling carnival. They are still my grandchildren — regardless of the multiple eyes, hooves, tails and all.
In fact, after I brought them home, I put the jars on a shelf next to the TV so I could look at them while watching my daytime “soaps”. Then, last Sept. 13th, on Grandparent’s Day, I was pleasantly surprised when, after I got out of bed, I found a little mayonnaise jar on the shelf next to where I usually keep them. In this little jar, floating in formaldehyde, was a Hallmark card wishing me a very Happy Grandmother’s Day. I was so thrilled.
Sadly, when I looked up, the other Jars (three altogether) were empty. I cried and cried. How could I report it to the police? After all, I thought they were pickled.
I really miss watching The Guiding Light without my little bottle babies nearby. But then, yesterday, I received a letter in the mail, with a photo. It was Michael Letterman (my son) and his wife (my daughter) with the three bottle babies …(well six, if you’re also counting the heads and want to be picky)…and there they were, sitting on a Macy’s department store’s Hassidic Jewish Santa’s lap braiding his snow-white sideburns.
I was so verklempt! My heart burst with joy as I looked closely at the photo where I could see them cheerfully waving back at me with their cute itty-bitty hooves and their precious little forked tails all wagging with delight.
It’s so nice to see my family back together again. Yes, it’s going to be a Wonderful Christmas and Happy Hanukah after all.
Thanks again for your nice note, SCHLUKITZ.
God bless you…and your homosexual friends.
Big Hugs and, just remember…
You Have My Complete Support for Your Right to Marry!
(just not to your siblings – like my son’s wife — though)
With Much Love…
Yours Truly,
PS – Yes,1EqualityUSA, I think you and Bill Purdue may be right. Feed a troll and it only gets stinkier.
By the way… Rainfish, Bunny Snuggles, and I are going to throw a Mad Tea Party sometime around Dec 22, 2012 to watch the comet hit the Earth during the Mayan End of Days celebration. Would you like to join us? It should be a blast! (sorry, couldn’t resist…LOL!). SCHLUKITZ and Bill are invited too. In fact, anyone else who’d like to come as well.
See you there.
Well said, Bill.
Michael Letterman
Perdue: Thank you for your lovely words. I come to realize that all queers are loquacious and verbose. They are also disgusting with minds that scrape the depth of the sewer in order to spew forth their ideas and thoughts. Not one of you has been able to counter me without sinking to the lowest denominator. This proves yet again how depraved the common homosexual can be.
Yes there are many such like me. You’ll find that there are more who think as I do then who accept homosexuality. This was proven in NY and will be proven elsewhere in America as time moves forward.
You will find that what we feel is not hatred toward gays just a refusal to accept them as a natural part of society. Therefore they deserve no special laws or rules. We neither want to jail them nor give them get out of jail free cards we do not wish to deal with them so like the military we will not ask and do not tell us. Live as you wish in the privacy of your home but do not ask us to grant you any privileges based solely on your choice of bed partners.
Much as I would not deserve special laws because I prefer blonde’s you should not deserve special laws because you prefer a male anus to a female vagina.
Michael Letterman
Bunny: do you really think I do not know who is posting pretending to be my mother? I’d be pretty poor at my job if I couldn’t do a bit of syntax comparison between what you post as bunny and as her. I’m damn good at my job and have quite a few medals to prove it.
I realize that you have a sick mind and need somewhere to vent it and someone to vent it on. I also know that when you cannot offer argument that counters what has been said all that is left is mud slinging and insult. The more trouble you go through to do that is indicative of just how lacking your argument is.
I also assure you that no one in my lengthy extended family will ever vote to allow you to vote.
I like your audience too, an ancient queer and a douchefag what a combo.
Dear GLBT People,
Please don’t believe what my son, Michael Letterman, says about his so-called “medals”. He bought them second-hand, and cheap too, at a flea market for about three dollars. The only medal poor deluded Michael has ever won was at his “special needs” school, which he was given in the fifth grade to encourage him to stop playing with his own poo during his basket-weaving class. They actually wove one out of straw for him in class — just to encourage him to stop besmirching everything.
Another thing — he tells everybody this really pathetic lie about how he was awarded them (the medals) for service to his country (re: Lollipop Land) and how he once worked for the federal government — well, if you count selling pencils at a government-run school for the mentally handicapped as a government job — then, alright…technically true I suppose. Nevertheless, my child, Michael, is dangerously delusional and should be avoided at all cost. Especially, keep your kids and pets away from him as he is prone to sexually assault children under five and attack small animals (like canaries and hamsters) which he tries to insert into his anus.
I wish he’d just find a nice adult penis for that purpose and leave the kiddies and the pets alone. His sister/wife once used a strap-on to satisfy him, but it went limp. Oh, well.
Ok…got to go for now. Michael is on his way over here with an axe.
Bye for now!
PS – I support all of you lovely homosexuals and your right to marry. Best Wishes!
Michael Letterman
Bunny: you are one sick douchfaggot. Even among the other diseased you stand out as a beacon of illness.
I’ve shared your posts with several of my friends including some who are also gay. The general consensus is that you have some deep problems and are perhaps beyond help at this point.
I choose to believe it is not too late for you. I realize your family pretends to accept what you turned into but you know deep down that they too are disappointed in your lifestyle choice.
Please seek out the help you need. If you cannot afford it I would consider it perfectly acceptable to pay for the treatments. I feel sorry for you and will do whatever I can to help you get better.
Oh, honey, don’t be such a doucheskag, you know you don’t have any “gay” friends. What self-respecting homosexual could repress the gag-reflex long enough to be in the same room with you. I’m sorry, but those pin-ups in your bedroom from Hot Man Meat don’t qualify as “friends”.
Perhaps, the “friends” to which you are referring are your pedophile chums with which you like to swap nude photos of three year old baby girls on line. You know, those “friends” you met at that Sarah Palin rally. Those “friends” that you get together with once a month to shoot endangered wolves from helicopters while beating off simultaneously to kiddie porn. You know, “The Wolf Cub Clubbers and Kiddie Diddler Club”.
That must be it.
Anyway, you were always one to get your “friends” confused. In any case, you all do think alike and have so much in common. Which reminds me. I hope you’re keeping your G.O.P (Gross Old Pervert) membership card up to date. Last time you let it expire, they almost kicked you out of that N.Y. Republican Convention.
Now, be a nice lamb and take your meds like Mommy asked you to do earlier…and stop slinging your poo again at Mommy on Queerty. Just because you like watching the Orangutans on the Animal Planet doesn’t mean you have to act like one too, you know.
Alright, now go wash your hands and wave bye-bye…like Mommy’s good little troll.
“Adios, porco de mi corazon!”
Hugs and Kisses to My Sweet Baby Shrek,
…Your Mother
Michael Letterman
Bunny or if I may Mr. Evans,
Perhaps you think your audience is as low brow as you are. However you are indeed beginning to annoy me, yes I know that was your intention all along. But since you’ve proven you cannot manage an adult manner it becomes prudient for me to teach you a few lessons.
Since I believe this will involved a visit to Kansas City I will, of course wait until after the holidays. So until then I’ll wish you a lovely holiday season.
I now consider you a priorty project and as such you will receieve more than a casual amount of attention. One of the perks of my employment.
Mary Anne
@ No. 283 • Michael Letterman,
Your ass is in so much trouble making threats on the Internet. How nice of you to make it so publicly and by using your own name too. How stupid. I don’t know Mr. Evans personally, but I do know that he’s one of us in the LGBT community. After Matthew Shepard, a threat made against any one of us is a threat made to all of us, and we don’t have to put up with subhumans like you any more.
Cowardly scum like you still think you are twelve-year-olds pushing the weaker kids around on the playground at school. Guess again. Kids who act like bullies are really cowards, but as adults there is no excuse for your behavior and there are repercussions and severe legal consequence for your actions.
So expect the FBI to be knocking at your door any day now.
PS – If you work for the federal government as some sort of low level hack government employee, as you claim (even if it is the I.R.S. or the V.A.), then you should be aware that there is a 25 year prison sentence for using government computers for issuing threats on the Internet.
By the way, you had better hope that no one you’ve ever threatened here ever gets mugged or gay-bashed or steps off a curb and gets hit by a car that speeds off — because of your overt threats, the cops will be looking for you first — you will be on the top of their list of suspects. …You’re really not too smart are you?
Have a nice Holiday…
Michael Letterman
Mary: Exactly what trouble are you imgaining I’m in? You seem to have an active imagination. As for these imgained threats let me assure you I never threaten anyone. I tell them what I am going to do and then I do it that is hardly a threat that is forcasting. I’m a very accurate forcaster.
I expect the FBI to knock on my door frequently and in fact they do. Comparatively speaking. I’m far from low level and have yet to see any complaint re me pass through our offices to date.
BTW if anyone I threated (in your imagination) gets mugged, ect., it will not be on my account. I have time and again said I do not agree with violence due to someones perversion and will not commit an act of aggression towards someone just because they are a deviant.
My holiday is lovely so far, thank you. Happy Holidays to you.
Third Party Now!
Don’t feed the Trolls!!!
Daniel D
Hahah. I just spent the last couple hours reading these comments and I’ve totally forgotten the original story. The flame war here us funny as help, I can tell lettermans lying out of his ass – and I’m still in high school!
Buddy, even I know that you are not a big shot government guy. How? Cuz I know higherups are always watching what the fuck they say outta fear of a media storm. Lower ups outta fear for their jobs. Everyone else knows it which is why they treat ya like the lying shit ya are. We all know your a no-lifer trying to seem big over the internet by spouting nonsensical crap. Again, everyone but you realises your a laughingstock who can’t make a reasonable lie about his pathetic life in order to save it! I just thought someone should tell you so your feeble mind could catch on to it! Good night and enjoy your income support ya dumbass deadbeat.
You just got told off by a “fag” high schooler from a cowtown.