Olympic freeskier Gus Kenworthy — who came out just last month — has apologized for a photograph he posted on Instagram featuring him dressed as a Native American chief for Halloween.
Initially, he wrote that “for everyone giving me grief, I don’t really understand why this is racist or cultural appropriation.. it’s Halloween! Just having fun! :)”
However, the Instagarm hordes weren’t satisfied with his statement, and their unremitting gush of negative commentary led Kenworthy to delete the photo and officially apologize:
“Didn’t realize I was being offensive & didn’t mean to marginalize or appropriate Native American culture. Sorry! Pic deleted.”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Here’s a photograph of his costume. Do you find it offensive, or are people being oversensitive?
Here’s a much less questionable costume. We like this one better.
H/t: LGBTQ Nation
Politically incorrect or not the Indian costume is waaaaay hotter. I’d take a suck on that chief’s peace pipe any day of the week.
I guess the Indian in the Village People is really verboten now too.
Greg Garavani
Very touchy topic because people try to be anything they want for Halloween (it’s a Celtic holiday they’re celebrating too) and then shout culture appropriation towards others for wearing costumes that might seem offensive on that day. Personally if it was any other day I could understand culture appropriation, the costume is distasteful/over played regardless however not for me to truly comment on as I am not American Indian/Native American. He would’ve looked better in a different costume anyways.
(..and I guess Disney is cooler about homosexuality than are Native Americans..)
Puhhhh-leeeeeeeze! We’ve gone insane. It’s crazy PC bitching like this that gives the Right ammo. Indian, Caitlyn, Shiek….arggh! Get over yourselves.
I am so sick of this “cultural appropriation” bullshit. He should put his pics back up and take back his apology.
It’s only offensive if the intent behind it is to demean or belittle an individual or a specific culture. Clearly, he wasn’t trying to do that.
I’m sorry but i do not understand how his costume is offensive or can appear as if he’s appropriating Native American culture. My background is Polish, and wouldn’t care if someone of a different culture dressed as a Polish mountain person (Gorale). He’s not pretending to be a Native American, that would be appropriating nor is he’s making fun of the culture. When did this happen?
I don’t really care about Katie Perry but I didn’t understand when she was called out for appropriating different cultures in her shows. Can these not be an homage? Or done just because she thinks the culture is interesting and wants to showcase it?
I’m sorry but what am I missing?
The Internet Mob is out of control…
Even on Halloween the PC Police are on the look out for any possible excuse to feel butt hurt. What a bland and boring future we’ve got to look forward to.
American Indian costume is fine. Just dressing up in someone else’s garb is not offensive in itself. Is he had added a swastika armband, that would be different.
What does it matter if he didn’t “intend” to be offensive? I’m so sick of people claiming that intent matters. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’m not surprised though white people only care about race when they are being mocked, to hell with everyone else.
@Arcamenel: Mocked ? I think he’s making Native Americans look pretty damn hot.
Ugh. Who cares. Another white, gay narcissist using Halloween as an opportunity to get body-validation. And then the inevitable “apology” for “offending” people. BORING.
@Arcamenel: You should look up the verb “to mock.” It actually requires intent.
I have no doubt that many white gays will scream about the following PC writing I’m going to do, but I’d ask them to at least listen. I’m saying this as a queer person who’s half Native.
Why is this offensive? Here’s why:
Kentworthy’s ancestors are directly responsible for the genocide of indigenous peoples. While Kentworthy did not participate in that, he nevertheless directly benefits from that genocide just by virtue of the fact that he lives on what once was native land. This is true of all white people. No, white people can’t change that – but what they can do is respect that that happened, and not do things that insult the indigenous people who are still here. This is akin to a white person dressing in blackface and playing a slave on Halloween. Yes, you can do it, and no, you yourself did not own slaves – but it’s still gross, because you as a white person benefit from what your ancestors did, and should respect how that affects others and the world around you.
Headdresses are sacred, special pieces for many tribes. They are not casual items of clothing; they are for ceremonies and certain individuals of importance. The continuance of these ceremonies and the usage of headdresses by modern native peoples is still very important for us, and it’s important because it’s part of a cultural legacy that white people actively tried to destroy, and in many ways still are due to the state of Indian reservations (please watch this if you haven’t: https://www.ted.com/talks/aaron_huey?language=en) and the complete obliviousness by most white Americans to it – and to what they could be doing to help.
Wearing things like this insults that fact. It shows obliviousness to the suffering, past and present, of indigenous people. it ignores the part that white ancestors played, and, in fact, continues cultural genocide by making items like headdresses into simple symbols to be worn – rather than the context-rich pieces of cultural heritage that they are.
Intent is important, yes. And I forgive Kentworthy (also tbh he is so fucking hot). But impact and context should never be ignored – and that is what people are upset about. This isn’t about censoring, it’s about respecting the struggles of other cultures, of acknowledging continued genocide, and knowing your own context.
mr mr
He should have had on a loin cloth. That would have at least been sexier.
@DjARD: I’ll give you the headdress if that really is a sacred garment (like the nun outfits worn by those San Fran guys). The rest of it, not so much. Everybody has suffered at the hands of everybody, and everybody profits from it. Native American tribes slaughtered other Native tribes over land. Everybody in the U.S. profited from slavery, including other black folk and Native American slave owners. Jews have been killed by just about everybody. Nazis, Commies, Roman gladiators, Roman soldiers, Huns….Aztecs, Conquistadors…barbarians, cavemen…murderers all. Everybody’s hands are dirty, and it’s all too shades-of-gray to figure out who’s the MOST guilty. So, especially on Halloween, all rules should be off.
@DjARD: Also, I do think someone should rethink a costume if it genuinely hurts another person’s (or group’s)feelings. Genuinely. But in most cases like this I think it’s just political-correctness and professional outrage run amok.
@mr mr:
I don’t think he’s doing too badly as is.
Absolutely. I’m half Mexican. I don’t care if someone dresses up like Jose Cuervo with a sombrero and one of those blanket-poncho things.
And speaking of PC run amok, THIS from my hometown rag yesterday:
Curious …
I hate to again be the one to point out that there could be “other” motivations at work here for this story being in the news but …
There is actually a major little controversy in the news in re the UPSTO voiding trademarks as being offensive to American Indians.
Getting a cute young gay boy to dress up in this “outfit” and then bombarding the internet with fake outrage, feeds the legal argument that the USPTO is being too politically correct (in regards to what is offensive to American Indians).
I think at this point in time, most reasonably intelligent people are aware that nothing makes its way into national news by accident (and that “the gay blogs” are always a handy tool for propaganda).
@DjARD: I will agree with some of what you are saying, but I find it odd that a costume on Halloween can cause such outrage from a social justice point-of-view when there was little to no outrage (and still isn’t) at Elizabeth Warren: a white-as-snow lawyer who appropriated an entire Native American identity to snag a high paying tenure-track position at an Ivy League college. That, in all honesty, was outrageous. She should have been fired and sued for fraud… especially when one considers that she literally stole her faculty position from an actual Native American.
But she’s a senator now and she votes the right way on abortion… so, you know, it’s cool.
@Glücklich: I hate you!! You took the words right off my keyboard :p
That costume was an instant facepalm. Bet he wont make that mistake again.
When you decide to live your life as a public figure seeking attention, then you can’t complain when you get criticized. Either suck it up or don’t make every effort to gain attention and fans.
Gavin Fitch
No need to apologize.
Billy Budd
I don’t see anything wrong in dressing like an indian. You people are weird. There is nothing wrong with the costume.
PC this PC that… is that all people can yap on about? When people bring up “political correctness”, they are usually weaklings who don’t like criticism. That costume was downright stupid and offensive, and people are going to CRITICIZE him for wearing it.
It’s funny how so many turn right wing on certain issues… their brains practically left their head.
@DjARD: People dress as priests and nuns, monks and bishops, as Jesus, Angels, the Virgin Mary, Santa Claus (who was “appropriated” from the story of St. Nicholas, St. Patrick etc. all the time, so I am curious, do you disagree with those costumes as well? They have sacred symbolism attached to them, from the Bishop’s crook and mitre to the roman collar and the nuns habit, etc. I am part Native myself by the way. Granted, not 50%. Mostly white. My features are fairly dark from the Native and Spanish blood in my veins though and I am proud of that fact. I love my dark hair and complexion and almost black eyes. <3
Carl McClanahan
Can PC people get a life and shove a stick up their ass
Why is Gus even posting pictures of himself? Does he really want the attention? Maybe he’s an attention seeker.
@DjARD: By the way I SO agree with you about his hotness. Damn. *fanning self*
@Brian: So? Don’t we all seek attention sometimes?
What about when Cher comes out and sings “Half-Breed” in concert in a headdress (and she does)? Has she ever been criticized ?
NO! I DO NOT!!! We have become much too POLITICALLY CORRECT..I certainly would not have apologized.. He wasn’t MOCKING “AMERICAN INDIANS”, he was portraying an Indian,(SO WHAT) this coming from a proud descendent of the CHOCTAW NATION….People get a grip and quit being so small minded…….
@Glücklich: There ya go!
But, out of respect for DjARD, I feel obliged to mention that I really do believe that all this politically-incorrect stuff doesn’t negate understanding real historical tragedies re. Native Americans both past and present. People are flexible and can understand things on different levels.
Captain Obvious
And the tears flow again. This time from people who aren’t even Native American. Yawn.
Honestly it’s really freeing when you drop the victim stance. I dunno why it took me so long to stop trying to be apart of that group.
The PC police are ruining everything. I hope they get curbed stomped by reality. But telling them there is no “Boogie Man” out to get them is like telling a 3 year old there’s no Santa Claus.
Paul Matwiow
I bet half of you guys who are moaning about PC police would have a totally different mindset if someone who were antigay dressed up as a negative, gay stereotype. Let Kim Davis dress up as a horrible, gay stereotype saying, “For those of you giving me grief, I don’t understand how this is homophobic. It’s Halloween.” And stop making excuses about his intent. One would have to be a complete moron to not know the outfit choice would cause ire. White people dressing up as Native Americans (or profiting off of a cartoonized version of Native Americans) has been panned for decades, now. This is not new. You guys sound like parents whose kid does stupid s___, yet they make excuses for the kid because he’s cute and theirs.
@KiraNerysRules: And no more drag queens either ! Dumb misogynists.
Also, let’s not forget you have the ability to go to work and not be called a “f____t” because of PC police. Can’t have your cake and eat it, too. Gay people are not exempt for being PC. We can’t police others if we’re not willing to hold our own behavior to the same standard.
@KiraNerysRules: And no Nehru collars ! We’re not Pakistanis, for goodness’ sake.
@SeeingAll: I more or less agree with what you’re saying. It seems reasonable that Native Americans would not want a sacred symbol like the headdress to be worn as part of something frivolous like a costume, and I can respect that. I personally don’t see anything wrong with wearing a Native American costume that doesn’t include the headdress, though I guess could also understand how a very revealing Native American outfit could be seen as distasteful. Personally, I probably wouldn’t wear the costume myself, cause it’s not like I’m really missing out on anything and there are plenty of other options. But without the headdress, it’s not something that I think is worth getting up in arms over.
But I do think that while there definitely has been all kinds of conflict throughout history, I think that it’s safe to say that in terms of modern America, there are certain demographic groups that have gotten the short end of the stick. I actually kind of agree with you in that there has been all kinds of social problems that people don’t pay any attention to because it’s not as ‘sexy’ as the big issues of Slavery or Native American issues. But seriously, you can’t actually argue that Native Americans haven’t been put into a disproportionately bad position nowadays because of how they were treated. Sure, Iroquois feuding with neighboring tribes got just as ethically dubious, but it isn’t exactly as big of a deal in terms of modern society. Ignoring what Native Americans believe and want in terms of their culture is kind of how we got into this mess in the first place.
@SeeingAll: I think that there’s a bit of a difference seeing as Cher herself is part Indian. Honestly, I don’t really know the nuanced minutiae of the headdress’ significance, so maybe that doesn’t really help all that much. But I imagine it at least takes some of the edge off.
@AlliterationAddict: Yes. I’m not politically-correct in the least, but I honestly don’t want to make people feel bad. If Native Americans seriously see wearing the Headdress as something mocking religious beliefs…then I understand the problem. But that’s only if they’re seriously offended (not if a bunch of p.c. college students and people from Vermont are the only ones taking offense). Interestingly, when I think of the people who dressed as “Indians” for Halloween, they were always the people who were really into Indians, historically and otherwise. Halloween was their only chance to “become” one.
@AlliterationAddict: She’s not though! She’s Armenian. The Half Breed song had everyone thinking she was Native American, especially with her looks.
Nothing wrong with the costume in my opinion. You can’t please everyone 100% of the time. Don’t like it, too bad, I’ll get over it and so will you….that’s my attitude. There are people out there in this world, especially in the states, who thrive on negativity. There’s so much more to life than worrying about offending someone on Halloween by a simple indian costume. smh
Brandon Humphries
Oooooooh gurl stepped in it! He won’t make that mistake twice.
Barry Stradtner
For god sakes it was Halloween!
@AlliterationAddict: (And, of course, some Tribes never wore feathers at all….I’m sure they were all very different).
Alistair Wiseman
And yet, the liberal lunacy is allowed to continue.
Elizabeth Warren is allowed to call herself an Indian.
Rachel Dolezal is allowed to call herself black.
The liberal media calls George Zimmerman white.
Political Correctness is a euphemism for ‘that which offends the left’.
Politically correct restrictions on what we can say and how we say it have been imposed by leftists to restrict debate and silence opposition.
Political Correctness = moral cowardice.
Not all the states have professional victims and people who are offended at the drop of a headdress. Just California. And they’re aaaaalllll in the SF Bay Area. Trust me, I know.
Eric Michaels
Too many damn crybabies getting offended over nothing.
It is interesting to see that the loud-mouth gay “internet celebrities” criticizing him on their twitter accounts are the same ones who mock cisgender and transgender women by dressing up as them. Major hypocrites.
Thank you for the comment. I agree.
When did Halloween go from being scary to slutty??? I don’t even see much a costume in either photo. A feather head dress, mouse ears and a bit of makeup isn’t much of a costume.
It seems like he was happy to do it to get attention to continue his 15 minutes of fame. Julianne Hough dressed in black face last year and acted got so much press. Seems like Gus saw an opportunity and took it.
Desert Boy
Gus, ignore the PC police. You looked spectacularly HOT. Cher doesn’t bend to and apologize for, wearing Native American drag when she sings ‘Half Breed’. You can’t start worrying about the PC police. They’re out of control.
@Captain Obvious: Blah blah blah PC Police… seems to me you’re too weak to handle a bit of criticism. And what do you know about my background?
@Alistair Wiseman: And Alistair is allowed to open his mouth… go figure. IF it was up to me, you would have been banned ages ago.
All this crap about political correctness and PC police… comes from people who don’t have a spine and can’t handle a bit of criticism in their life. If you’re going to dress up looking like a condescending idiot, you’ll be criticized for it. It’s called freedom of speech. I have the freedom of speech to call your opinions a pile of bullshit.
Oh and as far as Gus Kenworthy… I’ve actually defended the guy in the past.
@KiraNerysRules: How about someone dressed as a KKK member beating a gay person (not literally)? These political correctness obsessed tools would probably be up in arms.
It’s all nonsense.
The people who resort to bringing up “political correctness” are usually those with no argument and no defense. If they get criticized, it means the PC police are after them and they’ll be “silenced”. It’s all a bunch of baloney.
I can’t believe some gay people on here are using this argument. These hypocrites basically adopted the same argument the religious right uses!
@Giancarlo85: Oh…I’m sure Gus K. doesn’t hate Native Americans as much as you hate white people. Besides, you dress up as a woman, so…..who are you to be criticizing anyone here?
I never said Gus hated anyone. But he sure did dress in a dumb outfit. We all make mistakes. I’ll forgive him on this one. But I will not forgive the clowns who use the excuse of “political correctness” as a shield to protect their opinions from criticism (much like yourself).
Who cares what I dress up as? What I do isn’t offensive, like this ridiculous outfit.
@Giancarlo85: Some women might find it offensive.
Some humans might find you offensive too.
@Giancarlo85: What “shield” from criticism ? Some of us don’t need a shield when the criticism presents no danger.
@Giancarlo85: SOME do. Muslims see me as an infidel. So ?
The criticism presents extreme danger. You feel under such attack you run and hide… you claim you are being silenced. No… you have no defense for your actions. A real person with real integrity will ADMIT they are wrong. Gus did this. Best to ADMIT you are wrong than continuously living in error like what republicans do everyday.
I’m pretty most gay people find right wing gays repugnant.
@Giancarlo85: Well… maybe next Halloween Gus Kenworthy will dress up as Jack the Ripper and then all should be okay.
If the headdress has NEVER been worn by some upper Tribe official it is NOT a sacred headdress. It is a costume accessory. And if it has been worn some Native Indian needs to find out where he bought it from.
It never fails to amaze me at the utter ignorance and flat out refusal of some to acknowledge that some things which you practice is insensitive to certain cultures..
Native American headdresses are considered sacred and the right to wear them is determined by local tribes in both Canada and the U.S.A. Local tribes have different criteria for giving out the honor of wearing a headdress and most commonly the headdresses are worn by chiefs or elders who have earned the right to wear them..
However this notion that only aboriginal people can be given a honor of a headdress as a gift is false..
An example of this is in Canada there have been several Prime Ministers in history who were given ceremonial headdresses by First Nation tribes and none of those Prime Ministers were aboriginal .. The same thing applies to American Indian tribes.. It is up to a local tribe to determine who is given a ceremonial headdress and in many cases it is given to those who the local tribe felt was worthy of an honor of a ceremonial headdress..
The bottom line is a headdress is something that you need to earn the right to wear and is similar to medals of bravery or other medals the military gives out to veterans.. The outrage that would erupt from veterans or families of veterans to see people wear war medals that they didn’t earn is similar to aboriginal tribes who see people wear headdresses that they didn’t earn the right to wear.
Maybe you’ll dress in Burka, Seeing Nothing.
@Brandt: Then you’re against those Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in San Francisco ? Or any religious garb at all unless one is…..?
@Brandt: (People also dress as police and soldiers all the time for Halloween, btw).
Justin John Ronald Walker
So we can’t dress up as the Village People anymore?
@Giancarlo85: Maybe you can dress as Muhammad and take a walk through downtown Riyadh.
@Brandt: Also, in Europe only real Kings and Queens can wear a real crown. I doubt they get upset if someone is pretending to be a King or Queen and wearing a fake crown on Halloween.
@Ladbrook: @ingyaom: It is not a costume..
To actually compare aboriginal headdresses to mere costume props that can be brought out at any time and worn by anyone shows the utter ignorance of people like you..
These headdresses are to be worn by only those who have earned the right to wear them..
It is no different from those who wear war medals or other medals given out by the military that have no right to wear them because they didn’t earn them..
There is a lack of understanding that is rampant about aboriginal customs and traditions which results in incidents such as this happening and only through education regarding these customs and traditions will these types of incidents decrease..
However let’s make one thing clear your ignorance regarding these aboriginal traditions and customs is still no reason that you can try to hide behind that and continue to spew garbage and venom.
Alistair Wiseman
Why are you addressing my post when you said you wouldn’t?
You stated, “IF it was up to me, you would have been banned ages ago.” Is that because you love diversity and free speech so much?
In the same post, next paragraph, you stated. “It’s called freedom of speech. I have the freedom of speech to call your opinions a pile of bullshit.”
So free speech for only whom you deem worthy? That’s a good progressive. (PROGRESSIVE: “I disapprove of what you say, will try and silence you, and will publicly shame you, lobby to have you censored and demand you be fired from your job!”)
@Brandt: On Gus Kenworthy it IS a costume. That’s not a real headdress, just as someone dressed as a fireman for Halloween isn’t wearing a real F.D. helmet.
@Alistair Wiseman: Stalin could have used a million more like him.
@Brandt: From my knowing History from reading and pictures also. NO CHIEF is gonna be wearing THAT headdress. It would be more offensive to me if he was wearing the damn thing 365 days a year; but whatever it is his right. This political correctness is all bullshit. But I can easily say that because I’m white. DNA wise though I have Indian in me. It wouldn’t offend me if he was sprawled out naked on a Thanksgiving table with an apple in his mouth.
If there were some other country that had been founded by people showing up and mass-murdering the people who lived there, and these founder’s descendants were dressing up in woefully inaccurate imitations of the dead people’s traditional garb for fun, we’d have no trouble seeing why it’s beyond tasteless. That’s what this is. It’s that simple.
*yawn* This is a private website. And if you were in my apartment, I would immediately kick you out for your stupid views. Deal with it. You are nothing more than a crooked self victimizing liar… Like the rest of the right wing turds that infest this website. And yes, right wingers should be publicly shamed. No one is being silenced. That is delusional paranoia. Nobody is beinh censored.
Can’t handle a bit of criticism? Maybe your viewpoints are that weak and insecure. Delusional claims of being chased by the boogeyman is probably linked to a mental health issue. Sorry Alistair but you are full of it!
@SeeingAll: And you just violated Godwin’s law. You immediately invalidated everything you have posted. Congratulations. Right wing drones never think independently.
@Giancarlo85: 2 million more
Gosh, it amazes me how completely oblivious some people are. You don’t get to decide whether I’m offended or not. Just as you have the right to dress up in a culturally insensitive costume, I have the right to express my concerns. As many have stated above, the whole “PC police” argument is typically used by those who have no real argument or aren’t intelligent to come up with a cogent and compling counter point. The level of entitlement and arrogance is breathtaking
@skcord: Then I don’t want to see any non-white people ever wearing a cardboard crown at Burger King ! That’s offensive to my background (those crowns are based on European designs).
Alistair Wiseman
Do you ever keep your word?
“I am no longer responding to certain trolls because they cannot handle criticism and flag posts if they are challenged. The trolls in question are not capable of a logical, reasoned discussion based on evidence and sources… so they resort to censorship.
The trolls in question are a waste of time to engage as they are not willing to discuss anything.”
I remember dressing up in the same costume when i was ten. I love when people get dressed as priests, nuns, rabbis, whatever. Long live irony and camp. I’ll dress up anyway I want. No one here is paying my rent.
Bob Pattinson
It could be seen as a compliment. I once dressed in a toga – was I being disrespectful to Italian culture?
Did anyone else see the video of that toddler dressed as the pope? Complete with “sacred” headdress? Everyone thought it was really cute, and I didn’t hear any Catholics complaining.
Also, watch last Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.” He makes the point that Halloween is the one day we get to go crazy with costumes, and he dismisses all the politically correct whining about some costumes being offensive.
J.r. Graff
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with his costume. How about we turn our attention to how young girls in this country can’t wear a normal costume. Instead, it has to be the “sexy” version all of the time. Sexism, America, attack that instead.
Lawrence Poon
Is a free country. If they feel offended by it, they don’t have to look.
“Native American culture,” please, there are much more tribes in Amazon than in the so “America”… If he is appropriating something, definitely isn’t Native American culture.
Isn’t the whole point of Halloween to dress up as someone else? So he chose and Indian, big deal. People are way too PC anymore and it has taken the fun out of Halloween.
@grayshade69: Thank You!
Douglas Schlitz
People need to pay attention to important things .
Quit looking for things to be “offended” by. Get a life !
Captain Obvious
If I dressed up as a Viking, a cowboy, or a pilgrim literally no one would care. Political correctness honestly only seems to work when the person being whined about is white.
If an Asian wore an African costume would we be hearing about it?
Again those who whine about political correctness have no spine and can’t handle the slightest bit of criticism.
…well let’s be honest here, if he gets his willy out whilst wearing the costume I’m sure lots of men including me would love to put it in their mouths.
name here
Wow, the faggile come out to protect a hot guy, yet when the issue deals with respecting another minority group
they can’t think beyond a picture of a buff idiot. Well done. This is why no one cares about LGBT issues, when superficial trumps reality. Gay men need to look beyond basic politics
Too often it is about the superficial. When you have idiots pretending they’re leaders aka “Chiefs” just to show
their abs, and you have fools drooling, this is why LGBT issues are irrelevant. So long as abs are
More important of issues the LGBT community will be forgotten.
name here
@Raphael: poor child, become educated before stating your limited knowledge. There are 732 First Nations in Canada, 565 in the States, 363 in Mexico alone. Enjoy the proactive
Billy Fagen
Mice should also be outraged!!!! 😉
@name here: But guys dressed as Roman emperors (leaders) can look pretty hot too.
The PC police and like minded persons are what is going to be the final nail in the coffin of this country…..no one can do or say anything without some person or group feeling offended, too fucking bad for all of you. Gus needs to grow a spine as well. First, he posts his pic and a statement to go along with it, then when he begins to feel some heat, he caves in like a little pussy, deletes his pic and posts an ass kissing apology. This guy is just another fool.
I just stopped by to see if white people once again are telling people of color what should and should not offend them. [sips tea like Kermit]
@tdh1980: We’re probably telling mostly other white people to stop telling us what people of color should be offended by.
@name here: Exactly what I’m saying, thank you for reinforcing what I said. It is not “Native American culture” when there are many more tribes elsewhere… And don’t play dumb, you know that the “Native American” used(wrongly)is to refer to US
Tim de la Bruere
Being Native American myself.. Cant find anything wrong with this… Its just a costume for Christ sakes!
It’s not like he was running around doing the hand-over-mouth-woo-woo-woo war call and saying “Me scalpem pale face, drinkem fire water.”
It’s fantasy for ONE night of the year.
If it makes anyone feel better, I think it’d be hilarious if a POC dressed up as a caricature of a white guy: loafers, minivan, golf bag, fake-griping about getting away from the stay-at-home shrew and the kids, talking about mutual funds and the SCARIEST. Part. Of all: PLEATED-FRONT RELAXED FIT DOCKERS AND A BRAIDED BELT ***FROM SEAR’S***!!! AAAAAUUUUGHHHHH!!!!
I’m glad first nations have overcome their institutionalized oppression and dispossession so well that they now have nothing worse to complain about than some frat boy’s Halloween costume.
Next’ll be kids can’t dress up as lions or tigers because a) trigger warnings and b) it could be taken by some as making light of the plight of endangered species.
“This is the kind of lazy liberalism in which scolding has become a substitute for actually doing something.” – Bill Maher
@Glücklich: LOL. (trigger warnings, yes)
Captain Obvious
@Tim de la Bruere: Your opinion doesn’t count because people who want to use you for their own agenda don’t want your voice to be heard. They’re offended on your behalf so they can make it all about themselves.
PC people are self-centered, as long as it fits their agenda they will run with it. Like I said in my other post someone could dress as a Viking and no one would be up in arms. It’s only non-white culture that somehow makes for an offensive costume. It’s one thing to paint your face but wearing clothes is not offensive.
@tdh1980: its actually a diverse group of people on both sides of the issue, its not just whites on either side, and a lot of the people sticking up for the Native American position are white.
@Captain Obvious: I’m still curious to know how some of these people feel about dressing up as Priests, Nuns, Bishops, Saints (like St. Nicholas or St. Patrick), Angels, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, etc. All of those things are held as sacred and people dress up as them all the time, sometimes even sexified versions of them and there is very little outrage.
I myself am withholding my opinion on this for now (though I am part Native not half, but enough to have a legally adopted sister of the Crow Nation).
And apparently I’m posting comments too quickly. 10 minutes between posts is lightening fast after all. I might possibly be a not at that speed.
@DarkZephyr: bot*
‘Cultural Appropriation’ isn’t even a thing. So nothing to bend to, or apologize for. It’s just a desperate attempt for some to reassert their victim identity when the spotlight drifts off them for half a second.
@MinnesotaNotNice: You know what is the final nail in the coffin for this country? Whiners like you. You can’t handle criticism so you go on some right wing tirade about how people are trying to silence you and the PC police. Why don’t you grow a fucking spine instead of being a coward. If you do something stupid people have a right to criticize and mock you. You have in the past identified as republican. That just says it all about how clueless you are.
John Crews
So is it offensive to cowboys to wear a cowboy costume?! This is getting ridiculous!
Michael Czogalla
The way he did it seems almost authentic and therefore might rather be a compliment to the native heritage and history this country has yet to fully come to terms with.
I do not think it’s offensive at all. When does dressing up as something cool become defaming of a culture? If anything it’s presenting the strength of Native Americans to model yourself as a chief. I don’t get all the overboard PC stuff at all. I’m part Cherokee and I am not offended. If I wear a kilt and blue facepaint for Halloween, does that defame the Scottish culture? If I dress like one of the Arabian chiefs with a turban or as a genie, does that defame Middle Eastern culture? I think people do protest too much about a fun event like Halloween.
We can debate the merit of dressing as a native american stereotype till we are blue in the face. The fact of the matter is he should have known this would have royally pissed off a lot of very loud people and should have avoided it for no other reason then to avoid getting his absolutely perfect ass chewed out.
@redcarpet30: Why “Should” he have known that though? Not a lot of people do.
@redcarpet30: @redcarpet30: OR….not care that he’s chewed out, OR do it specifically for the attention of getting chewed out….etc. (Does anybody really take the p.c. brats seriously except those in politics who need the votes?) Next year he should go as Fu Manchu (make the whole thing a yearly tradition, but act like he was clueless each time).
@dannysax: “it’s presenting the strength of Native Americans to model yourself as a chief.” That’s been part of the debate over using Native American characters as sports mascots. Do all Native Americans get insulted by it when it’s supposed to be a roundabout tribute to the warrior spirit, etc.? And, if offensive, shouldn’t the Notre Dame Fighting Irish leprechaun be considered offensive as well ? Or any team named the Vikings? (But I’m not trying to make us veer off into THAT debate here).
Justin J Villeneuve
Chris Etter
Simply ridiculous. Its Halloween. Dress up as you damn well please. If costumes offend you, perhaps Halloween isn’t your thing.
Come on, lighten up…stop the PC crap. No apology needed from Gus
He’s a hottie dude….snapme mooi94
Gerald GeeLocke Panuthos
I see no reason to apologize!
Oh for God’s sake
@SeeingAll, the real Irish, in Ireland, DESPISE the stereotypical leprechauns and shamrocks as they have been “appropriated” by Americans. Just mention these in Ireland and see how quickly you get cold shouldered.
Should anybody care that they do and stop celebrating Saint Patrick’s with these symbols in the U.S. and elsewhere? I would say no.
Isn’t it time we stopped being so damn sensitive about everything. You can’t even look at someone sideways with offending someone. I think we need to get over ourselves and learn to start laughing again.
Some people should just go jump of bridges…IT’s All hollows eve Mammajammers
Ok, let’s have someone dress up as a Jewish rabbi running around with a bloody knife in 1 hand & a naked baby boy in the other; one whose penis he just cut up. That’s perfect for Halloween. How about someone dressed a Muslim with fake blood & body parts splattered across his front, as if he’d just set off a bomb. I want to see everyone bitching about political correctness gone crazy laugh off that s**t & say, ‘Oh, you people are just too sensitive.’
you know we have to all stop being a bunch of cry babies…………..I mean really it’s Halloween and if he had not just come out………nobody would have said anything…..but he was/is recently in the news so lets make him an example of the blah blah and then mix it with the blah blah…………it’s all so old………yeah I’ve been called names and have called out names back……….made jokes and have been the butt of jokes……….I’m still alive and not suing anybody………we need to go back and laugh about things when and because they are funny………not because someone got caught doing or saying the wrong thing………….CHILL!
@JLAD1105: I’ve seen people dressed up as hookers, pimps, famous murder victims (Eigil Vesti), the widow of the Achille Lauro terror victim (I forget her name), priests, pregnant nuns, and a priest getting sucked off by an altar boy (a whole mannequin contraption in the front of him), Richard Speck with bloody nurse caps, and didn’t hear any complaints.
@notevenwrong: Mention that you’re Irish or of Irish descent in any American gay bar and watch how fast you get cold-shouldered. Anyway, it’s not so much that it’s a leprechaun, but that the Notre Dame one backs up the stereotype of Irish folk being too aggressive physically. (Why can’t the school mascot be the Studious Irish with a reading leprechaun )?
Professor Fate
#pcoc Political Correctness Outta Control.
OMG !! I’m sure most people here felt the same way, I just didn’t have time to read all of the comments. For Christ-sake it’s a HALLOWEEN COSTUME! Since when are they supposed to be PC? In fact that’s part of the fun – making your own version, ESPECIALLY non-PC. So Mr. Niceguy really didn’t have to cave, but I do understand he has an image to maintain as a celebrity. I would like to get at those who started this ruckus to begin with! A$$-holes!
William Mc Gregor
Lets see most of the “it’s just a costume” comments are coming from non Native Americans so that tells you something right there!
@notevenwrong: Irish Americans love them. Who cares what foreign people think about Irish American practices? St. Patrick is a Catholic Saint, Catholic means “Universal” and fairy tales are for everyone,
@JLAD1105: Are you claiming that his costume is the moral equivalent of the costumes you just described. Really?
People have a choice to make.
On the one hand: they can use costumes that do not make use of the speech patterns and accents, or the clothing and music, or other religious and cultural artifacts created and used by living people and/or by their ancestors;
Or on the other hand: they can use those sorts of costumes and be prepared to deal with the reactions that are engendered by what they did.
And if you’re going to choose the second option, then at least have the stones to say, in the immortal words of Bette Midler, “f**k ’em if they can’t take a joke!” As comics the world over know (Lisa Lampanelli, I’m thinking of you), freedom of expression includes the freedom to offend; but it does not give you freedom from criticism.
Wow. I really don’t see why this costume was offensive. Yeah, I agree with many. The PC is just getting out of control.
All that matters is that it’s fuckin’ hot. Well, except for the tattoos, but the rest is yummy.
I would have assumed that the cold-shoulder would come because of the small-Irish-dick stereotype, not because of the too-aggressive-physically stereotype.
Those costumes sound like a riot! How do I score an invite to *your* party?
Londale Foster
@William Mc Gregor: Because most people on Queerty are non-Native-Americans.
@SeeingAll: Just out of curiosity, what would a Prophet Muhammad costume look like? (big smile)
Also I’ve been called infidel, its not a big deal believe me LOL
@Caligari: @Caligari: It’s because in NYC the gay newcomers feel like the first step into moving up in society is to despise Irish Catholics. Especially the Irish-Catholic natives. It’s very 1800’s Anglophile, I know. (They were fuming when Ireland legalized same-sex marriage before the U.S.). You’re even supposed to say they’re bad equestrians (so not true…THAT I know). I just always hated it because I saw a lot of decent guys have their feelings hurt by being uninvited to certain events and the like. As to organ-size, I’ve heard that rumor and two guys told me it was true (one of them Irish-American) and some other guys with secret mick-fetishes who would sneak up to the Bronx to pay the straight (?) guys for sex said it’s definitely not true. So I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it never seemed to be the main reason for anti-Irish sentiment. (I apologize for getting too far from the Halloween costume topic).
@Hussain-TheCanadian: I don’t know what Jesus or Buddha or Confucius or Moses looked like so I’m not even going to guess at Muhammad. And I just as easily could have written that Hasidic Jews in NYC see me as a non-human barbarian Pagan pork-eater who will actually sleep in the same bed with an animal. (And, of course, the Japanese see me as human…but just a low I.Q. one).
@DjARD: Before you start preaching about respect you might at least make the effort to get people’s names right…
Personally, I find the degree of PC pandering we now see to the superstitious customs of primitive peoples quite ridiculous. Cultural and historical importance is one thing, but don’t expect educated, rational people to take your voodoo beliefs seriously. It’s no more acceptable than expecting us all to abide by the individual religious dictates of Christians, Muslims or any other religious whack job out there.
@JLAD1105: Wow. What an excercise in offensive stereotypes! For your bigoted little analogy to fit, Gus would have had to have been holding a bloody tomahawk and a severed scalp and be drenched in blood. Costumes that would MATCH the reality of what Gus was wearing would simply be a rabbi costume or an Imam costume, sans blood and body parts.
@DarkZephyr: exercise*
@Hussain-TheCanadian: But if we want to go to that part of the world, I have seen some awesome Aladdin outfits !
@SeeingAll: HOT Aladdin outfits for sure.
Also, I think Gus looks extremely masculine in that Indian chief custom; I can understand why our Aboriginal brothers and sisters might get upset for sure, but it doesn’t seem like he’s belittling them.
If Gus wore a nice Middle Easter, old style Muslim Arab/Persian/Turkish garbs, and he’s rocking it, looking sexy and manly, I don’t think anyone would mind – might set a trend.
@Hussain-TheCanadian: Well, again……if he was an Ottoman Turk or Sultan he’d probably look very hot but we’d know it’s a shallow Hollywood version of those people….with details in the costume all wrong and inaccurate…….but that’s okay. (Go read some history books if you want to learn more accurate portrayals, which is great too). Halloween costumes are liteweight stuff. A guy wearing a costume of a different “culture”, past or present, probably isn’t even wearing an accurate representation of it. I mean look at that headdress. Is a Native American who uses an authentic headdress for ceremonies really going to be insulted or threatened by that faux-headdress he’s wearing ? Can’t we get a kick out of his pop-culture image of a “Indian” while still understanding history and tragedy and genocide and all sorts of complications involving the natives of North and South America. People aren’t that stupid to not be able to understand things on multiple levels. I really wonder how many Native Americans are genuinely offended, or is it all a bunch of college professors sticking the idea in their bratty students’ heads.(My opinion only. I’ll hush now).
Poor guy, can’t win…Halloween is all about poor taste and bad choices, making light of serious things going on in the world and most importantly, having a good time! Dress as an animal, you can’t offend anyone that way! Or, be yourself at a nudist colony…send us the pic!
Gus: No need to apologize! The PC police are out of control. When gay men do drag, are they insulting and dehumanizing all women? Lighten up people. Its Halloween, which is supposed to be fun, silly and/or outrageous. By the way, you looked completely adorable.
blackberry finn
@DjARD: No headdress, anywhere, is so sacred that it can’t be parodied.
Bernard Dalton
Yo, I just liked this page and by the comments on this post I am starting to have second thoughts about following it.
It’s a culture not a costume. Much like North America was a home before Europeans settled it.
I’m a proud indigenous man. People do need to have respect for other peoples cultures and traditions.
@Bernard Dalton: Bernard, I think most of us completely agree. But what we don’t understand is just how this costume was disrespectful.
@Ladbrook: Elizabeth Warren did not receive any professional benefit from her ancestry (whether she has any native ancestry or not). Harvard didn’t learn of her supposed ancestry until after she was hired. That’s why it was a non-issue.
@KiraNerysRules: For Halloween? No, I wouldn’t be bothered in the least if someone, including Kim Davis, dressed up as a gay stereotype for Halloween. If they did it any other day or to mock gay people, that would be a different story.
@SeeingAll: many different ethnic cultures have worn feathers, including in headdresses, for example the Celts, the Saami, Roma, Druids and many others.
@Brandt: If people like you want to educate others about the sacredness of the Native American headdress, you should be targeting the manufacturers of these headdresses, not the wearers. Where’s the outrage directed towards them?
A lot of gay guys have “tribal” tattoos. They’re extremely popular among gay men. I see them everywhere. Did you know those are offensive to the Maori?
My comment was marked as spam?
Guess I can’t say what I want to say. 2 comments marked as spam for no apparent reason :/
Could be worse:
I don’t know what is less surprising, this idiot’s non sincere apology, or the people who are so privileged that they are writing this off that because it is Halloween that it is suddenly okay.
@SeeingAll: “Mention that you’re Irish or of Irish descent in any American gay bar and watch how fast you get cold-shouldered.”
I don’t know where you live, but here in Boston 3/4 of the gays in any given gay bar are Irish-American.
@notevenwrong: NYC ; some similarities but very different city.
If you believe he needs to apologize, then you are a hypersensitive pussy and you are part of the problem with America.
It looks fine to me! My mother had Cherokee in her and I am in no way offended by his costume!
I agree with @DJARD I and think that many will make the point that there is a difference between personal prejudice and systemic institutionalized racism. In most places with such racism an entire people are disenfranchised and unable to benefit from the successes of that system…like Palestinians. Though the US is progressive there still exist much disparity between the majority and minority groups.
Also cultural appropriation is more than just participation in culture. It’s another form of systematic racism that removes identity from the oppressed or once oppressed and uses that culture for personal, political or economic gain. A good example in the US is the Redskins mascot. But you can also consider the use of tribal tattoos (Maori, Tongan, etc as example). While you may respect the aesthetic, it doesn’t exactly pay homage to culture if you don’t know the meaning or proper use. And it can be very offensive.
Consider this, Muslim people’s will not draw an image of Mohammed and Jewish people’s will not write the name of G-d or YHVH (see what I did there?). How would a Christian feel if you used Jesus as some type of exploitative emblem to make a profit. In the same way, Tiki Gods and spirits like T? or Kane should not be used in restaurants. It’s disrespectful.
Honor culture by getting involved, sharing, and participating. Pay respect by understanding, learning, and respecting history and tradition. And when in someone else’s house, do what they would do. It’s easy, but it comes with experience, openness, and maturity. These are my personal opinions, but ai think it helps to educate yourself on such topics.
Let me correct myself. While I do believe that culture sure be properly observed and respected I do not believe that all white peoples are guilty of historic crimes previously mentioned. I realized that there are many native bad tribal cultures, including those that belong to Caucasians. And not all Caucasians have s direct link to the slavery and slaughter that occurred here. But I also realize that this type of thinking opens up an opportunity for a much broader conversation about culture and history. And while these things don’t change the suffering caused or hardships still currently experienced I believe it’s a good conversation to have. That being said, referencing warring tribes as a justification for ignorance, discrimination, or prejudice is absurd. If Native Americans were still the dominant culture I’d think we would be having a different conversation. Ane yet, you only have to go so far as Hawaii to realize how cruel our own culture has been to an ocean empire of people age culture. Or you can stay home and visit a local reservation. Or ask a black person how much of his families history, culture, beliefs, does he or she remember. What food did your ancestors eat? What clothing did they wear? Because for many African Americans that history has been erased. And I believe that if those European people’s could remember themselves in their tribal state you may be asking yourself different questions about the dissolution of the conquered and the histories of your own ancestors.
No problem with the costume at all. It was neither insulting nor did it “appropriate” anything from Native American culture without giving credit. You’d be hardpressed to show me how this costume will harm Native Americans. It certainly won’t evoke violence. Nor does it invite ridicule. Nor does it harm self-esteem as some feminine images do. The historical trials and tribulations faced by Native Americans are very real but they have nothing to do with Gusworthy’s costume.