A California man would like to make it legal to shoot “any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification.”
The effort is being spearheaded by Matthew McLaughlin, who just forked over $200 to file a ballot initiative with the Attorney General in Sacramento proposing the Sodomite Suppression Act become state law.
In a one-page document, McLaughlin calls gay sex an “abominable crime,” labeling it “a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha [sic].”
His solution?
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Gay people must be executed.
More specifically, they should be “put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method.”
McLaughlin argues that it’s “better” if heterosexuals just kill the gays immediately rather than having everyone suffer God’s punishment in the afterlife, though he doesn’t say why.
In addition to requiring straight people to shoot gay people in the head, the Sodomite Suppression Act also bans gay people from running for public office, being employed by the state, or being granted any state or federal benefits, including unemployment, disability, welfare, and social security, or use of any public assets, like roads, parks, or libraries.
Oh, and any straight person who demonstrates tolerance or acceptance of a gay person will be fined “$1 million per occurrence, and/or imprisoned up to 10 years, and/or expelled from the boundaries of the state of California for up to life.”
Just to make sure everyone is aware of the law, McLaughlin is also demanding that the Sodomite Suppression Act must be “prominently posted in every public school classroom.”
Lastly, he says the law trumps all other laws. Civil rights laws, nondiscrimination laws, hate crimes laws, the state’s ban on the death penalty, you name it. Says McLaughlin: “All laws in conflict with this law are to that extent invalid.”
Now that the ballot initiative has been filed, McLaughlin will need to collect the signatures of at least 365,000 legitimate California residents in order for it to move forward.
I think everyone of these people needs to be mentally evaluated…then committed.
Now THAT’S a hell of a lot of self-hatred and internalized homophobia! I’m sure good ‘ol Matt keeps himself busy servicing Sacramento-area rest stops…
If given the opportunity, the fanatical Christians here in the U.S. would not hesitate to commit atrocities just like ISIS.
When Matt is caught servicing a trucker at the local adult bookstore (clearly inevitable), can we raffle off the chance to be the one to shoot HIM? We can donate the millions we’d raise to help fund better education in California, which is apparently very much in need of better civics teachers.
Isn’t his ballot initiative bordering on a hate crime? I have a feeling if somebody filed a similar ballot initiative in Oklahoma aimed at Baptists or evangellicals they would have them arrested.
He probably is a Republican who voted for that nutcase Tim Donnelly. How shameful… This is why we need the rules. Any proposition must be approved by the legislature in order to be placed on ballot… Like it is done in many other developed countries.
This guy should be a committed to a mental hospital.
*need the rules changed.
Do they have the “Stand Your Ground” law in California? If so, he just painted a target on his forehead. It’s open season, boys!
Jesus would be so proud.
Clowns like McLaughlin are their won worst enemy and don’t realize the damage they do to religion when they try to use god as an excuse for murder. Keep up the good work Matthew, the further you marginalize yourself the more progress LGBT people make.
I’m worried that he’ll have enough signatures within a month, if not sooner. Too many haters out there these days….
Captain proton
tracked him down http://www.lawyer.com/matthew-mclaughlin.html
@LubbockGayMale: This is California, not Alabama.
I believe that many people that even think a thing like that, will also pay the price for their actions. Starting with this idiot who thinks he is the only person having rights on life or death. There would be many on the gay side that would retaliate, I am sure! Not concerning straights that do not bother anyone regardless of their orientation, but the ones that cause harm to not only gay people but to any other free group in our country.
Someone should introduce him to ISIS or the leaders of Nigeria, Uganda, Iran or Saudi Arabia. I’m sure he’d be very comfortable with his kindred spirits. Frankly, I would like his proposal to be amended to include any man who touches a woman without permission for the purpose of sexual gratification. Then give guns to all the women of California. Within days they won’t have enough cemeteries to bury all the bodies.
Luckily in those parts of California he lives in he won’t find enough signatures lol. He’ll be lucky to get a few dozen. This guy is truly a lunatic.
California law requires 365,000 signatures for it to get to ballot.
How about an initiative to permanently disbar lawyers who press for violence and genocide.
Also, not to point out the obvious but wouldn’t he be the first shot or executed using any convenient method under his initiative by someone or someone(s), who could then claim his obsessions with gay people was because he was closeted and that he tried to touch them and he could never refute it. He’d be victim to his own pursuit of violence. Plenty of “witnesses” could come forward to verify it. You could eliminate all the homophobic people under his initiative in this way. Very cray-cray self-destructive initiative.
Never a lion around when you need one.
@Giancarlo85: I generally agree with your politics, but obviously this proposition would violate the constitution at many points (not least where it says it trumps the constitution lol), so don’t give up on the initiative & referendum which was one of the greatest achievements of the Progressive Era.
Two years ago the voters in Colorado & Washington delivered a giant FUCK YOU to the police state and the prison industry, and now it’s snowballing. Otherwise, to wait for legislatures in even the most liberal one-party states (e.g. Calif. or Mass.) to legalize marijuana would be a lo-o-o-ong wait.
And your faith in legislatures seems misplaced. When is the supposedly liberal California legislature ever going to repeal the death penalty? Oh that’s right, never. As in, never ever ever. But I suspect the voters will eventually do it.
@onthemark: Well the California wasn’t always liberal. The Republicans a few years ago had sway and caused gridlock. Now that the democrats gained full control they get most of what they want passed. By the way, Jerry Brown is personally against marijuana reasons and I see the validity in his argument. I’m not fond of marijuana… And I think Brown is right about it. Brown is the reason why marijuana legalization is far off and was basically sabotaged.
Ballot initiatives get on the ballot way too easily in this state. Lets be real. Now they have a moronic plastic bag ban repeal for 2016. The process is extremely vulnerable to big bucks from industry pushing deceptive and idiotic amendments. As far as the legislature, they should review any amendment and allow it to proceed to vote with a simple majority in the legislature. That is all ai suggest.
Sorry missed a few words in that post… Stupid phone.
If I had to live under a religious dictatorship, I’d rather live under the Amish than ISIS. Woodworking can be fun!
I think it’s disingenuous of you to equate Christians in America with ISIS. Point blank, one side is committing atrocities (ISIS), and the other is not (Christians).
But in your crystal ball, you can clearly see that if Christians COULD, they WOULD. So they’re still guilty because of what they might, maybe, possibly do in some alternate reality you made up in your head. You’re like a straight woman has a dream about her man cheating on her, then wakes up mad at him and gives him shit.
@Giancarlo85: So you and Brown are cool with the rac*st police state locking up tens of thousands (mostly black & Hispanic) for pot just because you’re “not fond” of it?
“Ballot initiatives get on the ballot way too easily in this state.” Agree, CA is the worst state that way, but the only way to change that would be to change the state constitution.
You seem to admire European countries a lot, but they’re multiparty so if they don’t have the initiative & referendum system it’s a whole different thing.
@wysevice27: My brush wasn’t as broad as you imagined it to be. I said “fanatical” Christians. Please learn to read before commenting. Thanks.
@onthemark: I am not sure how I feel about it. My country has big problems with drugs and we only solved it somewhat by a serious crackdown. I don’t think locking people up is the answer… I also don’t think full legalization makes sense either. Maybe just a fine or community service. Even Holland is abandoning full legalization.
Here is the truth… When I was in college I had severe problems with my neighbor smoking weed. I hate the smell and it makes my stomach turn. It got so bad I moved. I guess I need to look pass that and say… If one wants to do it in privacy okay, but not around me or in public.
@Paco: Don’t mind wyservice. He rarely reads anything fully and responds on a whim.
Please stick to civilly debating issues, man.
His bar number: 198329
It’s free to file a complaint.
McLaughlin’s phone number – 949-285-7902
He’s a LAWYER?
The whole idea of government ritualistically executing entire groups of people is insane, but the fact that this was dreamed up by someone who went to college makes me have less faith in college.
@wysevice27: Then stop saying things like you would rather live in a Christian dictatorship than a Muslim one. I guess getting the death penalty in Uganda is better than Saudi Arabia lol. Are you insane?
You and your straw men, Giancarlo. 🙂
What I said was: If I had to live under a religious dictatorship, I’d rather live under the Amish than ISIS.
I continue to approve that message.
@wysevice27: Would you? Why?
Both will execute you… is one better than the other? I’d rather live in a communist dictatorship than either of those two.
The Amish are not know for their executions. They’re known for their fireplaces I can get for three easy payments of only $59.95
Ever hear of the Khmer Rouge? There’s your communist dictatorship, friend. Pol Pot killed 2 million there in Cambodia. And how might you have fared under Stalin? Mao? Castro?
My original point was: every time something is said about ISIS militants – who *are* murdering people in the streets – you and others who share your views come out and immediately throw American Christians – who *aren’t* murdering people in the streets – under the bus and say “they’re no different.”
You think we shouldn’t criticize ISIS, because fundy Christians believe the same things. And yet, the Amish and the River Brethren – perhaps the most fundamentalist a Christian can get – are incredibly peaceful people. If I had to choose, I’d live under them rather than ISIS who is throwing gay people off of buildings and stoning the survivors in the streets?
Wouldn’t you?
@wysevice27: More generalities and nonsense. Ever heard of Hitler? Killed millions and was espousing Christianity along the way.
You’re full of red herrings.
I also know about all the right wing dictatorships throughout South America that killed tens of thousands and had the backing of the Catholic Church.
I’d take up living in Tito’s Yugoslavia or even Fidel Castro’s Cuba over living under the ISIL or a Christian dictatorship. Want a real Christian dictatorship? Look at Museveni in Uganda.
You’re all over the place. You’re a mess.
I don’t even see how you can bring up these non-points when this article was about a CHRISTIAN MAN wanting it to be legal to shoot gay people. You really don’t know what the heck you’re talking about. And there are many fundamentalist Christians, like those in Uganda, that are far from peaceful. You’re a guy who simply can’t recognize reality. At all.
I don’t even know why I try to argue with American Exceptionalist idiot Libertarians anyways.
“In the Bullshit Department, a businessman can’t hold a candle to a clergyman. ‘Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims: religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told.” – George Carlin
And he was talking about ALL religion. Give me an atheist or secular state any fucking day!
I’m out of this thread, man. You’re way too angry and negative for me. I like strong debate about ideas, but personal attacks are low man. Way low.
@wysevice27: You try to undercut my left wing views by bringing Mao and stuff… you don’t even realize I’m more close to Allende and Rafael Correa. Not Mao and Pol Pot. When you talk like that, what kind of response do you expect to get? BTW, do you know who toppled Pol Pot (backed by America and that idiot Margaret Thatcher!)? The communist Vietnamese. Go figure.
You paint all leftists as all the same.
So, lets see. You don’t live in America. You know how “the California wasn’t always liberal” very JasonSmeds I might add. You snapped at LubbockGayMale telling him, “This is California, not Alabama.” Have you ever been to either one of those states? You think the Amish are executing gays. You moved out of an apartment/home because because of pot smoke. And, you think plastic bag bans are “moronic” Anything else?
@McShane: I live in Los Angeles… but since you’re such a brainaic where did you think I lived? Antarctica? Oh yes, I live in the Post Office at Antarctica… just applied on! I enjoy my job.. smelling penguin droppings… more pleasant than reading your post.
No seriously, I live in Los Angeles. I wasn’t born here though. But using your logic, if I lived in China, I guess I would be Chinese.
It appears you can’t even fucking read.
I said the amendment to OVERTURN plastic bag bans are MORONIC. Illiteracy is a bad thing.
@McShane: So which other account do you control? Let me guess… BJ McFrisky! Thanks for playing. BJ, time to switch to your other account!
That’s the scary part. There are still people out there who would hold up the Bible and the Constitution to proclaim their right to do such atrocities.
@Cam: I was thinking the same thing. The far right always cries foul whenever legislation is proposed that might hinder their ability to preach hate or force their “so called Christian values” down everyone else’s throats. His violent ideals against gays should have him charged with promoting hate crimes. God forbid someone acts out on his behalf!
Freedom of speech, man. You ever read “1984”?
@wysevice27: you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater if there isn’t one.
Cool! This will go great with my initiative to behead anyone caught eating shellfish. http://www.godhatesshrimp.com
Man, I think you’re smarter than that. I think you’re just being snarky.
I’m pretty sure you can tell the difference between:
1) Yelling “Fire!” in a crowded movie theatre when there isn’t one
2) Having government bureaucrats decide who gets to speak and express their thoughts, and jailing people who say things not on the “approved list.”
@wysevice27: Wrong. Making violent threats is not covers by freedom of speech. For a libertarian you seem to know very little about the US constitution.
Your second thought is stupid. Which government bureaucrats are doing that? More libertarian paranoia.
@Giancarlo85: *covered
He hasn’t made any threats. He’s filed a ballot initiative. It’s stupid, and will obviously fail, but you can’t put someone in jail for filing a ballot initiative you don’t like.
What you CAN do is take advantage of your second-amendment rights. That’s why the founding fathers put them in there: so you could, as a last resort, protect your life if the government ever screwed up and made a law trying to take it away for no good reason.
@wysevice27: Totally wrong. The amendment itself was written in a highly threatening and violent manner.
Second amendment blah blah blah. Libertarian paranoia again. I am not in a militia and I HATE guns. Guns should be either severely restricted or banned completely like in England. California is a good state and they wouldn’t do that to my rights. Stop being so paranoid.
Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Governments never do evil things to their own citizens, man. Unthinkable!
@wysevice27: Paranoia from you as expected. Despicable paranoia from someone who hates government and is a rich elitist. We get it… You want all your money, guns and fake security.
You live in fear and that is the real prison. You made a prison for yourself. Stop being a paranoid nut and get back to reality. I don’t some stupid pointless gun to defend myself. Guns are for those with small dicks.
I love how you think I’m rich! What’s wrong with rich people, by the way? Isn’t it better to be rich, than poor? I think I’d definitely rather be rich, man. You can afford better weed when you’re rich.
Food for thought:
If this ballot initiative passed, what would you do to protect yourself?
You say ‘paranoia’ to insult me. But the governments of the world have a pretty sketchy track record on this stuff, man.
Maybe I’m wrong? I was just thinking:
* The Jews, thankfully, did not need “stupid pointless” guns as Hitler sent them to Sandals resorts for some rest and relaxation. Oh, wait…
* The Argentinians, thankfully, did not need “stupid pointless” guns as Pinochet sent the Caravan of Floral Arrangements touring the land as an olive branch to his detractors. Oh, wait…
* The Cambodians, thankfully, did not need “stupid pointless” guns as Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge took them all out for a mass picnic in the countryside. Oh, wait…
* We Americans, thankfully, did not need “stupid pointless” guns as King George sent FedEx cheese samplers in response to the Declaration of Independence. Oh, wait…
Same for the Chinese, the Cubans, the Russians, and so many other peoples.
Ultimately, the responsibility for protecting my own life lies with me.
Saint Law
@wysevice27: At the risk of prompting another deluge of drool, but didn’t you say you were out of this thread like, twelveteen hundred posts ago?
@wysevice27: A bunch of stupid mindless idiocy. The ballot initiative would never pass. Not even in a republican state. I’d rather be poor and happy then a miserable rich putz. What’s wrong with rich people? They hoarde wealth and try to prevent others from making a living wage.
You are totally paranoid and foolish. You are stuck in your own disgusting parallel reality and you’re knowledge of history is almost idiotic.
And your stupid list shows how much of a dumb revisionist you really are.
The Argentinians? Pinochet? What does a Chilean dictator have to do with Argentina? The dictator you are looking for is Videla. Not Pinochet. And guns wouldn’t have helped in that situation against a well trained army funded by the CIA.
The Cambodians? They had a lot of guns. Lon Nol was supplied with weapons from the US and it didn’t seem to help him. And since you know nothing about history, it was the Communist Vietnamese Army that pushed out the Khmer Rogue.
Ask Gandhi about what guns and violence accomplish. Completely fucxking nothing. Just like the rest of your mindless disgusting post.
And I wouldn’t need a stupid fucking idiotic gun to protect myself. I don’t need it. There are ways to put up resistence in a non-violent way. Just take a look at Gandhi and Mandela. Violence produces violence.
And your stupid thought of thinking that this proposition would ever pass in liberal California shows how far gone you are.
I can’t ever expect a coherent thought from a libertarian.
how very “christian” of him. I’m sure the baby jesus would be proud
I grew up in West Texas. Not surprised. Not shocked.
@wysevice27: said…..
“I think it’s disingenuous of you to equate Christians in America with ISIS. Point blank, one side is committing atrocities (ISIS), and the other is not (Christians).
But in your crystal ball, you can clearly see that if Christians COULD, they WOULD. So they’re still guilty because of what they might, maybe, possibly do in some alternate reality you made up in your head. You’re like a straight woman has a dream about her man cheating on her, then wakes up mad at him and gives him shit.”
Your comment is beyond ridiculous.
You want some evidence? Fine, lets look at some recent times where the religion held sway. Ireland, they didn’t run the govt. but were powerful, and women were held as slaves for years while their babies were sold off by the church. If the women couldn’t come up with a large sum of money they were continually held, forced to work, abused, raped, and if they got pregnant again, well that child was sold off too.
Or ask anybody in Qubec what it was like when the church controlled the only bank there and wouldn’t allow people free access to their money. Or even in places like the U.S. when they not only protected rapist priests, shunning the girls they raped, and handing off their babies to “Good Families” but they would move rapist priests to new parishes and allow them to rape again, if anybody reported them the church attacked them and destroyed their lives.
And all this was done, when the church was under the authority of a secular government. So lets not pretend that much worse wouldn’t be happening if they controlled everything.
@Cam: Also…
The “Kill the Gays” bill that was influenced by some American evangelical “missionaries”, spreading God’s love in Uganda.
How much of your salary do you donate to Ugandan charities every week?
@wysevice27: You’re a snarky troll. And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously on here?
I find it hard to believe that anyone, including this lawyer, would be as stupid to actually believe that anyone would give this Sodomite Suppression Act any real consideration. I’m guessing that this guy believes that this law would never be passed, and that he is using it as a platform to get his views/agenda/whatever out to the media and the masses.
You called it, brother.
So do we still have to pretend that Christians are our friends? Every time I criticize them, their apologists come crawling out of the woodwork to defend them. Yet, these same people never voluntarily criticize Christians calling for genocide of gay people. Why is that?
This man is obviously out of his mind. If he ever had one. This is the kind of idiots that are running the human race into the ground.
Also check out:
The Multi-Orgasmic Man The Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know
I know that is opposites sides of the table to post in a comment but I understand why there are gay men and I imbrace it but very privately and I don’t push it into people’s faces. I am not Christian but I thought I might as well share that first link.
I wonder what God will have to say to these type people on Judgement day. ” Why would you destroy what I created in my image? Gay, straight, bi, lesbian or transgendered. These people are my creation, what is your excuse.” I know I will have to answer for my sins, but I would hope I would have to never answer to God for that.