Scottish gay rights activist Jamie Rennie has found himself in quite a sticky situation. The 37-year old remains in legal limbo after being charged with possessing child pornography and sending offensive messages:
Rennie, the chief executive of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Youth Scotland, appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court last month.
He went to the High Court last week to challenge the decision to remand him in custody but was sent back to jail.
Rennie is accused of “taking, or permitting to be taken, or making an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph of a child”. He is further charged with “sending a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character”.
He could face jail if convicted.
A spokesman for the Crown Office said Rennie first appeared in court on December 17 and was committed for trial on December 24.
Rennie has worked in activism since he was a young man, particularly in the fight against anti-gay bullying. Now he’s got to fight for his freedom.