A year ago this week, we saw The Gays run to Washington D.C. for the National Equality March. Twelve years ago this week, Matthew Shepard was tied to a fence and left to die. The Washington Post honored these anniversaries and National Coming Out Day with an editorial from hate leader FRC’s Tony Perkins, who claims, “homosexual activist groups like GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) are exploiting these tragedies to push their agenda of demanding not only tolerance of homosexual individuals, but active affirmation of homosexual conduct and their efforts to redefine the family,” and that kids being told they are born gay “may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide.” Who else is wishing the death of newspapers would be more selective?
death to print
How Did Washington Post Honor Nat’l Coming Out Day + Matthew Shepard’s Death? With Bigotry
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First Amendment is a bitch isn’t it?
One of the most gut wrenching tear your heart out of your chest and rip it to shreads moments in my life was when I read an interview with an nurse on duty when Matthew Sheppard was brought into the ER barely clinging to life. After he was basically crucified, tied to that fence for hours after being tortured and beaten………She said the only part of his face not covered with blood, dirt and mud was the trail of tears that had run down his face………..
It is because of the hatefull vile rhetoric that is spewed by contemptible, despicable, foul, depraved scumbags like Perkins that hell on earth occurs like what happend to Matt Sheppard…….
If Tony Perkins submitted an article asserting that Jews are “pushing an agenda” to “redefine Christian America”, do you think the Washington Post would grant it respectability by publishing it? Publishing the views of holocaust-deniers and people who suggest Jews control the media would be seen as giving them a credibility they don’t deserve. Ofcourse, a good old-fashioned screed about how the gays want to “destroy the American family” is always welcome.
@1.. and we still do point/counterpoint on everything that’s been settled in the Civil Rights Acts, right?
It’s a shame that this drivel still passes for discourse in polite conversation. Shame.
The Washington Post has always been a bigotted rag.
F*** them.
Take two minutes to write the Washington Post. That’s the only way we’ll get change. If enough people write. They don’t read blogs, they read what get’s delivered to their inboxes and if readers are mad, they’ll change because money is the bottom line and they don’t want to lose subscribers.
Write them if you’re upset. Write them.
Express yourselves.
The real issue is that Tiny Prickins could never get a job doing anything else because 1) nobody would hire him and 2) he is only used to bitching about gay people. Very odd that a so called straight guy spends his life talking about homosexuality. I find that extremely telling that he has major disorder within huhself.
The Post isn’t bigoted. They’ve written many editorials and articles that are very supportive of gay rights. Tony doesn’t represent the opinions of the editors of the Post. It’s called freedom of speech. We as a community do ourselves a big disservice when we try to censor people and take away their freedom of speech, instead of fighting with more speech.
In fact, the Post has gotten complaints from the right that they are too supportive of gay rights and don’t show the other side. I’m sure that those complaints played a role in them publishing it.
I actually love it when homophobes get published. It just shows everyone what morons they are. Carl Palladino is the best thing to happen to gay rights in years. Everyone can see how moronic and pathetic those homophobes actually are.
the crustybastard
Awesome! How absolutely splendid that the Wapo feels comfortable publishing its bigotry for readers today — and for the decades to come.
I applaud this development, and encourage the paper to be even more brave. (Because, let’s face it: queers are an easy target.)
How about an op-ed during Black History Month from a white supremacist that cites some halfassed “research” that insists that black people are dumber than average, and points out how the Bible approves of slavery?
How about an op-ed on Yom Kippur from a Holocaust denier explaining that even though the Shoah didn’t actually happen, if it had, the dirty Jews certainly deserved it?
How about an op-ed on Easter from an atheist pointing out that the four canonical gospels are contradictory in even the most general sense regarding the specifics of Jesus’ life, execution, and ostensible “resurrection,” and it’s very clearly all a fraud perpetrated on pathetic people content to be referred to as “sheep” and a “flock”?
Come on, Wapo — BE BOLD!
Let’s drop the Washington Post a note:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
@Kieran: I agree with you and have always said these times permit bashing gays because it is no longer acceptable to put down blacks. All these homophobes are the same racists. That’s a fact. It is politically correct outlet for them and that is a disgrace that must be changed.
The FRC is like the KKK in a suit — without the murders I assume. How is it that they always get heard? And why don’t we pressure companies to don’t provide fair and equal coverage?
This really is unconscionable on the Wapo’s part, and it really is like letting the Grand Wizard of the KKK publish an editorial on MLK day. It gives legitimacy to their hatred.