By now you’ve no doubt heard about the racist comments Donald Trump allegedly made yesterday in a meeting on immigration when he denigrated people from Haiti and referred to nations in Africa as “sh*thole countries.”
Related: Anderson Cooper fights back tears as he defends Haiti from Trump’s unbelievable “sh*thole” comment
“Why are we having all these people from sh*thole countries come here?” Trump said, according to at least two sources who were present in the meeting in the Oval Office.
Related: Openly gay Olympian Adam Rippon: “If I talked to people the way Trump talks, mom would kick my as*”
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Naturally, the moment the news broke, an international outrage ensued. People the whole world over all finally seem to agree that Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, is racist.
Scroll down for the best Donald Trump “sh*thole countries” memes (so far!)…
One of these is actually pro-Trump. It seems that the Trump Derangement Syndrome skews one’s view of reality.
Yeah, they don’t get it. The left can’t meme or understand memes
If those countries aren’t shitholes, why are people desperately trying to escape?
I’m a registered democrat. I don’t understand why the uproar on this though. These countries are shit holes. I guess you’re just not suppose to say it as official policy.
You can be a registered Democrat and not get racism. Or be a racist- not saying that you are, mind, just that the two things are not consequential.
I don’t understand how you don’t understand the impact that it has when the leader of the known world and the purported defender of freedom says crap like this.
Of course you’re right. When Trump calls Africa, which isn’t a country Vince, – and Haiti -shitholes- he is expressing a callousness which cannot be taken for granted. He is racist, but so was his father. So are many white men.
The facts can be stated about this but people like Vince, Kaiser, every racist troll you could imagine. They don’t care. They won’t listen. I think on some level they want people of color to just die and rot away in their “shitholes.”
This is a very dispiriting, mournful time we are living in. So much is going to be lost. So much has been lost. Nothing good will come from any of this.
The real shithole is this web site. What makes you think that every gay man is a flaming liberal Trump hater?!
Using language like this in private meeting rooms at the White House was in the daily conversations of Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon. They spewed out much harsher vocabulary.
I agree with Trump in what he is saying. Why should we give better immigration advantages to those countries that are led by dictators and produce nothing but sick people who come here and live on our welfare? The majority of these countries happen to have a majority of black population. It’s as simple as that. Trump didn’t use this term because he hates black people. He summed it up correctly. These are shithole countries that toss off their poor to us.
And to stir the liberal pot here, just assess what peoples happen to contribute and enhance our country? Mostly people from European countries who just HAPPEN to be white people. They bring talent, self-improvement, and desire to succeed when they come here. They are productive peoples, who are hard workers, desire citizenship for all the right reasons, loyal, assimilate, and contribute to the American way of life. You would think differently if the leaders of one of Trump’s shithole countries came here and took control of our government and turned out country into the same kind of shithole they just left.
Racism is not behind Trump’s analogies. You left wingers on here need to realize this. It is the caliber of people he is referring to . . . and they happen to be black.
According to U.S. census data, the most educated immigrants presently in America – come from Nigeria.
It’s not about the countries being “shitholes” it’s about him saying “why do we want people from these shithole countries”. It’s the people he disparaged in those countries, not the countries themselves.
So if you believe those people can never be contributors to the US, then great but I would bet we all know people from countries that could be characterized as shitholes that we all like and respect.
He was supposedly specifically referring to the visa lottery program which is intended to bring in immigrants from underrepresented countries which are pretty tiny fraction of the total green cards issued each year.
You may agree with his style of speaking but to me it’s just further evidence Trump doesn’t care, doesn’t understand the decisions he’s being asked to make and isn’t interested in understanding. What a great leader we’ve elected.
Just to be clear Mr. President, the only country you’re allowed to call a shithole and believe its people are inherently bad is Russia. Can you get with the program here?
“According to U.S. census data, the most educated immigrants presently in America – come from Nigeria.”
Getting an education in Nigeria is VASTLY different than getting an education in America. Just look at the average IQ of those nations:
Places like Haiti, where people argue is not a shithole, has an IQ of 67
It’s not that I don’t understand you or where you come from. I do. I just don’t agree with your logic because it’s not based on facts. I consider it a story you, like many other people who are confortable with racist actions but not the racist label use to be able to justify the unjustifiable.
Not understanding and disagreeing are two different things.
Your grasp on immigration data reveals the depth and lack of your lack of interest in anything to do it you have. It’s the skin deep, generalising type of comment that you get in a bar.
You called me ( and I presume the people around this site) leftie. Its not something that offends me. I embrace it with a smile. What I would be interested to know is wether you consider yourself a conservative.
Because a conservative person usually believes in freedom, self reliance from the state, resiliency and enterprise. According to most statistic proof available these immigrants you are so ready to deride show just that.
But I digress, this is not about the merits of immigration. It’s about the suitability of the comments of the person who you elected as commander in chief. You sold of Kennedy, Johnson and of Nixon. Nixon is a bad example, because he was actually the first president that listbhis job because of leaked tapes. But wen if Kennedy and Johnson did think and say the things you think they said, they were careful enough to not let it leak because even then they knew the impact it might have on the soft power of the country they represented.
The leader of a country is not a man that speaks the way you or me do, he is supposed to be the moral compass, the ultimate representative of what is best in your country. He is a calling card for the values that your country wishes to stand for. That’s why your local bar racist with no filters is not the president of your country.
Regarding Norway – funny that – leftie liberal country with free healthcare and education and a totally interventionist state – theybdontbwabtbtobcoke here because of things likebthe one your president says.
If you like to pretend that the race of the persons of the countries involved has nothing to do with it, ignoring the vast amount of context and proof that exists already on the subject matter (as you ignore the details of the existing data on immigration) i leavevyoubto it. Whatever helps you sleep.
The GOP purging Democrats, this hardline on immigration.
How is this lgbt-related?
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Niemöller, just for you. Because if you don’t think people who are this outspoken about race won’t eventually come for us, you might be in for a surprise.
It’s not. It’s just Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Because hardcore gay liberals hate him. They have to bathe in his name at least once a day or they can’t continue on.
Because this is part of the agenda they claim to be “free” of.
If you Add Capitals to something, it becomes more real.
More racist garbage from the lazy, treasonous ignoramus Trump. Is anyone even surprised at all?
Trump is probably the least racist person you’ll ever ever meet. Believe me.
Trump and his merry band of thieves like to denigrate other countries’ leaders, saying that their people are not cared for and all, but then adopt the same model of governing which they hold in disdain.
Shithole is going to be the most popular word of 2018.
Nah. Crooked will always be the most popular.
Obviously Silver Spoon in mouth has given this fake president superiority issues. I think it’s time we knocked Humpty Trumpty off the wall.
Keep drinking.
Keep dreaming. You do know the Democratic Party is dead, right?
@leobaga, a certain newly seated Democratic Senator from died-in-the-wool and ruby red state Alabama says your comment is wishful thinking. Ditto Virginia and elsewhere. Midterm elections should be interesting, and hopefully, a severe rebuke of Trump and Republican policies.
Courts are catching on that suppressing votes, gerrymandering, and obstructing voters is rampant in the red states. Little things like requiring I.D. to vote and then removing all of the DMVs from “certain” areas. Creeps. They cannot win on their own merits. They must cheat. We need a Voting Rights Act 2018.
A lot of racist white gay men visit Queerty ready to excuse our racist president AND IGNORE FACTS.
Great. Our racist president call Africa and Haiti shitholes. Wonderful. What next morons?
****According to Census data, more than 43 percent of African immigrants hold a bachelor’s degree or higher — slightly more than immigrants from East Asia. Nigerian immigrants are especially educated, with almost two-thirds holding college degrees — a significantly higher percentage even than Chinese or South Korean immigrants. African immigrants are also very likely to hold advanced degrees, many of which are earned at U.S. universities. By many measures, African immigrants are as far ahead of American whites in the educational achievement as whites are ahead of African-Americans.****
from Bloomberg website.
I wish QT would consider moderating the comments. Looks like roughly 90% of the ones on this story are trolls. There are the usual suspects, but there are some I’ve never seen before; I always wonder how they find their way here.
Of course, it makes no sense that if you find a site so contemptible, so idiotic, so beneath you, that you’d read it all the time; what? Somebody’s holding a shotgun to your head, forcing you to read QueerTy? I don’t have time to visit all the sites I LIKE to read.
And the mouth breathers never post on any of the non-Trump stuff…I guess the clicks or unique views help QT’s numbers with advertisers (so, thanks for supporting the site, knuckle draggers!). Anyway, yeah, moderators would be good.
I think I’ll stop looking at the Trump stories and just enjoy Instastuds and the other hot-guy and pop culture stuff; that way, I won’t have to look at the endless drivel from KaiserRoll, Mo/Brody/Knight/Siam/Jaxton, and the rest of the dummies.
As I stated above, getting a college degree in Africa is vastly different than getting a college degree in America.
However, if you’re going to argue that when those immigrants come here, they become more educated, then please use current information because the Census data you are citing is from 2000 and is 18 years old. That Census data is accounting for immigrants who reportedly have college degrees as well as those who attain one when coming here to get their totals.
Currently, immigrants from Asian nations are more educated than African nations according to updated sources: – that’s the 2015 Census data
“I wish QT would consider moderating the comments”
So basically your ears can’t handle opinions or facts that differ from your own beliefs or preconceived bias.
@mhoffman… África is not a country. There are no African college degrees. Begause Africa is Borba single country. It’s a continent. With multiple countries. And deifferent education systems.
I never said Africa was a country, but nothing of the typo-ridden response you wrote refutes anything I posted
@mhoffman you are right on the typos – apologies for that. Damned auto correct :-D. Let me try again:
Africa is not a country.
There are no African college degrees.
Countries in Africa have different education systems with different metrics and merits.
You can’t speak about “getting a degree on Africa” as you can’t speak about “getting a degree in Europe”. You imply, mendaciously, that any degree from an African country is somehow LESS than a degree in the US.
That’s what we usually call “weasel words”.
the reason why I didn’t answe your question is because it’s blatant misdirection. You can’t justify the fact that the head of your country stated, and you are seeking to deviate the argument from his failures. And you are trying to do it by reframing the discussion into the moral probity of the people you are arguing against.
Quoting Bianca del Rio : not today Stan ;-).
Stay on topic. Don’t try to reframe it. Don’t try to argue that this outrage is about any specific immigration points system.
Because it’s not.
This is about the president of this country, who has a history of denigrating minorities stating that he would prefer immigration from a country that is predominantly white, against immigration that are predominantly black.
“You can’t speak about “getting a degree on Africa” as you can’t speak about “getting a degree in Europe”. You imply, mendaciously, that any degree from an African country is somehow LESS than a degree in the US”
As a whole, it is different. Just like if someone gets a dental degree online versus someone who goes to an actual college to get a dental degree. If you want to imply that every college in every nation is equal, that is outlandish. Degrees from unaccredited institutions are many times not recognized in various walks of life.
“he would prefer immigration from a country that is predominantly white, against immigration that are predominantly black”
President Trump never said the issue was because those people are black. It’s because those countries have nothing to offer as far as skilled, healthy, and educated people because their country is a shithole.
The fact that you refuse to answer my question about whether you would choose to live in Norway or Haiti shows that you believe it as well. Does that mean you are racist because you rather live with a predominately white population instead of poor black people? No, because the issue isn’t race, it’s the country itself.
Haiti can’t run a national sewage system, they don’t have paved roads, the minimum wage is about 64 cents per hour, they eat mud cookies, the government is corrupt. Are you telling me that you would live there? Obviously you wouldn’t and that has nothing to do with race
@mhoffman953: The commentariat on Trump stories here is largely POS trolls, of which you are one of the largest turds circling the drain. Have at it, cretin.
I see the troll’s name and stop reading at that point. Queerty has been inundated with trolls. The Tedious Right must feel threatened by something and homing pigeons were dispatched? Brietbart-y b.s. mercerishnessnessness
Re: He said shithole because that’s what a lot of Americans are thinking.
If you are an ignorant, trash for brains racist, then yes, I’d imagine he said exactly what was on your foul mind.
Racism in the gay community sucks. It wasn’t always like this I’m told, but damn………..
Amen. Right on the mark. He just says what the average public is thinking and saying behind closed doors in their homes. He could say they’re wonderful people, and the media will still find something negative about it.
Are you arguing that Haiti isn’t a shithole country? They don’t have roads, there is rampant disease, they eat mud cookies, they have a corrupt government, the list goes on.
Let’s take the 2 nations in question here. If America was no longer inhabitable, and you could only move to 1 nation, would you move to Norway or Haiti?
Ha ha @mhoffman.., you would possibly love to Haiti. You wouldn’t have the tax burden you have on Borway, nor would you be comfortable in what is one of the most interventionist and liberal countries in the world.
I’d like you to answer the same question I proposed to Deepdow. I guarantee that 10 / 10 people would choose Norway over Haiti
Ha – like posted in the wrong place – here you go, with a typo correction:
the reason why I didn’t answe your question is because it’s blatant misdirection. You can’t justify the fact that the head of your country stated, and you are seeking to deviate the argument from his failures. And you are trying to do it by reframing the discussion into the moral probity of the people you are arguing against.
Quoting Bianca del Rio : not today Satan ;-).
Stay on topic. Don’t try to reframe it. Don’t try to argue that this outrage is about any specific immigration points system.
Because it’s not.
This is about the president of this country, who has a history of denigrating minorities stating that he would prefer immigration from a country that is predominantly white, against immigration that are predominantly black.
Many GLBT people support Trump’s wishes to keep homophobic cultures out of the USA. Thank you, Donald.
He bans our number 1 enemy — radical muslims too. Thank you Mr President.
But this country is homophobic. What’s the difference between a pastor in Louisiana asking forgot people to be burned and one in Uganda asking for the same thing?
I’m more concerned about the homophobic culture right here in the U.S.
129 anti-LGBTQ state bills were introduced in 2017 by the GOP.
Tête Carrée
Yes, that’s exactly what he said. “We must not allow homophobes into non homophobic, non religious Amerika”.
That isn’t even fun, funny, or clever trolling.
129 anti-LGBT state bills! The GOP has it out for us. Maybe the Queerty trolls are paid for by Rebiblicans.
I actually giggled when he said sh*tholes. What’s even funnier is that those who forever detest him continue to act surprised whenever he does or says something. While I could careless about Trump, I don’t hate him, and he doesn’t ruin my day the way he does other people. He’s amusing is all. But what I find ironic is that those who hate him with such passion behave just like him. You’d think they’d identify with him for having that commonality.
Your amusement is called white privilege btw. Immigrants and people of color are not laughing at this and they are not behaving like him.
@Deepdoo The term “White privilege” is racist. All white people are not privileged. Fact. How can you accuse the President of being racist when you are throwing around racist terminology yourself?
@batesmotel giggle away. It’s your counties reputation I’ve flushong down the drain.
@kieran, this is the Oxford dictionary definition:
Inherent advantages possessed by a white person on the basis of their race in a society characterized by racial inequality and injustice.
As you can see, it does not mean that everybwgite person is privileged, it means that no matter what social class they are in, white people will have comparative privilege with a person from their own social class. That can be observed factually, for example, in rates of incarceration and rates of employment for instance. It has been proven that a person with an African American “sounding” name will have less opportunities in the job market thanks person with an exactly similar cv who is white.
@Apolodorus Just because you found a definition in the “Oxford dictionary” doesn’t negate the fact that the term “White privilege” is a racist concept promoted by racist people.
Hi serial killer, would that include Russia? Lol of course not.
True a lot of Africa is homophobic, but that is because of colonialism and from overt anti-social intrusions from white christian missionaries in the last 50 years. Most Africans in Africa only ever meet westerners if they are actively trying to convert them.
Your amusement is called white privilege btw. Immigrants and people of color are not laughing at this and they are not behaving like him.
“White privilege” is a racist term. Attributing something like privilege to all white people is racist. Google “racism”.
It’s not me that is wrong or should be doing an internet search, it’s you.
White Privilege exists and it is not a racist term. You are incorrect as usual.
Wrong. It’s a bunch of post-modernist, neo-Marxist bullshit. Sorry, but it’s racist.
“the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.” — google.
Calling out white privilege isn’t racist nor does my stating the fact of white privilege make me racist against white people.
Yes everyone. If you disagree with Deepdow it’s automatic white privilege. The pot calls the kettle black argument.
@deepdow don’rbfeed the troll 😀
The very term is racist by definition. Words have meaning. You are attributing an aspect, privilege, to all white people just because they are white. That, by definition, is racist.
No matter what kind of post-modernist bullshit you pull out of your ass, it will always be racist by definition.
If “white privilege” exists, then answer the following:
1. Why are there more poor white people in America than any other race?
2. Why do Asians have a higher median household income (
3. Why are there more Jewish people in positions of authority than any other segment of people in this country?
4. Why do black people (and any other race) have an easier chance at getting accepted into a college than a white applicant due to diversification programs?
5. Why are there so many black people in high paying jobs?
6. Why are more white people killed by police than any other race?
Black underachievement is not evidence of white privilege. I await your response to those questions but I’m sure you’ll commit some type of mental gymnastics to not answer them or talk around them
mhoff –
Sorry, but no hard facts or common logic are allowed on this site.
paul dorian lord fredine
@apolodorus the only quibble i have with your one comment is trump is not the leader of the known world as you state. much of the ‘known world’ wants nothing to do with the jerkoff-in-chief. i understand that sentiment.
Ok how many people here have Visited Haiti ?? Or some of the countries he spoke of ?? Ok here is the str8 (pardon the pun ) truth I have worked oil/gas all over Africa yes he used the wrong words But a lot of them ARE shitty !! 3rd world places mobs rule there is no law and order corrupt government/police really wide open we had private security to guard us and the work site could not leave the area it was that bad when not working we had to carry a side arm !! Put in some equipment at Port a Prince nasty people and thieves half the job was making it vandal/theft proof ! bad choice of words but is telling the truth for once . I agree we should stick to gay issues here and out of politics it just divides us more .
Damn. Trump is a stable genius indeed. He’s always right!
@jhon… use country names dude. Africa is not a blob. Different countries have different problems. Words matter. But I’ve exhausted myself along the point omitted threads.
Here I would like to tackle the “politics”. Why should we not discuss things that affect us? Because there are those of the lgbt community that come from these countries.
I believe it’s actually the goal of bloggers like this to indeed divide us, for only then can there be the single-party rule they so desperately seek.
Tête Carrée
I don’t even know you so divide away.
Another masterful 4D chess move by the Genius in Chief. Note how quickly the Fire and Fury media coverage has sunk without a trace.
It hasn’t.
Not to mention all the “collusion” conspiracies they’ve been pushing, well, forever.
They keep throwing things at the wall, but nothing seems to stick.
You and I, we see what their game plan is, and it’s been magnificent watching them failing miserably with every effort, yes?
From reading the chilling comments above, it turns out sexual minorities in America actually agree with Trump. This is a pretty breath taking realisation, and fills me with great sadness and disquiet. This man is setting America back a great deal.
Remember the snowball effect; from labeling entire countries and religions it’ll all come back to us, a perpetual minority in this scary hateful world, and you’re helping his base (some of the most homophobic people) create a narrative that will come back to haunt us. All of these ‘shithole countries’ have LGBT people. You may have more in common with them than your straight neighbours.
In this time when America is making itself enemies on a daily basis because of its mouthpiece of a president, it needs just as many allies. Strategically, some of those allies may need to come from these ‘shithole countries’. No country can exist and flourish in isolation, not even the mighty USA.
Across generations, humanity keeps repeating the same mistakes. Trump cheerleaders on this comment page and out there are part of the problem. The worst part is that they don’t see it.
But what’s wrong with a merit based immigration system instead of a pity based system?
Sejjo. You’re delusional. Trump loves gays. He hates our number 1 enemy — radical Islam.
@seijo please don’t be discouraged. What you see here is a microcosm of this site, not life.
Tête Carrée
If Thump loves gay, he can start by licking my ass.
@mhoffman953 – There is nothing inherently wrong with such a system, but labeling countries and people with such generalized insults shuts down all avenue for meaningful and intelligent debate. And let’s not kid ourselves that that’s what is being discussed here. There is nothing merit-based about snubbing entire countries because they fit your president’s crude label.
Nothing was said about the people of those nations by the President. According to some news reports, the President was presented with a bill from lawmakers that said we must have immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and various African countries without any provisions requiring immigrants from other countries. He merely asked why we must take in immigrants from countries that are in horrible condition, essentially a shithole which is why those people are fleeing in the first place, but not others.
Snubbing entire countries is what was originally suggested by forcing the US to take in these other people simply based on pity
@Mhoffman… no, what he said was shithole countries. Something that a couple of threads before you did not seek to have a problem with.
“People from shithole countries”??? Is really stupid enough to believe that he wasn’t by extension denigrating the people from said shithole countries?? Because you when you say people from trailer parks or ghettos, you sure as hell aren’t saying it in a way to speak highly of people who live in them.
Hoff, play stupid on your own time.
@leobaga – I never said Trump hates gays. I don’t necessarily agree that he loves gays, but let’s assume for argument’s sake that he does. He is certainly not helping our long-term survival when he panders to homophobes and hands them ammo (unwittingly or not) for future battles. They use generalized smears to denounce us and now they have license to do this because the so-called leader of the free world is doing it. The fish rots from the head.
Everyone else says all sorts of horrible things about white people. And about Christians. And about European history. Looks like they can dish it out but they can’t take it.
@mhoffman953 – When you call a country a shithole, by implication you are saying its people are shitty, in the same way you are a pig if I say you live in a pigsty. Let’s not get into the legalism of what he meant to say because I believe it is disingenuous and devoid of any intellectual honesty. I thought you expected better of someone you call your president.
You sir, are one cool dude.
Kind of the same way we should have “expected better” when Obama called Middle America “clingers,” or the way Hillary referred to Trump voters as “deplorable,” right? What about Bill Clinton and JFK diddling interns in the West Wing? Shouldn’t we have “expected better”?
It’s never wise to come to a gun fight with a knife, sejjo.
@Brody, when the only way you can defend your (Trump) position is by saying, “they did it too” – which they really didn’t – is no defense at all. That line of logic doesn’t work for my 7 year old, and it certainly doesn’t work for you whom I’m guessing to be at least 3 times his age. BTW all those people that you named have approval ratings among the American people that far exceeds ratings for our current pathetic excuse for POTUS.
Whatever gun you fancy yourself packing, Terminator, it ain’t loaded and it is far from being all that.
Having read a lot of media coverage on this now, there doesn’t seem to be any actual proof Trump said sh1thole, just hearsay and anonymous sources. Is this more “fake but accurate”, “if it rings true, it is true” fake news that will be later retracted or corrected, like so many other anti-Trump stories in the media of late?
Bob LaBlah
So your saying now that their fake news too?
@Brody – Yes, you should have expected better all those times. You seem to be under the sad impression that because past presidents and other politicians fell short, this excuses Trump or even assuages his culpability. In any event, calling people ‘clingers’ and ‘deplorables’ is a far cry from calling entire countries shitholes.
I don’t mind a tough president, even one who talks tough, but Trump’s brand of being presidential is the visual equivalent of an adult man wearing diapers, shitting in them, taking them off and waving them about, then saying “this is me being presidential, deal with it”. There is no intelligence to his invective, which really just amounts to school yard bullying.
Your metaphor about guns and knives is really contrived and deserves no further comment.
I would hope you reserve the same amount of disdain for anyone who’s ever called America a shithole, but somehow I doubt that you do.
I kinda feel sorry for Americans. Political views aside, as a human being, to have a president with this kind of personality is such a shame. While Americans talk about intern politics about this matter, outsiders talk about how embarrassing it is for USA. I really like Americans but come on pleople (who are supporting and making excurses to allow or explain this), you can’t be seriously.
A valid point. However, the answer is that the western world is so stifled by political correctness that only a man as crude as Trump can bear to speak the truth.
Tête Carrée
“People the whole world over all finally seem to agree that Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, is racist.”
We knew it from the beginning.
But is it racist? I mean, he has a point – some countries are indeed shit holes. Crude, yes, but would you argue that some countries are not in fact shit holes? That’s all he was saying.
Nope, there’s a big difference between someone being a racist and you WANTING someone to be racist. In reality he’s never said/done anything racist—in fact, you cannot point out a single racist thing he’s said or done that can’t also be attributed to many liberals.
@Brody, why point out obvious racists things that Trump has obviously said and done to you? Your MO is established and pretty clear. You deny and you deflect. Your posts above will bear me out.
What he’s doing is noble (trying to protect the borders and keep out those who have little to contribute), but he’s going about it in an arguably crude way that is open to criticism. Oh well. Maybe there’s a method to his madness…
Bob LaBlah
@Bob LaBlah
Many questions with your link…
Where was the leftist outrage when Lindsey Graham called Mexico a hellhole?
According to the people on here, I thought Breitbart was fake news and anyone who posts those links is a Russian robot troll?
Lastly, why does Lindsey Graham advocate for bringing in more Mexicans if Mexico is a hellhole?
Bob LaBlah
@Allistair…………..he, Graham, advocates bringing in more Mexicans because he is well aware that small businesses (those employing thirty people or less) and the economies of NYC, Los Angeles, SF, Chicago and other major cities across the nation WILL collapse without the cheap, non-complaining labor those Mexicans and other Central American immigrants provide. The worst fear on both sides of the aisles is the scenario where they all pack up and leave. Then what? You are the silliest arm chair/ remote control holding general in the GOP troll army the gay internet media has fielded to far. Your non-sensical rants used to make me chuckle but now are simply pathetic. As I have stated numerous times I am a former Reagan democrat who refuses to defend ANYTHING this fool does or says. You are free to continue your pathetic rants if you so desire.
@Bob LaBlah
“the nation WILL collapse without the cheap, non-complaining labor…The worst fear on both sides of the aisles is the scenario where they all pack up and leave. Then what?”
That was the same argument they used to when people talked about ending slavery.
2018: “Who’s going to pick our produce?!?”
1818: “Who’s going to pick our cotton?!?”
Having low skilled, cheap, non-complaining (sometimes illegal) labor simply lowers wages for Americans. Big businesses love hiring illegals because they can pay them less to get more corporate profits. There are plenty of Americans who would take those jobs and with advancements in automation, cheap and illegal citizens won’t be needed. Plus it’s condescending to assume to migrants are only able to do the cheap, low paying jobs.
Bob LaBlah
@ol’ Alistair (aka mhoffman953)………………Thats a liberal’s point of view you just posted regardless of how you are no doubt going foolishly try to argue the contrary. I love you armchair/remote control wheeling suburban living generals who just don’t know when to leave well enough alone. Your just like your equally confused, lose-other-peoples-money-and-dont-give-a-damn-about-it idol, Trump. Whats your twitter handle? Don’t EVEN try to tell me you aint got one.
Bob LaBlah
So tell us, Alistair, just who will take the back breaking job of picking lettuce if the Mexicans go home? I see where your trying to steer the conversation but you forgot one thing, blacks will not do that type of labor nor will your kind either. Your kind are always willing to finance anything as long as they get decent returns (along with too damn much power in the say of how it will be run and distributed) and lay claim to ignorance once imbedded greed takes over and the life gets sucked out of the company in question but as history has proven thats to be expected.
Heywood Jablowme
@mhoffman953: This is not a hypothetical situation. A few years ago Alabama passed a restrictive law to ban illegal immigrant labor in agriculture. The result was a lot of rotting crops in the fields. Almost no U.S.-born workers lasted more a day or two. Farm owners clamored to repeal the law.
You may have seen the Henry Fonda movie “The Grapes of Wrath” (I doubt you read the book) so maybe you have some fantasy that poor rural whites will flock to these jobs if only they’re given a chance. Never gonna happen. No, they’d rather sit at home in an opioid haze and yearn for the 1950s (if not the ’30s). And they use their OWN yards to store junk metal, not to grow food! Food comes from Walmart you know. 🙂
@Bob LaBlah. Thanks for the link. What is your conclusion?
Bob LaBlah
There is absolutely NO reason to doubt what Graham said to Trump or that Graham did call Mexico a “hellhole”. The words hellhole and shithole are WAY different if you are President of the United States, the leader of the free world. Whether you like it or not if you become President (in this case a fluke win) you ARE held to a higher standard. That part of the job is NON-NEGOTIABLE. If you remember it was Graham who publicly threatened Trump with “there WILL be hell to pay if you fire Jeff Sessions” and Trump backed down. Only the ignorant (several commenters on this thread, one of whom are the same person who changes his name but the sarcasm in his comment leads right back to him) find alternatives to defend a mistake (Trump). I am a former Reagan democrat who sat out the election because I knew no matter who won we were ALL going to lose. I tilted more to the GOP because deep down the only candidate I saw worthy of the job was Kasich of Ohio and as I knew would happen he was ignored because he was not flashy, he was simply that college professor type who knew how to do his job and get the job done RIGHT (pardon my pun, lol) but seriously, this time around it should have been Kasich. I supported Trump at first until it was becoming clear he was going to be the nominee. As I wished against hope the American public would dump him and come to its senses it became clear we had become to ignorant ourselves to see reality for what it was. We elected a man who lost billions of other peoples money but had no problem bragging about how many billions he had. He set the perfect example of his true colors by refusing to release his tax returns but had no problem convincing the ignorant that extra loaf of bread they will be getting in his tax cuts wasn’t going to cost them more in MANDATORY municipal services.
@Brody – Your doubt is noted and dismissed. I don’t in any event care about being consistent. Every situation is different and requires fresh perspective, not copy and paste jobs.