If you’re a fan of The Real World’s Dustin Zito you may also know that he used to appear in gay porn as Fratmen’s Spencer. And though MTV has tried their best to scrub the web of his homosexual antics we know you still wanna see Spencer’s candy. So we’ve created a handy and absolutely SAFE FOR WORK gallery of images from his pornier days. And as an added bonus we’ve even added a touch of gay magic on every image so you can feel star-tastic while watching him lounge about nekkid.
Images via QueerClick (NSFW)
i’m liking your work daniel. it’s perv but with a twist. next time i want to see judys red sippers, cupcakes, fake tan, woo woos, kuquats..
LOL!! Ok, this cracked me up.
Drew H.
5 & 6 are Priceless.
This ginger bitch can take a seat
he was a raging homophobe on the “real world”
saying things like “I can’t go shirtless coz all the f@s stare at me” or gems like “I hope the new room mate is not a homo” or “I am not gonna get on a boat with another guy, I ain’t no queer”.
Hypocrite disgusting ignorant bitch, I am done with his ass, if I ever see him out on a club I will beat his ass and give him a russian mouthwash.
ooh! ooh! and you could have themed editions, such as old hollywood icons. –there’s simply no end to the possibilities of where you could insert a baby jane hudson.
Drew H.
Trust me, we all get it. It’s just interesting how obvious it’s become that the most outspoken homophobes are usually the ones with the d*cks in their mouths.
What is a Russian Mouthwash?!
noooo! you removed the rupaul and the best one of all – the liza lingam.
s’pose it was a rights issue or some such blah. buzzkill.
p.s. daniel, can i dare to dream that you put that cupcake in just for me? did we just communicate via the medium of comestibles? is it, like, um… a token of love?
– that’s what my voices are telling me!
He is as big a tool as his tool is big…………
@Adonis-of-Fire: 100% Co-sign he made nasty disgusting comments on the show knowing the whole time he had plenty ‘o cock in his mouth……….
*stomp on the back of their heads
Homophobia sometimes develops in a person as a result of their disgust with what they see happening on the gay social scene. The promiscuity, the sleaze, the anonymous sexual encounters, the drug use, the overall hedonism…it’s all there in its hideous glory. A person with a moral conscience will usually look at this with the same disdain he feels when looking at the Playboy Mansion, for instance.
People do get an impression of our collective consciences (or lack thereof) through what they see on the social scene.
@jason: @jason: What you describe is not happening in my gay social scene. Perhaps it isn’t a “gay” social scene to which you are a referring but some other social scene? Like a drug using, sexually amorphous, hedonistic social scene?
whoaa there big fella! any more talk like that and ya’ gonna make me have to de-gunk my keyboard. like phwoarrr! really.
You don’t think those who oppress us should be destroyed? Lol. Please, go to Uganda and tell them you are ready for your hanging.
@Jason, I think you mean to say at gay CLUBS, specifically the night clubs. Its funny how people compare gay clubs to hedonism but never add hetero clubs in the consideration. After all, straight clubs have just as much promiscuity and drug use, and more sexual assault. Straight clubs aren’t that different and straight people don’t go to those clubs unless thats the kind of environment they want. Same as how I go to a BAR, a “Cheers” esque kind of place with a pool table, good people, cheap beer, and a bartender that knows my order. So if people only experience one part of the gay community, its club life, and judge us on that- then their ignorance is their own fault.
Basically, what @JDSwell said only more long-winded. And sorry for the caps, I’m not sure how to do italics on this.
ive got some great screenshots of spencer sucking cock and taking it up the ass that would be great in this gallery 🙂 These fratmen are so stupid if they think that people who pay 79.95 to watch their 1 time live shows dont record them.
We all know the straight scene involves not sex at all except in the missionary, when its time for procreation and only after marriage.
I tire of the ignorance. He’s a homo trying to build a career after a porn star career. If you have ever met guys like this dude, they are all kind of the same. Namely- stupid.
I’d like to see 🙂 please share
I didn’t say the straight scene isn’t sleazy. In fact, I alluded to it when I referred to that cesspool known as the Playboy Mansion.
The problem with the gay scene is that sexual fantasy is marketed under the concept of “gay”. Gay this, gay that. The word “gay” is often used in the marketing of saunas and sex clubs in general, not to mention sleazy pick-up bars.
In contrast, the word “straight” is rarely, if ever, used in association with similar types of venues marketed to straight guys and their female enablers. Therefore, the word association is absent.
Rob Moore
So, in the last picture, are they doing something to the kitten and the puppy? Isn’t that a bit pervier than usual?
I went on dates with guys like you in my 20s. Thank god that phase of my life is over.
Yes, straights talk about and engage in sex all the time. Most of Hollywood, the Internet, advertising and culture is built on straight sexuality and straight sex.
Seriously – are you living in a bubble? I ask that in all seriousness because the guys I used to date- the ones who said the shit you are saying here- all had problems being gay. So their skewed reality to fit what they wanted to believe.
Heteros do their sexuality and sex in plain sight in front of you every day. Please don’t respond back that this isn’t true. Just go out side tomorrow, and look around. Not just kind of look around. Look at what they are actually doing..
From Dancing With the Stars where the girls where trampy outfits with their cleevage half hanging out to dance sexy dances that’s considered “wholesome” to a million other ways- hetero sex is everywhere.
I can not walk down the street without seeing Heteros in NYC groping and kissing each other. I have not had one day in this city that I have not seen them making out, kissing, holding hands, and yes, I have seen them having sex in inappropriate places.
If you do not see this- the problem in a world where they make up 90 percent of the population- is not gay people. Its you.
You are so program to not notice it that you probably (and this is giving you the benefit of the doubt) do not realize it.
Anyways, found his sex scene with Chase from Fratmen
Very nice, they make out a lot and is rather sweet and romantic like they were REALLY into each other.
@Adonis-of-Fire:”You don’t think those who oppress us should be destroyed?”
call me boringly pragmatic, and enthralled to the basics of mathematical odds and percentages, but i’d say that would have to be, well…um…NO!?
i’ll hew to the dull road of countering and defeating bigoted IDEAS, and trying to build understanding; and will leave the juvenile fantasy heroics to you. but good luck with that.
and let me know when you begin your sexy rampage and i’ll be there to watch on and swoon.
i’ll have to take a rain check on our trip to uganda, not that i don’t appreciate the romantic gesture. besides, i’m plenty hunged enough already, thanks for asking.
Ohhh! Curbing! I assumed it has something to do with semen, vodka, and insulting Ukrainians.
I Abuse Gays,
What you’re saying is true. I totally agree with you about hetero’s flaunting their sleaze in our faces.
My problem with the gay scene is that sleaze is marketed under the gay rights banner. There is an attempt to associate gay rights with the practice of sleaze. There is also the clever ploy of word association: gay saunas, gay bars, gay beats, gay this, gay that.
Well, like Cartman said “the only way to fight hate is with more hate, I am not gonna spend my life living like a goddamn minority, that’s why we gotta destroy them!” Hahaha
You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin’ to? You talkin’ to me? Well I’m the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?
his beady eyes make him unattractive to me.
Great! Witty and well done – I especially like the taco!
“Johan” looks suspiciously like Adam Royer…
Treasure Island Media
Can anyone verify this?
Dustin Hater
I hate the vicious homophobic comments Dustin spewed during Real World. I HATE the “updated” cast bio MTV has on Dustin making him sound more like a Boy Scout working on a Merit Badge than a boy selling live videos of himself have anal sex with other guys. How MTV convinced the Gay Porn Frat Company to remove all photos of Dustin jerking off other guys, give and receiving oral sex with other guuys – they allowed them to keep only the solo masturbation videos of Dustin because ALL straight men masturbate. The ansl sex videos were done live for a private viewer who padi through pay pal – when a guy pays this much money for a live sex show he copies it and there will be copies of this little Boy Scout getting it in his butt VERY soon on the net. I always thought the Mafia owned the gay porn business – how the f did MTV get all this?
Rob Moore
@mmqueerty: I looked. I don’t think they are the same. Johan looks older than even the current picture of Dustin. I also think that most of Eric’s stuff is shot in Paris since that’s where he lives. I know he made at least one foray to New York and perhaps Brazil, but most of what I have seen of his videos are in Paris.
Rob Moore
@Rob Moore: Sorry, I hit the wrong reply button. I meant to reply to mmqueerty.
I work in the gay nightclub scene. I do drugs, I have rough safe sex with my 23yo boyfriend, and with anyone else we want to have sex with, AND we both know alot of str8 guys who would and have had sex with another guy. There is no such thing as str8 anymore (and thankfully). When I was coming out 17 years ago I was 21 and ONLY had str8 male friends, most who I had already slept with in one way or another. All the nightclubs we went to were mixed gay and str8 and all of them were hedonistic. It wasn’t because the clubs were gay that they were hedonistic it was because the people wanted it to be like that. We want to deviate from the norms of society. Religion (which is by far so deeply rooted in all aspects and structures within our societies) taught us to want to deviate. Religion taught us to self hate. Religion is the root of all evil in my mind.
I’m starting to think he is BUY-sexual.
I don’t watch the Real World but I hope someone called Daniel out on his bullshite.
It’s unreal we have straight men making gay porn that are homophobic and they’re too clueless to realize being a whore that flips on his back at the first sign of a dollar even though he thinks gay men are repulsive is about as low as any straight guy can go. It’s fine, IMO, for a straight guy to go gay for pay unless he happens to have a homophobic soapbox with him at times.
btw, I wonder how much it would take for a 100% gay man to go down on a woman. I would imagine 90% of gay men would be like “Not for all the money in the world.”
it’s not that big of a deal everybody has a past that they are a shame of…who r us to be juding that man and most plp done worse…look at ur sel before u tryin to play others….
christopher di spirito
Dustin Zito is so fucking cute. He doesn’t have a brain in his head which is part of his charm.
@McMike: I agree almost totally. I know some gay men who have slept with women and even eaten cooch…but not many. I will confess having some curiosity about tasting vaj but it would totally have to be a FTM Trans man.
Ok so the kid did nude photos. Like none of you have EVER done that? At least he got paid, bitches.
@jason: @Sjack: Sounds like fun,Joe_____Bet you wish yu were 21 again!I certainly wish I were.
@Adonis-of-Fire: Russian mouthwash?! I was gonna sayheishitbut if he is one of those ‘closeted’ fag hating fags he can go screw himself.
he is fkn sexy and i would love to fk him any time mmmm
Nobody cares that he did gay porn, it’s the fact that he not only denies it but also bashes gay people in the process. Nobody is judging his choice for doing porn, but we are juding his homophobic statements and actions. He basically says he hates gay people but he is on a gay site having gay sex? Either he has illusions of grandeur or he is as gay as all of us posting on this topic. He obviously dosen’t like himself, and in order to look himself in the mirror he has to bash gay people. The point is people shouldn’t throw stones and live in glass houses, and in his case, the glass shattered a long time ago.
I condemn Dustin Zito’s homophobic comments on MTV, but what you,QUEERTY, have done is also wrong, childish and rude.
Now, how did I miss this?
My response: I want to eat your taco #5.
’nuff said!
i swear, i just kept clicking thru the series just to see what kind of privacy sticker queerty would use…
@jason: Good for you,Jason!!Here,and in other posts,you have the guts to speak the truth,even though you sometimes catch shit in response.
Wow! The gods sure were generous to Dustin.
@Sjack: I would argue that religion is the root of all evil. Religion, at least the judeo-christian religions have a few things in common. 1. They demand adherance to God’s laws. 2. Gods laws include strictures against sodomy, men laying with men, masterbating and ask for all men to marry a woman, and to become one with her. 3. All religions take firm positions against good and evil. THere is no wiggle room for the social humannists who strive to find a crack in that judgement. 4. Religion asks that you pick a side, good or evil, most gays I have known either declare they are atheists, or rage against religion as though it some how destroyed their lives. I suspect that is their conscience speaking. They know many of their actions are against God’s laws, and find it impossible to find a place where they can act as they wish, and still be in his good graces. Religion is a demanding concept, you either accept the world and God as they see it, or you can move away, and attempt to ignore God. Regardless, after some time in a hospice for AIDS patients, I can assure you, the large majority of men near death invariably pray or ask God to accept them…it seems to be human nature to hold out the hope that there is more to all this then just life, and death.
Relentlessly Ordinary.
Relenlessly Ordinary.
Can anyone explain to me why every expression on that boy’s face is the same., Are we sure he is alive?
Just toooo bad!