Feeling used and abused by the Sanders campaign right now. They just issued a press release making it sound like our meeting was about his endorsement of AHF’s drug pricing ballot initiative in CA. Senator Sanders never brought the issue up during our meeting. WE brought it up near the end, only to tell him that we had been flooded with messages from all the leading AIDS organizations in CA with deep concerns about AHF’s initiative — they are worried it could actually negatively impact access to AIDS drugs. Those groups have tried to reach the campaign with these concerns but had hit a brick wall. We asked Sanders to designate someone in his campaign to talk with these groups, and he agreed to this. WE DID NOT ENDORSE AHF’S INITIATIVE. His campaign should not have issued a press release implying this was a major topic of discussion at the meeting, and that there was general agreement on the Senator’s position on this. Anything but.”HIV/AIDS activist Peter Staley in a Facebook post after meeting with Bernie Sanders’ campaign. Head here to read the press release Staley refers to. To find out more about AHF’s California initiative, head here.
Just wondering… How could lowering the costs of AIDS drugs negatively impact access to healthcare? Doesn’t make a lot of sense. Staley didn’t explain it in his Facebook post, and I’m wondering if he clearly explained it during his meeting with Sanders.
Only in America can an HIV/AIDS activist hear “we want to lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medication” and then go online and complain…it’s shameful really, apparently the big activists are puppets of the pharmicutical industry now…making money of HIV/AIDS…
@uticaboy: If I am reading the bill correctly… I have an idea.
The bill mandates that the State of California will be prohibited from engaging in any prescription drug contract unless the cost of that drug is equal to or lower than the price paid by the VA. This affects any program funded by the State.
So… assuming that a drug company doesn’t comply, that creates a drug shortage that adversely affects patents on State-supported drugs.
Assuming that the drug companies DO comply; they have to make up the losses elsewhere. The likely culprit would be a price increase for Employee-funded and Privately-Purchased health plans.
Senator Sanders is full of shit and has already proved that multiple times in the last few weeks. His voting record is identical to Hillary’s. In addition, why even bother with a loser like him? His advisers got to his head… and gave him very bad advice. His is done in the democratic party. He won’t even be able to get any seat in any committee after this. 270 delegates behind and he still doesn’t get it. He is going to get smashed in California too. Recent poll has Hillary 18% ahead.
And as far as this article Sanders just proved he is a liar. This initiative creates the real possibility of a drug shortage.
It pains me to say this, but I trust “activists” as much as I do politicians. Spend a little time with either, and you’d be hard-pressed to differentiate the two.
@Kieru: They may have the same voting record but they don’t have the same slime record. Billionaire Hillary vs. Billionaire Donald holds little appeal for me. And if by recent polls you mean polls taken 2 months ago, you’re correct, she was dramatically ahead. Polls taken yesterday show them tied or nearly tied. I don’t get why some people think Bernie has an obligation to get out when Hillary stayed in, attacking Obama all the way to the convention in ’08. I’ll admit that’s why I hate her. I’ll never vote for Hillary Clinton. The lady hailed Nancy Reagan as a great crusader for AIDS victims for chrissakes!
Peter Staley is a loose cannon with poor impulse control—something to bear in mind when reading his report.
@highestbidder: You’re replying to the wrong person 🙂
I know Peter. He has been in the tank for Hillary (along with all the rest of the A-gays) from the get-go. There was no way he would have come out of any meeting with Sanders without something negative to say.
@highestbidder: Hilary dropped out about 2 and a half months before the convention in ’08, conceeding to Obama as soon as his delegate count (including super delagates) hit the magic number, endorsing him in the same speech. (June 7th, 2008).
Sanders is a fraud and liar. He needs to drop out of the race and crawl back to VT with Calamity Jane. If you think this creep is gay friendly, think again. He couldn’t care less about the LGBT distraction. Can’t stand this POS.
Large Marge
I used to be a blogger for AIDSmeds.com, recently acquired by Poz.com
I voluntarily provided content altruistically when it was aidmeds, but when they sold out and didn’t give us content providers a piece of the pie… well.. bye bye Peter.
Gee, so Bernie Sanders is a politician just like all the other politicians. I’m shocked.
Question for you – why don’t you post anti Clinton statements?
Because when I am trying to post her quote at Mrs Regans Funeral – you censor it?!?! Just curious
I guess I shouldn’t ask – as you won’t tell
So Bernie Bashing is ok to post – but tot Hillary AIDS history re-writs
@highestbidder: Blah blah blah more yap from a Sanders supporter. Hillary has pulled ahead again and is ahead in just about every swing state and draws even in republican states like Mississippi and Georgia against Trump. Your man Sanders failed miserably. Get over it already. By the way, why does he refuse to release any tax returns? Sanders, like Trump, is lying and covering something up. Something tells me he makes far more than he claims.
You, like many Sander supporters, like to rewrite history. Hillary dropped out far ahead and fully supported Obama. Bernie on the other hand is lying and abusing his own supporters. No wonder why his fund raising ability has dried up in recent weeks. Bernie is just another lying politician. You are done if you are 270 delegates behind especially at this stage.
Keep on lying!
@jcsr: Unlike Sanders, Hillary admitted she was wrong about that. You just are a lot of talk and little substance. Like most Bernie supporters. How is Bernie so different? He calls for transparency yet won’t even release his own tax returns. Never mind his wife who misappropriated funding in her own dealings. Slimeball politician.
Yet again, morons simply replying without being aware of the issues.
AHF, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, is run by a megalomanic neocon and therefore the proposed initiative is suspect.
Thanks for the love (yap yap yap / calling me a moron, like all Bernie supporters I WAS re-writing history, etc).
I simply stated its hard to point out Hillary’s flaws when Queertry censors postings politically against her from being posted.
And she is an extremely flawed candidate. And Bernie has done one thing VERY good – he has pushed her to the left – where most of the Democratic Party is.
If I have to vote for a republican this election I will vote for the Goldwater Girl Hillary. It’s unfortunate that this election (for many voters) there will not be a candidate to vote for – but a candidate to vote against.
And with all the hate in the world – it would not surprise me if we do end up with a President Trump (and for all those quick to say that never would happen – look at all of those that said he would never be the nominee). Hate is a powerful thing (as many of you know) so feel free to hate away – at my post again – for being a Moron, Not Knowing the Facts, A Stupid Bernie Supporter, etc.
And everyone – Please vote in the mid terms – and at your local level at all times – so many of us never do – and if Trump does not become president come the end of the year – the Hate for Hillary, Bernie, Elisabeth Warren, Debbie WS will amp up like crazy – and we need to Vote in the mid terms and have their backs!
@jcsr: That is a lovely rant, but it isn’t true. The word “c@mpaign” is censored. This site censors certain words, and not your delusional belief that criticism against Hillary is censored.
Highly flawed? Not really. Senator Sanders has demonstrated he is even more flawed. He has let big crowds get to his head and now has lost control of his most rabid supporters. His c@mpaign has seen its fundraising dry up in recent weeks and he misused millions on terrible advertisements. He is down to just $6 million and has to lay off hundreds of staff, even in California.
Your ignorant talk of saying that Hillary is a republican shows how much of a delusional Sanders supporter you really are. I am old enough to know that Hillary has been pursuing progressive causes for decades. Your man Sanders has passed what in thirty years in Congress? Just about nothing. He is a career politician who provides lip service to people like you.
Hillary will win for the reasons I mentioned, including the fact that Trump has appeared vulnerable in republican states he is supposed to have a lock in. He is behind in just about every swing state and looks shaky in even certain southern states. Georgia hasn’t gone Democrat in 20 years. Last person to win that state was Hillary’s husband correct me if I am wrong.
The problem with many Bernie supporters is they rarely vote in midterms so your point is pretty much contradictory. Do you actually vote? Yes, I stand by my atatement. Your attacks on Hillary showed you bought the nonsense Sanders has been saying the last few weeks. What you don’t realize is Trump is now using the words Sanders is saying against Hillary. Shame on you guys!
And Sanders doesn’t represent most of the democratic party. If he really did he wouldn’t be 270~ delegates behind and lost big States like Florida and New York. And his performance amongst minorities and women who dominate the party is pretty awful. Us Latinos can’t stand him and for good reason. He has nothing to offer us. His views are gun control are repulsive, his views on immigration reform nonexistent and his foreign policy views are laughably naive. Check out the New York Post interview he gave a few weeks ago.
Hillary is so untrustworthy…oh, wait…
You want untrustworthy? His wife misdirected funding to a private family in the Caribbean, while running a college right into the ground.
Ha ha – why is “c@mpaign” censored here? I know it’s almost a dirty word…
@jcsr: I voted for Hillary in my state, but mostly liked your lovey-dovey rant. But you lost me at “Debbie WS” that phony evil drug warrior b1tch. Bernie Sanders hates her too and wants rid of her. I almost puke every time she sends me some fundraising mail or email. (I only respond to Biden mail, lol.) Tim Canova will probably defeat her in the primary and she can go work as a lobbyist.
After seeing Bernie last night on Bill Maher’s show, I’m reassured that he WILL concede soon. He truly hates Trump and does not want to jeopardize the general election.
@GC1985: “Recent poll has Hillary 18% ahead” in CA.
Only one poll (KABC) has her at 18%. Real Clear Politics average of polls has her at 8%. But I agree she will probably still win CA by a substantial margin.
Sanders supporters are delusional in that if all the caucus states had been primary states instead, he’d be MUCH further behind than he already is!
@onthemark: Seeing him on Jimmy Kimmel pissed me off though.
@onthemark: KABC is what I am going by since PPIC is one of the worst polls out there. We are an incredibly diverse state and Bernie doesn’t win those. Some say what about Hawaii? Hillary would have drew if it was a primary.
Other than Hawaii, I don’t recall a single diverse state Bernie has won.
If all caucuses were primaries, Bernie would have been out back in March or April.
@onthemark: “C@mp” I believe. Weird.
I had whole posts not appear because of that word. Took me a while to figure out what word it was, but I pinpointed it to that.
Jimmy Kimmel is a fool himself. He says the primaries are rigged lol. If they were truly rigged, Bernie wouldn’t have survived this long. And if they were all primaries and not caucuses Bernie would have conceded maybe a month or two ago. Maybe the democrats will learn their lesson and stick to closed primaries now.
If Bernie was so awesome, he would have never hired that moron Tad Devine. I can’t stand that guy. Look at how well he managed Gore’s c@mpaign.
@jcsr: Speak of the devil(s) – just in the past 12 hours, I’ve gotten emails from Joe Biden, AND Michelle Obama, AND Al Franken! Maybe Debbie has given up on me; I’m almost feeling sorry for her now, lol.
Hillary needs to take inspiration of the 1964 Daisy Girl Ad and use something like it against Trump. We really are dealing with high stakes and it is no joke.
This story is just perfect. Sanders adopts AHFs simplistic ballot idea even though AHF is nearly universally discredited by experts in the field. Sanders doesn’t listen to those experts and then misrepresents their positions. He is purely about a strict ideology – no nuance or thoughtful consideration. This is not someone to respect, much less follow. At this point he is flat out lying when he says that there’s a pathway to victory. He would have to get 80% of remaining votes to overtake Clinton in pledged delegates, and would still be way behind in votes cast. And superdelegates are overwhelmingly supportive of the candidate who actually won the primaries. At this point, Sanders is all about ego, even if his clear contempt for Clinton could end up helping Trump. The real contest is on. Which side are you on? This is serous, folks.
@JaronB: The stakes couldn’t be greater. I don’t think Sanders is going to be remembered a great deal after he is defeated though, when we see the true lion in Hillary come out and absolutely destroy Trump. Hillary has released the best ads to date. More is coming. Even Trump’s own Twitter feed provides a landmine of material.
Sanders is even more short than you say though. Hillary only needs 70 more delegates to wrap this up.
@Kieru: sorry, I probably hit the wrong “reply” button. Ya can’t fix stoopid LOL
Its sad to think that no one in the rest of the world can get their medications since they pay a fraction of what we pay the same companies for the same drugs. Oh, that’s not the situation. Its always interesting to see people defending the prices the international pharmaceuticals charge us, because otherwise they would send them to other countries and get paid less for them. I don’t doubt people believe it, but hopefully because they don’t know how much South Africans pay for the same drugs for example. Not from “generic” manufacturers, but the same companies.
Just as an example, the drug that Mr. Shkreli jacked up the price to $750 a pill, was $13.50 per pill. It costs $1 a pill in the UK. And yes, they can still get the drug…
@GC1985: Even the MSM is starting to admit you don’t count the super delegates. Stop Lying to people.
@GC1985: WHo is “flawed” is Peter Staley and his conveniently employed brother at Barclays Wall Street Bank, pals of Hillary. You’ve all BEEN HAD. They’re all frauds.
Lower drug prices? A bad thing? and HE’S feel used & abused? Please.
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i was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS for over 5 years which made me to loose my job and my relationship with my fiance after he discovered that i was having HIV, he departed from me i tried all my best to make him stays with me, but neglected me until a friend of mine on Facebook from Singapore told me Great healer, who will restore my life back with his powerful healing spell, he sent me the email address to contact ([email protected]) and i quickly contacted him, and he said my condition can be solved, that he will treat the disease immediately only if i can accept to trust him and accept his terms and condition, i Agreed because i was so much in need of help by all means, so i did all he want from me and surprisingly on Sunday last week He sent me a text, that i should hurry up to the hospital for a checkup, which i truly did, i confirm from my doctor that i am now ( HIV NEGATIVE) my eyes filled with tears of joy, crying heavily because truly the disease deprived me of many things from my life, This is a Miracle, Please do not waste time to call him +2348110037069 or E-Mail; [email protected] or [email protected] for healing and solution to your problems.
BREAKING NEWS!!! The cure of HIV and AIDS has be found by Doctor Ola the herbalist godfather, his combined herbs were applied on infected persons and they got cured within a period of 2weeks and right now the news is everywhere. So if you are infected with HIV and AIDS hurry up and contact Dr Ola right now through his email address [email protected] or his whatsapp +2348055329124 and he will help you with the cure just the way he has cured me. Help spread this news this is real!!!.. The ever waited solution to this incurable disease is here
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