A British marine claims he was forced to pleasure himself while watching gay porn in front of a cadre of soldiers.
Talking in court, he says the incident occurred during a strange hazing ritual; punishment for being unsuccessful during a map reading test.
The marine — whose identity is not being released — says he’s now experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder from the abuse.
Related: Trio of male Marines disciplined after raunchy sex tape is discovered
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Currently on trial: 30-year-old Corporal Danny Foster and 34-year-old Corporal Philip Beer, facing charges of ill-treatment of a subordinate at Portsmouth Military Court.
According to testimony, when the marine said he wouldn’t be participating in the ritual, he was told: “you fu*king are.”
He was apparently forced to shave all of his body hair in a ritual known as “family time.”
“On the first occasion,” says the marine, “there had been a map reading test which was made too hard and so a number of people failed.”
“We got lined up at the front of the room during family time and the corporals, who were at the back, were talking about what they would make us do.
They all laughed when Corporal Foster said we should wank to gay porn.
When family time ended everyone made their way to where we slept – on the way I told Foster I wasn’t going to do it but he said to me ‘you fucking are’.
The porn was military themed porn, the men had berets on and people were watching us – we were told the last person to ejaculate would get another punishment.
I felt disgusted and degraded having to do it, it was massively degrading, I had no power against it; I could not say no.”
The marine claims he was often subjected to a disturbing punishment called “Django.”
“I had to take the punishment – there was a metal pull-up bar in the gym which you would hang from and be whipped.
There were different things used to whip you – on this occasion I was whipped with a rubber exercise band and then left hanging there afterwards.”
Foster is denying all three counts of “ill-treatment of a subordinate,” and the trial continues.
h/t: Gay Star News
Ummmm Yeah
Yeah this guy could not possibly handle combat. Not that they should have done that to him but if he can’t handle embarrassment or what ever, seeing arms and legs get blown off is not going to agree with him.
Oh what a shock, one of Mo Bros screenames is upset that a Marine didn’t want to be sexually assaulted during basic training.
Sorry Troll, but if ANY of that was necessary for combat why isn’t it in the training manuals approved by the Pentagon? What you’re telling me is that some sad, pathetic little corporal supposedly knows what makes a soldier more so than the seargents, Officers, and Generals?
Wow, you trolls are just pathetic.
Sexual assault has nothing to do with combat readiness. Also this is a British soldier, not an American, so the Pentagon wouldn’t have been involved.
Ummm I agree with you on all accounts. It’s what I have called “the pussification of the British military”. They really have become effeminate whiners…the exact opposite of what their military was just 50 years ago. When I saw how their sailors reacted to being captured by the Iranians back in 2007, I said to myself “mark this date as the end of British military credibility”.
What a stupid comment, he could not possiblfy handle combat. Coming from someone who is probably NOT IN THE MILITARY. What does being humiliated and tortured by your own military have to do with combat readiness. What a stupid comment, and like DCguy says you are obviously a troll.
Ummmm Yeah
Oh what a shock DC is ranting and raving in his paranoid delusional state again. As I’ve said before not everyone that disagrees with you is Mo Bros. You are a massive tool, so you should be used to a lot of people disagreeing with you. I’ve no doubt it happens daily in real life.
Ummm…you are correct, yet again. The irony here is that DCTwat has more accounts on here than we could count on our hand. He shrieks and cackles about all of us being some “mobro” to hide the fact that he has other personas (i.e. some guy named “Cam” who was apparently banned). This James guy could be DCtwat as well…not worth obsessing over. Just funny how the ones who accuse others are typically guilty.
How many days were on active duty in any military in the world. I’m a veteran of The United States Navy, and I was a great medic and paramedic. I can tell you with 100% knowledge that PTSD from being raped is much harder to overcome than PTSD from combat. Don’t believe me, google it and then buy a book stupid!! Best research before you speak!! You look foolish and ignorant!!!! I’m tired of jerks like you trashing victims of sexual assault just because you’re a jerk. It literally stuns me that anyone defends sexual assault on any human being. I’m not surprised though since straight white men can’t handle the truth about rape and sexual assault. Get educated before you leave a total heartless diatribe of a post because you don’t want to open your eyes to the truth. All you’re doing is helping to perpetuate the act of rape or any other type of sexual assault. No matter what, you never have the right to anyone’s body!!! Good day!!!
Trek you seem very emotionally imbalanced. You can disagree with someone without calling them a jerk, idiot, heartless etc. And you’re the one who failed to read that this was NOT the US military, but the BRITISH military. So, all your supposed first-hand experiences about rape in the military are moot (and this was clearly NOT rape). I served in the military of my country of birth as well, but you don’t hear me or anyone else pontificating about it here, since it’s irrelevant to this particular story.
Maybe take a moment to catch your breathe, drink some water, down a sedative or two until you compose yourself long enough to realize you’re behaving irrationally.
@Knight. Once again the pot calls the kettle black. Troll accounts, name calling, etc. It’s your stock and trade girl.
Accepting the sight of limps being blown off is an unavoidable part of combat. Accepting sexual bullying from officers isn’t. PTSD aside, he was right to blow the whistle; blind obedience is the first step to “I was just obeying orders.”
I totally agree! People can believe what they want but, it doesn’t change the fact that officers in The United States military are guilty of rape on lower ranked enlisted rank military members. According to the latest pentagon reports that I’ve received, 22,000 active duty males in the military were raped by anal penetration. Please look it up and know that almost every male on male rape is committed by a heterosexual male. Not to forget that heterosexual females also commit female on male rape. Contrary to what the gay haters want to preach, it’s not lesbian females or gay men but, heterosexual white males commiting these sexual crimes. It’s never going to change until white heterosexual males, in our military and civilian justice system, stop refusing to accept that is CAN and DOES happen. I’m a veteran with PTSD from military sexual trauma that was committed by a naval officer. It happened in the work place, he was much older and I wasn’t legal to drink alcohol yet.
Straight guys still using anything gay to humiliate each other and to make sure the new guy knows he is at the bottom of the social order and needs to prove himself.
Sometimes I think that being gay will always be viewed as less than to heterosexual men.
Heywood Jablowme
I’m always puzzled why hazing rituals (both college and military) are always so GAY GAY GAY, and why Britain in general is always so GAY GAY GAY, but:
“we were told the last person to ejaculate would get another punishment.”
I do like how that would give any REAL gay guy there an advantage!
British society has been sexually repressed for literally hundreds of years up until the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s. The result has been an overly sexualized society that finds titillation in pretty much everything; look at any British newspaper and the headline is always the sexual antics of someone famous. There has also been an imposed normalization and acceptance of homosexuality, wherein any question or perceived negativity towards it is met with a very strict punishment. While I don’t agree this marine “didn’t have a choice” as he states (everyone has a choice to obey or not obey any order), I do believe this actually happened.
“There has also been an imposed normalization and acceptance of homosexuality, wherein any question or perceived negativity towards it is met with a very strict punishment.” What a stupid self-hating internalized homophobic comment. TROLL ELSEWHERE WITH YOUR HOMOPHOBIA. NOT APPRECIATED.
James you can disagree with a comment without resorting to the term “troll”…since I’m the one here using my real picture, backing up my statements with sources and trying to maintain respectful conversations (although it is getting more and more difficult to give people like you the benefit of the doubt). I don’t know if you have ever been or lived in the UK, but you can get fired for a job for using the word “husband” or “wife”…they don’t even allow the word “spouse”; you have to say “partner” always. There has been a law on the books since 2010 wherein any perceived homophobic comment or stance can be characterized as “inciting hatred”, and is punishable up to 7 years in jail. I’m not making this up, so it’s not “homophobia”…it’s LAW.
That is a gross oversimplification of the regz.
And this opinion leads those with more actual experience to discount the opiner as never to have actual experience in the situation that they opine about.
No, it is not an “oversimplification”. It is a VERY accurate reading of the law, which I doubt you have ever read. Whether or not it is/will be enforceable is another question.
“trying to maintain respectful conversations” LMAO. It’s like you make it up as you go and yes you are a TROLL.
How does a law against stirring up hatred equate to imposing normalization? I know you’re a rabid right wing nut but try to keep it together and remember where you’re at.
Stache you are proving yet again that you either have some weird crush on me or that YOU are the troll…since you feel compelled to comment on every post I make. Maybe both? I dunno. But yes, I have been EXTREMELY respectful to you in our first interactions, despite you being a complete bitter bitch. I try to give everyone who isn’t immediately hostile the benefit of the doubt. You are beyond hope.
Get help. You need it.
I regret that you cannot understand how the military justice system works or the power of higher ranked military members. While it’s possible for some civilians to make accusations without retaliation, in the active duty U.S. military it’s nearly impossible to make even a hint of an accusation without being violently retaliated against. I find it rather troublesome that the majority of the people posting on this topic have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Exactly why rape is growing in The United States military.
@Knight. Bla bla bla bla. Debate is for real people that have something to add other then screaming and yelling at everyone like yourself.
Trekbike um…you might have a point, only this is about the BRITISH military…which you obviously missed. Try again.
Stache I have no issues debating with other real posters. But since all you are is a troll, stalker and bitter little bitch…just move on. You are embarrassing yourself at this point. You do realize you can’t delete comments here…right? When you look back at all the stalking you’ve done towards me after you come down from that meth-induced haze, you’re going to see how pathetic you are. If I haven’t made it clear, I think you are disgusting, hideous and completely devoid of any value whatsoever. NOT interested, OK? Move on.
@Knight….. “You can disagree with someone without calling them a jerk, idiot, heartless etc.”
Remember that comment? You can’t even keep your bullsh*t consistent through one post. Lol You can call me whatever name you want troll. It’s what you do.
Do you mean a person can get fired from a job for using those words? Why would anybody have to use the words husband, wife, or spouse at work? You’re not there to talk about your personal home life. Get back to work and stop gabbing.
Greg we’re talking about government jobs such as immigration inspector, police, Child protection agency etc. In other words, many jobs where you have to ask questions, such as “is your partner traveling with you?” or “Is your partner the one who called in the complaint?” etc. It’s PC madness gone too far.
Didn’t this guy ever hear of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” rule?
Would you please clarify what you’re trying to say? I hope you’re not talking about the sexual assault victim. I’m rather troubled by the lack of condemnation for what happened to this lower ranked military member.
Why does a British marine have an American flag on his helmet?
Because.. that’s just some (poorly chosen) stock photo used for the article, maybe?
I feel like there was a similar story also out of the British military about 10 years ago.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised