This just in: Toxic masculinity is still alive and well. Also, frat boys are the worst.
The Syracuse University chapter of Theta Tau was suspended this week after the school’s newspaper, the Daily Orange, published shocking videos of frat boys making racist, homophobic, anti-semitic oaths and engaging in truly deplorable behavior.
“I solemnly swear to always have hatred in my heart for n*****s, sp*cs, and most importantly, the f*cking k*kes,” one frat boy can be heard pledging in a video to thunderous applause.
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The videos also include simulations of oral sex, masturbation, glory holes, and drug use, and cracking homophobic jokes: “Get together and [talk] about their significant others while drinking different wines and talking in gay girly accents!”
If that’s not disgusting enough, another video shows the frat boys mocking the disabled: “He’s drooling out of his mouth because he’s retarded in a wheelchair!”
Shortly after the videos emerged online, Syracuse Chancellor Kent Syverud issued a statement calling the videos “deeply harmful and contrary to the values and community standards we expect of our students.”
“There is absolutely no place at Syracuse University for behavior or language that degrades any individual or group’s race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, disability or religious beliefs,” he wrote.
Related: Meet the alt-right frathouse creeps ‘The Proud Boys’, and then take a long shower
Michael Abraham, executive director of the Theta Tau Central Office, expressed sympathy for the men, saying many have become scared for their lives since the videos have hit the internet.
“They have been identified on social media, and due to the university having leaked this video to the press, they are now endangered,” he tells the New York Post.
Abraham adds that Theta Tau will do everything it can to help deal with the fallout.
“Theta Tau will fulfill the role that we would have expected of the university,” he says. “We will educate them.”
Related: Frat Boy Dishes On What It’s Like To Be Gay And Greek
A huge chunk of Frat boys, without a doubt, are the weakest of all men – They act tough and manly because of just that, they are acting. Besides I never understood the point of being in a frat, whats the difference between a frat and a club?
Never underestimate the need for young men and their need to belong to something. This is nothing but High School part 2. I too think it’s stupid but then again I’m not a kid anymore.
I didn’t know the average college student is now 13 years old. Nothing else explains this. If they are any older, they should at least be performing all these acts for real, not simulating them. The racism, antisemitism and the “professed” homophobia are par for course, nothing new there.
The chapter should be shut down.
I agree! Some frats actually try to do good things for their communities. This one has no sense of propriety or helping anyone but themselves.
not a clone
They will all end up working for Trump and his people anyway
These jerk and what they have done are deplorable. I do take issue however with the term “toxic masculinity”. Its a bad term that should not be in existence and certainly not perpetuated by men. What they are doing isn’t authentic masculinity. Authentic masculinity isn’t toxic. What they are doing is nasty a** machismo. Big difference.
Exactly… but unfortunately, whenever I see “toxic masculinity” I know who wrote the story, and it irks me because I otherwise agree with a lot of things said, but then these dumb generalizations are used that put people on defense over the wrong damn thing. It stops being just about condemning these idiots and it also becomes an “I’m not like them” defense of one’s own masculinity. Not to mention, it’s a term that needs to be used in appropriate settings. This has nothing to do with masculinity, and everything to do with insecurity, over other races, over gays, etc.
If “toxic masculinity” exists (whatever that is), is there such a thing as “toxic femininity”?
Whenever I see “toxic masculinity” in an article, I think that the only thing that’s toxic is the unprovoked hostility toward men – gay men included – who are masculine and strong. There is this sinister force out there that has been pressuring men to be more feminine than ever before. That’s toxicity that needs to be reckoned and pushed back vehemently.
^CastleSF…. I actually agree with you here & also Xzamilloh…… There is a vibe underneath this article headline seems hellbent on squashing Masculinity. “toxic masculinity” here is really misguided: This incident is more about going on a rampage. And feminine women can go on a rampage as well about the same things….it’s about trying to feel superior.
My point wasn’t really about “masculine men Vs feminine men” because I think that masculinity comes in many different beautiful forms, including softer forms. “Butch” isn’t the only form it takes. I just don’t think the words “toxic” and “masculinity” really belong together, and as Xzamilloh pointed out, its a term that is extremely over used.
Super macho, self-absorbed men/boys are not truly masculine. They are insecure, unstable, lacking in integrity, and prone to violence. They pretend to be masculine but they are the antithesis of masculinity.
@DarkZephyr – Nobody’s saying “toxic masculinity” is authentic masculinity.
That’s why the word TOXIC is there – to differentiate it from just normal masculinity.
Masculinity isn’t bad – but “toxic masculinity” can be.
Just like how “water” is fine for drinking but “toxic water” is probably not.
It’s not dissing regular water to point out that toxic water is bad.
The same goes for masculinity vs toxic masculinity.
? FFS. If you think “toxic masculinity” shouldn’t be a term because- uhh- “real masculinity isn’t toxic,” then you must get really confused when people say, for instance, “don’t eat that bacon, it’s gone bad.” “Bacon is good, so it can’t be bad!” Cue food poisoning.
“Toxic masculinity” doesn’t *mean* “all masculinity is violent, bigoted, emotionally stunted, demeaning to ‘others,’ etc;” if you believe that it’s because you’ve gotten bad information from people who are stupid (or who are lying for the prupose of providing cover *for* toxic assholes). “Toxic masculinity” means there is a strain- a version of the ‘product’- that IS tainted. By violence, by bigotry, by the idea that the only appropriate way to express manhood is through domination, which renders everyone a target for hegemonic abuse and renders every emotion other than raging ego to be ‘womanly’ and ‘weak.’
That’s what the term means- not that “men are all necessarily this way and it’s *because* they’re men”- and if you resist its use because you misunderstand that, the problem isn’t with the term, it’s with your misunderstanding. (And the problem is with a society that largely enshrines the toxic variant and perpeturates it, and by extension seeks to provide cover for it by misinforming people about feminism and pitting them against it to preserve a shitty status quo.)
@Lookyloo and imperator
I do know what the term means. I don’t think it means “all men are a certain way, etc”. I actually do have basic comprehension skills. I just think its a crappy term. Terms like “machismo” are older, have been in use for far longer and are quite competent at getting the point across. Why not stick to the basics instead of inventing a new problematic term?
Toxic water and bad bacon are *still* water and bacon. They are just water and bacon with bad things mixed inside. You are comparing tangible consumables with something that is an attitude, a mode of being. These things aren’t comparable at all. Toxic water and bad bacon are still water and bacon, but “toxic masculinity” isn’t masculinity at all, as you admit, Lookyloo.
The biggest problem that I have with it is how it ties this “toxicity” to masculinity. Why do that? Why does jerkish behavior have to be described as ANY kind of masculinity? Toxic or otherwise? Few people outside of the men’s rights movement or fem shaming “masc” gay/bi men think that “toxic femininity” should be a thing, few outside of those groups would even dare suggest it. And it *shouldn’t* be a thing anymore than “toxic masculinity” should be. Jerkish behavior shouldn’t be tied to masculinity or femininity. We already have better terms with a longer pedigree. That’s how I feel.
“Nobody’s saying “toxic masculinity” is authentic masculinity.
That’s why the word TOXIC is there – to differentiate it from just normal masculinity.”
They aren’t using the word “authentic” of course and I never thought they were. I was using the word to make a point. But since its NOT “authentic masculinity”, something we both agree on, why do they need to use the word “masculinity” at all when its, as you basically admit, a misnomer? I already mentioned perfectly legitimate terms like “machismo” that are perfectly capable of getting the point across. Why do we need to reinvent the wheel and create these buzz terms that are so problematic and are admittedly misnomers?
Its jerkish behavior, not “masculinity”. Toxic or otherwise.
You don’t have to be a man or be any kind of masculine to be a jerk. Point blank period.
Does anyone really care? I’m sure allot of not so PC crap goes on these initiations. Frats are just an excuse for the kids to act like high schoolers anyways.
It’s funny how the right wing desperately tries to minimize blatant racial hatred and bigotry by calling it “Not so PC”
I mean its a fraternity..if ur looking for frats 2 be a ything more tha. Drunk as wholes ur an idiot..this clearly was supposed 2 be behind closed doors.. when i was n a frat they spanked one was great..but i didnt take anything educational or how to behave in real life from it.. people should care about more important issues than what frat boys are doing
Can’t wait for the comments somehow blaming black people for this or complaining about other groups not being called out for racism.
I will say that is the most multicultural group of racists I have ever seen. Heh
Apparently, this was done in satire and not reflective of their true feelings, which of course makes sense as I said that this was real multicultural group of racists lol
I should know better than to think the full context is there when it comes to stories like these because the narrative can easily be spun. Do better, Queerty, because you sully your reputation by putting out stuff like this.
I don’t know where to post this, but since this the top story…how come the Amy Schumer story has the comment section closed now? There were 3 comments saying how awful the movie looked then when I was about to comment the comments section was closed.
Are we not allowed to voice opinions on here unless its the opinions shared with the moderator?
That’s probably because they get a kick back for promoting these movies.
Remember the last one with her (snatched). Queerty promoted the hell out of it. I watched it because I’m a Goldie Hawn fan but it was terrible.
The post is sponsored… it says so on the bottom of the link and thumbnail under this story.
You have to try harder to rein in your obsession with this “anti-lgbt” fantasy, DCguy. Cylest has warned you and I am reminding you again.
Cylest Brooks
The comments were not closed by me. <3
Yawn… that video was an embarrassment, but for only them.
Honestly, 15 year old teenagers act more mature.
I’m not offended. I’d simply step over those losers.
The TYPICAL response of racists and bigots whenever they are caught. To always lie and claim their lives are now in danger. Funny how nothing ever happens to any of them that claim this.
It’s unfortunate there will be those involved who may never have thought to act like this,?but were caught up in group think. Now they know to think for themselves. If indeed they exist within this tribe
Oh, come on. They are very obviously ripping racism and homophobia, not extolling it. The “story” is about their “rival”, Tri Kappa – KKK – hence the reference to the white empire (“Inaudible” in the sub-titles).
Ummmm Yeah
Exactly. And clearly several of the people laughing about all of this aren’t white.
@Ummmm Yeah – I have read a lot of your comments recently and I don’t think there is any other commenter on here whose support I would want least. In your attempts to trumpet a lack of reverse-racism attention on this website, you come off as ignorant and insensitive to the actual problems being reported. It reminds me of the beginnings of the far-right commentary on the supposedly biased main stream media – Rush Limbaugh, 1995, redux. However, in this case, regardless of your stance, I find it unconscionable Queerty would not make a better effort to understand the story they are reporting on here. Accusations of racism and homophobia are serious claims and should not be blatantly made without a thorough vetting of the subject. While these guys may be not be particularly subtle in their humor, they are clearly lampooning the KKK. As such, I think Queerty owes an apology to its readers for misinforming them and should retract this story. They should apologize to Theta Tau as well.
Why do frats and sororities even exist anymore, they only seem to attract the worst piles of human garbage anyway?
Ummmm Yeah
Because if you want the freedoms of assembly and associations, everyone else gets them too.
Ummmm Yeah
Again you can’t argue the facts. Everyone is laughing and joking and none of the non-whites that were actually are offended by any of this. So there’s no reason to assume some of them aren’t gay or jewish and not offended as well. The people that were in the room know the situation.
You are the type of person I am trying to get through to. If you can not obviously see the lampooning of the KKK in this “skit”, I suggest you watch and listen again. It is exactly this knee jerk reaction, your knee jerk reaction, which I find detrimental to the appropriate way to fight racism and homophobia.
I’m going to agree with @Mmmrrrggglll here and say that if you watch the video, disgusting as the comments in it are, it is clearly an attempt to parody a fellow frat by claiming that the other, rival frat is the one with the racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic history.
Also, the fraternity appears to multi-racial. One of the first two people named is Asian American. Out of context, the video appears to show a group of vile young racists, when in reality, they are attempting to mock–and are doing a terrible job of it–their rivals. That doesn’t lessen the ugliness of what they’re saying–the racial epithets, homophobia, mockery of people with disabilities–but it contextualizes it.
The truth is there are frats and organizations that say this crap and are not sending up another frat; the members believe it. Just look at that racist nutcase old white woman who attacked the two black soldiers, shoving the pregnant one. She wasn’t joking; her racism was deep in her bones. Also, anti-black racism is espoused by people of color, and anti-Semitism can be espoused by people who aren’t Jewish. As we know, homophobia crosses all color lines, and as is clear at times on Queerty, even promoted by supposed gay people who attack effeminate gay people, gay people of color, etc.
At any rate, IF these frat bros had periodically announced during this “skit” or whatever it was that they were parodying a fellow frat and periodically said, “This is a parody!” they probably would not be in (so much) hot water right now. Then again, since they thought this was private yet allowed it to be filmed, they basically got themselves in trouble, since it’s on social media and people’s patience and nerves are at a breaking point.
Seconded! Making fun of racism and homophobes is part of comedy and the art of sarcasm. Did it execute well? Definitely not. After watching the video I am going to stay my hand at attributing this as hate speech and hope the guys will be able to make a clear return to their lives after making some dumb satorical performance that was captured on camera and shared on the ever-present internet. I could have easily been found in a similar sort of production in HS, even as an out bisexual.
Does that mean that it should have been done? Probably not, now when sensitivities run amok, but I am sure that they will be getting more media-socializing (socialized media? ) education from their fraternity based on their response.
These guys are kids. Their brains are still not fully developed and they were trying (poorly) to poke fun at these concepts of racism and homophobia. Let’s educate them on how to be better sassy queens.
LMAO, them trying to play the victim is pathetic. Any threats and loss job opportunities that these idiots encounter will be deserved. You act like a racist idiot, you suffer the consequences, get over it.
Hey guys, not a Russian troll (just ask my husband), but I really wish people would think about what they are saying and doing in the video. It is clearly a remark on backwoods thinking and possibly the KKK. It was not their own views but a satire of the weak people who hold these perceptions. Otherwise we were watching different videos.
In the interest of fair play and balance, it would be nice if Queerty would provide a link to the federal lawsuit that several Theta Tau students have filed against Syracuse University. Here it is for those interested in getting the other side.
The lawsuit details their “just satire” defense. You may find that argument totally bogus, but keep in mind that no Theta Tau member filed a complaint against the chapter, and the skit was a private event until someone decided to leak a video to the media. The local district attorney determined that no law had been broken — the skit actors were guilty only of stupidity. The chapter issued an apology and probably would have agreed to perform community service to make amends. But SU’s administration has decided to play hardball — no room for mercy. Karma is a bitch. Some day, the SU chancellor may find his own behavior being exposed by a private, politically incorrect video.