Because Justin Beiber is a brand, he must have many brand extensions. Singing and touring isn’t enough, so there’s Proactiv. And now comes nail polish. The first six shades will be sold exclusively at Walmart, and then Sears and *ugh* Target. It’s quite a world when androgynous male teen stars can market style products to lady fans.
finger painting
Justin Bieber’s Brilliant Way to Distance Himself From Lesbian Image
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It only makes sense, he is so damm cuteicle :p……….
*groans from the internets*
Did Queerty just spell Justin Bieber’s name wrong?
his fugly.
Mac McNeill
I think that Justin has a thing for Jaden Smith. Why would he care about the females?
It’s a little disturbing how much younger these little “stars” are getting.
Next thing you know there will be toddlers babbling on stage, not that it will matter of course since it will be over-produced auto-tuned nonsense that sounds robotic anyway.
Are you kidding. Haven’t you seen “Toddlers in Tiaras”? And as for fashion, as they said in AbFab, if the models get any younger they’ll be rolling fetuses down the catwalk.
Justin Bieber is not a boy who looks like a lesbian, he is a boy who looks like a boy. He has nothing to explain or distance himself from. The strange thing is why so many adult lesbians choose to look like boys. If someone needs to distance themselves from an image, it is boyish lesbians, not boyish boys.
Jeff K.
Sometimes I feel bad for the poor kid because of everyone ragging on him. :/
Bob Wehaddababyitsaboy
Queerty has a bad habit of poor, unprofessional editing. Definitely *not* AP style.
I accidentally thumbed-up Mickael’s comment. Justin can look the way he wants and so can lesbians. In my opinion, what we all need to distance ourselves from is gender bias and such bull@@@@ such as “there are certain clothes and hairstyles that are inappropriate for boys or girls.”