Michele Bachmann is done fighting over marriage equality. Last week, the lame duck congresswoman called the issue “boring” and suggested that God personally phoned her to say it was time to give it up. Now it appears members of the Mormon church may be throwing in the towel as well.
While speaking at the 184th semi-annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday, Dallin H. Oaks shocked the crowd with some rather disappointing news: Mormons may be losing the legal battle against same-sex marriage. Horrified gasps and cries of agony could be heard all across the auditorium.
“Like the savior, his followers are sometimes confronted by sinful behavior,” Oaks, who is a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, preached. “And today, when they hold out for right and wrong as they understand it, they are sometimes called bigots and fanatics.”
He continued: “Prominent among these today is the strong tide that is legalizing same-sex marriage in many states, provinces in the United States and Canada and in many countries around the world.”
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Well, after today’s landmark SCOTUS announcement, it appears Oaks was right. This morning the court rejected appeals from five states hoping to prohibit same-sex marriage — Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana, and Wisconsin — which means gay marriage is now legal in 30 of the U.S. states.
Oaks, it seems, predicted this might happen, and so he told his fellow Mormons on Saturday: “When our positions do not prevail, we should accept unfavorable results graciously, and practice civility with our adversaries.”
Will he and his fellow Mormons practice what he preached? That remains to be seen.
Related stories:
Mormon Church Slithers Back Into Same-Sex Marriage Debate
Mormon Leaders Accidentally Tell Gay Students They Don’t Exist… Then Backtrack… Then Backtrack Again
WATCH: Mormon-Produced Video Wants You To Stop Masturbating So Much
Honestly, I don’t even care what they think or what they feel.
Oh well, they’ll have to make money off of some other marginalized community by stirring up unwarranted fears. They’ll follow the money and other Christian institutions in an effort to be seen as anything other than the spurious cult, the archaeologically unsubstantiated sect that they are.
F**k all of them brainwashing haters and their homophobic teachings!
They’ll pretend to accept it and the official church will continue to fund more and more right wing politicians behind closed doors.
But the issue is, it’s like with women’s vote or Black civil rights. There will come a point where they will still hate us, but to say it publicly won’t be a smart move anymore.
Additionally the LDS church is having some trouble from inside, there are Mormons that don’t like their policies, and recruitment is down to a dangerous level. So they may need to get off the gay issues altogether if they hope to not continue down that road.
Did the Romney’s authorize the use of their undies picture?
And then he concluded with: “But on a brighter note, God says we can still take 14 year-olds as our 7th brides!”
THAT is the “special underwear”? REALLY. OMG, as magical clothes go, the only thing it has going for it is that it is cotton and “breathes”. Ah, well, at least it is probably made in ‘Meruka.
@lykeitiz: That is soooo bad!!! (:
I didn’t know the men have to wear “magic underwear” too! God, I bet they’re all in such shock over this ruling!
Let’s see…after the Mormon church has spent literally millions over the last couple decades fighting against equal rights, being the cause of so much angst for gays across this and other countries, and represents a reprehensible record of gay suicides from their shunning and hatred, they can’t even give a simple apology or oops. No, they have to keep pushing their self-righteousness by calling us the adversaries. Never seen gays circle a Mormon and beat him to death. Never seen gays fire a Mormon or kick him out of housing. Never seen a gay home kick out their Mormon children some as young as 12 years old to live lives of prostitution and/or drug dealing to survive…or worse kill themselves. Adversaries??? I feel their arrogance and self absorbed self righteousness is still there and we need to continue in our vigilance against their evil ways.
@tardis: Yes!
@1EqualityUSA: Where’s the “like” button?
Really Queerty? It’s one thing to gloat over the Mormon Church with this ruling, but you have to also mock their beliefs with this picture? You may find this funny, but I don’t. And what the hell does the picture have ANYTHING to do with the story anyway? Just a cheap way to try to get a good laugh out of us your readers. Shame on you. Sometimes you are no better than those who mock us and make us look stupid, idiotic and sinful.
@rthomasTN: The difference is that they ARE “stupid, idiotic and sinful”
Oh, so lets see, that picture is a legitimate picture of Momon Temple Garments as seen in a catalog.
I always think it’s funny how insecure and defensive Mormons are. You think any mention of your religion is an attack. Why do you think that way? Sounds like you yourself are insecure in your beliefs and by lashing out and attacking others and pretending to defend your faith you can for a brief time ignore your own insecurities with your church.
That said, the LDS church has spent decades and over a hundred million dollars fighting against gay rights, they have held therapies where kids were electrocuted to try to change their orientation. Parents were told to kick their kids out of the house and shun them.
So trying to compare that to putting up a picture doesn’t just make you sound like a hysterical little child who is having their own crisis of faith, it makes you sound stupid.
How about this, if the LDS church stops funnelling money to anti-gay organizations, I will e-mail my vote to Queerty that they not use this picture again. Until that time, how about you take your fake self righteous posturing and stuff it up whatever hole is convenient?
and…they’re fi’thy Mormons…
I am sure Mormons find some other reason to start up crap. I am glad the Supreme Court made a ruling on this and have made it possible for thousands of LGBT people to tie the not. Ridiculous that in this day and age, we still have organized religious playing this game.
Saint Law
@rthomasTN: You’re either a troll or a moron.
Seriously?? I absolutely do not agree with the Mormon Church’s stand on gays or their contributions, etc to Prop 8. I absolutely do NOT mind criticism of the Mormon Church. I am NOT a member of it, having been X’d for being gay. I am not insecure nor am I trying to defend them. My ONLY comment was that the picture has NOTHING to do with the article, so why use that? It is not a picture from a Mormon catalogue, it is from a private company mocking the Mormon “underwear” and selling it to non-Mormons for profit.
Don’t lecture me for my comment when your response is totally irresponsible and non-sensical. I am not the enemy, i just see no point to the picture. Sheesh…
I will absolutely lecture you for your comment when the entire purpose of your comment was to lecture the site and to deflect from the actual topic of the article while painting the Mormons as victims.
And you completely busted yourself. It’s always funny when Mormons come on here pretending not to be Mormons but then they SLIP UP and expose themselves with their victim complex.
That is a valid picture of Temple Garments, but in your haste to attack you have to create a conspiracy around it. Answer me this, why would ANY non-Mormon care enough to track down where that picture came from and present it as some conspiracy?
Also, Are those actual temple garments? YES they are. But your defensive reaction COMBINED with your trying to pretend that putting up a picture of REAL garments is somehow equivalent to the horror that the LDS church has targeted at gays is not just sickening and shameful, it is an obvious ploy.
I have to say, the Mormons that tried to do this during the Prop 8 mess were better at hiding it than you.
OK Cam, you need to go sit in a corner and have some quiet time. Now listen and listen well (although I doubt you will): I am NOT a Mormon. I was excommunicated from the Mormon Church 15 years ago for being gay. I do not support their stand on homosexuality nor do I approve of their contributions to the anti-gay movement.
My lecture to the sight was an editorial/journalistic complaint is all. Believe it or not, Queerty loves to create MORE controversy on some of their articles! Plenty of other Queerty followers besides myself have commented on this journalistic approach on many of their past articles. The Mormons are NOT victims. They created their own problems. NOTHING in what I said reflected another attitude.
Yes, the picture shows temple garments, but I grew up in the Church long enough to know that they don’t publish pictures of garments…. ever! So any picture is going to be from outside sources. No biggie, I understand that. Did you grow up a Mormon? If not, then off course you don’t know this. But I did.
Again, you can try to paint me as a Mormon “spy” or however you want to label me, but you are totally wrong. Again, I’m not the enemy here. We ARE on the same side. I just don’t think Queerty needs to use a picture like that for an article that has nothing to do with Mormon Temple Garments. If they want to do an article specifically on garments, then YES, the picture would have been appropriate!!
Hope that helps.
Cam, You can’t argue with a fi”thy Mormon. They’ve been trained to deflect any words you are able to string together. Liars and knaves.
1EqualityUSA, I am not a fi”thy Mormon. I am a proud NON-Mormon who happens to be gay.
Ahhhhh, so there it is, the admission that you DO have a connection with the LDS church.
As for your comment and conspiracy theory about where the photo came from, funny that benign pages like Wikipedia have pictures of temple garments isn’t it?
But by all means, keep on deflecting from the true issue that for decades the LDS church has spent over a hundred million attacking gay rights. That they have lied to their members claiming they were not involved until of course the official memo of agreement between them and the Catholic Church was exposed. The fact that thousands of kids were thrown out of their families under church directive, that people were tortured by ex gay style therapy supported by the church……
But of course, none of that matters at all, because Queerty published a picture that accurately shows temple garments. That of course is MUCH worse isn’t it?
Again, either you are a troll, OR you are still carrying some massive baggage from the religion you claim kicked you out and it’s time to get over it.
1 – see 2nd comment above where I clearly state “I am Not a member of [the Mormon Church], having been X’d for it”
2 – I clearly stated that the Mormon Church has not EVER published pictures of the temple garments. I don’t give a flying monkey’s ass what Wikipedia does.
3 – my comments (over and over) CLEARLY state that I don’t agree with the Mormon Church’s anti-gay attacks and contributions. It is wrong and offensive to all of us.
4 – quit being an ass on some crusade of your own! My comments have never been about the “issues”, simply the journalistic decision by Queerty to publish a picture that has no relevance to the article.
5 – quit being an ass!
A troll? LOL
rthomasTN, alright already. You’re not a fi’thy Mormon and the underwear was a cheap shot, poking fun at a sect that undermines our community in every way. I’m glad you escaped the cult. I’m glad you’re courageous enough to live your truth out loud and without the burden of secrets. You adequately stated your points and I’m regretting having made you feel offended.
thanks! 🙂
You first stated you weren’t Mormon and that the photo came from an attack site, you then admitted that you WERE Mormon and when I pointed out that non attack sites like Wikipedia had pictures of the Temple garments refused to deal with that.
The issue is, why so insecure? Do the Mormons require temple garments to be worn by members in good standing? Yes they do. Those garments represent the religion as much as any other aspect of the religion from Missionary work, to short sleeve button up white shirts, to the temple in Provo, to the Singles Ward dances.
The fact is, your main point was to deflect from the issue by playing the Mormon victim card. Please state PLAINLY why it is so offensive that Queerty posted a valid picture of actual temple garments. They aren’t lying about them being a part of the religion, so rather than continuing on your phony outrage campaign, please explain exactly why it is so offensive to you, that something actually required by the church was used to identify the church. Because your behavior is the standard Mormon fallback of “Anybody mentions us is attacking us, because we are the most put upon people in the world”.
And before you make assumptions think a bit, the LDS church has kicked out LOTS of gays, so assuming you’re the only one on here with any knowledge of the church and it’s behavior is beyond delusional.
Cam…Cam…Cammy…I love you man. Go clean above your refrigerator and re-do the grout in the bathroom. This dead horse is decomposing between your knees, love. Breath, Camster, breath. Take all of this energy and do something that will make you feel good! Walk a dog. If you don’t have one, go get one. Enjoy your beautiful life. Let go, Cam. Leeeettt go. Let go of this ex-Mormon’s leg. Grab that vacuum cleaner and surprise your loved one with dinner. Leave it! Drop it. Let go of that ex-Mormon….
Cam, I’m guessing here that you are an ex-Mormon also. Good. I’m also guessing that you are educated enough to understand the basic principles of good journalism. One of the basics is: if you use a picture, make sure the picture is relevant to the story. I’m pretty sure (although I haven’t looked yet) that Wikipedia’s picture of garments also includes a description explaining what they are. Queerty didn’t bother to do that. Why? I’m guessing (and I hope) that you can agree with me that they did it for sensationalistic purposes for the reader.
THAT WAS MY ONLY REASON FOR MY COMMENT. As I have stated over and over, my issue was not and is not about the content of the article, WHICH I AM IN COMPLETE AGREEMENT WITH. I was raised in the Mormon Church, knowing I was gay my whole life, but trying to be the good Mormon kid, I prayed for the gay to go away, went on a mission, married in the Temple and continued praying when the promised “change” didn’t happen. I considered suicide, but chose to live and be open about my sexuality instead. So I am not “insecure”, nor do I have a “victim card” here, despite your repeated accusations to me that I do. I am now very happy with my husband and living a very full life.
PLEASE don’t continue to accuse me of any other motive or agenda.
Good journalism is just one of my pet peeves… 🙂
Now, I’m moving on to more important things in my life. I hope you will too.