An armed 27-year-old man with a rap sheet the length of a Costco shopping spree receipt was arrested after sputtering antigay vitriol outside of the gay Ruby Deluxe bar and nightclub in Raleign, North Carolina.
Grayson Pittman (who may or may not be gay?) has been arrested 12 times since 2010, and was carrying an illegal handgun, a knife and a taser in a backpack as he attempted to enter the bar.
He was turned away at the door for behaving aggressively, and that’s when he pulled out the gun.
Tim Lemuel, the owner of the bar, said he is concerned about security moving forward and will be implementing a no backpacks rule.
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Lemuel told the local ABC news: “I am so grateful that he didn’t get into the club. And, in the future we’re actually putting in a ‘no backpacks’ policy. I own three clubs in Raleigh and we’re gonna put in a ‘no backpacks’ policy in all of those just to make sure that doesn’t happen. And we’re gonna tell everybody else they probably should do the same thing.”
In an odd turn of events, Pittman posted an apology to Facebook after the incident:
“(N)o excuses what I did was wrong….”
If you’re not giving excuses, why did you give an excuse for what you did prior to saying no excuses?
My thought exactly, you just said it first. Another one of those non-apologies, perhaps. However, the apology actually does have a ring of sincerity to it. It would be interesting to know if this guy evolves.
I’m unclear. Pulled out the gun and then what?
Yet another right-wing, closeted, bloated beardo with a gun! Time for some real common-sense gun control—such as ZERO guns for criminals like this lunatic.
Aires the Ram
From the article: “has been arrested 12 times since 2010, and was carrying an illegal handgun, a knife and a taser in a backpack as he attempted to enter the bar.”
More Gun Control???? You mean like in Chicago or Baltimore or any other city with the most restrictive gun control laws on the books and highest gun murder rates, all at the same time?
Perhaps you didn’t read the article, and learn that the gun he had was not obtained “legally”, which infers that we already have laws against purchasing guns “illegally”. More gun laws, more gun restrictions, would have done NOTHING to prevent him from having obtained a gun ILLEGALLY. He made the decision to obtain a gun illegally, he made the decision to break other laws and get arrested for it 12 times since 2010. Perhaps Democrats/Socialists/Communists in positions to appoint judges, should own up to the fact that appointing liberal/socialist judges to the bench ends up producing more and more of these jackasses who get arrested 12 times in a short period of years and get nothing but a slap on their little hand for it! But you keep voting for Democrats don’t you? Or do you just have an agenda?
queens please… this boy needs the loving that only a mature man can deliver. Phuck all the current politics and y’all hair-on-fire comments… I’m sure he just needs some good loving…
There are plenty who get off on hooking up with or fantasizing about being with crazies and/or people who contend with extreme self-loathing. All they need is some good love? Yeah, that doesn’t really work in long term. Some legit therapy though might actually fo’ real help.
yo don, stick your supercilious comments up your azz. I’ve been there and done them many many times….I know what I speak. do you?
Lacuevaman stop being an ignorant twat and learn to communicate in English. Dumb-asses like you are why the LGBT community has to struggle to be treated the same as everyone else.
oh my! I’m not a member of your LGBT community.
I am QUEER and def not like everybody and don’t expect to be treated like everybody else.
Get with it MWW!
You’ve “been there many times”, but did any of them stick around?
Your penis, ass and/or “understanding” is not going to fix someone with unrelenting anger issues, self-loathing, self-destructive instincts, convoluted and conflicted sense of self, etc. You think this guy has already screwed around with plenty that thought they could fix him? There’s probably a lot of internal things that need to be confronted and hopefully with assistance from a professional. Simpy finding a “boo” doesn’t fix most people’s problems.
Serious question had that guy decided to start shooting how long would it have been before the police would’ve been able to intervene? For those of us interested in protecting ourselves make sure you know all about guns before you take a position on gun control.
Aires the Ram
@Notright, Thank You for your wisdom in your comment.