Yesterday, Olympic freeskiing champion Gus Kenworthy revealed he is gay to the delight of LGBTQ activists and sports fans alike. But perhaps nobody was more excited by the news than Miley Cyrus.
The singer posted this message of pure elation on Instagram:
In addition to shining a light, as Miley put it, on marginalized communities, the reach of Kenworthy’s coming out also helped draw attention to the athlete’s trove of super hot Instagram photos. They’ve been hiding in plain sight, of course — we just never had a reason to dive in until now. And we’re happy that we did:
Gabriel Dor
Serious yummers.
Luis Collazo
So fine!
Bobby French
A beautiful person inside and out. He is so sweet.
Were the photos taken on the Sunshine Coast north of Vancouver? Reminds me of that location.
Hector Pagan
He’s gorgeous !!ð??? and sweet my type of guy
Philip Epstein
He can represent the gay community not Sam smith thank you!
Desert Boy
Perfectly flawless.
All these hot young guys coming out makes it so hard for us average guys to stand out 🙁
No respect for people who post nude pics solely to grab attention and enlarge their ego.
Michael Clifford
I’m sorry, but this story is partly about Miley Cyrus? Why???
Juan Martinez
nice Butt.
Kevin Davis
I’ve noticed that anytime someone comes out all the comments are just about how hot they as if that’s the only thing that matters in the supposed gay community
And he stands up for animal rights too (Sochi puppies)…WTG!
Cardiac Arrest DELIRIOUS!
Sweetie Pie
Nice buns…average face…ugly tats
Next !
So, if you’re 20 something and hot, you get international acclaim and recognition for coming out. However, if you came out in 1973 and plowed the road to make it easier for everyone else afterward, you’re some old dude that most gay men under 35 wouldn’t offer the time day. Just the way of the world, I suppose. So, bravo for the big feature for the hot skier . . . best of luck to him going forward.
@Kevin Davis: Agreed. A rather shallow set of criteria, no?
@Atomicrob: it’s sad but true. Looks out rank everything else in the gay world and we tend to look out best in out 20’s. What can you do?
@Doughosier: Also, there’s the aspect that young gay people tend to identify more with young guys just coming out, rather than older gents who’ve been out for decades.
20 years from now some new young athlete will be coming out and he’ll be the talk of the town… while Gus will be congratulating him.
How the world works 🙂
@Atomicrob: Where is the joy in your life? If you “plowed the road to make it easier”? I’m your age, and I plowed that road too, along with hundreds of beautiful, muscle butts. How can you be bitter that this handsome athlete has the courage to come out? Being an Olympic athlete, when anything gay is headline news, how can you even presume to know the pressure this guy was enduring? And then when he shouts it to the world, you have to whine about gay men under 35 not noticing you? Where is your compassion?
“…and he’s a bad ass fucking Olympic athlete…”
Exactly how did she mean that? “He’s a bad-ass fucking Olympic athlete” or “he’s a bad ass-fucking Olympic athlete”? There is an important distinction to be made here.
Damn! He is fine as hell….so yummers!
You guys should do an article on Ian Matos… he’s an out Brazilan swimmer.
Anyways, Gus is cute… nice body 🙂 And I like that more and more are coming out. Now I want to see some La Liga, Premier league or Serie A football players come out of the closet. I know there are most likely some. No, not Cristiano Ronaldo… but there are others.
That is 5’10, 185# of prime elite athletic hotness!
@SteveDenver: Sucks that someone out there is going to get really lucky and land this guy.
Maybe someone already has :S
In all seriousness though, so glad to have someone this courageous (and hot) playing for our side 😉
@sportsguy1983: Needless negative and rude comments are exactly why comment sections should be eliminated. Seeing replies like this are profoundly negative and unnecessary. Is your life so awful that you have to needlessly and unmercifully attack someone you unlikely know?
It is highly doubtful that as he outlined his goals for his life that pleasing you was on his list. Thank goodness.
This is the last time that I read the comment section for these articles. Most of you sound kinda creepy, shallow, sorry for yourself or just downright mean. Typical Queerty comments.
QUEERTY- please eliminate the comment section for your site. It serves no purpose.
@sportsguy1983: We feel the same about people who come on these sites and post inane smarmy comments.
Sportsguy is not a sports guy at all. He’s a fat slob who jealous at seeing these fit guys. He is a lazy ass who won’t do anything at all for himself.
Pay no attention to the nasty troll! Like SeeingNothing, Unsportsguy has nothing nice to say.
James R Carter
Billy Budd
Loved his butt.
BTW @sportsguy1983, Gus Kenworthy is, according to the ESPN Magazine, “the top freeskier on the planet, an Olympic medalist, a face of the X Games. He is an elite athlete competing in the world of action sports, where sponsors — and income — are inextricably linked to image. In other words, he is an athlete with a lot to lose. But Gus Kenworthy is ready to tell that world, his sport, his truth.”
By coming out, Kenworthy has placed his livelihood, his reputation and his life under scrutiny. It takes a great deal of courage and certainly more integrity than commenting anonymously on a web site. He says that he has come out while he was #1 in the world so that young people can be confident, so that they know that there is someone like them out there in the world. Kenworthy has the right motivation and should be supported, not critiqued.
Your comments over the past have always been mean-spirited, and to me, you seem to be the one who has been yearning for attention-your fifteen minutes. Take a look at your history of comments on the Queerty site alone, and the case can be made that you are indeed the narcissist who lacks shame, or a healthy perspective towards your community, to the world, to humanity. I don’t get individuals like you.
Typically, I don’t feed the trolls, but your comments about a young, gay athlete who has the integrity to come out while he might be at the apex of his career and who is also the only out active professional athlete, insults the progress that he represents. His action is historic and laudable, and, even more importantly, he is a human being who deserves a modicum of respect regardless of your judgment of his values or his motives. Coming out hasn’t exactly been lucrative for Jason Collins or Michael Sam. He is taking all of the risk and you are making a “values” judgment? That’s rich and in poor taste-all at the same time.
I ask you exactly what have you done to make the world a better place for gay people and how will you be remembered by your friends, family and the world?
That’s what I thought.
Kenworthy has an Olympic silver medal, a #1 ranking in the world and the courage to be out and gay. He may even be a beacon, a glimmer of hope to someone in a very dark place. And, that’s a good thing. A damn good thing.
Let’s give him respect because he has earned it.
@jimontp: Please dude, DO NOT get all sanctimonious with me because you’re hot for some pin up . . . like it might happen. I have much joy in my life, I was simply making a point beyond the shallow nature of this article.
This kid stepped up and stepped OUT to help other people. What kind of bitter bitch queen must a person be to find fault in that?
We need to constantly heep praise on older gay men (like Atomicrob) because they supposedly “paved” the road for us to even exist. No I’m sorry, I’m simply not going to do that. Some people here think they are special and had a key hand in what the movement has become. No, I really don’t think so!
People will thrive on negativity and bring it up any possible way they can. Bitter old queens!
@Giancarlo85: hmmmm, that’s a bit unfair. There are a lot of older gay men and women that risked a lot by taking a stand and yes, helping to pave the way. The ‘way’ has made a lot of things one heck of a bit easier if not down right possible for younger men like you and me. I’m 50 and older than you but even I owe something to men and women older. There’s still a lot of pavement to be laid and your generation is laying it. Those at the front may not expect adulation but a tacit acknowledgement of their hard work is always appreciated.
For what its worth, I almost always enjoy reading your comments. Keep posting please.
Cheers, D
He looks like William Dafoe, which is kind of cool, because i’ve always found William Dafoe kind of hot. Also, this kid has a really nice ass.
@Atomicrob: dude, you are so right on. we have many great young people but I really don’t enjoy being some of the younger set because of what you said. I don’t I would find many young guys who would comment on this. This generation does have wonderful young people that will get wiser as they grow.
correction. I wish I could find some younger people comment on our comments. I must apologize because I don’t bed older men either.
correction: around some of our younger set