Today Virginia’s Republican voters selected Patrick Murray, the retired Army colonel and anti-gay marriage Iraq War vet who gay baited his way through a campaign, as their primary winner to face off in November against Democratic incumbent Rep. Jim Moran. By a narrow margin Murray defeats Patrick Berry, the gay attorney who outspent Murray 2-to-1. And you can thank R. Clarke Cooper, the new head of the Log Cabin Republicans, for ensuring Murray’s win.
On Murray’s campaign website, under his “Code of Ethics,” he writes, “I will not compromise my principles for any perceived gain,” and, “We will not knowingly distort the views or record of my opponent,” and, “I will treat my opponent according to the Golden Rule.” That Murray stuck to none of those promises says as much about the candidate (pictured) as it does about Cooper for vociferously supporting him.
And yes, this is the same R. Clark Cooper who, in his new LCR post, last month demanded the House pass the compromised DADT repeal bill, which it did. That is the same policy Murray used in campaign mailers to misinform voters about the position held by opponent Berry.
Well done, Log Cabin. You’ve helped a transparent gay-baiting liar make it one step further.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Honestly, who cares? It’s Virgina. What do you expect? I prefer to keep my distance from the South.
Having said that, I would like to add that the Log Cabin Republicans are blood sucking scum:-) have a nice day
@joedee1969: ALL CAPS =troll. ALL CAPS = clueless, first time EVER post on a B/L/O/G.
Well yeah…
“Helping transparent gay-baiting liars make it one step further.”
I’m pretty sure that’s their slogan.
Check your facts. Nowhere did Log Cabin support Patrick Murray in any way. Cooper, before he was in a formal position at Log Cabin, hosted a fundraiser for a candidate who said as an army officer would support the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Subsequent to that event Murray reversed his position on DADT, at that point, Cooper withdrew his support for Murray and encouraged many donors to do the same. Log Cabin staffers were among the first financial supporters of Matthew Berry.
Pure and simple.
These people are collaborators.
@Chris: said….
No. 6 · Chris
Check your facts. Nowhere did Log Cabin support Patrick Murray in any way. Cooper, before he was in a formal position at Log Cabin, hosted a fundraiser for a candidate who said as an army officer would support the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ Subsequent to that event Murray reversed his position on DADT, at that point, Cooper withdrew his support for Murray and encouraged many donors to do the same. Log Cabin staffers were among the first financial supporters of Matthew Berry.
Chris, it’s interesting that you would say that. Because nowhere on the Log Cabin Website does it say anything about Murray’s flip flop on DADT and nowhere is it encouraging people to withdraw support. Why not? If what you say is true, I assumed such an important fact might be mentioned on the site.
I think it’s time GetEQUAL invaded the Log Cabin and GOProud offices
That would be great. Hopefully the three Great Gay Avatars of Stupidity will wipe themselves out and we’ll never have to hear from them again.
If log cabiners weren’t gay they would most certainly be homophobic just like the rest of the GOP.
Oh wait, they probably are homophobic.
R. Clarke Cooper (in his biography on Log Cabin Republicans and on his Linked profile online) says that he is currently in the Army Reserve. Since he is a gay man, and now is the head of a gay Republican (but still gay) organization, would he be discharged from the military because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell”? He has effectively “told” by taking the position with Log Cabin.
Bill Perdue
And Obama picked anti-LGBT piglet Tim Kaine to run the DNC.
Same same.
@Bill Perdue:
You’re out of your fucking mind.
You can throw any amount of hate and bile at the Democrats and Obama. Most of it is deserving. But you cannot be so myopic as to believe that a party full of preening cowards is the same as a party full of lunatics and bigots. You get a lot less than you should under Democrats. You get nothing under a Republican Congress or Administration. Nothing. Doesn’t matter how many meetings GetEqual storms, or how much schmoozing GoProud does. You don’ have to like minute advancements, but stop pretending they haven’t occurred.
Someone who knows
Ha ha…GOProud is a 2-man press release machine…they don’t have an office.
Bill Perdue
@Zach: The Democrats and Republicans are identical in their treatement of the LGBT communities except that the Republicans don’t bother lying to us.
And please, no bs about how a few Easter Eggs and better hate crimes statistics are a big step forward.
Bruce Majors
I did a super minimal amount of volunteer work for Matthew Berry, in part because I live next door in DC and not in Virginia (I did do more for pro-gay rights, libertarian heterosexual Eric Brescia, who ran in the 2009 as a Republican candidate for state delegate — and had the Virginia Republican party refused to pay the postage on one of his mailings because he came out for gay marriage in it).
This article doesn’t tell me why Cooper supported either Murray or Berry when he did support them. There are no quotes from him or links to interviews or articles. Most of the comments that follow are from equally insipid people. All snark and parochialism, no info. Just implying that any gay who supports a Republican is a craven whore is reveals your intellectual bankruptcy and flacidity (especially in a season where gay Democrats like Hillary Rosen and Jamie Gorelick are all running to feed in the BP public relations trough.)
I only came across this because my gay Jewish Latino Republican friend this morning told me to google Cooper because he was impressive. This article did not tell me much.
Bruce Majors
I did a super minimal amount of volunteer work for Matthew Berry, in part because I live next door in DC and not in Virginia (I did do more for pro-gay rights, libertarian heterosexual Eric Brescia, who ran in the 2009 as a Republican candidate for state delegate — and had the Virginia Republican party refused to pay the postage on one of his mailings because he came out for gay marriage in it).
This article doesn’t tell me why Cooper supported either Murray or Berry when he did support them. There are no quotes from him or links to interviews or articles. Most of the comments that follow are from equally insipid people. All snark and parochialism, no info. Just implying that any gay who supports a Republican is a craven whore reveals your intellectual bankruptcy and flacidity (especially in a season where gay Democrats like Hillary Rosen and Jamie Gorelick are all running to feed in the BP public relations trough.)
I only came across this because my gay Jewish Latino Republican friend this morning told me to google Cooper because he was impressive. This article did not tell me much.
Stop this perversion! Sickness and htis life style is not healthy!
This is not natural and looks like all you all think about is sex as an addcition and the sick ways to get it. Very Sorry for you. The funny thing is if people dont agree with you–they are haters–this is America–land of the free and free speech! Oh, yeh-not anymore we might offend you!! Your mob mentality really is sick too. Sad very sad.
Don’t ask Don’t tell and I REALLY DON”T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!