THE SHOT — With Cape Town’s gay pride events having wrapped up, let’s share the creation of local gay couple Huge Brockman and Henry Bantjez: a a new gay flag for their nation. See, it incorporates the rainbow colors you’ve been used to seeing since 1978 along with South Africa’s flag stripes. A portion of the proceeds from the flag merch, distrbuted by P2-Ink, will go the group Luleki Sizwe, which helps lesbian victims of corrective rape. Pretty nifty! [via]
It’s South Africa’s New Gay Flag (For South Africans)
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What a totally unoriginal, bland design!!! I feel ashamed to be a South African gay under that stupid flag. Awful! Go back to art school!!!
Myself and thousands of South Africans (here and abroad) are incredibly proud of our new flag (it was a main feauture at Pride in South Africa) and a tool for raising awareness for corrective rape (the spokes person for the flag is an African woman, Ndumie Funda (see ) who is at the forefront of getting the South African government to declare corrective rape of African lesbians a hate crime. I say with tears in my eyes thank you thank you for this beautiful flag
Incredible. These guys are doing such great work. Love it and wonderful to vsee the flag all over the villiage in Cape(own as well as in some black townships! Yay!
Our SA gay flag is beautiful and so are the people behind it. There will always be white boys like Nic who hate. This flag is an incredible new symbol of our solidarity. For once lgbt issues that are serious (especially in the townships where my black lesbian sisters are being raped by straight men)- we need this flag – we need to protect ourswlves so we do not end up like Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria…viva the gay flag of South Africa!!
Love it!
Dear Tumi,
Get a life you racist pig. How do you even know that I am white? I happen to be mixed race so please put that in your pipe and think twice before you write such idiotic drivel.
If the icon was designed to appeal to narrow minded, design-ILLITERATE people like you then it surely has succeeded.
The fact of the matter is: it’s boring, it’s uninspired, it’s expected and does not inspire me to want to stick it on my car let alone paint it on my chest when I go out.
Please grow some taste.
Red Meat
@Nic: Its simple and understandable. You are asking for a flag that has a picture of an anus looking back at you.
Dear Mr Red Meat, thank you for taking the time to write back.
I don’t know how aesthetically pleasing an anus, or asshole, staring back at you would be. I don’t want that on a flag, thank you very much.
I also don’t like it when assholes write back to me, let alone stare back at me.
Have a wonderful evening, toodles.
Well done!
Huge Brockman
I would let pioneering activist Ndumie Funda answer this question in a direct quote. (Ndumie’s lover was “correctively raped” and died as a result. She has won 140 000 signatures in a record-breaking petition to call our government to action):
“Our government constitution is highly inclusive, but in practicality it is not. By hanging the GLBT flag of South Africa in our streets and houses we can intimidate perpetrators of corrective rape, plus the government as it reminds them that we are not going anywhere. We are also citizens of this country and therefore we demand justice and equality for all.”
The GLBT flag of South Africa is a means to develop a queer South African identity, resolve local issues and to generate funds for local causes, whilst remaining a part of the African and international GLBT life.
All individuals are free to use the design of the GLBT flag of South Africa for personal use. Feel free to paint the flag, go wild – paint your fridge, your car, house in the colours.
We ask any and all NGOs, NPOs and charities promoting GLBT causes to contact us on how to use the GLBT flag of South Africa for their causes at no charge.
There has been a clear slide in GLBT rights: South Africa’s UN Ambassador’s vote, the continuous corrective rape and eroding GLBT rights in Uganda and Malawi made me feel the need to act immediately.
We have not stated that the GLBT flag of South Africa is the “official” queer flag. However, we have asked the community to see its value and to adopt it. De Waterkant (gay villiage in Cape Town) is flying the flag in solidarity.
I have stepped forward, put my resources on the line, given generously to charity and made this flag my life’s work.
I just happen to live in Cape Town and as such there are geographical limitations. The GLBT flag of South Africa was launched at MCQP because it was an immediate platform to the national GLBT community as people from across the country attend.
I was approached by Gareth Dallas (Cape Town Pride festival director) who saw my passion and asked me to become a Pride volunteer. I did so immediately and have since thrown myself wholeheartedly into helping out.
I ask every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered South African to give the GLBT flag of South Africa a chance. It is only 3 months old, but it is already working for your community and causes and getting positive media attention. If you do not like it, then just move on. Don’t try and trash something that is already doing so much good.
More than that we invite queer communities across the country to contact P2-INK to see how we can promote GLBT issues in your cities and communities.
Ps it was beautiful seeing a sea of SA gay flags at Cape Town Pride!
Huge Brockman
@nic- there’s that word again – “hate” eish…
Tumi, we are having two different conversations here. Please pick one. The one is about the design – which is quite frankly boring and uninspired. The second topic is the one surrounding hate crimes in townships.
Please re-read my comments and figure out which one I am commenting on.
Does this any sense to you or should I draw you a picture?
Tumi, we are having two different conversations here. Please pick one. The one is about the design – which is quite frankly boring and uninspired. The second topic is the one surrounding hate crimes in townships.
Please re-read my posts and try to figure out which one I am commenting on.
Does this any sense to you or should I draw you a picture?
Now go away, you are boring me now.
The design is actually quite clever. Makes an immediate psychological and recognizable staytement. Love it (btw I own a huge advertising firm and I am in awe of what the flag has already achieved in such a short span) well done!
Excellent! Love it. You should be very proud
Red Meat
@Nic: That was totally not sarcasm, really. You sound like a fat old South African queen living next door to a gay spa that has a big ol’rainbow flag flying high, and now your pride and joy is about to be outdated and old just like you.
Love it! Well done South Africa!
??The design is actually quite clever. Makes an immediate psychological and recognizable staytement. Love it (btw I own a huge advertising firm and I am in awe of what the flag has already achieved in such a short span) well done!
Wow. Utter respect! See this from Melanie Nathan – one of San Fransisco’s most influencial lesbian and gay activists.
Awesome!!!!!! What great gay leaders u guys have in S Africa! Neat job!
Our world is sure accepting! Africa don’t forget the flag for allmighty God. After all he’s the reason you’re here.
Beautiful! Well done guys! Very proud! Saw your interview live on tv. U r awesome!! The flag is stunning and your work is inspiring.
Finally a real GAY country!
From Florida in the United States; congratulations South Africa. What a WONDERFUL flag you have created, and a powerful symbol for people to stand behind.
Greetings from New York – I saw you guys in passport magazine! Well done that you are already gping around the world with this. You must be so proud! Wish we had you in the USA. S. Africa is a country we should look up to. Ellen! get this on your show!!
[email protected]
what a fantastic idea! COngratulations SOUTH AFRICA. You are an inspiration for us in the USA! GO SOUTH AFRICA! This has made me decide to take a trip down there with 8 friends!! LOVE YOUR GAY FLAG!!! You guys are BEAUTIFUL
[email protected]
Oh! I forgot. Check out For those of you interested in finding out about the LGBT flag of SOUTH AFRICA and what they have already achieved since the launch in December 2010 – please watch this 6min video (a recording that was live on TV)
Did you know that our African Lesbians are being CORRECTIVELY raped in the townships of South Africa? This is not even seen as a hate crime there! The flag is being used as a tool to raise awareness for corrective rape (and of course many other lgbt issues, and I saw amazing pics of it onkine at Cape Town Pride last weekend)
What a great idea! I wish more countries would do this. Great to see people so ACTIVE, instead of passively sitting at home bitching about issues or what OTHER people have done. Why do we bitch so much?
Any way- I have gone online and got myself one of these flags!
[email protected]
Check out the sexy launch video of the flag
[email protected]
palesa morare
Hi Huge
I just want to congratulate you on this one,this flag gave me new meaning to my life.My partner and I attended the Cape Town pride and at the air port a friend of ours was waiting for us flying the 2 flags.THAT MY FRIEND WAS AWESOME…AWESOME I tell you,im proud of who i am but that day was i felt accepted and given a sense of belonging.
As for the stereotypes of this world ,let them be and we will also be who we are.PROUD TO BE DIFFERENT.
Palesa FLY THE FLAG Morare
As someone not from South Africa, I think the flag is beautiful. I didn’t think a good flag could be made incorporating the rainbow and the South African flag design, due to the complexity.
Still, for a country which has a difficult past, I would have used multiple models of varying skin colours (and sexes) to show off the flag. After all, it does need to look good on everyone’s skin, not just the one particular beauty you’ve selected.
Well done – the flag looks Great – as Great as the people behind what the flag stands for.
@Nic: What would you have them design?? Why don’t you do something about it? Just cos its message is clear doesn’t make it unoriginal. People know what it stands for (I.e. Homosexuality(rainbow) in South Africa(the distinctive ‘Y’ shape) )
Would you like it more abstract, then?? o_o