Heaven, the tranny alter ego of LA-based comic (and Big Gay Sketch Show vet) Michael Serrato, releases “I Thought You Knew” featuring Markaholic, her high-gloss F-U to a certain ex whom claimed he didn’t know he fell for a transexual. (“It’s pretty much autobiographical,” writes Serrato. “It’s real sad. But don’t worry my babies, I’m all good now, I gotta a real big vibrator.”) And it’s not just the costuming and make-up that impress, but the nods to This is the over-exposed culture that we live in now, from the Us Weekly tabloid feel to The Insider Her celebrity footage.
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How Does a Tranny Get Revenge On An Ex In Denial? Heaven Only Knows
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Mike L.
Um wow I actually though this was great, I loved it!
Yet another unimaginative gay man appropriating trans women’s lives to get a laugh. Michael Serrato is a gay man who only occasionally dresses in drag for laughs, not a “tranny” (as Queerty felt so entitled to say in the headline). If you can’t understand the difference between those two realities maybe you shouldn’t be throwing words around which offend others.
Moreover, this entire video is about trans women “surprising” men with their penis, which feeds into many tropes about the justification for anti-trans murder. Funny one, Michael. Yes, “tranny hookers” are hee-larious. They’re often kicked out of their families at a young age, not infrequently homeless, have high rates of seropositivity and are subject to the highest murder rate in the country.
Haha, too awesome for words.
Heaven went from Tranny911 (“Heaven, you wan-na piece ah heaven.”) to breakout music superstar. I truly love this song. 😛
Great job Michael! :]