Actor and conservative mouthpiece Jon Voight is trending this week—and, as you can imagine, it has nothing to do with his career. When was his last good performance anyway? Holes, nearly 20 years ago?
No, instead, it’s because he’s calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden, who he says “has wronged this nation’s glory.”
In yet another of his infamous creepy, dead-eyed videos, Voight moralizes straight to camera, yammering on about protecting the nation during this time of “so much turmoil.” As he suggests—amid a distracting amount of lip-smacking—the reason there’s so much unrest right now, why we’re all “very unsafe” and “angry,” is solely because of President Biden. Apparently he’s the lone factor standing in the way restoring the country to its “former greatness,” or whatever.
Can we all see eye to eye?
— Jon Voight (@jonvoight) June 28, 2022
Outside of the call for impeachment, Voight says a whole lot of nothing in the video, speaking only in vagueries about the “darkness” we’re living through and why Biden is to blame:
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“We cannot wait another second having him dictate our path,” Voight says of the POTUS. “Let us work together, get him out, and make this country what she stands for: Greatness, the land of opportunity, the land of the greatest soil our forefather’s fought for. Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat, and tears for his dictation of lies.”
Note the choice of words here: “Dictate,” “dictation.” The man stops just short of calling Biden a dictator, which is rich coming from someone who sees Donald Trump as a beacon of hope. Textbook hypocrisy.
And you have to laugh that, on Twitter, Voight captions the video, “Can we all see eye to eye?” Come on, dude, in what way is this even an attempt at reasoning? He’s just making big, empty statements and expecting everyone to nod complacently. It’s kind of hard to see eye-to-eye when the person you’re talking to has their head up their *ss.
At any rate, the video was posted a few days ago with little fanfare—just the usual MAGA heads sucking up to one of the few C-list celebrities who believes in the same nonsense as them. But, today, the internet at large has caught wind of the clip and, as expected, it’s lead to some hilarious dunks on Voight and the conservative hoo-hah he’s spouting:
Apparently, Jon Voight wants to be remembered as a blithering shithead and not an Oscar-winning actor.
— Middle Age Riot (@middleageriot) June 30, 2022
Not Jon Voight continuously reminding us why Angelina Jolie cut him out of her life.
— ?? (@skull_moss) June 30, 2022
Jon Voight's ardent belief we should take his silly pronouncements seriously would arouse pity but for the sheer arrogance in his display of ignorance of history, government, and politics.
— Jan_Ham ? (@Jan_Ham) June 30, 2022
Starting to think that Jon Voight took his role as a Nazi officer in “Uprising” a little too much to heart.
— RocknRollDem (@Soxfan311) June 30, 2022
I’m beginning to think that scene in Seinfeld, when Jon Voight bites Kramer, wasn’t in the script.
— Mark Strauss (@MarkDStrauss) June 30, 2022
— Original WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot (@fiditenominem) June 30, 2022
Jon Voight is a patriotic American.
Jon in Canada
LOL That comment, like your intellect, is one hell of a joke.
You’re not even trying anymore.
Ugh. Worst. Troll. Ever.
Agreed, and the look is part of the act if Queerty is unaware. When I hear “creepy” or “deadeyed” I think of those pale and purple haired train wrecks at my local starbucks. Can’t say I was surprised to learn they both are lesbians of the white male hating variety.
ROFLMAO he’s an asshole.
You guys ever notice how incels like complaining about hair colour?
I’m not sure I like his hair. Must be something in the water today to b*tch about hair coloring. But I’m all for protecting freedom of speech, no matter how insignificant it is.
Go away, you transparent loser!
Voight is nuts and you are incoherent. Predictable for sure.
You can dislike Biden, but he’s done nothing to be impeached for. However, if the Republicans win the mid-terms they will impeach Biden…just because they can.
I support Biden. We all should because that is the team we have on the field now.
Vote in every election.
Hey Jon is a has been and needs a little attention.
humble charlie
as much as i hate to say it, voight is an amazing actor. but he is not a great thinker, and, because acting deals mostly with being able to communicate emotions to an audience, he is the last person i’d go to for political information. just realize there are millions as crazy as he is.
Whatever happened to Jon Voight? He used to be a pretty decent, second-rate actor. Now he’s morphed into full-on Bizarro Trumpanzee…Sad!
There are many, plummeting stages between mental clarity and abject senility. This is one of them.
“There are many, plummeting stages between mental clarity and abject senility.”
Seeing Biden everyday confirms your statement.
Hey Mario! Do the hunter biden’s laptop thing!
Bosch wants a drink at this hour?
Haven’t heard from this idiot in a long time. Thanks for the update. Now I can stop thinking that maybe he died and I missed the announcement.
Biden is many things but “dictator” ain’t one of them. In fact, he might learn a few things from real dictators, like getting out in front of stories and crises instead of being reactive most of the time. And I say this as someone who voted for him, after supporting Bernie Sanders. Biden is still better than the psycho traitor Don the Con, who created daily chaos for three years before crashing the US economy on the shoals of Covid-19 and leaving the country in shambles, though.
Voight should acknowledge that one of the things that is happening under amidst everything else Biden is “opportunity,” since there are still over 1 million unfilled jobs in the US and increasing labor activism, unionization, etc.–while the rich are getting richer, of course, even without Don the Con’s budget-busting tax cuts–but calling Biden a “dictator” suggests Voight is completely losing it or has lost it. I vote for the latter.
You want Biden to get “…out in front of stories and crises instead of being reactive most of the time.”
How can he?
It’s evident to nearly 60% of Americans that he has senile dementia.
CIVIQS poll (June 29, 2022): “59% of Americans believe Biden has senile dementia.”
And yet Biden beat Trump. Wump wump.
i think throwing ketchup is a sure sign of senile dementia
Man About Town
From what I recall, Angie reconnected with him when her mother died. But I don’t know if they’re still in touch as of now.
What blows me away about his absurd rant is he never references anything specific. In the words of Holly Golightly, “Quelle Beast!”
Ironic that Voight was propelled into fame as a Hustler in Midnight Cowboy, and he exits from this World as a Hustler in MAGA Moron Cowboy.
Always does a great Acting portrayal as a Psychotic like his God, The Trump Chump.
He was great in his performance at the first Trump Inaugural. in proclaiming that Trump was sent by God.
It’s long past time to cancel Jon Voight. What a spineless, brainless tool.
when did john voight become an inferior Christopher Walken? besides in almost every movie he’s ever been in? could you re-imagine Deliverance with Mr. Walken playing the voight character? my deepest apologies if Mr Walken reads this and is offended in any way. happy canada day eh
I’m sorry, but I don’t know who is creepier, he or his daughter. They’re both cringe worthy.
Jami Stardust
Hey Mario! Just because something is believed by people doesn’t make it true. That’s a common falacy. I think it’s obvious that Biden isn’t senile. Let’s compare him to your boyfriend Don, Des he know and understand history? Biden=yes, Trump-no. Does he know Geography? Biden= yes, Trump=no. Does he know what’s going on in the world? Biden=yes, Trump=no. I could go on, but it would be so embarassing for you.
I think he’s been snorting too much viagra.
Jon Voight is a malignant pile of crap. Just ask his daughter. And besides, anyone that supports Trump, the most unfit and corrupt President in United States history can kiss my hairy ass.