Meet Mary Gray Black, the drably named 72-year-old City Commissioner of Largo, Florida. This election season she’s running against Michael Smith, a 30-year-old gay guy who sent out a campaign postcard showing how much “he cares for families” by including a picture of himself with his arm around his female friend and her baby.
Black and her God both disapprove of a gay man using such “deceptive” photos to imply heterosexuality. And if you vote for a homo, you should know it’s no better than electing a drunk into office. Why, they’ll both try to have sex with the city’s zoning laws… or something.
At a Central Pinellas Chamber of Commerce luncheon last week, Black told the 50 person crowd, “I feel that my opponent has been very deceptive in his presentation of himself to you I’m going to challenge my opponent to be truthful to you, to give you all of his endorsements, to give you his background and what he truly believes.” By doing so, she not-so-slyly referenced Smith’s pechant for sleeping with men and a campaign contribution made to him by the Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County, a local LGBT rights organization.
Smith responded by saying, “I think what she is referring to is that I happen to be gay. I’m not running as a gay commissioner, I just happen to be gay. I am not going to be up there pushing this agenda. I think people are more concerned about property taxes and the economy.”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
When chamber chairman Keith Bailey, one of Black’s longtime friends and supporters, angrily asked why she brought up Smith’s gay past, Black responded, “It has to do with transparency, the truth and not being misleading. If you’re a drunkard, that’s your lifestyle … He can be whatever he wants to be.”
“Lifestyle.” Nice. And double points for comparing homosexuality to alcoholism. After all, both… involve liquor?
Black’s friend said he won’t vote for her this year, even though he has in every previous election she has run in.
What he may not know though, is that Black has a history of anti-LGBT political sentiment:
“[She decided to run for Largo City Commissioner] after the city considered adding employment and housing protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals in 2003. During the campaign, she vowed not to vote for anything that was “contrary to God’s will… . She [also] demanded a meeting to fire [City Commissioner Susan Stanton] less than a week after Stanton [publicly] revealed her transgender status.”
Strange that Black should worry about Smith letting his views on homosexuality affect his political decisions, especially since Black has apparently let her views on homosexuality dictate her political decisions for years now. If it were Friday, she’d qualify for Douche of the Week.
That woman is a card-carrying “See you next Tuesday”!
She’s the Monday Douche then!
God apparently approves of botox and bad dye jobs, however.
Check out Michael’s website:
Put this cow out to pasture! She’s too fucking OLD to be effective. States need young blood running them, not evil old politicians.
To: Mary Gray Black
Subject: Campaign Question
Ms. Black,
Since you’re interested in “transparency, the truth and not being misleading” I’m interested in knowing whether or not you’ve told your constituents that every vote cast for you will be interpreted by those outside Largo as a pro-bigotry vote, as every vote for you is a vote for a woman who has chosen to be a bigot and live a bigoted lifestyle. Of course, this being the United States, there’s nothing illegal about being a bigot and choosing to live a bigoted lifestyle—but I do wonder whether or not the people of Largo would want someone who chooses to remain backwards and ignorant as their City Commissioner, considering how poorly it would reflect on the city as a whole.
Yours in the name of Truth,
David Pye
Baton Rouge, LA
By the way, if you happen to be interested in letting Mary know what you think of her lifestyle, her email addy is “[email protected]”, obtained from the Largo city directory at Have fun!
the crustybastard
FTFA: “During the campaign, she vowed not to vote for anything that was “contrary to God’s will…”
it’s not an “Almighty God” if it needs this much help.
God’s grifters.
God’s will? WTF? Another nutty who thinks she talks to the owner of the universe? She needs to sit her old ass down.
Pete n SFO
Is that photo from her original run for office? She barely looks older than the 30 yr old opponent!
Jim Hlavac
@Dave: Well, glad to see another Baton Rougian around here 🙂
Meanwhile — the alcoholism canard is bandied about — and I always ask several things — if alcoholics need a legal substance — alcohol — what legal substance do gay guys imbibe to be gayholic — what, do we have a “gayberry” bush in the back yard to ferment? The comparison is so able to defeat by teh fact that obviously “casual drinkers,” “social drinkers” ergo must be bisexual — for they don’t get as drunk on gayberry wine as we gays do — egad; what arrant mush this woman spews.
@Jim Hlavac: semen.
Huh, these people are about 5 miles south of me. Seems there might be a phone call and a visit in my future.