When we heard Martha Boggs refused to serve Tennessee state Senator Stacey Campfield at her Bistro at the Bijou on Sunday, our hearts smiled. This bigoted bigshot is used to saying and getting whatever he wants and here some small business owner who probably helps chop the onions in the morning and wash the pans at night let him know his brand of hate wasn’t welcome.
Now, hearing her explain her reasons to the Knoxville News Sentinel, we’ve totally fallen in love with Martha.
“That was done in part…to protest some of the things [Campfield] has said in the media particularly about AIDS, HIV and the gay community in general. I think he’s a bully and he needed to be stood up to.”
Amen, Martha! And by the way, we’re so crushing on that accent! Please visit The Bistro at the Bijou if you’re anywhere remotely near Knoxville and thank Martha for her good deed.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Oh, and order the Hoppin John’ with black-eyed peas and collard greens—we hear it’s divine.
christopher di spirito
Martha Boggs totally rocks. Props, girl.
And if a conservative business owner refused to serve a gay politician we would never hear the end of it…
Global Traveler
Conservative business owners discriminate against gay people all the time. Hospitals refuse to let someone be in the room with their sick and/or dying loved ones, so I don’t feel too bad for this evil prick. He’s probably so full of bile and hate that he doesn’t need a good meal anyway.
I’m glad to hear the Mr. Campfield has gotten a little backlash for his ignorant comments. I’ve written him a few times over the last week and he wrote me back twice. In case you’re wondering he didn’t seem to listen to a word I said and only wrote back emails crammed with links to fringe webpages filled with unsubstantiated claims about the filthiness of gay sex and our supposed shorter life spans. Hopefully he’ll be voted out of office next time around.
the crustybastard
It would only be news if conservatives stopped discriminating against gays, dimwit.
@Global Traveler:
I suppose Queerty and all the other leftists applauding this woman fully support their right to do so. Correct?
@JayKay: so, seeking equality and tolerance are solely “leftist” goals now?
I am SO happy that the majority of Americans are NOT like you.
falled? is that slang for fallen?
What a brave sweetheart, Ms. Boggs! I am totally crushing now. 🙂
@JayKay: Are kidding with that bullshit?! It would take you TEN SECONDS to find plenty of instances of gay people refused accommodations or services by florists, bakeries, landscapers, print shops, Bed & Breakfasts, and many other businesses. Right now there are GOP politicians trying to get their “right” to discriminate against gay people codified into law by claiming it’s their religious right and duty. When these things happen you BET YOUR ASS gay people protest and complain, as is their First Amendment right, just as it’s the right of religious people to complain or protest about what this lady did. In the several instances I mentioned where gay people were discriminated against they rarely had any legal recourse because there weren’t laws to protect them.
So take your pity-party for Stacey “I hate gays because my parents gave me a girl’s name” Campfield and shove it up your ass.
Crysta Lynn
@JayKay I’m all for her continuing to deny service to people who are patently Un-American. The evil that she evicted from her storefront, CHOSE to be hateful and vindictive, and if he wants to eat, he can CHOOSE to change his ways.
I’m sure he will start pushing a bill to have his “kind” added to protected classes, which will be summarily dismissed, as the people who ARE protected are being protected from discrimination based on birth attributed factors. You can’t stop being black, female, gay, transgendered, etc. You CAN stop being an asshole…
If being a “leftist” means being American, I’m a proud leftist then. Wonder what that makes the right wing fruitcake loonies though… I would say American Taliban, but I don’t want to insult the terrorists. :p
“Equality and tolerance…”
…For people like you, and those who agree with you.
@Crysta Lynn:
The very notion of “protected classes” is anti-American. Business owners should have a set-in-stone right to discriminate against anyone at any time, regardless of how black or transgendered they might be.
@JayKay: Alright already, we all get that you’re proud of your severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
You act a fool in a restaurant, you get kicked out. Campfield is always a fool, so it was just a precautionary measure. Good business owner!
God bless Martha Boggs! If I ever make it to her restaurant I’m leaving a $200 tip!
@Crysta Lynn: Nicely put Crysta. I recognise and appreciate that JayRay is advocating fair treatment in both directions, but the Senator has already made a choice to be prejudiced. This restaurant owner is simply exercising her right not to serve someone who chooses to be a bigot. I think that is her right, and I greatly applaud her for showing the senator that there are consequences to his actions. I only wish he had to face those consequences every day.
I think people are being hard on JayKay. I think that we do need to occupy the moral high ground whenever possible, and at a glance it might be argued that two wrongs don’t make a right. And it certainly seems from reading the posts at this site that we could do with a bit more civility.
Nevertheless, in this case, where the “victim” is not just some random straight person, but a man who has publicly chosen to position himself as our enemy, then I say to hell with him. He deserves all the public embarrassment that principled people such as Martha can dish out to him – weak pun intended.
Martha Boggs is my new favorite small business owner. I only wish I could thank her for her stand in person. Maybe if anti-gay politicians saw how upsetting their behavior is to their constituents more often they would learn to focus less on a private, non-issue.
All I can say is that the woman has got cajones grandes. You go girl!!!
Unfortunately, Martha Boggs may have violated Tennessee’s civil-rights laws, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and has a “public accommodations” section, but does not include sexual orientation as a protected category.
One thing that may save her – the publicity of a trial if Campfield sued for being kicked out (on the basis of his religious beliefs, which he could claim influenced his vote), could do Campfield more harm politically than the benefit he would get from any monetary award if he won in court. It would make him look like a real hypocrite if he sued for being denied service in a restaurant while simultaneously denying LGBT people the same type of protection. And it is a matter of public record (the Bible) as to what Jesus said about hypocrites – didn’t like them very much so he allegedly hung out with “undesirables” – which is always fun to throw in these religious nuts’ faces.
@B: Well that’s superb All she needs to do is claim she kicked him out because he’s a heterosexual. That would be particularly hilarious!
PS. It’s ironic that you are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of which fairy story you idiotically CHOOSE to believe, but you CAN discriminate on the basis of factually provable sexuality – something you DO NOT choose!!!
Crispy Watkins
I wrote a song about this subject! If you care to listen, click the following link. http://christopherwatkins.bandcamp.com/track/campfield-and-boggs.
Crispy Watkins
I wrote a song about this subject! If you care to listen, click the following link. http://crispywatkins.com/track/campfield-and-boggs.