Noted sibling Christian Fundamentalists Kirk Cameron and his sister Candice Cameron-Bure returned to the limelight over the weekend to raise money for an anti-LGBTQ organization during the COVID-19 crisis.
Cameron & Cameron-Bure took on emcee duties for a Facebook Live fundraiser titled Hope Rising, the proceeds of which go to fund Samaritan’s Purse. Created by homophobic preacher Franklin Graham, Samaritan’s Purse has attracted controversy for starting a tent clinic in New York’s Central Park. Graham requires all volunteers and healthcare professionals working at the clinic to sign an anti-LGBTQ pledge denouncing marriage equality.
Related: Tracey Gold Addresses Gay Marriage Feud With Kirk Cameron
Mercy Me, Casting Crowns, Newsboys, American Idol alum Danny Gokey, and Gloria Gaynor also joined Cameron and Cameron-Bure to grace the live stream with performances. Gaynor, considered a gay icon in large part due to her hit song “I Will Survive,” has attracted criticism for her embrace of anti-LGBTQ fundamentalist Christianity in the past. The singer contends that her personal beliefs, however, welcome and accept queer people.
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Cameron, on the other hand, has a long history of homophobia and hostility toward the community. In the past, he’s advocated attacking LGBTQ people face-to-face for being sinful, denounced marriage equality, and supported anti-gay causes. His sister, Cameron-Bure has also attracted criticism for defending businesses that refuse service to queer Americans, and for not doing more to temper her brother’s homophobia.
Mister P
There are a lot of good organizations out there desperately needing donations. Please don’t give to this one.
Kirk (she/her) is simply earning a paycheck from the fundamentalist evangelicals who brought about this “invisible enemy” H9N2 Covid19. From time to time he sticks his head out of his closet for a little spending money. If he could sing, he could move to Branson!
Doesn’t he have just the cutest delightfully punchable face?
You’re half-right (about the punchable part).
Yeah – a teeny tiny face on a great big head, like someone took the face of a homunculus and put it on a real person. I’d never tire of trying to slap it up to hide that fod.
“”Gaynor, considered a gay icon in large part due to her hit song “I Will Survive,” has attracted criticism for her embrace of anti-LGBTQ fundamentalist Christianity in the past. The singer contends that her personal beliefs, however, welcome and accept queer people.””
Sorry, you don’t get to join the KKK then claim your “Personal Beliefs” welcome back people.
With people like Cameron, it’s only about hate
100% Cosign. That miserable crunt is single the same noisome odious song that other miserable crunt Donna Summer sang when called out for her repugnant homophobia…
@ play please educate yourself on Summer and the ENTIRE story before you spew such ignorant BS!
And the typical troll comment. If they are wrong about Summer, then by all means, feel free to post where they got it wrong. Instead, since you can’t argue you say “Educate yourself”.
In other words, you can’t dispute their comment.
Mr C
All Christians are not HOMOPHOBES and Gaynor has always been loyal to the LGBTQ Community! How did she get mixed in with this creep?
Donna Summer was misquoted several decades ago in the early 80’s. Actually “misquoted” is being kind. Things she never said was quoted from someone who ran with it because Donna was a disco and gay icon during that time. The back story is in the early 80’s Donna was born again. It was after a long series of negative things happening to her at that time: her record sales were declining, she was having personal problems with her husband, suffering from depression, and taking anti-depressants among other things. After she became born again she would talk about her journey during some of her concerts. Her famous concert from the summer of ’83 (that’s still available on YouTube) was one of them. 1983 also happened to be a bleak year when AIDS was surging, hitting the gay community very hard, and many people were dying, and suffering due to people’s fears, with no help from the federal government, etc. Donna was asked about it and her response was that she knows many of her fans are gay, and many are suffering from the disease, and she prays for all who are suffering. Like a bad gossip story in high school getting exaggerated 6 ways from Sunday by whoever is repeating it, her words were misquoted saying she enjoyed hearing about the suffering and additional bull that she never said. She cleared it up when she was asked about it, but the ridiculous gossip followed her for years because of her status in the gay community. It was like something out of the 1940’s or 50’s when gossip columnists like Hedda Hopper would write whatever they wanted about a celebrity, true or false, and literally effect or destroy their career.
Sadly he’s become a fundamentalist zealot. On the other hand, it’s not up to his sister to reign in his behavior. He is a grown man and makes his own decisions for better or worse.
Who? Why anyone would give a 3-decades-ago-marginal-success any airtime is beyond me. Who give AF what the hell this ass-clown even thinks?
Well he did make that wonderful movie called saving Christmas. It’ll go down in history as probably the worst movie ever according to rotten tomatoes.
Some people require a continuous feeding of outrage in order to function! Q my stalker accusing me of being a right wing troll bigot blah blah blah!
Awww, and once again, the right wing troll paints the anti-LGBT bigot as the victim, and the victims of his bigotry as the outraged bullies.
Sweetie, if you don’t want to be called a right wing troll, it’s easy, just stop always defending right wing bigots and attacking LGBT people.
But it’s nice to see nothing ever changes. You’re still obsessed with me apparently.
I literally want to scratch my eyeballs out for crushing on that repugnant repulsive puke when he was actually attractive….
You know what they say, those who scream the loudest like it the deepest.
PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS – I too thought he was tremendously attractive in his younger years while working on that TV situation comedy. And, at that same time I thought he was a very good candidate to be gay. I believe he has had more dicks stuck in his mouth than a porcupine has quills sticking out! This is probably why he is so anti-gay now. Probably had a couple of lovers who did him wrong so he is now out for revenge. If he is not gay and has not done any of the above, then I change my theory. He is a blind religious zealot, who has a washed up acting career, and has enough money to use all his time spinning hatred. I consider myself religious. But people like him would make me hate any religion!!!
Wait, when did Gloria Gaynor get a pass? Because if the entire LGBTQ population got together to vote on that I certainly wasn’t informed. She’s almost worse than KC. At least with him you know where he stands. You know what to expect of him and from him. He doesn’t hide his hate.
Gaynor on the other hand wants to have it both ways, and not in the good way. She has, and somewhat still does, benefit from the LGBTQ community. But then goes funneling that money and fame into organizations and people who actively work against the very people who gave it to her. Nope. She doesn’t get a pass. Not from me.
If being a fundamentalist Christian is her thing now that is all well and fine. That’s her right. But don’t try to tell me that while you’re sitting in those pews or chairs listening and nodding your head as your pastor or whatever is preaching hate against this community that it has nothing to do with your personal beliefs. No ma’am. Sell that BS somewhere else.
Gaynor’s one of those that’ll join or perform for anything that keeps their name in the limelight. We all know those types.
@Vince Which makes her an opportunist and that is why I think she’s worse than KC. I can’t stand people who who try to appease both sides because they’re too cowardly to just take a stand.
Must be a slow news day in Queerty when they even have to talk about and give publicity to this has been.
I want to punch my teen self who had a crush on this douchebag.
Black Pegasus
Forgive yourself. Many of us had crushes on absolutely repugnant people without knowing.
Same here…
He had GROWING PAINS , with his Best Friend BONER, Need I say More, & Had a DILF Daddy MIKE, you no there was a lot more going on in that ” Sh*tcom.
oh those crazies testing the Waters : how anti-homo : society has gotten for a good lashing in human blood sacrifice performed by the “righteous” … but please the dude is to old to hide his gayness !!!
KC has had his 15 mins, of celebrity as a lack-luster actor and personality. Don’t give him and delusional compatriots anymore attention.
Kristin Chenoweth was there too, wasn’t she?
Apparently yes, so disappointed by this always thought she was an amazing entertainer and lgbtq supporter
In the words of ‘joyless’ joy behar of that ultimate waste of intelligence and time that can’t be gotten back, the ‘view’: “so what, who cares?” I think we all should care less and move on. By the way, who is this clown and what television show was he in or what did he do to improve things?
The lament of the troll account.
Trying to get victims of bigotry to not care, and to give racists and bigots a free pass.
If they want to be left alone, it’s very simple, they just need to stop attacking us.
Kirk Cameron is the worst kind of hateful Christian there is.
He is the kind who tells you in one breath he really loves you and in the next breath, that he really hate you for who you innately are.
Kirk Cameron is a dangerous enemy to the LGBTQ community, who lends his support to our enemies.
He should be shunned, never be given any money, or any form of support.
Wow, what a compelling story about a bunch of has-beens trying to get noticed. I’m surprised they could take off from their busy and thriving careers to even do this.
He and Candice are scumbags.
Cameron and Candice support Insurrection President Trump and his Liberate(name your state) idiots who are protesting HIS PRESIDENTIAL FLATTEN CURVE IN 15 (then 30) DAYS requirements!!!
I wish he would come out already.
You exactly nailed it!
Love the profile pic. Go Pats!! 🙂
I am a Christian. I won’t make apologies for that. I’m also gay. There are a lot of Christians who don’t share Mr. Cameron’s homophobic views.
I’ve learned over my life that many times those who protest the loudest do so because they have something to hide.
Just saying.
You are correct there! Many turn self loathing, having been told homosexuality is an abomination according to that 4000 year + old book, into hatred of the thing in themselves they’ve been taught to despise.
When I was younger during the days of Growing Pains I had a crush on Kirk but more than one I have heard about his homophobia and now I refuse to watch him!
Gary Q VV
Some say he should come out. Just how many other anti-LGBTQ men have eventually stepped out of their corrupt closets? …oh, about 1000’s+ And, I’m sick of that kind of man – two faced, deceitful, sickening – no pass on any of the scum.
Oh Kirk, bless him. He ain’t the cute boy-next-door anymore. I liked how Family Guy took a pop at him – but do that many people actually remember him? He needs to do what a lot of other has-beens resort to – ‘leak’ a sex tape to kick start his dead career – but there might be a problem because he’d need to actually have sex to get ‘exposed’.
Have his balls even dropped yet? Anyway, if he ever needs info on the joys of anal sex, All he has to say is ‘Hey Google – tell me about bum-fun’ that’ll certainly brighten up his life.
He sucked as an actor and sucks even bigger as person….
Ah Christianity a wonderful platform for bigotry, and that kunt Gloria Gaynor wouldn’t be anything without the gay community!
Another so called Christian who missed the bit where Jesus said love one another, no exceptions.
I always thought Kirk suffered a lot of gay approaches/interference when the pretty teen he was and couldn’t handle it, or else was gay in his youth and turned his self loathing into hate, as is so common.
Sad pathetic creature now though, twisted and hate filled.
The Camerons are trash. End of story
Should wee tell the Evangelicals that as soon as they made a godless, lying, lawless, womanizing conman their messiah —- a Plague showed up???
They all deserve a good kick in the face. As they are entitled to their feelings and beliefs so am I and they can all go to Hell!
Cameron-lousy actor, lousy human being
“Me thinks he doth protest too much” In this time of crisis with pandemic effect and the Easter message of compassion and forgiveness THIS is what someone who “claims” to be CHRISTAIN does? I don’t know what kind of cult you belong to, but blasphemy of what Jesus Christ taught is despicable. You and your ignorant ASScociates should be careful of hiding behind a queasy bible. Nowhere in the original text of the bible–not Lev 20:13, not 1 Cor 6:9, not 1 Tim 1:10, not Martin Luther’s original German translation of 1534–does it say that man shall not lie with men. The original bible, written in Greek, translates to man shall not lie with young boys as he does with women, for it is an abomination. Pederasty not homosexuality is the issue. Do the research. It wasn’t until 1983, 1 year after the Germans invented the word “homosexual”, that the idea of homosexuality appeared in a German translation of the bible. Something sound a little suspect here??? As someone from the LGBTQ community might say, “Put the stone down Mary” .
Once more the gullible god botherers of Merica rear their ugly heads. Why do the US have such an obsession with fundamentalists, all they do is take their money and live a great life of the proceeds, very little ‘trickles down’ to cause they state it’s being raised for.
I find it ironic that the organization these anti-Queer folk are raising money for is called “Samaritan’s Purse.” Among the Judeans of Jesus’s time, the Samaritans were despised and the victims of persecution and discrimination. So what did Jesus do? Did he tell his followers, “Go ahead and hate the Samaritans. They’re pond scum”? No, he reached out to them just as he reached out to people with leprosy, the equivalent of AIDS or COVID-19 in his time. Once again I find myself wishing these so-called “Christians” would behave more like the founder of their religion did!
Does this has-been, closet case ever stop? At least the reprehensible Aaron Schock had the minimal decency (and it is very minimal) to come out. These so-called “Christian” creeps are the worst.
I would believe in God again if he gave Franklin Graham Covid 19!
May he and the other homophobes catch COVID
Yeah seriously…..don’t donate to any of the groups listed above. There are a lot of other groups that are not anti LGBTQ. And to think I used to think he was cute in my teen years. Wish I knew now back then.
“Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings. Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.” (Bob Dylan). Dylan might just as well have been tallking about these self-appointed evangelicals. The Camerons have a puppetmaster now in Billy’s prodigal son. They are not making any money off Hollywood these days, so they are snapping at table scraps from the “Right.”
Franklin Graham is the new Fred Phelps. Pure evil. How people get off on attacking & hurting others speaks volumes about them & yes, homophobia used to distract from your own gay feelings. Kirk is the family outcast. Candice & Gloria, too. The fires of evil.
Who knows what drives Kirk to be such a hateful person. I suspect as a young actor he may have been subjected to encounters with others which frightened him. Gay people can be homophobic too and do whatever it takes to deny their true sexuality. I suspect a Kirk may fall within this category.
the fact that Kristin Chenoweth participated in this is utterly shocking to me, I had not heard of this, since I try to avoid all news regarding Kirk ‘douchebag’ Cameron – but Kristin? I thought she was smarter not to be involved with an organization that is highly anti-LBGTQ – I’m very VERY disappointed in hearing of this. I’m floored that not more of her gay fan-base has been vocal in damning and disapproving of her collaboration here.