Kim Davis is finally hitting the media circuit. (Honestly, we’re surprised it’s taken her this long.) This morning, the thrice-divorced Kentucky clerk spoke with Paula Faris on Good Morning America.
Related: Kim Davis Is Getting Her Very Own Armed Militia Security Detail
Davis said she absolutely, positively will not change her mind on the issue of same-sex marriage. But don’t get the wrong impression. She’s not antigay or anything.
According to Davis, she’s not a homophobe because…wait for it… she claimed, “I have friends who are gay and lesbian.”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
“They know where I stand,” she said. “We don’t agree on the issue and we’re okay because we respect each other.” But wait! She said they are going to hell! How can that be respectful?
Related: PHOTOS: Kim Davis Memes Just Keep Getting Better
When asked if she would deny marriage licenses to those alleged gay friends, she replied, “I did.”
Davis also noted that she’s not afraid of martyrdom and is fully prepared go to jail for her beliefs.
“I can’t put my name on a license that doesn’t represent what God ordained marriage to be,” she said.
And as for her own marriages, Davis said she’s been “forgiven” by the Lord Almighty for all those transgressions.
“Washed clean,” she uttered.
Related: PHOTOS: More Hetero Guys Make Out To Show Kim Davis Just How Wrong She Is
Other highlights from the interview included Davis denying that she’s akin to Hitler, claiming that what other people say about her doesn’t define who she is as a person, and questioning why “unhappy” gay people even want to get married in the first place.
“I feel really sad that someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper,” she said. “I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.” So why, then, did she get married so many times?
Davis’ next appearance will be with Megyn Kelly at FOX News later this week, which we’re sure will be absolutely riveting. Then she’s very likely off to jail again. LGBTQ Nation reports that Davis is probably going to be summoned back into court for once again defying a federal judge’s orders by altering documents issued to same-sex couples after she promised she wouldn’t.
Pants on fire!
Watch the full GMA interview below. Or don’t.
Stephen Meeks
1. The true reason for her actions: Money from the Media Circuit. 2) Yes, she is. 3) No, she doesn’t
Jesse Erickson
I very much doubt that
Londale Foster
She cant hand out licenses, she used them all..
Tony Minutella
Delusional bitch
Ron Jackson
I hope the judge swats this little toad with a big iron club of justice.
Roger Burnett
and she’s still collecting her $80,000 / year salary for NOT working?! who does she think she is? Congress?
Damon Robbins
She is going to be fired for altering the marriage licenses that her clerks signed.
James Beaman
No woman with gay friends would be allowed to dress like that.
Jim Thronberry
“had ” is the correct term !
“”And as for her own marriages, Davis said she’s been “forgiven” by the Lord Almighty for all those transgressions.
“Washed clean,” she uttered.””
No she hasn’t, Christ’s words basically say that anybody who gets a divorce and marries another is committing adultery every single day that they don’t go back to their first spouse.
So even if all of her sins up to a point were washed clean, guess, what, she’s busy breaking the Ten Commandments and committing new sins every single day.
As for her gay friends, do you notice how every right wing bigot “Sarah Palin, ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee” all lie and say that they have gay friends, but nobody can ever produce them.
Richard Goodnight
As long as they’re not equal.
Okay, Kim, here’s the deal. You say you have friends who are gay and/or lesbian. Prove it. That’s right—if these people are really your friends they should have no problem stepping forward and saying so. If there are no such friends, then you need to tell us once again why you lied (something you seem to do quite often and quite easily).
Michael Clifford
She only THINKS she has gay friends.
Jason Eric Klemm
Whenever ANYONE says ” I have ______ (insert minority) friends!!! ” they are almost ALWAYS bigoted racists…..its as old as the hills, that defense!
Darryl Moir
Gay frends of this bitch rise up and smite her hateful ass.
Jane Elliott
wonder if her Gay Friends will come out and stand by her, anyway this is what she wanted all along
Mark David
Um. Me thinks not
Brian JC Kneeland
This is the beginning – next will be her speaking fees and her book!
Michael Clifford
“â??I feel really sad that someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper,â? she said. â??I mean, thereâ??s just so much more to life than that.â? Then why did she do it 4 times???
Robert Pimentel
Queerty. ENOUGH !!! Already with this Bitch
Just because a person is against “gay marriage” doesn’t mean they’re homophobic. That being said, this woman has no business being the county clerk if she refuses to obey the law. She needs to resign. If she doesn’t resign and continues to go against the judges ruling, throw her ass back in jail.
Bobby French
If she has gay friends, they will be holding the gas chamber door open for the rest of us when a Republican president orders us to be eliminated.
I’d love to meet these gay friends of hers. Funny, because that’s ALWAYS the first thing you hear out of the mouths of bigots. She’s a JOKE and she belongs in jail or should resign if she refuses to do her job. All this game playing, etc. is getting old. DO. YOUR. JOB.
William Russell
So this is what represents Kentucky!?!
Robert Jowers
So let one of them come forward so we can see who they are
Bad Ass Biker
“I feel really sad that someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper,” she said. “I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.”
So why do straight people want thay piece of paper?
Dwight G Grogan
Why do all these homophobic hypocrites always claim to have gay friends??
Christopher Leiva
Yeah my sister tried that whole line of bullshit defending her anti-gay stance. I told her to tell her gay “friends” she’s against them getting married and then see how good of friends you are.
Manny Yoko
/ OMG !!!!!! SHE IS A SINNER !!!!!!!
Adam Longwell
So why she against gay marriage
I would say “I smell a BOOK DEAL!” but that would intone that her and her ilk are literate.
Michael Jarboe
They’re all “going to hell” but otherwise she LOVES them..
Ronnie Faulds
I hope she doesn’t have them (gay friends) much longer !
Why does she have a book of certificates documenting her marriages if it isn’t important . Fucking hypocrite .
Gordon Karpen
ð???ð???ð??¬She’s lying, she’s guilty, and she’s exploiting her fraud looking for a cash cow to redeem. Crimes against gay men known, for money. It’s very bad form!â°ð???ð???ð??¬
Lee Hogan Holden
the hateful bitch needs to go away!
Michael Haynes
Please all racists and Homophobes say they have Gay or Black friends it’s just there way to take the heat off of them..
Patrick Therssen
Just another selfish bitch…
Ai-Quoc N. Heller
Errol Semple
Name one gay friend.
William Britton
No “gay friend” would ever let you be seen in public looking like that so NO not today SATAN….
Sammy Schlipshit
Just a matter of time until she goes on hunting parties with the palin clan.
Here’s what I’m gonna do….after the horrid woman is put back into jail, for each day she remains there I will donate $10 to my local gay homeless youth support group.
This could start costing me a lot of money but I will make this donation as long as I can afford it. I ain’t da trump.
Will anyone join in?
Roger Honeycutt
We it ain’t her hairdresser that’s gay
Steve Jones
I’ve had straight “friends” and family who don’t feel I should have the same rights they’re afforded. I dropped them in a hot second when l found out they feel that way.
@aliengod: said… “Just because a person is against “gay marriage” doesn’t mean they’re homophobic.”
Yes it does. Your comment is like saying “Just because somebody is opposed to women voting doesn’t mean they are sexist”
Um, yes it does.
William Adkins
I find her repulsive, mostly in the mental sense. As far as her “gay and lesbian friends,” only one of two things: a) they aren’t REALLY her friends or b) they aren’t REALLY gay, as in self-respecting. Either way, to be associated with this woman right now is BAAAAADDDD mojo and if I were one of her “gay friends,” then I’d be the fastest G2H0 conversion in history (Gay 2 Heter-Zero, as in I would be worth zero…nothing to anyone, anywhere, anytime, anytime…)
Tom Mchenry
This saga is still going to get traction for a while, I’m afraid. An opportunist is an opportunist. God must be so proud of all the gifts and $$ she has received for being mistreated,maligned and dissed. She has played the “I have gay friends” card as most of her ilk do….uh-uh.Didn’t work for them and it sure doesn’t work for you,honeybunch. Who really cares if she goes back to jail anyway….she is okay with it because martyrdom is surely her main goal right now…she likes the lights and the cameras, make no mistake. Curious, why is God okay with her breaking the law..and drawing a healthy salary while refusing to do her complete job she swore and was elected to do? Huh? It’s a riddle to me.
Brian Bowen
If you are refusing to issue marriage licenses based on your “deeply held religious beliefs,” the Holy Spirit would like to have a Word with you!
The Holy Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that
in latter times some will turn away from the faith,
giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits
and doctrines that demons teach,
through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars
whose consciences are seared (cauterized),
***WHO FORBID PEOPLE TO MARRY***â?¦ 1 Timothy 4:1-3
When we take an intellectually honest look at the same sex marriage debate right now, I think we find that at no point in human history have we ever seen every element listed in this prophecy being fulfilled in such precise and accurate detail. Let’s break it down:
But the [Holy] Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in latter times
â??In latter times” would be after the Apostle Paul wrote this, so we are nearer now to the latter times (not to be confused with the end times) than when Paul was alive, so this prophecy cannot apply to any situation he was addressing in his day.
some will turn away from the faith
Only Christians can “turn away from the Christian faith.” How many Christians do we see who forbid LGBT people to marry, and act in such an un-Christlike manner when doing so?…even as they refuse to even discuss Apostle Paul’s ordination of same sex marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9.
giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach
I believe the doctrine of forbidding LGBT people to marry is indeed demonically inspired in an effort to prevent the fulfillment of Isaiah 56, Romans 11:25, and Luke 17:34, in an effort to prevent Jesus from returning by using His Own words against Him from Luke 24:44.
Through the hypocrisy
How much more hypocritical can it be for people who have often been divorced or committed adultery being some of the very ones who most loudly oppose same sex marriage?
and pretensions
How much more pretense can there be than to hear a Christian extol the virtues of exgay therapy only to be busted cruising Grindr, or the Minneapolis airport restroom, or with a RentBoy hired to carry their luggage?
of liars
How many more lies will we hear about how same sex marriage will lead to the end of humanity, or pedophilia, bestiality, or men marrying their refrigerators?…or the lies we hear about the causes of homosexuality, and how LGBT people are responsible for everything from hurricanes to earthquakes? Truth be known, these folks aren’t even wise enough to limit their lies to one cause of homosexuality, or one result of LGBT people getting married.
whose consciences are seared (cauterized)
Why is it atheists often seem to have more compassion toward LGBT people than most Christians do? How many more LGBT kids have to commit suicide before the Church realizes the damage their doctrines and lies are causing? Where is the love of Christ that is supposed to bring human compassion to our fellow man? How many families have been torn apart? How many LGBT kids have been kicked out of their homes? How many LGBT clergy have been defrocked just for being honest about who God created them to be? We don’t have to look too far in order to see the loudest opposition to same sex marriage comes from those who claim to “love the sinner,” but can’t even demonstrate the least level of human empathy and compassion, as if they have no conscience at all.
Who forbid people to marry…
Who else is being forbid to marry in the latter times (and under every condition the Holy Spirit states here) except LGBT people? And who else is forbidding people to marry except those who call themselves Christians, but do not at all reflect the love of Christ by which Jesus said people would know they were?
I believe the specificity and accuracy of this prophecy point to the current same sex marriage debate like a laser, and I believe even the most hardened homophobe will as well, if we can just get enough LGBT people who know to share it with them. They may still oppose same sex marriage, but they will no longer be able to use the Bible as a reason why without portraying themselves as being demonically influenced themselves.
This is a guided “power point” tour that walks viewers through a side-by-side comparison of the Scriptures containing both Jesus’ and Apostle Paul’s teachings on marriage, adultery and divorce. I believe it reveals Jesus taught LGBT people are naturally born so in Matthew 19:12, and that Apostle Paul ordained Same Sex Marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9.
Let me know if you spot any errors.
Jim Guinnessey
Doesn’t this foolish woman know she is being used by the self-promoting thugs of the far Right(Huckabee, Cruz, Staver., Liberty University, etc.,) to promote their bigoted and un-Christian causes at her expense? The media should ignore her.
This woman is such a hypocrite! I doubt very much if she has gay friends. Acquaintances, perhaps. If they were her friends, she would want to extend to them the same privileges that she enjoys.
Chris Brewer
she changes her story like she changes husbands.
@aliengod: said… “Just because a person is against “gay marriage” doesn’t mean they’re homophobic.”
I couldn’t disagree more. Someone who thinks a gay or lesbian person isn’t entitled to the same rights as themselves is most definitely homophobic & bigoted.
Susan Scott
Bitch please. She has no friends. If she really had gay friends she wouldn’t deny them their rights. After everything she’s said about them there’s no way anyone who’s gay would support her. She’s just trying to justify her actions. This is pure bullshit.
@Cam: Apples to oranges. I have to disagree with you.
What a fat arsed cun+
@RoughRugger: Sorry you disagree. But homophobia indicates a fear of homosexuals. Bigoted, absolutely! Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand this hypocritical bitch, I just think the word “homophobic” is way overused. Most people aren’t homophobic.
The classic intro of the bigot: “I have friends who are _____, therefore I can criticize them and not be a bigot.”
If you are denying gay people the right to marriage, you are a bigot, no matter how many gay friends you pretend to have.
With friends like Davis, who needs enemies?
Luis H. Lopez
Evil rediculous cunt !
Corey Eymann
can’t believe she’s trying to play that old card
Dave Hildebrand
I love it when people like her “come out” to say they have gay friends – I would like to see these “friends” speaking out publicly, alongside her.
Kristopher Saim-Gentry
I’d be interested in seeing some of her “gay friends” show up in her defense on some of these talk shows. Doubtful that she calls any gay a friend after the way she has treated the community in the last several months.
Ernesto Aragon
Her gay friends would not allow her to leave the house looking that way… specially her hair.
“The worst thing has been when people said that God doesn’t love me.”
Oh. Like what Christianists say to gay kids?
Welcome to our world, you spiteful bitch. How do you like it now?
M J Martinez Crogan
Not one “gay” would ever be her friend. This delusional bitch is still phucking sick in the head
Andrew Vermaak
Can we PLEASE flush this turd down the toilet! If she won’t go put more toilet paper and keep on trying. Just get her flushed!!!
Alex Rothwell
Well of course she does, just like Huckabee.
David Harlem
Yeah sure, that’s like “some of my best friends are black” while lynching your black next door neighbor!
Kim Davis may have had gay friends before she denied them marriage licenses but not after, but with her defective brain it does not matter.
Brad Krueger
Her actions tell me otherwise
Newsflash – This Just In:
Hitler: I am NOT an anti-Semite. I have plenty of Jewish friends!
Ted Bundy: I LOVE women! And women LOVE me!!
Osama bin Laden: Oh please… A lot of my best friends are Americans!
Lenin: Some are my favorite people are named Romanov. How dare you think otherwise!
Ben Bullock
Sissy that walk. Rupauls Makeover….
Deb Kerak
liar liar pants on fire.
Bill Mountrey
Liar, adulterer, law breaker… yet pretends to be a christian.
Greg Nash
Well if they not homophobic please explain to me why haven’t they balanced the issue by interviewing the people she denied marriage certificates. too. we cannot let the media get away with balance arguments
You would think if she has gay friends she would be better informed.
Kim Davis has ‘tasted’ celebrity! Once that happens, nothing will ever be the same again. She will now create controversy every chance she gets with the help of her lawyer who now sees ‘national’ in site. And she will get some kind of ‘very careful make-over, and dress design. I don’t know what the hell though they can do with her hubby. Total Hillbilly!
Maybe her next marriage can be Josh Duggar, I hear he’s looking to step out on his wife again.
Terry Sandy
What if 2 of her “gay friends” wanted to get married? Ther is no way she has ANY freinds that are gay after what she has pulled. Besides, no gay person would allow her to go before a TV camera looking like she does.
She has NO clue that her acquaintances really are hurt & insulted . No respect .
I’d like to see & hear these gay couples OWN words on this “friendship”
BTW you can’t use the government to force your religion on people.
Get THAT clue too.
Dana Dolce
I have hope that when she watches herself on tv she will soon realize that her world is so small and she is negatively affecting so many good people. How unfair she is to judge people who have the same rights to live as she does….how can she not see?
James Thomas
I’ll bet she doesn’t have any gay friends NOW!
“I feel really sad that someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they got a piece of paper.”
– Kim, I feel really sad that someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they ‘found Jeebus’ and twisted his teachings into something it isn’t which results in harming others.
Dan Steele
Let them get married? I doubt it. She doesn’t deserve gay friends.
A firehose and a steel wool couldn’t scrub away the ugliness from this one, and I’m talking about that inner-ugly.
Al Escoto
Not anymore
Tom Remillard
So she is a media whore
Aubrey Graumann
I’m amazed she can claim to have friends.
Faye Denton
Jacques van Rooyen
Where? In the seventh circle of hell?
Dan Meyers
Any person that claims to be gay or have gay friends and is AGAINST marriage equality is lying or a loser!
Keith Perdue
She is just a media whore…addicted to seeing herself as some sort of messiah, saving God’s Mandates…arrogant dumshit…
Well, I’m quite sure she does have gay friends. I’m sure Cruz, Huckabee, and etc. do as well. So did Reagan, Gingrich and the Bushes.
…Of course these “friends” are all self-loathing closet cases who count on their associations with bigots to keep their cover.
Maxie Grant
Jimmy Lee
What a lying POS. NO self respecting gay man or woman would call her anything but a Cee U Next Tuesday.
Does this mean Hucklebee, Cruz and all the nutcases at her rally are gay? Well, if that don’t blow my skirt up!
@Bad Ass Biker: and, why do they fight so hard to try and make sure they are the only ones who can get it?
Christapher Gibson
If she has gay friends then she is the worst kind of homophobe because she has betrayed thier rights along with all the other gays seeking to get married. My theory is that if she did have these ‘gay friends’ then she probably doesn’t have them anymore. More probable is that she just made them up in an attempt to deceive.
Felix Duarte
Oh, she has ‘gay friends’? Well, that’s all right then.
@aliengod: I have to agree with you on this, Bigot? hell yes. Homophobic? actual fear of homosexuals,I really doubt it, it just seems to be the new buzz word to try to once again hide bigotry and it is NOT working.
Desert Boy
Kim ‘Misery’ Davis probably does have a gay or lesbian friend or two. I’m forced to recall Melissa Etheridge glowing about her friendship with homophobe Rick Warren. She even made Warren chicken soup and delivered it personally to Rick Warren when he had the flu. Go figure?
Shirley White
Go away Bitch!
Paula Conley
Then why aren’t her “gay friends ” defending her? Liar!
Is her Gay Friend Mike Huckabee?
I have gay friends, LOL. I love how homophobes think that is the magic “get out of jail free” card. If she ever did, she doesn’t anymore. But the real question is why has she not been fired from her job??? She’s clearly incompetent, she’s not doing her job and I doubt the county really wanted all this attention. So I say let her go, surely she’ll be able to get a job flipping burgers or making tacos.
Derin Fetz
She needs to crawl back under her rock
WHY does she still have a job??? If you refuse to do your job, you get fired! Not given every chance in the world to get your mug across the TV & on every news station you can. I hope the judge put her back in jail ASAP & I hope she gets her ass fired like it should have been before she became such a media whore! FIRE HER!!!
Kelvin Johnson
lol..please stop showing this woman,how much more BS can people take.No gay friend of hers would let that hair do what it’s doing…stop the lie!
Robert Barber
Is She too old to be George Mgovern reincarnation?Should run for something in Alabama or Georgia?
Eddie Poole-Boccio
Time for that cash cow to pay the big cow!
Sara Sluis
The Hypocrisy is strong with this one.
Zach Jewell
I hope she falls down a tall flight of stairs and has to go to the hospital and be taken care of by gay nurses and gay doctors and they all refuse to care for her because it’s against their religion
@aliengod: It is not called “gay marriage”, it is called MARRIAGE. That is what the supreme court decision is about. Same license, same civil standing, same civil ceremony. And yes, anybody who feels that their personal BELIEFS are enough to deny gay people equal access to the rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness can be considered a homophobe, given the accepted definition of the word. She thinks we are less human and less worthy than she is.
Thadaious FD
She needs to correct that. HAD!
Daniela Strobl
Do those gays know they are friend with her?
Maria Garcia
Cynthia Gilletti
I think her whole ordeal was directed by the extreme right wing! shame on them all. She does need a make over. Inside and out.
LaVero Gutierrez
OMG, when are her 15 minutes OVER???!
Kevin J Desmond
She’s a LIAR !!!!!
Rob Salyers
Please. Somebody just silence her!
Child-like in her spirituality, she may grow to love her gay brothers and sisters over time. I scrutinize her mentor. Infants are drawn to black and white, well-defined images. Their blurred vision welcomes the sharp contrast. Resentment will seep in if she continues doing work that conflicts with her notion of God’s will. Money is odd and beliefs are tested by it. She will not be at ease, having her underlings signing the marriage certificates. This shows that religious objection goes beyond her own frame, extending to her colleagues. If evolving is seen as betrayal, quitting is an honorable option, as orientation is surely an unknown to some. Contrast is comfortable and uncomplicated. Spiritually speaking, she is a child. She needs to voluntarily leave this job and go about her life in peace. The political wolves need to go back to their lairs. We could be kinder. Though threats to our identity can be tense, we’ve experienced worse. This Country works it out in hilarious ways. Absurd comedy and the freedom of expression will rise above it. I hope that the love Kim Davis feels can extend beyond those whom she currently deems worthy. Time will tell. Her teacher must be fortified by sharp contrast.
I will be appalled if they are paying this bigoted, lying person for these interviews. The statement she made about God loving her, well, my take is that Ted Bundy’s mother or Charles Manson’s mothers probably still love them but that doesn’t mean they don’t stay awake nights wondering where they went wrong as parents. I’ll bet God is wishing he hadn’t been so rash in saying he would never again wipe out humanity…..I would if I were Him. These pious, self-righteous, hypocrites who use religion as an excuse to push their own self-serving agenda are tainting the reputation of good people who really do believe and act on what Jesus REALLY taught…..even for those who believe he was only a teacher, not the Messiah.
How in the hell does SHE KNOW what God KNOWS what “Marriage should be”. She is not the final say just because she feels she THINKS she is filled with some holy juice from God. We always have false prophets out there and she is leading the pack. Just because she says she has LOVE doesn’t means she does! If she has any gay friends, I would suggest them to reevaluate their friendship because this is not what friends are made of when you love someone.
I honestly really hate the word homophobia. The actual fear of gay people, can it happen? sure anything can happen but I think it is a rare and uncommon thing. I see it as nothing more than trying to paint a pretty face on a nasty subject, It is truely bigotry in all its “glory” I think the gay community needs to stop perpetuating its use and call it what it is bigotry, which is a learned behavior, not an offbeat psychiatric condition. When we stop accepting its use, then it may make it a little harder for the people who try to use it as an excuse to deny people rights, or worse yet to hurt or even kill people under the guise of “fear” when these are the actions of bigots just trying to impose their beliefs and feelings onto others and use it as an excuse to hurt someone they dont like.
Ms. Davis must have a very odd definition of friend. And many other words as well.
@Tattyfatty: How about downright fucking hatred? Is that a better term to use? Several words, but may be more descriptive of this situation.
Absolutely, it fits just as well, its just that whole “not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect” defense is so often used as am excuse for peoples actions when in reality it is, yes, hatred pure and simple. I just dont think people should be able to use the tern homophobic when it is clearly just hatred.
when she can bring a note from jeezus or god, then i may come around to her way of thinking, til then she can bugger off
Billy Budd
She does NOT have gay friends. That is a lie.
@Tattyfatty: It could be a combination of the two, as many of the right wing conservatives are truly afraid of gay people.
Sick of her and her ugly hate filled life.
@Giancarlo85: You may be right there but I think that they are more afraid of what we represent than the actual fact that we are gay. and before I get bombarded here, let me elaborate by saying what I mean by “what we represent” is a distinct and profound difference to the very narrow and skewed view they have on things, and how they “believe” things should be.
At first I was concerned that she would be making herself a “Martyr” and trying to cash in on it.
But after seeing this interview I realize that she’s not smart enough to to cash in on her fame and she’s on her 14th minutes, so f-her
” No she hasn’t, Christ’s words basically say that anybody who gets a divorce and marries another is committing adultery every single day that they don’t go back to their first spouse. ”
She did go back to one of them didn’t she? The one she had children with.
” So even if all of her sins up to a point were washed clean, guess, what, she’s busy…committing new sins every single day. ”
Yes, If she truly loved the Bible, she’d certainly recognize the importance of Romans 13:1-5. but apparently she wasn’t interested because of her ‘conscience’.
In [brackets] is why she went to jail.
1. Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.
2. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and [they will be punished].
4. The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for [they have the power to punish you]. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong.
5. So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.
Here’s why many conservative Christians do not show loving kindness towards LGBTs —
You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men…….Matthew 5:13
It is ridiculous to call someone your friend and then openly and actively oppose their right to happiness. She probably only tolerates gay people nothing more, and in her twisted logic considers them a friend for not out right shunning or condemning for their sexuality and life style openly. Also logically speaking she says they are going to hell. Wouldn’t a friend take an active role in trying to prevent friends from going to hell? Just saying….
“I have friends who are gay!” is one of the biggest cop outs there ever was. It’s a lame excuse for denying one is anti-gay or homophobic. She’s not a homophobe? She re-wrote the book on homophobia. Phobias are brought on by an intense fear and she has already admitted she is afraid if she issues marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples she will “go to hell!” And FEAR is another acronym anyway – False Evidence Appearing Real. This clown of a woman needs serious professional help and I am not speaking about spiritual guidance although she has obviously been brain washed by a pastor or the tenets of her church.
Not enough is being said about the strand of Christianity that she comes from. It is interesting that Huckabee came to her rescue when his brand of Christianity has a history of ridiculing the one Kim comes from. She is “Jesus Only” and they believe that you have to speak in tongues to go to be saved. I believe she would loose much of her support if they showed a scene from her church, just like Sarah Palin left the Pentecostal Church and joined a Bible Church when she ran for VP. A lot of Christians are still uncomfortable with speaking in tongues, we need a tape of Kim babbling on, that will knock out her book deal and much of her support.
She has gay friends? And she dresses like a Sister Wife? Puhleeze, she’s out of her mind!
If she were truly speaking in tongues, it wouldn’t sound like babble. It would be understood no matter who was in her presence, no matter the language. If some dip is babbling, calling it speaking in tongues, it’s false.
” “I have friends who are gay!” is one of the biggest cop outs there ever was. It’s a lame excuse for denying one is anti-gay or homophobic. ”
” …she has obviously been brain washed by a pastor or the tenets of her church. ”
Good assessment of the situation.
” Not enough is being said about the strand of Christianity that she comes from. ”
Your comment is ‘interesting to know’.
Vartan X.
Having child-molesting priests as friends does not count as having gay friends.