Davey Wavey is a beautiful twentysomething with an impossibly perfect body who seems to do nothing but design websites, upload videos, and photograph himself wearing very little clothing. But it’s also impossible to hate the guy, because he’s just SO DAMN POSITIVE. He loves life! He loves you! He loves the universe! His YouTube videos rack up the views because he films himself shirtless, but the messages in them are usually uplifting (and if you’re lucky, titillating). It’s one of the reasons Davey Wavey is one of Queerty‘s favorite YouTube gays.
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Loving Life With Davey Wavey
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God, he’s so freakin’ adoreable. Thanks for the tip, I’ve subscribed to his channel and bookmarked his blog now.
Absolutely adorable!
Is this the actor who plays “the gay one” in the High School Musical series? Are we SURE it isn’t, because they’ve both got a wicked case of gay face. He’s cute, but his “love” emphasis which you point out above is just the sort of mental vacuity we don’t need in these times.
lol…this is an adult who can vote…who can own a gun… Who wouldn’t drown in a bowl of soup? Who wouldn’t choke to death on a cracker?
Aww, he IS adorable! He really explains through demonstration that perception is indeed reality. Good for him; he’s chosen to see the world as good, and thus would rather be happy than right. Some days, I almost wish I could join him. Then I snap the fuck out of it and realize how grateful I am to have my feet firmly planted on the ground and my head chock-full of sound realist ideology.
Adorable but what an airhead!!!!
His schtik can get old after a while, but he still comes out with the occasional original and well done piece. That said, I’m with Peet. It would be nice to be able to flip a switch and go into Davey Wavey mode. LOL. Finally, LOL @ Tank.
I am so disaffected by Davey Wavey. I used to follow his blog religiously; lately he seems to have become very…Commercialized. His whole site is advertisements, he thinks it annoying, pedantic and funny when people obsess over his body yet he continues to make blog entries shirtless and he thinks everyone likes him and just can *wait* to get their hands on his workout videos…Even though they definitely will NO be using them to “workout.”
And, I really don’t find him that attractive, actually.
@Mark: I agree with you on the attractiveness estimation but I have to say he did score higher with the volume muted. ;o)
I watched a few of his other clips and honestly, my inner bitch threw up just a little bit.
His routine gets old after awhile. I mean his sense of spirituality is really remedial. The only reason why he does videos shirtless is because he knows he’s attractive which is so unattractive to begin with. There’s an overall a lack of humility and fault it if you’ve got attitude about it. The tongue-and-cheek sexuality is all tease yet he gets irritated when his audience does focus on his only apparent virtues. His self-promotion of his workout videos and the whole commercial aspect of it really clouds his Oprah-like message of positivism. Put on a shirt and let’s see if we pay attention. There’s a reason why this guy doesn’t have a boyfriend. His whole love affair with the camera/audience really becomes clear after a days if not weeks of watching. I honestly wish him the best of luck. His theme and message has been done and said better and more depth with someone with a clothing on. A little Davey Wavey does go a very long and often tedious way. Listen on mute champs.
Yo, that cat be trippin! He’s not responded to my threat in my latest video. He’s probably not man enough. here’s what I be talkin’ bout dowg
wait till I get my hands on him! bitch be trippin’.
You’re all jeaulous because he works out and gets tons of attention from men. Muscles are currency for gay men.
Royal Syn
I agree with you 🙂
Royal Syn
I write bloggy stuff and Davey does seem to be from another planet that nothing truly bad ever happens and if it does all you need is a golly-gee-wiz attitude – but sometimes, everyone needs a Tootie *Facts of Life reference* in their life. 🙂
Yes. I am jealous of davey wavey because he gets lots of attention from men. I wish it were me getting hit on by men, because getting hit on by men is the best thing that can happen if one is gay. There’s nothing else to look forward to, really. Nothing else matters if you’re gay. It’s just getting hit on by men…
And if muscles are currency, is AIDS inflation? LMAO
Don’t like? Don’t watch.
Royal Syn
@AlwaysGay: Actually I like eyes and humor 🙂
Royal Syn
@BrianZ: LOL I do watch without the sound on too at times – it gets a bit too sugary – –
but it’s great having a positive gay man out there…. right? 🙂
@TANK: Oh Tank… if such a thing were possible, I would offer to fellate your genius brain in gratitude for the things it comes up with. Thank-you for existing.
Royal Syn
@Dralo: LMAO!
He is indeed very unusual with he’s optimistic, childlike attitude, still i prefer him to all those depressed emo kids out there. and even if he’s way of living is unlike – he’s only twenty after all! – there’s something so honest and damn hypnotsing about him it’s always joy to watch. with sound! xD
If he wasn’t virtually pressing his big titties against the camera in every video, no one would give him or his completely irrelevant yapping the time of day.
How is this even remotely relevant?
The only thing that is unforgivable is the background music.
Thank you, Queerty, for finding my newest internet obsessions. He’s adorable!
Michael W.
You guys don’t give Davey Wavey enough credit. I can still see him being a YouTube sensation if he wasn’t half naked in every video but that definitely adds to his appeal.
@AlwaysGay: Too bad he doesn’t have any.
Aw he’s cute! And yeah, so he doesn’t wear his shirt…big deal. Everyone has different assets. He’s just using the ones that work best, can you blame the guy? Seems to me like some people on here are a tad bitter. The guy’s harmless.
He looks like Matthew Broderick. That’s not a bad thing.
yes he’s adorable and attractive. Yes he keeps himself half naked because it does draw in the viewers and NO ONE is complaining. The fact that he can be optimistic and leave a positive msg on all his video is more than what I can say about all those leaving negative msg and acting like a bitter a$$hole on here.
rogue dandelion
@Dralo: hahaha your video was much more entertaining, and you are much hotter than davey.
airheads aren’t attractive.
Preface: I am a 32 year old hetero female, a teacher, lawyer and supporter of the HRC though my politics differ from theirs on certain issues.
Comment: I like Davey Wavey, why? not because I’m attracted to him nor am I interested in his dating tips or the status of his open relationship. Yes he is often shirtless (and his mom agrees w/ many posters hates it too) but everyone needs a draw, something to make people listen and if it is his body then he’s no different than others of us who use our looks to garner attention. Am I going to buy his videos or workbooks? No. Is it refreshing to see a positive gay man blog after the usual rants and raves online? Most certainly.
OMG, did he just read Dionetics or what! What an annoying airhead. Yes, he’s attractive and has a positive attitude but there are a million cute, smart guys out there that also possess a personality with depth unlike this major Nancy. All you guys fawning over him really need to get out more!
Yeah, he’s cute and he’s got a totally hot body (and flaunts it relentessly for maximum effect) but you know, it’s easy to be all “awestruck and sweet” when you’re buff and 25…try to maintain that attitude when you’re 40 honey…If you can still pull it off, then you’ve got my respect (yes, I am in fact, “Bitter, party of one…tonight anyway)
Youth and beauty are no match for age and treachory..lol
Girl Please!
OK, In the first posted video he says he doesn’t go to clubs and goes to bed by 9-9:30. Then in the second posted video he describes his dilemma while being at the bar.
Just another typical little queen who likes to make up and tell stories for attention, ugh. Well, we know she likes attention due to the lack of clothes. Insecure much!
“you have to be so quick and I’m just not that good.”
It’s called being stupid and dimwitted, sweetie.
Clueless twinks who think they’re profound are priceless.
@Girl Please!: Well clubs are not bars and most bars have day time hours so you can’t really say he was lying. Most happy hours end at 7:00 which gives him plenty of time to be in bed by 9:30.
Girl Please!
@getreal: Come on! Did you mean to say bars are not clubs. How many clubs have YOU been in that didn’t have a “bar” inside. Plus she said she didn’t drink. You probably make up stories too.
@Girl Please!: There are plenty of bars that have nothing to do with clubs. Sports bars, cheers type after work bars etc, sushi bars. Maybe you should get out more. There is nothing wrong with anything this guy said you are just looking for a reason to criticize him because you are small minded and jealous.
“OMG I’m gonna explode!”
Cute but but a little too ditzy
Adorable, but it’s a good thing I have a gag, just in case I get lucky.
@Dennis: lol Dennis, so true
Girl Please!
@getreal: Sister I get out plenty. Maybe that’s your problem though since you’re clearly missing the point here, genius. Why would he go to a any type of bar (and exclude a sushi bar, your just grabbing at straws now)when he says he doesn’t drink or go to clubs. There are plenty of other ways to meet guys than by going to clubs or bars. You’re about as bright as he is!
He is a tool. He uses boys and is self absorbed. He does have a GREAT looking cock though.
San Juan High School Gay Protest (Anti GLSEN) – video powered by Metacafe
nature boy
umm, my friend told me, you know, back in college, that it is indeed possible to see beauty everywhere right in your own house… the dog’s fur…. the water coming out of the shower head… all the shiny highlights on the cars going past the window… priceless! Bag of magic mushrooms eaten with peanut butter…. $30! According to my friend.