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Isaac Hanson of the band Hanson (remember them?) shared a truly kooky, pro-Christ, typo-laden post on social media yesterday about how he believes COVID-19 is really just a government plot to cancel Christmas.
“At some point very soon Christians and Church’s [sic] (and for that matter anyone of any faith) is going to have to decide, is [sic] your faith is more important than your fear,” Hanson wrote.
The “MMMBop” singer continued, “We are quickly approaching Christmas and it too will be canceled (by our governments), just like Easter was and Thanksgiving is being suggested to be. I for one will not comply.”
Oh, but it gets even kookier. Because then Hanson quoted the bible, writing: “I fear God more that [sic] I fear death and far more than I fear my government!!! (Prob. [sic] 9:10)”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
That’s not the actual quote, of course, but it’s sort of in the ballpark.
Our deepest condolences to all you Hanson fans out there.
To date, the U.S. has recorded 9 million coronavirus cases and 231,000 COVID-related deaths. Health experts believe the current increase is being driven largely by people who are asymptomatic and are continuing to urge people to wear masks and practice social distancing.
Related: Christian hate group says gay underwear ad has ruined Christmas
His Christian education is really showing with all his misspelling and typos.
NO, NO, NO!!!!! Now, it’s all well and good to be snarky and attack those in politics and celebrities. But snark and attacks on good music will not stand. These people need to take their pitchforks and torches back home. LEAVE HANSON ALONE!!!!
How will he get the mental help and psychiatric therapy he needs if we leave him alone? That should be more of a concern than his old ass music.
It isn’t “Kooky”, it’s unhinged and dangerous. The Republican war on education has been very successful in some areas.
i agree with you for once. i’m guessing these has beens voted for trump. they are too clueless to think logically. halloween wasn’t cancelled. neither will any of our remaining holidays. you just have to be creative & safe. ugh- i’m so beyond sick of the stupid. it’s all giving me a migraine.
Awww another former heterosexual tween Graham probably spanked over hurt his feelings and now this is what he’s passing off as “news”. How the phuck does this have anything to do with Queerty?
I hope he catches it. Its the only way people like this can learn.
I don’t know. Look how well it worked out for Trump.
Exactly. Ignorance is bliss.
Mister P
There is no war on Christmas and Christmas can’t be canceled. Only idiots think it can.
Is there something in the water in this country that is making people profoundly stupid??
Jack Meoff
It’s been going on for decades. I blame the education system and the fact that churches have to much power any many states.
Liquid Silver
Wow, such a dangerous and selfish opinion. My friend is a former Hanson fan and let me just say this is far from the worst thing they’ve done this year… Zac Hanson is just as deluded. It’s been a rough year.
He needs to get together with Kirk Cameron…they’d make a cute couple…totally insane but cute. They’re both ultra Christian nuts which most likely means extreme closet cases
The boy’s got to get off drugs.
I think Isaac has ben mmmbopped too often in the head
Dick Mayhem
One of the few positive elements of this pandemic/trump era is that people are feeling free to bring the crazy out into the open.
Why arent these insane sock puppets worried about the war on groundhog’s day? That is real the war on christmas is not. Hey you want to take your early teen success with nothing since and infect your elderly relations killing them go ahead. And you can live with the guilt
paul dorian lord fredine
easter wasn’t ‘canceled’. thanksgiving hasn’t been ‘canceled’. they won’t ‘cancel’ christmas. they’re only recommending you think twice about large gatherings. now, your concerts? they should be canceled ’cause who needs you so mmmmbop outta here.
Must have needed more followers. Nothing gets you those like saying something controversial.
Trump is gathering the morons together to drive them over a cliff.
Cognitive dissonance
1. Complains about concert venues being hit hard financially because of the pandemic.
2. Says Let’s have big parties during a pandemic
I guess his definition of Christmas is shopping and parties, because no one can actually “cancel” what Christmas means. donald dump really brought out the true lunatics who would have otherwise remained under their rock of shame.
Here is a Fun Question. If COVID is such a Fake Thing ? Why isn’t he and his Band holding an Normal Arena Concert instead of an Online Streaming Concert? Sounds to me He wants to spread Fear and Hate and Get The Christian Right Up in arms but lets hide behind his Video Camera
Why the he*l are American Christians such right wing fruitcakes?
I’m betting he doesn’t even know that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th.
Not condoning anything this wackadoo is saying, but…should Queerty be criticizing anyone about typos???
Yeah yeah whatever your name is, just sing that one song I paid six bucks to hear then go home. Keep your batshit religion to yourself.
Heywood Jablowme
I had a friend in the ’90s who was both a raging atheist AND a drooling chickenhawk Hanson fan. If he’s still alive I’d enjoy hearing him rage about THIS.
Anyway I just looked up Probably Proberbs (?), um, Proverbs 9:10 and it’s not much like that!
Imagine a God who is like, “You didn’t spread a deadly disease to worship me? I condemn you!”
“Heaven” and “Hell” sounds like it’d just be a joint sadistic partnership in that circumstance.
Yeah, dude… so, if you don’t like the government’s shatting upon Christmas, perhaps you should think about voting in a DIFFERENT government? Like we just did three days ago.
Christmas will occur on December 25 even during a pandemic.
Attending large church gatherings during a pandemic has nothing to do with faith as much as it does with ego.