Congresswoman Maxine Waters doesn’t take shit from anyone. At 78 years old, and with over 40 years of experience working in politics, she doesn’t have to.
Waters is the most senior of the 12 black women currently serving in Congress. She’s also a member and former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and has been one of the Trump Administration’s most outspoken critics since he took office back in January.
Last week, she clapped back at Trump’s Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin during a congressional hearing when he chose to spout empty platitudes rather than answer her questions about Trump’s relationship with Russia.
“Reclaiming my time,” she said no less than a dozen times, effectively shutting Mnuchin down.
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In case you missed it:
Now, YouTuber Mykal Kilgore has turned Waters’ claiming of her time into a sassy gospel song. Singing all six parts, Kilgore takes us to church with his flawless performance that has already garnered almost 90,000 views.
“Our beloved ‘Auntie’ Maxine Waters laid this sermon down so good that I had to sing about it!” he says. “Whenever anybody tries to distract me or block me (even with praise or platitudes) I’m gonna have to let them know that I’m #ReclaimingMyTime!”
Check it out…
h/t: LGBTQ Nation
Queerty has completly lost their mind.. Maxine Waters is horrible.. when will gay men stop pandering to the left like a bumch of blind sheep.. its time to think for ourselves and realize we don’t need to follow the crowd… This woman has got to be voted out.. Go Omar.
Yours are not the thoughts or ideas of a serious man.
Maxine Waters should be in prison for fraud.
Horrible? She is a thorn in the side of Trum and his cronies that is anything but horrible.
Yeah, this is the same “sassy” Maxine who called the 1992 Rodney King riots that claimed 62 lives a “rebellion” (not to mention she doesn’t even live in the district she represents, so she loses all credibility right there).
Waters is an embarrassment to her race, the human race. She’s even an embarrassment to Congress and that’s as low as you can get. Please top acting like she’s some great champion of people’s rights; she’a just a champion of Maxine Waters.
Charlie in Charge
Reclaiming my time, Jared can yield the floor thank you, reclaiming my time.
She’s just another corrupt politician.
The Washington Examiner? I think you can find a better source than that. Also, Martin Luther King Jr called a riot the language of the unheard. I feel as if, like clockwork, whenever an article is posted on this site about “libruhs” and black people, the same Kwerty Klown Krew comes out of the woodwork to spew their venom.
Bob LaBlah
If you are a black transgender person here is a very uplifting article that Queerty won’t even bother with because of how uplifting it is. I hope all of you enjoy reading about this wonderful human being who got up off of her ass and decided to do something for self and community.
Nope. They won’t touch stories like that.
Smith David
Queerty…please tell these nasty hateful queens “ReclaimingMyTime”
LMAO…this is too funny. made my day;)
I almost missed this! It wasn”t front-and-center that the singer is the incredible Mykal Kilgore, who makes any musical project better. (i first heard him with Rod Thomas of Bright Light Bright Light.)
Why the hate for Maxine Waters? I’d gladly trade for my Republican congressman Patrick Meehan (who I didn’t vote for). Waters represents my views, hopes, and ideals far more.
It’s an embarrassment that the people of CA have repeatedly elected this illiterate “miss thing” over and over again as if. Maxine Waters is an entrenched insider trader worth millions and millions. Put her in jail right next to that other old bag Mrs. Clinton. WTF is wrong with America that we accept trash like this for our leaders? Planet of the Apes.
Because good lemmings do what they’re told to do.
Like his boss and the rest of the the Trump administration Mnuchin is a liar. Thank god we have Maxine Waters to not put up with their stone walling and lies.