It wouldn’t have been the Vanderbilt-brand of “proper” had Anderson Cooper used his interview with Clint McCance, the awful Arkansas school board member, to say what he really thought about the guy who beckoned gay kids to kill themselves, and celebrated their future AIDS-related deaths. Luckily there’s George Takei doesn’t have that problem and summarily (and repeatedly) calls McCance a “douchebag” who will find himself “in the headlines again, caught with a rentboy from some South American Country.” And if you do, Clint? Don’t kill yourself.
Ya know how you always wanted George to record a message for your outgoing voicemail greeting? This is even better.
Love. Him.
Set phasers for douching.
I foresee an internet meme….
but in the meantime, Thank you George Takei
Gawd, I hope McCance’s kids are mega trekkies……….. :p
No. 2 · Comixbear wrote, “Set phasers for douching. Fire!”
… I once saw George Takei on a float in the SF Pride Parade, and as I recall he was wearing a “Startrek” uniform. The Fundies with their “you are all going to Hell” signs were across the street. Everyone kind of hoped (jokingly, of course) that “Mr. Sulu” would either fire a phaser at these Christians or have them beamed to the middle of Utah. Unfortunately, he was too busy waving to the crowd and probably didn’t notice.
As always, Sulu proving his indispensable qualities. Awesome.
Takei uses “gay” as an insult to attack McCance. Sounds like Takei has some issues.
Takei rocks!
@ron don’t be ridiculous, he wasn’t using gay as an insult.
Thanks George! But one caveat: the “South American rentboy” reference was not too politically correct, and will most certainly be taken the wrong way by some of the knee-jerk liberals.
But thanks anyway.
And Ohhh Myyyyyyyyy.
Brian Miller
Not only are folks “angry” about the South American rent boy reference, but some radical feminists are claiming that the term “douchebag” is sexist oppression.
Something about George Takei saying the word “douchebag” makes me laugh. I know that it’s puerile humor, but I still find it funny.
Of course, Takei is correct. Clint Mc Cance IS a douchebag. I also like the fact that Takei encourages Mc Cance NOT to kill himself. But, I have to say this for Mc Cance, for a school principal, he looks like the kind of person who keeps his wife in the trailer with their six kids.
Just sayin’
No talent loser doing the usual unoriginal gay thing…wait until the Dominionists take over faggots, you and the talmudic jews will have a nice time in labour camps…
The Dominionists!??
Hey, everyone, it’s Pete!
Our favourite comedy closet case!!!