So it turns out that Barack Obama is a liar when it comes to marriage equality. According to a new book by Obama’s trusted aide and friend David Axelrod, Obama deliberately reversed his public stand on same-sex marriage when during his 2008 presidential campaign, entirely for reasons of political expediency.
“[A]s he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’” Axelrod writes.
Axelrod says that the decision never sat well with Obama. After one event where Obama reiterated his new public stance, he told Axelrod, “I’m just not very good at bullshitting.”
Could have fooled us.
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Now, everyone has long suspected that Obama never really had to “evolve” on marriage equality. He expressed his support for it in 1996, when he was running for the Illinois state senate. His presidential campaign position seemed out of sync with the candidate himself. Republicans felt he was lying (although they believed he lied about everything). When he finally came clean, it felt a lot like Obama was getting a weight off his chest. No wonder Michelle Obama told her husband as he departed for the interview in which he officially embraced marriage equality, “Enjoy this day. You are free.”
So the news from Axelrod isn’t exactly news. But it’s still important. Here are five reasons why the revelation is worth paying attention to.
1. Obama clearly wanted this information known. In his book, Axelrod portrays Obama in almost entirely complimentary terms. The revelation that the president lied about marriage equality is one of the few negative stories to emerge in Axelrod’s account. Given how close Axelrod remains to the president, he would never have ventured to make the information public without Obama’s blessing. It’s inclusion in the book is Obama’s way of setting the record straight, even if it makes him look less than principled.
2. It explains the force with which Obama embraced marriage equality. Once Obama took the plunge, he unleashed the full force of the federal government to promote and protect marriage equality. That was the sign of a man who was really a true believer — and maybe of a man who felt the need to do some penance for past sins.
3. It’s a reminder of the 2008 political environment. In retrospect, it’s hard to imagine that Obama would have lost the presidency because he came out for marriage equality. Voters were focused on the economy. But just four years before, Republicans effectively used the same issue to drive voter turnout in key states and secure re-election for George W. Bush. That was an ample and recent reminder that Democrats should proceed with culture issues at their own peril.
4. His expediency enabled the passage of Prop 8. This is the worst result of Obama’s misdeed. Even as Obama was carrying California by huge margins in 2008, voters were approving Prop 8. At least some of Prop 8’s success can be attributed to its support from black churches. Had Obama made the case for marriage equality in 2008, he could have influenced opinion enough to have changed the outcome. His 2012 announcement in favor of marriage equality dramatically shifted the opinion of black voters. It’s too his discredit it didn’t happen four years earlier.
5. It’s proof again that Obama takes the pragmatic long view. Obama is willing to bide his time until the time is right. In the case of marriage equality, he may have been overly cautious, but in retrospect it’s clear he was looking for the right moment to move forward on an issue he believed in strongly.
Axelrod’s book doesn’t make Obama a profile in courage. It makes him a politician. But discretion in the short term led to victory in the long term. You can argue that that was unprincipled. What you can’t argue was that it was successful.
Why did the man wait until the 2012 campaign to come out for gay marriage? Why did he choose then to do it? His numbers were slipping and that’s a fact. What about when he was running for senator in Illinois against Keyes and let down the gay community, especially Kevin Thompson and Lauren Verdich when Keyes confronted him about gay marriage? Then again in 2009 after he’s in the White House, he takes a stand on DOMA and again let’s down the gay community once again. Oh, but how the LGBT community forgot all about these facts when he decided at the MOST fortunate time for him to support gay marriage and how mainstream media buried the videos and the other facts I mentioned about his past stance on the subject. He didn’t evolve into his stance on gay rights nor was he always for them, he came out (no pun intended) for them when he needed to the most!! He’s not fooling this member of the LGBT community!!
Odd how it actually took VP Biden’s public statement of support to force his hand… if, as this piece suggests, President Obama ALWAYS supported equality.
This is a President who has always lead from the back of the parade. His history, from college to today, is to straddle both sides of issues THEN go with the decision that gets the approval of the money men.
Take the Keystone XL pipeline as a perfect example. He told the left, he was against it to get elected and then told the right that he was for it to get re-elected. March 22, 2012 “Today, I’m directing my administration to cut through the red tape, break through the bureaucratic hurdles, and make this project a priority, to go ahead and get it done.
A good rule of thumb with politicians is to always follow the money. If you wonder why he “doesn’t look back”, he is following the money.
Romney would have been a nightmare. Always remember who the party would want on the Supreme Court. Presidents come and go, Supremes are appointed for life.
Well of course he “opposed” marriage equality in 2008. The article points out how toxic that issue was at the time, and Obama hadn’t even secured the nomination yet, so he was not about to show his hand knowing that Hill/Bill would have jumped all over him to secure the more conservative Dem voters.
But at no point did I (or most in the LGBT community) believe him. The evidence was there that he was on our side, so he winked and we winked back. Step by step, he did what he needed to do to get us to this point. Good for him. Imagine the horror show if McCain/Palin had won, or if Hillary had defeated him. Hillary is not a brave politician, and had she been prez, we would still be struggling with DADT.
Large Marge
I find it odd that for gays to be angry at him for doing what politicians have to do.. which is get elected. Gay ‘rights’ was a losing bet in his first presidential election.
To me, it seems like he got himself into a position where he could ‘sneak it in the backdoor’ (pun intended).
It seems some are arguing just to argue… but if we are doing that, do you really think gay marriage would be legal right now in a majority of states if McCain or Rmoney won?
“President comes and go”. Bush f**ked me and didn’t even give me the courtesy of a reach around.
BJ McFrisky
Obama lied for reasons of political expediency?
Oh. No. Say. It. Ain’t. So.
I thought, as Newsweek and this article suggested, that he’s the first gay president. What gives, Obama? Are you one of us or not?
FLASHBACK: Obama Accused Of Sexual Harassment While at Harvard Law Review (Multiple Accusers)
2013/02/21 21:05:45
KC — During Barack Obama’s tenure as the president of the Harvard Law Review in the late 1980s, at least two male student editors complained to colleagues and senior university officials about inappropriate behavior by Obama, ultimately leaving their positions at the journal, multiple sources confirm to THE KANSAS CITIAN.
The men complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Obama that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the university that gave them financial payouts to leave the journal. The agreements also included language that bars the men from talking about their departures.
In a series of comments over the past 10 days, Obama and his administration repeatedly declined to respond directly about whether he ever faced allegations of sexual harassment at the journal. They have also declined to address questions about specific reporting confirming that there were financial settlements in two cases in which men leveled complaints.
THE KANSAS CITIAN has confirmed the identities of the two male journal editors who complained about Obama but, for privacy concerns, is not publishing their names.
White House spokesman Jay Carney told THE KANSAS CITIAN the president indicated to White House staff that he was “vaguely familiar” with the charges and that the university’s general counsel had resolved the matter.
Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review from late-1988 to mid-1989. THE KANSAS CITIAN learned of the allegations against him, and over the course of several weeks, has put together accounts of what happened by talking to a lengthy roster of former university officials, current and past students and others familiar with the workings of the journal at the time Obama was there.
In one case, THE KANSAS CITIAN has seen documentation describing the allegations and showing that the university formally resolved the matter. Both men received separation packages that were in the five-figure range.
On the details of Obama’s allegedly inappropriate behavior with the two men, THE KANSAS CITIAN has a half-dozen sources shedding light on different aspects of the complaints.
The sources — including the recollections of close associates and other documentation — describe episodes that left the men upset and offended. These incidents include conversations allegedly filled with innuendo or personal questions of a sexually suggestive nature, taking place at hotels during conferences, at other officially sanctioned journal events and at the journal’s offices. There were also descriptions of physical gestures that were not overtly sexual but that made men who experienced or witnessed them uncomfortable and that they regarded as improper in a professional relationship.
UPDATE: Third man comes forward to AP.
The AP:
A third former editor says he considered filing a workplace complaint over what he considered aggressive and unwanted behavior by Barack Obama when he worked under the president in the 1991 at the University of Chicago. He says the behavior included a private invitation to his apartment.
He worked for the University of Chicago when he was a Visiting Law and Government Fellow. He told The Associated Press that Obama made sexually suggestive remarks or gestures about the same time that the two editors of the Harvard Law Review had settled separate harassment complaints against him. The employee described situations in which he said Obama told him he had confided to colleagues how attractive he was and invited him to his apartment outside work. He spoke on condition of anonymity, saying he feared retaliation. The White House declined to comment.
@BJ McFrisky: So, 35 years ago he said some immature sex things? While at university? Do I have your point accurately?
Find me someone who didn’t.
I don’t think anyone wants to (or should) be held accountable for shit they did 35 years ago, particularly from anonymous complaints.
@BJ McFrisky:
Notice how BJ doesn’t provide a link? Wonder why? Just a guess here, that the article is actually from some right wing hack page. Also, BJ will defend any right wing bigot, but if anything is written about a Democrat supporting gay rights he has to attack them. You make it more and more obvious what a right wing troll you are every day. Interesting though that you had to find a non-linkable story, and it’s about something 35 years ago? Curious, how far would we have to go back to find anything unpallatable about Mike Huckabee? Rick Perry? Hermain Cain? Michelle Bachman? Sarah Palin? lol
As for this article, the most telling thing is, look at politics today.
Axelrod and the others apparently told him to do NOTHING about gay rights, and healthcare. Basically just to sit there, collect a paycheck and do nothing. For the good of the country all political Advisers” need to be put out of jobs.
As for Obama being for gay marriage, well hey, glad he signed the bill, and overall think he has been good for the country, but sorry, the White house said there would be no movement on gay issues, and then after Get Equal did sit in’s in her SF office Nancy Pelosi forced a DADT repeal down the White House’s throat, and if anybody remember, the first time it came up, the White House did not give it a huge amount of support. It was only after a huge backlash on healthcare, and gay issues, and the Dems losing seats in the mid-term that before the lame duck Congressional session was over, Pelosi brought up a DADT repeal again and under pressure the White House finally pushed it.
So Lets not totally try to rewrite history here xelrod.
@unclemike: said, “I don’t think anyone wants to (or should) be held accountable for shit they did 35 years ago, particularly from anonymous complaints.”
Very true! I voted for BHO knowing that he wasn’t perfect, but I think that the MSM tends to have a double standard with respect to that principle. They made a big fuss about Romney’s prep school behavior (the haircuts!), and have already been filing reports about Jeb’s prep yrs (bully!). Again, NONE of this really matters, but I do wish the MSM would use the same set of rules for all of the candidates… because we can’t really fault reporters for filing stories about BHO’s past misdeeds if we are going to get a raging boner every time a newspaper files a story about what some creepy neo-con did as a college sophomore.
President Obama has done more for the LGBT community than any & every president in American history.
Yet, for some reason, there seem to be quite a few who are constantly taking jabs & blaming him for things out of his control (Prop 8, really?!). It makes you question where their loyalties & leanings truly lie. What could be the reason for the blind & baseless distrust?
@Cam: The “article” came from a rightwing blog. Jason/Marion/BJ probably has it bookmarked with his favorite jerk-vids. Here’s the link:
Other sites have reported on the info, but it never really got a lot of traction in the media.
That’s why he didn’t provide a link.
@Cam: yep
How can anyone act surprised that Obama lied? He’s a compulsive liar who’s made a mockery of the Office of the President. I thought we couldn’t have had a President worse than George W. Bush. Then this idiot was elected. 2016 can’t come soon enough!
Anybody notice the right wing trolls NEVER produce facts or links?
Just a thought, this isn’t FOX News, if you want to make a broad sweeping claim, you might want to actually give a reason. Otherwise you are just the 7 year old on the playground sticking out your tongue at somebody……….and looking stupid.
I agree with the 5 items, except #4. I don’t think at the time of Prop 8 that anything the now Prez could have said would have shifted the votes of black churches dramatically enough to have made a big difference, but I do think it would have been leveraged to the hilt by his opposition.
ps: please don’t feed the trolls.
@1EqualityUSA: I LOVE these comparisons. Now my turn… you know who would be worse than Romney? Hitler! Seriously dude, you are saying the equivalent of “If we don’t love cancer, we could have had a stroke! The lesser of two evils is not “good”.
Please read this links to see just how far right Democrats have been moved.
I’m legally married gay man. There is now marriage equality in Alabama. A.L.A.B.A.M.A. I would have been able to type those preceding sentences had McCain or Romney been elected president. Please STFU.
*I’m “a” legally married…
*I would “NOT” have been able to…
Sucks when your screw-ups rob you from being able to make a point…
Captain Obvious
It’s so lame and ignorant how people have to invent things to whine about when it comes to Obama. I honestly can’t stand when people make me sound like one of those Obama worshippers forcing me to defend him. I kinda don’t care one way or the other but when I see someone being vilified on the fact that they’re black and you just HAVE to find something wrong with them through imaginary means it’s really sickening.
I swear sometimes certain gay people come off like the KKK all the while crying someone is discriminating against them.
Fact of the matter is gay marriage was legalized in most states under Obama’s administration. Shut up and have many seats you ignorant crybabies.
Nothing is ever enough. Have all the bottles, suck so hard you can’t cry anymore.
@Captain Obvious:
My issue is that it is dangerous to alter history. The thing is, the establishment Democrats, while not attacking gay rights were not pushing them and at that time neither was the White House.
By not forgetting that, we make it much harder for that complacency to happen again. Remember, HRC told gays to sit down, shut up and not say anything for 8 years.
We have movement on rights now precisely because people didn’t say things like “Well the Dems like us more than the GOP so lets not say anything.” No, they pushed and made sure that our “Friends” worked for us. The same way that Trans Canada is pushing it’s supporters and the recipients of it’s donations to advocate for the keystone Pipeline gays had to push.
Obama signed the law and has become a great advocate for us, but rewriting history is stupid, and attacking somebody for accurately writing about history that is only a few years old is stupid.
Axelrod and his band of merry douchebags would have had no movement on gay rights or healthcare, and thank goodness that LGBT’s made them realize it was worse politically not to move than it was to move.
@Cam: Good point, which is exactly why the Clinton’s have been bad news for the LGBT community the entire time they’ve been on the world stage.
Cam, Captain Obvious has a point, in the end, nobody will remember all of the wrangling it took to get there, but that they got there. Thanks for that. Now win again, so that we can find Supreme Court Justices that will not oppress Americans with their particular brand of religion, the religion du jour. Today, Catholics, tomorrows Supreme Court Justices may be Mormon.
BJ McFrisky
Considering how desperately you guys want Congressmen Schock and Kinzinger to be gay, I figured you’d be discoing on the ceiling regarding Obama’s closeted past. Apparently you only wish someone to have homosexual tendencies if you hate them. Interesting. Bizarre, mind you, but interesting.
@unclemike: Ah, the old liberal meme of “Crimes committed by people we adore don’t count (Bill Ayres, Ted Kennedy, et al), especially if they were young.” Which I suppose explains why 7 out of 10 felons register as Democrats.
Yeah, too bad you liberals didn’t feel the same way when young men were falsely accused of rape at Duke and UVA. Where was your compassion for youthful indiscretion then? (oh that’s right, they were white and Obama’s only half-white, hence the liberal hypocrisy))
@Ladbrook: I figured you knew the reason I provided the article and not the link is becuzz I’m two stoopid.
I just got a flash that BJ McFrisky is Anne Coulter. (Peet’s must have slipped me something.) Even the moniker seems like a name she would make up, reducing the gay community to sex acts only, and not our entirety, that makes us human. I always say, “No foam.”
Do you really think that Obama had anything to do with states approving the right for gays to marry? Nope!! We were already heading in that direction. And he never did get out and campaign for the passage of gay marriage until it was a convenience to him in his reelection campaign. These states passed gay marriage without the influence of Obama and it has steamrolled ever since. Here is the link to the “How Obama Became The Gay Rights President” It is in favor of Obama (I am not) and shows his supposed evolution into his belief in gay marriage. However, it skips over the part where he nationally announced his stance on gay marriage, like when he did it. During his 2012 campaign for reelection when his numbers were very sluggish and Romney was on his tail. Also if you stand on your Christian beliefs as such does it mean that you have changed your Christian beliefs I didn’t think that was supposed to be the case for hardcore Christians. Why does he not have any openly LGBT on his staff? His self appointed staff, I don’t recall any on his campaign staff either. He did it for the vote and nothing else people. Now, he is stuck with the moniker of being for gay marriage and he uses it for his advantage now. Hail, the conquering hero!!! HA!!! By the way, Romney did have a gay man on his staff Richard Grenell, who left his staff, and it was other conservatives that drove him from the job, although Romney wanted him to stay!! And Obama is LGBT man!! WOW!! I’m almost ashamed to be gay!! Too bad GAYDAR only works when spotting other gay men or women and not when it comes to seeing a fraud right in front of their face!!! And here’s the link I promised you and I’m not a conservative nor am I a republican!!
jerryo, Remember who the Republicans would want to have on the the Supreme Court, where real power dwells. All this jumping up and down will not even be remembered five years from now. Romney would have been a nightmare, no matter how many of “the gays” he tapped for staff.
@BJ McFrisky: said…. “Considering how desperately you guys want Congressmen Schock and Kinzinger to be gay,”
Wow, you are so desperate to defend anti-gay bigots that you even bring them up on posts that have nothing to do with them.
Don’t worry BJ, if you keep defending them, maybe they’ll even let you eat some of the leftovers after the dinner party is over.
Actually Romney’s people told the guy to lay low, wouldn’t let him speak out during the time he was there. Romney also stated flat out that he was against gay rights and against gay marriage.
You could have fooled us except by trying to defend Romney’s gay rights record you exposed yourself. Claim you aren’t a republican all you want, but only a solid defender of the GOP would try to mention Romney and gay rights in the same space.
But nice try.
@aliengod: If the right wings nuts care about the country the voters would not have to elect the best of the worst candidates. It’s because of the batshit crazy things that they focus on rather than talk about helping all Americans better job prospects, education and healthcare perhaps there’s more intelligent candidates to pick from. It takes two hands to clap. Cut off the money politics bought by the American corporations than you can talk to me about real democracy.
Milk, and SCOTUS assisted the effort by gutting the Voting Rights Act, and allowing Citizen’s United. ” Activist judges” as the Tedious Right likes to say, pointing body-snatcher style.
Political naivete is typical of the brainless masses, and the very idea that Obama evolved on this is laughable. He was always for it. But politicians lie constantly. They say what they need to at the moment according to political conditions. I don’t know why that’s so hard to understand.
Because to a certain extent you used to know what you were voting for. The politician would tell you what they thought, and what they would do, and then try to do it. Now you have fools like Axelrod in there telling them it’s better to do nothing, and taking polls before every move.
The supposed experts should take notice that since Obama has been going somewhat off script and pushing his agenda, his poll numbers are going up.
@Cam – go read the article that I read. Do the leg work your self!! All I did was google Romney’s gay staffer!! I can mention any person that I want in my posts, it doesn’t mean a damn thing as to what I believe in!! I did not defend Romney, I was just giving you an example of Obama vs Romney and who had the gay staffer and you can NOT do so, so what is it that someone that has no clue as to make a point or prove me wrong, the resort to judging someone or resort to calling names!! Why is it so many liberals are this way??? They can not prove or disprove a point so let’s play dirty!! Typical!! All I exposed was the truth about Obama not having any gay staffers and you can not handle it!!!
@1EqualityUSA: Didn’t Bush nominate Roberts for the Supreme Court? Didn’t he vote on the issue of the ACA and come out in favor of it? He even broke the tie on the 5-4 decision!! AH-OH!! Did Bush nominate the wrong man or what? That argument just doesn’t quite work. Also did not say Romney would be a good president, but we could have done without Obama on many issues!!
No, actually you played the typical game that the Mormon trolls did during Prop 8. They (And you) would pick a technicality and then not respond when the absurdity of it was pointed out. Oh, also, if you’re going to pretend you aren’t a right wing troll and that you only “Googled Romey’s gay staffer” then you might not want to post right underneath it a post defending Bush.
One thing that you Mormon trolls were always so funny to watch was when you were busted on something so you would use the phony anger and hurt to try to alter the topic.
You know, like how I mentioned that Romney stated explicitly that he was opposed to gay rights and gay marriage, so instead of having to respond to that, which you can’t, you pretend to have hurt feelings that I called you out.
Nice try but your fellow trolls during the Prop 8 issue were better at it then you. Sorry Moroni, but tell Nephi that you failed this time. Now be a good boy and go back to the Singles Ward and pretend to be attracted to all those pretty BYU girls.
ACA has little to do with equality for gays. Cam, I should have sniffed this one out. Mormons are infesting this site like bedbugs. Your last line was killer good.
No one cares. It’s just going to be an excuse for drama queens on both sides to fan themselves and twitter.
As far as blaming him for Prop 8–get serious. Jesus himself could have come out for gay marriage and it still would have passed.
@1EqualityUSA: Got your back. 😉
Now, I’m Mormon – are you serious? I am non-religious!! No Church affiliation at all!! And you certainly reverted to type my friend – name calling!! Please – on the feelings bullshit – you have to have feelings to hurt them my friend!! The reason, I did not comment on Romney’s stance is because I felt that it just wasn’t worth it!! I proved my point and it is you my friend that has not!!! And you got all peeved about it because you can not take the truth. This Mormon crap – where the heck did you come up with that? LMAO I’m not an Osmond!! LOL And I mentioned Bush, my friend because he did nominate Roberts to the Supreme Court and he voted for the ACA – I was making a point that you can not count on the Supreme Court or what President appoints them, as was pointed out to me after I made a comment. You are ridiculous in your thoughts my friend and need to read what is said and not jump to conclusions before you know the whole story!! I think you should do stand up because you are too funny!!! LMAO!!!
You can be non-religious and Mormon at the same time, because Mormonism is not a religion, it’s a cult. Now go take your meds and give your brother back his lap-top.
@1EqualityUSA: You too!! Another person that feels the need to lower themselves to another level to try and fail to make themselves feel better!! You like your buddy Cam, neither one of you have given me one thing to support your argument with me. All you can do is call names or try to select a religion for me. Really, is that the best you can do? REALLY??? Like, I said I have proven my points and backed them up, but anytime that the truth is laid out right in front of your face all you ‘so-called’ liberals can do is resort to a low life status and call me names. You are not a liberal!! True liberals don’t need to do that!! They use resources and events to prove themselves, which I have done!!! You and your bud Cam, are totally something other than a liberal and I’ll bet the rest of us that have intelligence and the facts about your hero Obama would ban you from the club, because of the measures you use in an argument. I’m not on my brothers laptop either. I’m using your mothers and she says it is your turn now!!! LMAO!!!
Breath, jerryo, breath.
I’m breathing – don’t you worry about that my friend, but for some reason I have an awful feeling that not enough oxygen is getting to your brain!!! Yes, I can be just as cutting as you and your friend, but ya’ know what I’m much better at it!! LOL
@jerryo: said… “@1EqualityUSA: You too!! Another person that feels the need to lower themselves to another level to try and fail to make themselves feel better!! You like your buddy Cam, neither one of you have given me one thing to support your argument with me.”
Nothing to support our argument? Nice try, my comment stated factually that Mitt Romney was not supportive of gay rights, that he spoke out against them, and against gay marriage.
I love how you try to pretend that a different conversation happened so you can play the Mormon Troll game and feign outrage, put in your all caps, put in your “LOL’s”, and claim that we offered no proof.
I stated flat out that Romney was opposed to gay marriage, and against gay rights. Please, by all means, if you want to claim that he never said those things, and is supportive of gay rights you are welcome to provide the link.
All of the rest of your words are wasted babble that is not going to accomplish your goal of obfuscating the subject.
It’s not my fault that the Mission folks decided you weren’t good enough to go overseas, but instead sent you to Boise Idaho so you wouldn’t embarrass them. Don’t worry thought, even the washouts still get to wear the temple garments.
Obfuscating – well thank God for spell check huh Cam? What are you supporting by saying that? Did he or did he not have a gay staffer? That is the question? Yes, he did and it was not Romney that asked him to keep a low profile it was his other conservatives!! That is in Grenell’s own words!! Read the article Cam!!! Saying he’s against gay marriage has nothing to do with the point!!! HELLO? What part of that do you not understand? AND Obama has not had one openly gay staffer at all!! Now, has he? NOPE!!! That is the argument NOT whether Romney is for or against gay marriage!! Is that simple enough for you!!! GEESH!! You are the one that obfuscates – not me!! LOL You are trying to prove something by stating Romney’s stance on gay marriage, when once again I am saying he had a gay staffer and Obama did not and does not and that is the point that you can NOT answer and it is funny that you’re trying to twist facts to prove a point that I have proven!!! Wake up!! And again with the Mormon bullshit!! I’m from Illinois, Obama’s state. I’ve followed him for quite a while now my friend and know my shit when it comes to Obama!! Again, you can not handle the truth of what I say – and here it is once again and hopefully clear enough for even you to understand – Romney 1 gay staffer – Obama 0 gay staffers!! Simple!! I win!!!
i love how this post really brought out the Trolling Crazy!
HILARIOUS. so , the trolls are upset about President Obama “lying”, and always being pro-equality, so he could win the election and BRING ABOUT Equality? HILARIOUS.
You boys are just upset because your own dads have always been totally honest about how disappointed you are that they’ve got you wimps for sons.
here’s a fun game: complainers! let’s see who you are! clearly you come from amazing LGBT-supportive families, right? So, let’s see them. you can find mine on youtube.
see? there’s me! with my family! talking about equality!
your turn!
haha. just kidding. we all know you trolling wimps don’t have the balls to every be visible. and you never will.
OMG, a politician magically changed his positions according to what he thought would get public approval. That only happens with every single person in power. Stop kissing his ass, queerty. He’s not a friend to you if he has no actual convictions. He’d reverse again in a nanosecond if he could get elected again.
You have no idea if he’s actually for or against it, or doesn’t care and just wants the image (probably the last one). It’s a new book by a friend of his, so of COURSE he’s going to claim “Oh, of course he is in favor of marriage equality. He ALWAYS has been! Really! It’s been that way all along! He has deeply-held convictions, and doesn’t change them to match which way the wind is blowing!”
trolls – show yourselves, and your “amazing” pro-gay conservative families. what’s that? you can’t, because they’re ashamed of you and you’re still Closeted? well, we all knew that already 😀
Atticus and Demented. I am out and if you check my page on here you will see that. I am also on Facebook and I am out!! I do not however feel the need to go on youtube and profess my sexuality and get even more hateful posts. I get enough hate right here in my own community because I do not agree with Obama’s stance on gay marriage. I get called a Mormon, a conservative, and worst of all a Republican and all because I referenced the fact of Romney having a gay staffer and Obama not having one!! And to this day he does not have one!!! Not openly gay like Mr. Grenell was, anyway!!
Demented you said that Obama is a man of deep convictions, if that is so then what about his convictions with Christianity? To most Christians and he does call himself one, homosexuality is a mortal sin and you can not enter heaven if you are homosexual. Isn’t he going against what Christians believe if he is for gay marriage? Isn’t being a Christian the one thing that you are to have the deepest convictions on? First you said that he would change his mind again if there was another election for him and he needed too, but at the end you say he doesn’t change his convictions to match which way the wind is blowing. I say he does!! And so did you in your first paragraph.
@AtticusBennett: My family knows Atticus – believe me they know!! They are Independent Fundamental Baptists and I am going to hell because I am Gay!! Like I said, I am not putting it on youtube, I have enough haters in my life and I gain more and more everyday. All because I see Obama for what he really is and so many people are blind when it comes to him!! Like I have said in other posts, it’s just too bad that GAYDAR doesn’t work when trying to see who’s real and who’s a fraud!!!
you don’t agree with Obama’s stance that gay couples should be allowed to marry? no wonder your family hates you. idiot.@jerryo:
@jerryo: i was raised in the united church with a gay minister, and my parents still identify as Christians and they do a heck of a lot of pro-LGBT Equality work. more than you do, actually. and they do it visible, and vocally, not anonymously on the internet. your racism is obvious. your unintelligence apparent.
you keep repeating “romney has a gay staffer” as if saying it over and over again will make your balls drop and your family hate you less. neither will happen.
@Cam I’m not sure I caught where it said that Axelrod wanted to do nothing. He’s a political consultant, his job is to make the candidate the most palatable to as many voters as possible. I severely doubt he was informed the President’s actual policy measures. Also, I severely doubt he had some insidious desire to squash any talk of gay rights altogether.
Did John F. Kennedy run on a platform of Civil Rights? Did Lincoln run on abolishing slavery? NO, yet they are remembered as essential to their respective movements at the time.
The article implies that in the Prop Hate campaign, we might have not lost black religious voters. That might or might not be true. But the analysis of the vote says who we LOST was Bay Area Soccer Moms. Black church goers voted about how was expected.
Would we have gained enough from either of these two groups to have defeated Prop Hate had Barack Obama expressed his support? Who knows. We lost by 599,602 votes out of 13,402,566 cast with another 340,611 where the proposition wasn’t voted on. So, we lost by 4.48% and only just less than 49% of those would have been made up by the “low hanging fruit” if ALL the non-voters voted against.
Barack Obama/Joe Biden pulled 61.01% to 36.95% for McCain/Palin. CA Democratic registration in that election was 44.4% and Republican was 31.4$, leaving 24.2% being registered “something else”. Independents tend to lean Democratic in CA as well. So, assuming Obama got EVERY Democrat he also got just under 17% of the “others”. McCain got 5.55% of the others [same assumption].
There were OTHER initiatives on the CA ballot as well in 2008, a whopping 11, and all but TWO of the other 10 had a higher “no vote” than Prop Hate and the lowest of those was DOUBLE the 340,000 at 794,000 [about parental notification before terminating a minor’s pregnancy, just squeaked by NO at 51.96-48.04, counting the votes as % of the total cast in the election].
I’m thinking that Obama being FOR ME would have had an effect, but Prop Hate could well still have WON in 2008, it just would have been CLOSER. What we got out of this, we know how to fight campaigns now. That is evidenced by the WA, MD, ME and MN votes in 2012. Yes, they had Barack, but they also had 4 more years of national discussion, including the Prop Hate trial. And we wouldn’t have gotten Judge Vaughnn Walker’s ruling had we won against Hate. Losing to win is a strategy of the underdog.
Typical Mormon Troll. You try to claim that the point is that Romney had a gay staffer.
No, actually the point was you trying to insinuate that Romney was somehow better on gay issues.
Romney stated he was opposed to gay marriage, said he was against gay rights. I pointed out clearly, that if I am wrong on this you are more than welcome to prove it with links.
You were unable to do that, so rambled on for sentence after sentence doing anything you could to try to hide the topic.
You can play that game all you want, the fact is, Romney was against gay rights, and would not have signed the pro-gay legislation as Obama did.
The fact that you are working so hard to hide that fact just shore’s up your anti-gay Mormon troll credentials. You guys are so obvious it’s sad.
@derp: said.. “@Cam I’m not sure I caught where it said that Axelrod wanted to do nothing. He’s a political consultant, his job is to make the candidate the most palatable to as many voters as possible. I severely doubt he was informed the President’s actual policy measures. Also, I severely doubt he had some insidious desire to squash any talk of gay rights altogether”
In an interview he said that they told Obama not to move on Gay Rights and Healthcare.
@Cam: You my friend are very misguided and have so lost this debate. I keep giving you places to go so you can read the facts but you do not do it!! All you want to do is Obama did this or he did that for gay rights, but he only does it because he has to now!! He got the vote he duped you with and so many others to be reelected and now he has to live with what he said in 2012 and not one minute before then. You just can not stand the fact that I have proven my case over and over again and the best you can do is lower yourself to name calling and being judgmental. Which, I know is one of your biggest complaints about other people. They judge you because of what you do in your bedroom!! Right? Right and then you have the audacity to go judge me. Practice what you preach Cam!! It’s not going over very well!!
All of that wording to hide the simple facts. Romney is opposed to gay rights, stated he would veto any pro-gay legislation etc… Obama signed it.
End of story. You aren’t fooling anybody on here. Do other people in your life actually fall for that tactic? It is transparent and sad.
There is no question that President Obama has been the most gay friendly President this country has ever seen.
I never said that Romney was for gay rights!! What part of that do you not understand!! But if Obama is so pro-gay rights where he hell are the gay people on his staff. You think that he’d be waving a gay flag over them and jumping up and down saying, see people I even hire them when Chic Fill A won’t!! Again, you still are not giving me facts or places to go to discredit what I say about Obama and I can provide you with videos of Obama and his stance on gay rights. I already gave you the link to read an article on Obama and his evolution in to becoming pro gay rights. It was even an article that backed Obama!! It just left out the fact of when he decided to come out for gay rights which was during his 2012 reelection campaign and his numbers were very sluggish and not looking very good for him!! You think his buddy Axelrod is going to say anything bad about Obama – I think not!!! And again as is typical with people like you – you have to end with some kind of slur against me. I know, I understand, you’ve never matured past the age of 10 and I accept that, but you know so little about me!!
Atticus – you are not a Christian and if your parents support you in the hate that you spew because you do not agree with how I believe Obama is the biggest fraud ever, then you and your parents are judging me and you need to read your Bible. Matthew 7: 1-3. And by the way, my balls are just fine – thanks for asking, who has yours at the present time. You all need to stand up like men and learn to debate an issue with facts, as I have done, instead of reverting to type and having to resort to low life tactics by trying to insult me!! That really only makes you look bad!!!
I saw Obama three times during campaign stops in Denver and distinctly recall that some of his greatest applause lines was about equal recognition of “all people including our gay brothers and sisters.” Most of us thought he had gone back into the closet when he stammered on equal marriage and upheld civil unions.
Fact is Obama has done more for gay rights than any President before and maybe after him. Any self respecting LGBT person should have alotmof gratitude for this President. Other Presidents ignored aids, said it was the “wrath of God.” Other Presidents created doma, dadt. This President stopped defending doma and repealed dadt. He supports marriage equality, while other’s tried to have it banned. I’m forever grateful for Obama in his support of myself and other’s rights. He has been outspoken against discrimination against our community. If Romney were President it would have sent gay rights back to the 1950s. I sometimes think gays want to be treated unequally. You have TPOTUS doing so much good for the community and still have bashers. Some of you need some therapy.
Yes Obama surely made mention of gay rights in his campaign but not until 2012. Never before did he!! It may seem that Obama has done a lot for the gay community, but has he? All he does is mention us in speeches and like I said he never did mention us (LGBT) before 2012. The fight for gay marriage actually started in the 90’s well before Obama’s time!!! Hawaii, a state that Obama is very familiar with, in Dec. 1996 the state court there ruled in favor of same sex couples are entitled to the same privileges as heterosexual married couples. Then came Vermont 1999, Massachusetts in 2003 Then the battle in San Francisco over the mayor letting gay couple get marriage licenses, that was 2004 and then Sandoval County, New Mexico began issuing same sex marriage licenses the same year. I can go on with more examples well before Obama had hit the scene. It has steam rolled ever since, getting better and better. It took Obama until May 2012 to become pro gay rights. In 2009, he did sign a memorandum to provide some benefits to same sex partners that worked for the Federal Government. Why just some benefits and why just Fed Employees? And it still takes another 3 years for him to say he’s for gay marriage and during a reelection campaign? And I will provide the link to these facts and hope you will follow it so you can see where the facts lie. I am sure that there are plenty of republicans for gay marriage out there. I guess I am one because I get called a republican for not supporting Obama!! LOL I’m not bashing anyone but Obama because he has and never will be for gay rights, he’s just caught now and can’t go back!! He’s now the conquering hero and how he loves to be just that!!! I have not been the one to bash anyone until I got bashed first!!! Then it’s all fair game!!! Here’s the link:
I knew how he felt about it all along. He’s no dummy. I wonder how many Republicans secretly have no problem with gay marriage but don’t dare say that?
“Obama is a liar when it comes to marriage equality”. Obama is liar when it comes to almost everything. So he’s done a lot for gay rights. That’s nice. But the standard of living for the middle class is declining and our government is becoming tyrannical. That’s not good for our Constitutional republic. What are we to do? Hope for another Obama just because s/he will espouse gay rights? We shouldn’t be single-issue focused. In the end we’ll be sorry…. very, very sorry.
@Curty: Not gay – hmmm – I wonder what my boyfriend of nearly 20 years will think of that? I just don’t think that he’s going to buy that one!!! Next, I hate myself, hmmm, now that’s too funny!! I have given you links to go look at. I have given straight out facts about Obama and his stance on gay marriage. I give you proof of what this man truly is and if you don’t want to go look, then it’s on you not me!! I don’t hate Obama, I don’t like him, but I don’t hate him. Nor do I hate myself. I wouldn’t stick around for nearly 50 years if that were the case. I’d have put an end to myself a long time ago if I hated myself. Self-haters do NOT fight for what they believe in. They don’t research their facts to back themselves up on issues!! If I truly hated myself I’d cave in and say to hell with all of you and run away, but I don’t!! Before Obama came to power in the US, while he was still a fledgling politician I thought he had some good ideas and then I started reading more and more about the man and I read both sides, not just one side, but I started to see that he wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. Like the video I have of him praising the good book of the Koran and he pronounces it in a whole different way when he says it. Then he talks about the Bible and slavery and other things in the Bible and says Christians are Radical!! This was way before he said what he did the other day when he compared the religions. I have these videos in my files. You people think I pull this crap out of the air or what? I don’t hate myself Curty, I’m too much of a fighter and stand for what I believe in than to hate myself or have self pity!! If you knew me, you’d know this was not true!!!
@manjoguy: I agree with you 100% and can go on and on with other issues where Obama is all wishy-washy and provide the facts on all of them, but for some reason people do NOT like to hear the facts and resort to infantile behavior and call me names. Is that what it all comes down too – who can call you the worst names or I still can’t get over them calling me a Mormon!!! LOL All because I compared Romney’s having a gay person on his staff and Obama still does not have one to this day!!! So, I’m a Mormon. LMAO That’s some crazy crap!!! Then I was told that a republican would pick the wrong person for the SCOTUS and I said Bush picked Roberts who voted for Obamacare. I state facts, I get called names or am accused of being something I’m not. It’s hilarious just how low people will go to try to win an argument that they lost with the facts I provide and have to resort to methods to feel that they have won. All the time proving what type of people they truly are. So, be careful with what you say about Obama or you may be hated as well.
I think the people attacking Obama aren’t gay people but people who follow every story on Obama to bash him. I guess people want to go back The reagan years or clinton years when doma, dadt discriminating laws were in effect. Or the bush years when he tried to have marriage equality banned. So im going to say the people complaining and attack Obama aren’t gay people or just gays who have self hate.
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@Charli Girl: No they are not!! You do not know your Bible. Jesus was not for violence of any means and he taught this throughout his life. What happened in the old testament was what like 6000 years ago. And read your facts on the Crusades and the Inquisition, they were fighting the same thing that we are fighting today. Radical Islamist trying to take over Europe, but now they’re trying to take over the world!!! What do Christians do today that is so Radical? Tell you you’re going to hell because you’re gay!! I give them John 3:16 of Matthew 7:1-3. Christians have evolved and have become more progressive. They even have churches now that accept gay people and welcome them in their doors!! Yes, they’re radical all right and freaks!! Obama says he’s a Christian – so maybe you are right – they are Radical and Freaks.
I also agree with you Obama does nothing without being strategic. Like when it was best for him to announce that he was for gay marriage, in his reelection campaign when his numbers weren’t looking very good against Romney!!! And he did win the election!! Now go and read this link as to how well gay rights were going before Obama came along!!! I’m only too glad to provide it once again, since you obviously didn’t see it before. You will also see where in 2009 he signed a memorandum for same sex couples to get some of the benefits offered, but it was only for Federal Employees. Why just SOME of the benefits and not all of them and why only Federal Employees. Don’t you think that would have been a golden opportunity to say he was for gay rights? Nope, what does he do he waits another 3 years to say anything about them!! 3 years in May 2012 in the middle of his reelection campaign he then sticks his neck out. Very strategic – to get the vote and the win. And now most of all the praise, which he loves more than anything!!
Here’s the link –
Charli Girl
I disagree. Barack Obama is VERY strategic, and he always waits until the right moment that WILL WIN!
It wouldn’t do us any good if he went out on a limb, knowing it was weak from the opposition. I do believe the activist putting the mounds of pressure on him was also a factor. He’s done more for us than ANYONE ever and probably ever will.
I’m very grateful no matter what! Everyone else was too chicken $hit! We still have a loooong way to go, but marriage equality was a DOOZIE! Now we fight the religious cults for our rights everywhere else! Which is pathetic!
Charli Girl
jerryo said, “To most Christians and he does call himself one, homosexuality is a mortal sin and you can not enter heaven if you are homosexual.”
Christ never uttered a word about gays the entire 33 years He was on this planet. He said more about divorce than about gays. Yet the pastors, cults, and idol worshipping Catholics brow-beat on about something that Christ thought so little about that nary a word was said about it, ever. They cloak their bigotry in words that they do not understand and show contempt for those of us born this way, all the while, divorcing their wives. One of the Republican candidates served appears to his dying of cancer wife, while she was in the hospital. Lovely Gingrich. ew.
manjoguy, Obama inherited a huge, whopping mess from the Bush administration. The repubs are not the answer to anything. When Clinton left, we were in the black. A republican takes over, opens up business without regulations and they stole everyone’s pension plan out from under them and dragged their selfish heels throughout the recovery. Just because you say something over and over doesn’t make it true. Faux News does that and they’re clowns.
Charlie Girl, yes, so strategic that the republicans are twisting in the wind. good.
Well anyone who knows how to google should’ve known the whole “I’m evolving on gay marriage” from President Obama was bullshit and totally strategic since he was for it prior to his run for the presidency, and said as much publicly. I was following him closely before that and my cousin who lives in his neighborhood in Chicago, goes to their church, and lunches with the First Lady said long ago it was BS but that it was political. Politicians do this dance all the time.
I didn’t mean to go, “Arconcyyon” on you guys, auto-correct is doing a number on my sentences… Served divorce papers to his dying wife.
Blackceo, exactly, back when he was a senator, he was for equality. Of course this was a dance. He nailed it and now all of the republican wall-flowers are without an escort. They deserve each other.
jerryo, the beauty about this country is that you can believe anything you want, you just can’t force it on others, thankfully.
Desert Boy
I remember Michelle Obama visiting Los Angeles and speaking to a most gay audience and she basically said and I’m paraphrasing, “No matter what you hear, remember that Barack is with you.”
I knew she was signaling the president was privately and personally in support of marriage equality.
She just couldn’t come out at that moment and say so.
I refer you to Romans 1: 27-29. 1st Corinthians 6: 8-10 1st Timothy 1: 9-11 My dear friend I know my Bible!! But do I believe that this is all true!! No, I do not, but when proof is needed I will provide it!! I believe in the scripture John 3:16 and Matthew 7:1-3 when the Bible beaters want to throw scripture at me.
Blackceo – if you want to read the story of how Obama evolved into gay rights. I have that link as well. Your friend went to Rev. Jeremiah Wrights church? Obama went there for 20 years. And we know how that man felt about gay rights. But remember that they left out Obama’s strategic play in May of 2012 and came out for gay marriage when he needed the votes!!
I totally agree with you on the mess he inherited from Bush. I am no Bush man, nor a Romney man. I only used them as reference points to prove my points. And now I am a Mormon, because certain people did not like the fact that I was right!!! LOL However, what has Obama done? Gas prices? No, that’s not his call and when the prices were $4 per gallon he was asked to do something, he said he couldn’t do anything, but now that the price has gone down, he was first to take credit for it!! The Saudi’s set the price of gas – not Obama. And now that gas is lower he wants to increase the federal gas tax.
Unemployment? That’s not him either. That’s big business and we know how democrats hate big business and thousands and thousands of people that were filing for UE benefits can’t any longer because their benefits have run out, but they’re still unemployed and just not counted anymore!! What about the thousands of people that are underemployed? Or can only find part time work. They are counted as employed!! Read this link :
I can go on with other Obama issues if you like and provide the proof. You Obama lovers have been hoodwinked and like people in AA or NA know, the first step is the hardest – having to admit that you are OA. Obama-holic!!!
Rabbinical Saul, Paul, may not have understood what Christ understood and that’s why the silence was deafening. The word, “Homosexual” wasn’t even in the Bible until 1949.
Jesus never talked about gays, nor are gays mentioned in the Ten Commandments, nor in the Summary of the Law. No prophet expounds upon gays. It really wasn’t that concerning in early churches. Being judgmental is the worse offense. That’s spoken of so often that it would seem to be the more important lesson for us.
@1EqualityUSA: You did not read those scriptures I gave you – did you. No, it doesn’t say homosexual in the Bible, didn’t say it did!! But it sure makes it plain as to what it’s talking about. What about Sodom and Gomorrah? It was destroyed because of what went on there. Where do you think the word sodomy came from. Or Leviticus 18:22 – man shall not lie with man as with woman. Or Leviticus 20:13. You brought up the old testament – I didn’t but if you want to go back that far then it only fair that I do. My Scriptures were from the New Testament only in my past post, after Jesus was here and taught his disciples of what was right and what was wrong!! But again you refuse to even look at those scriptures and once again, you are left on the outside of the sand pile!!
@derp: Spoken like a millenial with no understanding of history.
@asa1973: That’s a small error compared to your woeful understanding of the law. Obama had nothing to do with marriage being legal in Alabama. Educate yourself.
@Curty: Sorry, but you are simply wrong. You clearly know nothing about the history of DADT. Try a little education; it’s good for you.
Frankly, I can’t believe how ignorant so many of the commenters here are when it comes to the history of the gay and lesbian rights movement. Furthermore, many seem to think that a sitting president gets credit for every positive thing that happens while he’s in office, regardless whether he played any part in it.
What politician doesn’t lie?
Trust no one
@1EqualityUSA: @1EqualityUSA: And obviously this is something that you do not practice!! Or you would not resort to name calling and judging me as you have. You are not God!! And you still have not read the scriptures that were given to you in previous posts or you would have commented on them. Instead you want to give me this little sermon about something you know little of and certainly do not live by!! If you believed in this passage – you would have acted entirely different towards me my friend. You acted with hate, judgment and have no idea of how to treat a fellow human being!! You are as big of a fraud as your Lord and Master – Barak Obama or should I call him by his real name – Barry Soetoro. Google that name and watch the video(s) my friend and learn who Barak Obama really is!!
jerryo, Wherever healing is, Christ is. You can tell what quality of spiritual soil one’s roots are planted in by the fruit that one bears. The fruits of the Spirit are love, patience, kindness, goodness, and truth. You know it when you see it and so will Christ. Love, above all else, is the objective. The fruits of the Spirit are easily recognizable. As for the man who is a weak believer, welcome him (into your fellowship), but not to criticize his opinions or pass judgment on his scruples or perplex him with discussions. One (man’s faith permits him) to believe he may eat anything, while a weaker one (limits his) eating to vegetables. Let not him who eats look down on or despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains criticize and pass judgment on him who eats; for God has accepted and welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on and censure another’s household servant? It is before his own Master that he stands or falls.
Regarding Point 4, Prop. 8, Obama’s silence also had a negative effect in Florida, allowing an anti-gay marriage amendment to be inserted into the Florida constitution in that election. It’s taken us 5 years to get rid of that albatross, and it was thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court. So what is the sequel to this piece? “Obama secretly favors ENDA”
@1EqualityUSA: But you won’t google that name will you? Just as you didn’t look up the scriptures or all of the links that I have provided, because you are afraid of the truth and I actually feel sorry for you on account of that! Truly sorry!!! So much for the truth setting one free!!
You’re delirious, jerryo. All this accusatory BS because we disagree about politics? You are clearly off your rocker, babe. I know that arguing with a Mormon gets no where. It goes around and around and slowly the agenda is set in the subsequent questions. You are done.
Delirious am I? Who’s calling the kettle black? You won’t look up any info or links I give you, you resort to name calling!! You haven’t the dimmest dullest notion of who I am. I lay out fact after fact for you on here and the best you can do is give me your little sermon and haven’t a clue as to what it means!! I’m sorry that you have not mentally developed past the age of 10 and choose to remain ignorant. Ignorant – you’re not ignorant – ignorant people can learn and develop and grow as a person, you my friend are an idiot!! And the more you shout your names at me and try to ridicule me the more you prove that you are just that an idiot!! A fool!! Yes, I’m done 1EqualityUSA however did you come up with that name, you have no idea what equality is. And go google Barry Soetoro and see what you find!! The truth my friend, and you have proven once again, you can’t handle the truth!! Now move along little boy/girl whatever you are, you have become quite the bore and very much an old hat!!! There’s just no use in talking to the idiots – they’re all the same!! Brickwall!!!
@Ladbrook: You are not serious about crediting Obama with the repeal of DADT The log cabin republicans are the ones who fought the case in court for six years. When they finally got a trial, the Obama administration worked to have their case thrown out
@brent: I’m sorry but it sounds to me that Jar is write about DADT when I googled it and read it, this is a part of it that I am pasting in here. It sounds like Obama did repeal the DADT policy in 2011!!
The “don’t ask” part of the DADT policy specified that superiors should not initiate investigation of a servicemember’s orientation without witnessing disallowed behaviors, though credible evidence of homosexual behavior could be used to initiate an investigation. Unauthorized investigations and harassment of suspected servicemen and women led to an expansion of the policy to “don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t pursue, don’t harass”.[6]
Legislation to repeal DADT was enacted in December 2010, specifying that the policy would remain in place until the President, the Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certified that repeal would not harm military readiness, followed by a 60-day waiting period.[7] A July 6, 2011, ruling from a federal appeals court barred further enforcement of the U.S. military’s ban on openly gay service members.[8] President Barack Obama, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen sent that certification to Congress on July 22, 2011, which set the end of DADT to September 20, 2011.[9]
The last sentence is what I refer you to and the last few words, which set the end of DADT to 9/20/2011. It sounds to me that Obama ended DADT then!! But am going to research this even further as I think he did make a change in the military over gay issues. I’m just curious as to when he did this change was it before his 2012 reelection campaign or after.
@brent: okay – now I got it!! he repealed the DADT because it still allowed gays to be discharged if they were caught in a sexual act or professed to be gay while in the military!! So, I was wrong and I am never ever afraid to admit that!! When I am wrong I say so!!! And it also seems that this was before his reelection campaign. However, he also in 2009 signed a memorandum giving same sex couples some benefits that straight couples were entitled to but only did this for Federal Employees and the military are also Federal Employees? Why just them? Why not do it for everyone? Instead he waits another 6 months or so to make the announcement that he was for gay marriage in the middle of a not going so good campaign to retain the White House!! I still believe he did it for the vote and nothing more!! He’s pulled the proverbial wool over our eyes!! And if Barry Soetoro, aka Barak Obama is what I and so many others believe he truly is – he’s even more against gay marriage than anyone could ever think possible!! Please google Barry Soetoro and judge for yourself!!
@ atticusbennett Stop obsessing about your story. It’s tired. No one cares.
@Zenguy: I’m sorry Zenguy – but he has never believed in anything very strongly except what gets him to where he wants to be. I’ve provided fact after fact about this man and it is not my fault that you or anyone else has not followed the links I have provided to show people exactly what type of man we have for president. I am not the one that resorted to name calling first. When people start that BS it shows me and everyone else on here, what they’re really like. Idiots and full of hate!! And opens up the playing field to tell them exactly what they are. Go follow the links I have provided and google Barry Soetoro and provide me with the links and the facts or something to google to prove me wrong and I will apologize and admit that all of you are right about Barry Soetoro!!
I honestly think Atticus BenNUT needs to get off the Internet and take a breather.
The title of this article reeks of overblown pandering. “He Lied!” This “gotcha! tacit is juvenile, with no sense of the nuisance and dance of the political process. The last point reasonably sums it up: It’s proof that Obama takes the pragmatic long view. Obama is willing to bide his time until the time is right. In the case of marriage equality, he may have been overly cautious, but in retrospect it’s clear he was looking for the right moment to move forward on an issue he believed in strongly.
Marriage equality has been brought about at grassroot levels of government, by mayors, judges, plaintiffs, lawyers, clerks, and so on. What would please me most would be if people like Clinton, Obama, and Biden would shut their hole about it, or at least publicly praise the real heroes in this fight, and give all credit to them.
@martinbakman: Thank you Martin – very well said!! Have you met Barry Soetoro – google him – and find out all there is to know about him and if he is, who these videos say he is – supporting gay marriage is so out of the question for him!! Muslims frown on homosexuality even more than the Christians do!!
Well of course Obama was for gay marriage all along and didn’t really have to evolve on the issue. The man is a constitutional scholar for chrissakes! How stupid are some of the commenters on here?
@sejjo: very stupid, and very protective of their sh**y republican families.
This Barry soetoro s**t is just that a hoax that has gone to far.
You people are such idiots!! Call me names and stuff instead of doing any searches yourself to find out the proof. Sure he came up with a birth certificate, and maybe he was born in Hawaii, but he gave up his citizenship when he went to Indonesia and he has never provided any documentation of reclaiming his US citizenship. That’s the conspiracy my friend and not the birth certificate, see you didn’t even do a thorough search on your friend Barry.
Atticus, you are so full of yourself – you definitely need a high colonic!! You are no Christian my friends and neither are your parents if they support in judging people and falsely doing so, because they give you the truth. YOU PEOPLE SIMPLE CAN’T STAND HEARING THE TRUTH!!! Especially when it hits you where it hurts!!
Sejjo – of course he was for gay marriage – he’s a constitutional lawyer!! Yeah right!!! What the hell does that have to do with being for gay marriage? Absolutely nothing!! I’m Barry Soetoro, I’m a constitutional lawyer and that equals gay marriage. Talk about stupid, that is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard!!!
Move along little children I grow bored of you. You’re going to believe what you want no matter what. I’m sure that if Barry came up to you and told you himself that he was a Muslim, wasn’t born here or didn’t get become a citizen again, and he was never for gay marriage – you’d call him a liar!! I leave laughing at you poor fools and know one day – you will actually see what this man is all about.
@jerryo: we get it. no wonder your family wants nothing to do with you. i don’t blame them.
@AtticusBennett: Take it from me don’t keep wasting your time on jerryo. You’ll be called childish for attacking him and so forth and it will go on forever believe me it will go nowhere. Call check and checkmate and leave it lol.
@darian: it’s one of those things they “Jerryo”‘s of the world do – they’re sackless little wimps, and they’re crushingly stupid, so they troll the internet making anonymous comments that no intelligent person would ever utter. why? simple. it’s their only distraction from their sh**ty lives. oh well 😀
@AtticusBennett: I think your absolutely right. Have a happy valentines day.
@jerryo: said…. “You people are such idiots!! Call me names and stuff instead of doing any searches yourself to find out the proof. Sure he came up with a birth certificate, and maybe he was born in Hawaii, but he gave up his citizenship when he went to Indonesia and he has never provided any documentation of reclaiming his US citizenship. That’s the conspiracy my friend and not the birth certificate, see you didn’t even do a thorough search on your friend Barry.”
No, actually that isn’t the conspiracy. That is something that wing-nuts desperately tried to invent after they started supporting a Ted Cruz presidential run. They couldn’t very well keep attacking Obama on a birth certificate issue when everybody knows beyond any doubt that Cruz WAS born outside the U.S.
Oh, and since you’ve been on a different post defending the KKK, it looks like you are pretty much in line with all of the Tea Party positions.