So what sort of fun things is anti-gay Eddie Long’s fourth accuser Spencer LeGrande, now 22, saying the Atlanta pastor did to him? Let’s take a look!
The fourth lawsuit alleging Long sexually coerced a teenager (LeGrande says he was 17 at the time) claims the mega-churcher took his victim on a trip to Kenya where:
On the first night in Nairobi, Long asked LeGrande to come to his room, where the youth told the pastor he was having difficulty going to sleep, the suit states. Long provided Ambien, a sleep aid, and they both took the drug, according to the suit. Long then gave LeGrande a hug, kissed and licked the youth’s lips and rubbed the teen’s chest, according to the lawsuit. They slept in bed together that evening and during the rest of the Kenya trip, the lawsuit states, adding they went on shopping sprees.
There were the trips to South Africa, to meet Winnie Mandela, and Zimbabwe, and that Kenya excursion in 2006, after LeGrande graduated high school, where “intimate sexual contact” took place during each of the jaunts, ACCORDING TO THE LAWSUIT. And just like Long’s previous accusers, the pastor allegedly showered LeGrande with cash and gifts, including paid tuition to Beulah Heights University in Atlanta — a trick to bring LeGrande closer to Long’s haunt. From there, the lawsuit claims, their sexual relationship continued through 2009, with stops in Long’s private church offices before LeGrande called it off.
So just how did Long allegedly manage to convince these young people — AND THEIR PARENTS! WE’VE GOT TO GET TO THAT! — to come on international overnight visits?
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Friday’s action, which does not ask for a specific amount of damages, claims Long manipulated, coerced and deceived LeGrande by convincing him that a sexual relationship was “a healthy component of his spiritual life.” It says Long uses church money and other accounts to entice young men with cars, clothing, jewelry and electronics. According to Friday’s court filing, LeGrande and his family in March 2003 joined New Birth-Charlotte in North Carolina, a satellite location of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. LeGrande approached Long after a 2005 sermon at a “Men of War Conference” at the Charlotte location.
LeGrande was moved by Long’s message of forgiving fathers who had been absent because his father had not been active in his life, the lawsuit states. Long told the plaintiff, “I got you. I will be your dad.”
As you can totally tell, Long was just looking out for these young men’s best interests. Enrolled at Long’s LongFellows Youth Academy, which charged $500 for a four-month session, the young men learned about Social Security and taxes — and sexual self control. They each carried a “SEX Self-Check Card,” which listed “3 things you could be doing instead of having sex.” Evidently, one of those things appears to involve “having sex with the pastor.”
If the allegations are true, it’ll show that one of the ways Long managed to exploit these boys was by acting as their father figure. (See above “I will be your dad” line.) But at some point, another storyline will seed itself: Why were these boys’ mothers letting their teenage sons go on international sleepovers with this man? The response will be: they trusted Long. After all, who can’t trust their pastor? That used to be a question we didn’t need to ask. Now it’s a question every parent would be stupid not to. And while nobody, whether a child or teenager or adult, deserves to be sexually coerced into a relationship built on an imbalance of power, there’s a part of this story that’s clearly missing — the normal checks and balances that keep minors safe from sexual predators.
SHOCK: 4th Man Claims Sexual Relations With Eddie Long (As a Teenager On Trip to Kenya)
Let’s See Photos Of Atlanta Pastor Eddie Long At His Gayest
Eddie Long Enjoyed Sexual Touching, Oral Sex, And Introducing Anthony Flagg + Maurice Robinson to Celebs
I’m still trying to figure out how this is a “scandal”.
You can find men of all ages and sexualities doing this with teens who are above the age of consent all across America.
What are you hoping to accomplish? Changing the age of consent? Making it possible for closeted teens to sue gay men when they regret having sex with an “old man” because they were horny?
Is this the fight for our rights? Doesn’t look like it.
The classic kiddie diddler MO is to isolate the targeted child, isolate them from others and begin the grooming process by showering them with gifts, telling them how “special” they are all the while taking baby steps (unfortunately somewhat literaly)towards the ultimate goal of having sex with the victim……..
This guy simply took that process to a whole new twisted level having dozens of victims going thru the grooming process at the same time……….
The old adage of the kid in a candy store:……This evil pervert created his own twisted version of a demented candy store stocked with teen boys for him to prey on…….
Victims? These in some cases grown men are too old to be considered “victims”.
I was a child who had been molested at a day care by a woman. Thank god it only happened once and I can barely remember most of it, but I do know it happened, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
I moved on with my life because it’s not only embarrassing but painful and literally makes me want to vomit thinking about it.
That is being a victim.
What these idiots are doing is cashing in and I don’t feel sorry for them.
If you have the power to stop something like that and are at the age to stop something like that then you should stop it.
They clearly consented, they are not victims, and this is a slap in the face to actual children who dealt with being molested.
They’re not victims, they’re whores. Big difference. Just because a whore later regrets accepting money and cars in exchange for sex it does not make them a victim.
Where’s the story about them being held down and having sexual activity forced on them?
Oh wait that didn’t happen.
Gotta love the irony too, people accuse women who were rape victims of lying, but when it’s a man who supposedly touched another man gay panic and whatever else is excused.
Even gay men are joining in and feeling sorry for these twits calling them “boys” when they’re grown fucking men.
Self-hatred to the extreme.
Täs Zinck
@No. 1
It’s a scandal because Eddie Long was a pastor who avidly preached against homosexuality. So as someone who supports ‘pray away the gay’ tactics, it’s important that he is exposed as a closeted man, and that the dangers of a society that rejects the acceptance of homosexuality, in that it warps closeted men into living in secret which often results in unhealthy relationships with minors, or promiscuity which leads to disease, needs to be addressed.
@Täs Zinck: Somehow I doubt bigots will look that deep into it.
They’ll say he was a devil in disguise and find another homophobic pastor.
All this story will do is give homophobes something to nod about and reinforce the idea that the gays trying to turn their young men.
Nevermind that their young men consented and were clearly fine with it until the checks stopped coming in.
Hilarious, my 16 y.o. cousin was seduced by her therapist who was treating her for depression. I guess she is a whore, too. All the teens who were molested by priests all whores. He met these guys when they were 15 or 16 years old and encouraged to refer to them as”father”
Täs Zinck
@Hilarious: Yeah, I agree with you that most bigots won’t see the reality of the situation, but that’s why we’re here and this article is here, to open up dialog about it so it will be addressed and by fostering understanding about the dangers of closeted men in the gay community itself it promotes personal understanding, which is a must if we are to confront bigots on these issues.
And as for these men being consenting individuals, it’s hard to define what consenting really means. Because the whole thing is subjective and circumstantial, it isn’t as simple as saying, “yes I will have sex with you,” or “no I will not.” Let’s face it, from someone who is 18, I think 17 can be a very impressionable age, and one that usually comes with a mindset that is easily manipulated by role models. In this case Long was a spiritual “father” to LeGrande, and if we are to believe LeGrande’s claims in entirety then Long and LeGrande’s first sexual episode took place under the affect of Ambien administered by Long. Sounds like date rape to me.
…Seduced? You mean her succubus therapist used magical powers on her and took away her ability to think for herself?
Whatever you guys want to think.
When this blows up in your faces and gives more power to anti-gay legislation see if you think abusing the law to have a go at a bigot was worth it.
Bigot or not he’s still a gay man and a gay man is all other bigots will see therefore they don’t give a crap about him. We’re only hurting ourselves once again and it’s a shame none of you can see that.
FYI @Kim: I was only speaking about this story in which these men were given cars and money. They accepted. They are whores.
Don’t twist my words or this story into something it’s not. Victims of molestation to not both receive gifts. They’re put in an impossible situation and forced to let someone they trusted have their way with them. They aren’t whisked away on luxury vacations.
America has become so coddled and border-line retarded. Personal responsibility be damned, the law should think for me!
If they really were molested how would suing for money change that?
Like I said I was molested, I have to live with it. If they were molested they will have to live with it and no amount of money will make it go away.
If they only cared about making it so he could no longer be in a position to “force” other men into being with him then they would have gone to the congregation and told them directly what happened to them.
They wouldn’t just now pipe up when there’s money involved.
@Täs Zinck: That’s not how the law works. I’ve frowned upon people of certain ages dating people under 25 for a long time, but that’s not what concerns me.
What concerns me is that OUT gay men who do date late teens and early 20 somethings will be able to be sued because some kid decided he’s straight and was molested a few years after having consensual sex.
Instant pay day without having to go down on a gay panic murder charge.
Teens in general are not nearly as impressionable as you’re making them out to be. It’s damn near impossible to get a teen to do anything they don’t want to do. They’re not remotely innocent anymore, if they ever were at all.
It’s not that long ago that I was still a teen. They’re not children, they know what they’re doing, and they know what “bad touch” is.
There are children now who speak up when someone does something they don’t like. This was a bunch of teens fully capable of communicating and expressing themselves to anyone and everyone who would listen.
Like I said when the anti-gay legislation comes out of this just remember you supported it. It will happen.
Bigots will only see another gay man who’s a pervert and prayed upon straight young men. They will not see anything else.
On top of the fact that unless someone he did this with below the age of consent speaks up he never actually broke a law. Laws aren’t made up on the fly and they don’t differ from person to person. The law is the law is the law for everyone.
Do you really want them to make the age of consent for gay men something like 22 or 23 and keep it 15-17 for everyone else? So once again we have to keep fighting to be treated equally?
There’s far more than taking down a bigot on the line. It’s protecting ourselves because this man makes us all look like predators.
I see people thumbing down my comments and ignoring whatever I have to say, fine. Be that ignorant.
I’m not defending him, I’m defending myself, and my image. If people see him as a pervert what’s to stop them from seeing me another gay man as a pervert too?
They already swear up and down they can’t leave children around gay men as it is.
scott ny'er
this just gets better and better. Like all these scandals involving anti-gay peeps, I love to see them exposed and that everyone sees them for the big depraved hypocrites they truly are.
sorry for anyone who was victimized by him.
scott ny'er
@Hilarious: You bring up some interesting points. But I don’t think it’s so black and white. People in power are able to take advantage of those under their influence and thus prey on them. It’s possible that before the gifts, he started preying on them.
Take for example those old stories of the evil creepy man, who offers to kids ice cream or candy. The kids follow in hopes of something sweet, gets into the car, whatever and is never seen again. Is that the kids fault because he/she wanted some sweets? Are they whores?
I do think that this is on a much bigger scale and confuses the issue but this douche, Long is still wrong for what he did, IMHO. It just smells wrong.
But I get what you are saying. Were these kids like Courtesans of old or truly abused?
Isn’t that what all churches are?
No. 1 · Hilarious wrote, “I’m still trying to figure out how this is a ‘scandal’.”
Aside from the hypocrisy (which is good for laughing at Long), the scandal is the abuse of a position of trust. The allegations are similar to a sexual harassment case in which one’s boss at work tries to get sexual favors from an employee or a case in which a psychiatrist has a tryst with a patient. That’s fundamentally different that a 19 year old meeting an older guy and they end up seducing each other.
@Hilarious: In Arkansas our age of consent is 16, and I would agree with that. I’m not arguing to raise the age of consent, I never said that, nor did I say I support their lawsuits. I’m just saying he did take advantage of them, and he was wrong for it, and that is a product of him being closeted.
I do think that it’s ridiculous to think that anti-gay legislation would come from this though. This same thing happens with anti-gay politicians and preachers all the time, it’s nothing new. It’s just important that every time this does happen we make the real reason it did evident. It’s not because he’s gay, it’s because he was closeted and lived in secret, which is a product of anti-gay church efforts.
I’m not thumbing down your opinions, or ignoring you. I’m discussing these things because that’s how an intelligent person handles it. One should not assume they are automatically right, they should seek to understand the other persons point of view, which is what I’m doing.
the crustybastard
@Hilarious said, “I’m still trying to figure out how this is a “scandal”.
It is a scandal because the prominent pastor who bellicosely denounces homosexuality is himself secretly having sex with males.
It is a tort because the pastor conned unsophisticated young men and exploited his fraudulent reputation to deceive their trusting families.
Bigots will only see another gay man who’s a pervert and prayed upon straight young men. They will not see anything else.
Actually, that seems to be your problem. Conspicuously.
Well people can thumb down my comments and tell me how wrong I am but no one can specifically point out what law he actually broke.
@the crustybastard: “Actually, that seems to be your problem. Conspicuously.”
That didn’t make any sense.
At no point in time did I ever say he was right or that I was even defending him.
What I’m concerned about is how this can be twisted against gay men in general. I really don’t give a shit about Eddie Long, to be honest I do think he was wrong period for being with a teenager at all let alone many, but that is not against the law.
Why should anyone support twisting the law when it suits them for personal gain? What comes around goes around.
And the reason I said I don’t see why it’s a “scandal” is because the word “scandal” is only ever used when homosexuality is involved.
Re No. 16, “And the reason I said I don’t see why it’s a ‘scandal’ is because the word ‘scandal’ is only ever used when homosexuality is involved.”
…. Counterexample: and in particular, “the alleged Hart-Rice sex scandal” (between Gary Hart and Donna Rice, curiously with a photo of Rice sitting on Hart’s lap on a yacht named “Monkey Business”).
And the reason I said I don’t see why it’s a “scandal” is because the word “scandal” is only ever used when homosexuality is involved.
You never saw the word ‘scandal’ used in conjunction with the Clinton-Lewinsky saga? Did you ever pick up a newspaper or turn on the news that year?
How can you make a statement like the one above, and can’t realize why people are thumbing down your comments?
Watch more accusations come out against Mr. Long than just these four brave young men. Judge and ye shall be judged, and Mr. Long is being judged with a vengeance.
No. 19 · obiwan wrote, “Watch more accusations come out against Mr. Long than just these four brave young men. Judge and ye shall be judged, and Mr. Long is being judged with a vengeance.”
With just three, all from the same church and some with a criminal past, one might give Long the benefit of the doubt (whatever one might suspect privately, its bad form to accuse someone publicly without really solid proof), but now there is a forth from a different church, so barring evidence to the contrary, one would presume that he did not know the others. If still more add themselves to the lawsuit, he’s going to have more and more trouble whitewashing it by claiming a conspiracy.
Time will tell. It’s better not to dump on him prematurely given the rate at which new people are talking publicly about their experiences as it is probably only a week or so before we’ll have more definitive information about him.
Also, while there are allegations of lavish gifts, it’s simply prudent to wait until documentation is made public (credit card receipts, etc., particularly if church funds were used to pay for it, in which case tax-free gifts to buy sexual favors from some teenagers would probably not go down very well with the IRS).
Assuming the allegations turn out to be true, the young men involved deserve a lot of sympathy and understanding (but not a reduced sentence if the allegation that one burglarized the church is true).
the crustybastard
@Hilarious said, “That didn’t make any sense.”
Perhaps if you put a little more effort into thinking, and a little less time reflexive gainsaying of all the people who are patiently answering your questions (only to be rewarded by your continued “I don’t get it, everybody but me is so ignorant” replies).
@Hilarious: I agree with Hilarious. Obviously it is a scandal due to his position as a preacher… but I don’t see the child molester moniker applying when the targets are 17/18 or 20 year olds. A 16 or 17 year old knows when an older adult is foisting himself or herself on them. If these young adults didn’t like the attention, then perhaps they shouldn’t have gone on international jaunts and shopping sprees and slept in the same bed with this “minister”.
Interestingly, Long graduated from NCCU in N.C., school of that paragon of virtue Crystal Mangum.
i’m beginning to fear that Eddie Long may take his own life.
The very assumption that age defines “what people know” about sex or “bad touch” etc is so classicist it’s laughable. Nobody on this blog knows what those ~boys~ (& to me anyone under 25 is still a boy) did or did not know, understand, or have done ~to~ them. None of us know what kind of power he might have held over them. Religious leaders have always been masters at brainwashing and manipulation. From the tone of this thread I take it most of you have any sympathy for any of those poor cultists who get tricked into similar or worse all the time either eh?
It’s such a sorry stereotype being played out here, the angry victim who deals with their feelings of helplessness at what happened to them by victimizing and pointing the finger at other victims. @Hilarious go back to therapy buddy. You are obviously nowhere near over what happened to you to be saying what you are saying.
The age of consent in my country is 14, some of the ~realtionships~ I have seen would be considered criminal in the states. *shakes head* Laws are not the defining lines of morality. What that man did is wrong and that makes it a scandal. He should not be allowed to get away with it, no matter what your laws say about age.
Urgh this is SO f*cking creepy!
Creepy christian seduced confused youths into bed.
The christian faith sure is so open to abuse and hypocrisy.
Christianity is, as I’ve said many, many times, an unpleasant death cult that turns a joyous celebration of sex into something bad and riddled with guilt.
An gobsmacked there are those who can not see how so very wrong Long’s actions are. He began grooming these kids when they were 13/14 years old. He created this “academy” as a vehicle for “troubled teens” to find “the right path” He basically told the usually single Mothers to put their trust in him, that he would mentor and watch over their kids. These kids were impressionable and regardless of the fact that this scumbag was smart enough it seems to hold off on the full on molest until they were above the age of consent, what makes this whole drama so very wrong is his original intent. And that was to create a pool of boys to have sex with. Unfortunately studies have shown that kiddie diddlers tend to be above average intelligence very proficient in creating ways to ensure a steady supply of victims. Long found a way to increase his supply ten fold. And while so far the victims who have come forward have been of age, the news that younger victims were preyed upon him would not exactaly be very shocking. I recall a so very sick statement made by a convicted kiddie diddler, when asked why he kept on preying on young kids he replied “its like the potato chip thing, you can’t eat just one”.
All the while spewing his vile rhetoric against all things Gay. Including after a Gay rights measure was approved leading a demonstration 25,000 people strong. How many Gay teens not “lucky” enough to be invited to his academy were thrown out of their homes by their lemming like parents who hung onto Longs every anti-Gay words? How many were forced to sell their cocks for cash? How many committed suicide? How many Gays were bashed by those influenced by his vile rhetoric?
This guy deserves zero sympathy his decades long charade of spewing vile anti Gay rhetoric all the while preying on teens did serious damage to lots of people even beyond those victims of his sexual abuse…….
scott ny'er
@MGangemi: More good points being brought up.
Here’s something that might help… from the Washington Post. It indicates how Long used his power to manipulate these boys. As other posters are indicating, age doesn’t matter because power is what is the problem here. Think about Jim Jones and how he manipulated a ton of people, old and young.
According to suits filed in Dekalb County, Long enticed the young men into homosexual acts with jewelry, cars, trips and access to celebrities. B.J. Bernstein, the attorney for the four plaintiffs, declined to comment on the case or whether more young men would come forward with similar allegations. Last week she released pictures Long allegedly sent to his accusers from his cellphone of himself in bathrooms in a variety of tight-fitting muscle shirts.
In their lawsuits, the young men, all over 16 at the time of the alleged incidents, say that Long instructed them to call him “Daddy” and moved to block their relationships with girls by “increased contact and spiritual talk as to the covenant between the Spiritual Son and himself.”
OK, twenty years ago when I was in middle school, my math teacher invited me to go to a baseball game with him after school. I declined. A few months later, he asked if I wanted to go on an overnight trip to an amusement park, I declined again. I didn’t ask my parents what they thought, I myself knew something was off.
If 20 years ago, I could know that some things seem weird and creepy, how can in this day and age with the increased sexualization of youth, the internet, 500 channel cable tv, etc., how can teenagers not know something seems weird with a situation like this? I’m not blaming the kids, but they can’t be THAT naive when presented with these trips and gifts, can they?
Now here’s the 64 thousand dollar question – did they receive the cars and really expensive gifts before or after the sexual molestation began. If they received it before, did they do these things with the pastor because they felt they owed returning gratitude for the expensive gifts or did the pastor give them these gifts as hush money after he started pushing himself on them?
Time will tell how this will turn out. It is unfortunate for those who adore Pastor Long as a spiritual avatar if he is guilty of the charges leveled against him. Whenever an sainted icon falls it is devastating. If he is exonerated it will be unfortunate because he may continue to be a divisive force in the culture wars and who knows how many people are impacted — directly and indirectly — by vitriol from the pulpit.
Regardless of whether they were of the age of consent or not. I think there is a kind of coercion here because he was in a position of power over them because they were part of his congregation and youth group.
Whether you’re in the closet or out, it’s wrong to take advantage of your power that way.
It would be a different thing if he had been found to having sex with random guys he met in a bar or on the Internet.
A common thread I have read in all these comments from both advocates of Pastor Long and his detractors is that this Pastor Long leads a cult (of personality). And this makes the accusations of the young men all the more plausible. Now these young men may not be paragons of virtue (I understand one was guilty of robbery) — but this doesn’t negate the veracity of their charges. People have been coerced to commit incredible acts they wouldn’t ordinarily under the influence of cult personalities.
Though I occasionally click onto this site to keep informed about things that are happening, I rarely ever comment anymore. Today, I just have to.
@Tallskin2 #26: “Christianity is, as I’ve said many, many times, an unpleasant death cult that turns a joyous celebration of sex into something bad and riddled with guilt.”
Read more:
Yes! This! How many times have I tried to warn peeps how evil Christianity and religion altogether can be?
Though I occasionally click onto this site to keep informed about things that are happening, I rarely ever comment anymore. Today, I just have to.
@Tallskin2 #26: “Christianity is, as I’ve said many, many times, an unpleasant death cult that turns a joyous celebration of sex into something bad and riddled with guilt.”
Yes! This! How many times have I tried to warn peeps how evil Christianity and religion altogether can be?
Love when these liars are exposed. I hope he is humiliated and his empire collapses. His congregation needs to step-up and condemn this as well. How do these people live with themselves and why do people follow his hate rhetoric?
He and Ted can start a new Church-The New Reformed Bling and Snort-Touch and Lick Society of Our Lord in Denial.
@MGangemi: @Hilarious go back to therapy buddy. You are obviously nowhere near over what happened to you to be saying what you are saying.
Wow you just used the fact that I was molested as a child and honest enough to state it to explain my position and you threw it back in my face as an insult.
You’re certainly the one who should be in therapy. Clearly there’s something wrong with you if you thought for a second it was ok for you to type that.
I did nothing wrong you idiot. I was a victim. You’re a monster. Just because you’re online doesn’t mean you have to be an inhuman freak.
@MGangemi: “The very assumption that age defines “what people know” about sex or “bad touch” etc is so classicist it’s laughable. Nobody on this blog knows what those ~boys~ (& to me anyone under 25 is still a boy) did or did not know, understand, or have done ~to~ them.”
Oh bullshit you’re the one being both classist and racist.
First of all you’re assuming because they’re black that they’re poor.
Secondly you’re assuming because they’re black they’re so wrapped up in religion that they’re bowing down worshipping this man as an idol and don’t think for themselves.
Finally you think poor people aren’t educated and therefore do not know how to get themselves out of a situation that they do not like.
It’s usually the rich and upper-middle class that can’t think their way out of a paper bag because many have been coddled.
I could sit here and type up a 20 page essay about what you do not know about black people and religion, but I don’t feel like it. Black Americans have just as many religions as anyone else in America, they don’t all preach homophobia, nor do all churches. I went to the same baptist church for over 20 years, not once did my pastor preach homophobia the entire time he was there while he was alive. No one at my church is so wrapped up in religion either, it varies from church to church just like anywhere else.
Just because some idiots want to be racist and spread hatred about and against black churches does not make it true.
And before you start I’m damn near an atheist. I believe in a higher power and that’s it. I make no assumptions about spirituality because it cannot be proven or disproven.
Wow after typing all this I then realized you’re the same jackass who through molestation in my face too but since I bothered to type it maybe someone who isn’t ignorant will read it. You however can go choke on a dick since it’s pretty clear the highlight of your day is insulting people.
Taylor Siluwé
@scott ny’er:
Of course he cock-blocked any girlfriends because he wanted his youthful charges horny, hard and ready to blaspheme.
And if I hear him claim to be the victim on more time, equating his rich and powerful self to “David” battling Goliath, I’ll puke.
If he really has “five rocks” [proof of innocence, maybe?], then he could have thrown at least one at that weak-ass press conference.
But he didn’t. He came out primped and preened and cried the victim. And maybe it was just me, but his brow had the same arch as Clinton’s when said he didn’t have sex with that woman.
Or maybe I just watch too much Lie to Me.
Taylor Siluwé
Once again, you’re being unintentionally funny in a cringe-worthy way.
Let’s step back from you’re ridiculous claim that legal consent aged young men may one day decide they were molested and sue. Even so, its aside from the point.
Protecting our image is admirable, which may explain why so many still gave you a thumbs up, but everything else smacks of a wimpy attitude toward standing up for what’s right.
The point here is a church, New Birth Missionary (Position?) Baptist Church or even the Vatican protecting their leader when they have full knowledge of abuse of power and authority taking place.
That’s why they are being sued.
Try as you might, you can’t make a ‘molestee’ out of an 18 year old.
@MGangemi: I agree the age disparity, 57 and 16 is disturbing, whether the person is homosexual or heterosexual. Most people have other things in common with their sexual partners besides sex. There should not have to be a law for everything. I can’t imagine a 57 year old showing up as a prom date nor a 16 year old showing up at a business party. All a 57 year old can give a 16 year old is, clothes, cars money, trips, or a home, all a 16 year old has to give is sex and giggles.